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Java > Open Source Codes > org > jboss > util > graph > Graph

1 /*
2  * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
3  * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
4  * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
5  * full listing of individual contributors.
6  *
7  * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
9  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
10  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18  * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
19  * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
20  * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:
21  */

22 package org.jboss.util.graph;
24 import java.util.LinkedList JavaDoc;
25 import java.util.ArrayList JavaDoc;
27 /**
28  * A directed graph data structure.
29  *
30  * TODO: this needs to be moved into the common project.
31  *
32  * @author
33  * @version $Revision$
34  */

35 public class Graph<T>
36 {
37    /** Color used to mark unvisited nodes */
38    public static final int VISIT_COLOR_WHITE = 1;
39    /** Color used to mark nodes as they are first visited in DFS order */
40    public static final int VISIT_COLOR_GREY = 2;
41    /** Color used to mark nodes after descendants are completely visited */
42    public static final int VISIT_COLOR_BLACK = 3;
43    /** Vector<Vertex> of graph verticies */
44    private ArrayList JavaDoc<Vertex<T>> verticies;
45    /** Vector<Edge> of edges in the graph */
46    private ArrayList JavaDoc<Edge<T>> edges;
48    // Construct a new graph
public Graph()
50    {
51       verticies = new ArrayList JavaDoc<Vertex<T>>();
52       edges = new ArrayList JavaDoc<Edge<T>>();
53    }
55    /**
56     * Are there any verticies in the graph
57     * @return true if there are no verticies in the graph
58     */

59    public boolean isEmpty()
60    {
61       return verticies.size() == 0;
62    }
64    /**
65     * Add a vertex to the graph
66     * @param v the Vertex to add
67     * @return true if the vertex was added, false if it was already in the graph.
68     */

69    public boolean addVertex(Vertex<T> v)
70    {
71       return verticies.add(v);
72    }
74    /**
75     * Get the vertex count.
76     * @return the number of verticies in the graph.
77     */

78    public int size()
79    {
80       return verticies.size();
81    }
83    /**
84     * Get the given Vertex.
85     * @param n the index [0, size()-1] of the Vertex to access
86     * @return the nth Vertex
87     */

88    public Vertex<T> getVertex(int n)
89    {
90       Vertex<T> v = verticies.get(n);
91       return v;
92    }
94    /**
95     * Insert a directed, weighted Edge<T> into the graph
96     * @param from - the Edge<T> starting vertex
97     * @param to - the Edge<T> ending vertex
98     * @param cost - the Edge<T> weight/cost
99     * @return true if the Edge<T> was added, false if from already has this Edge<T>
100     */

101    public boolean addEdge(Vertex<T> from, Vertex<T> to, int cost)
102    {
103       Edge<T> e = new Edge<T>(from, to, cost);
104       if (from.findEdge(to) != null)
105          return false;
106       else
107       {
108          from.addEdge(e);
109          to.addEdge(e);
110          edges.add(e);
111          return true;
112       }
113    }
115    /**
116     * Insert a bidirectional Edge<T> in the graph
117     * @param from - the Edge<T> starting vertex
118     * @param to - the Edge<T> ending vertex
119     * @param cost - the Edge<T> weight/cost
120     * @return true if edges between both nodes were added, false otherwise
121     */

122    public boolean insertBiEdge(Vertex<T> from, Vertex<T> to, int cost)
123    {
124       return addEdge(from, to, cost) && addEdge(to, from, cost);
125    }
127    /**
128     * Remove a vertex from the graph
129     * @param from the Vertex to remove
130     * @return true if the Vertex was removed
131     */

132    public boolean removeVertex(Vertex<T> from)
133    {
134       if (!verticies.contains(from))
135          return false;
137       verticies.remove(from);
138       for(int n = 0; n < from.getOutgoingEdgeCount(); n ++)
139       {
140          Edge<T> e = from.getOutgoingEdge(n);
141          from.remove(e);
142          Vertex<T> to = e.getTo();
143          to.remove(e);
144          edges.remove(e);
145       }
146       for(int n = 0; n < from.getIncomingEdgeCount(); n ++)
147       {
148          Edge<T> e = from.getIncomingEdge(n);
149          from.remove(e);
150          Vertex<T> predecessor = e.getFrom();
151          predecessor.remove(e);
152       }
153       return true;
154    }
156    /**
157     * Remove an Edge<T> from the graph
158     * @param from - the Edge<T> starting vertex
159     * @param to - the Edge<T> ending vertex
160     * @return true if the Edge<T> exists, false otherwise
161     */

162    public boolean removeEdge(Vertex<T> from, Vertex<T> to)
163    {
164       Edge<T> e = from.findEdge(to);
165       if (e == null)
166          return false;
167       else
168       {
169          from.remove(e);
170          to.remove(e);
171          edges.remove(e);
172          return true;
173       }
174    }
176    /**
177     * Clear the mark state of all verticies in the graph by calling
178     * clearMark() on all verticies.
179     * @see Vertex#clearMark()
180     */

181    public void clearMark()
182    {
183       for (int i = 0; i < verticies.size(); i++)
184       {
185          Vertex<T> w = verticies.get(i);
186          w.clearMark();
187       }
188    }
190    /**
191     * Clear the mark state of all edges in the graph by calling
192     * clearMark() on all edges.
193     * @see Edge<T>#clearMark()
194     */

195    public void clearEdges()
196    {
197       for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++)
198       {
199          Edge<T> e = (Edge<T>) edges.get(i);
200          e.clearMark();
201       }
202    }
204    /**
205     * Perform a depth first serach using recursion.
206     * @param v - the Vertex to start the search from
207     * @param visitor - the vistor to inform prior to
208     * @see Visitor#visit(Graph, Vertex)
209     */

210    public void depthFirstSearch(Vertex<T> v, final Visitor<T> visitor)
211    {
212       VisitorEX<T, RuntimeException JavaDoc> wrapper = new VisitorEX<T, RuntimeException JavaDoc>()
213       {
214          public void visit(Graph<T> g, Vertex<T> v) throws RuntimeException JavaDoc
215          {
216             visitor.visit(g, v);
217          }
218       };
219       this.depthFirstSearch(v, wrapper);
220    }
221    public <E extends Exception JavaDoc> void depthFirstSearch(Vertex<T> v, VisitorEX<T, E> visitor)
222       throws E
223    {
224       if( visitor != null )
225          visitor.visit(this, v);
226       v.visit();
227       for (int i = 0; i < v.getOutgoingEdgeCount(); i++)
228       {
229          Edge<T> e = v.getOutgoingEdge(i);
230          if (!e.getTo().visited())
231          {
232             depthFirstSearch(e.getTo(), visitor);
233          }
234       }
235    }
237    // Breadth First Search
public void breadthFirstSearch(Vertex<T> v, final Visitor<T> visitor)
239    {
240       VisitorEX<T, RuntimeException JavaDoc> wrapper = new VisitorEX<T, RuntimeException JavaDoc>()
241       {
242          public void visit(Graph<T> g, Vertex<T> v) throws RuntimeException JavaDoc
243          {
244             visitor.visit(g, v);
245          }
246       };
247       this.breadthFirstSearch(v, wrapper);
248    }
249    public <E extends Exception JavaDoc> void breadthFirstSearch(Vertex<T> v, VisitorEX<T, E> visitor)
250       throws E
251    {
252       LinkedList JavaDoc<Vertex<T>> q = new LinkedList JavaDoc<Vertex<T>>();
254       q.add(v);
255       if( visitor != null )
256          visitor.visit(this, v);
257       v.visit();
258       while (q.isEmpty() == false)
259       {
260          v = q.removeFirst();
261          for (int i = 0; i < v.getOutgoingEdgeCount(); i++)
262          {
263             Edge<T> e = v.getOutgoingEdge(i);
264             if (!e.getTo().visited())
265             {
266                q.add(e.getTo());
267                if( visitor != null )
268                   visitor.visit(this, e.getTo());
269                e.getTo().visit();
270             }
271          }
272       }
273    }
275    // Find Spanning Tree
public void dfsSpanningTree(Vertex<T> v, DFSVisitor<T> visitor)
277    {
278       v.visit();
279       if( visitor != null )
280          visitor.visit(this, v);
282       for (int i = 0; i < v.getOutgoingEdgeCount(); i++)
283       {
284          Edge<T> e = v.getOutgoingEdge(i);
285          if (!e.getTo().visited())
286          {
287             if( visitor != null )
288                visitor.visit(this, v, e);
289             e.mark();
290             dfsSpanningTree(e.getTo(), visitor);
291          }
292       }
293    }
296    /*
297    In order to detect cycles, we use a modified depth first search called a
298    colored DFS. All nodes are initially marked white. When a node is
299    encountered, it is marked grey, and when its descendants are completely
300    visited, it is marked black. If a grey node is ever encountered, then there
301    is a cycle.
302    */

303    public Edge<T>[] findCycles()
304    {
305       ArrayList JavaDoc<Edge<T>> cycleEdges = new ArrayList JavaDoc<Edge<T>>();
306       // Mark all verticies as white
for(int n = 0; n < verticies.size(); n ++)
308       {
309          Vertex<T> v = getVertex(n);
310          v.setMarkState(VISIT_COLOR_WHITE);
311       }
312       for(int n = 0; n < verticies.size(); n ++)
313       {
314          Vertex<T> v = getVertex(n);
315          visit(v, cycleEdges);
316       }
317       Edge<T>[] cycles = new Edge[cycleEdges.size()];
318       cycleEdges.toArray(cycles);
319       return cycles;
320    }
322    private void visit(Vertex<T> v, ArrayList JavaDoc<Edge<T>> cycleEdges)
323    {
324       v.setMarkState(VISIT_COLOR_GREY);
325       int count = v.getOutgoingEdgeCount();
326       for(int n = 0; n < count; n ++)
327       {
328          Edge<T> e = v.getOutgoingEdge(n);
329          Vertex<T> u = e.getTo();
330          if( u.getMarkState() == VISIT_COLOR_GREY )
331          {
332             // A cycle Edge<T>
334          }
335          else if( u.getMarkState() == VISIT_COLOR_WHITE )
336          {
337             visit(u, cycleEdges);
338          }
339       }
340       v.setMarkState(VISIT_COLOR_BLACK);
341    }
343    public String JavaDoc toString()
344    {
345       StringBuffer JavaDoc tmp = new StringBuffer JavaDoc("Graph[");
346       for (int i = 0; i < verticies.size(); i++)
347       {
348          Vertex<T> v = verticies.get(i);
349          tmp.append(v);
350       }
351       tmp.append(']');
352       return tmp.toString();
353    }
355 }
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