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Class LinkedList<E>

  extended by java.util.AbstractCollection<E>
      extended by java.util.AbstractList<E>
          extended by java.util.AbstractSequentialList<E>
              extended by java.util.LinkedList<E>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<E>, Collection<E>, List<E>, Queue<E>
See Also:
Top Examples, Source Code, ArrayList, Vector, Collections.synchronizedList(List)

public boolean add(E o)
See Also:
AbstractList, List, Collection
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[1939]Student College programme
By swords { dot } business { at } hotmail { dot } com on 2007/11/06 12:38:01  Rate
    //This method returns the next student object in the List 
    public void findNext ( Student input )  
     < Dont know what to put here, i want to return the next student object in the list  
 import java.util.*; 
 public class StudentLinkedList  {  
   private int count; 
   private StudentNode list; 
   private StudentNode last; 
   public StudentLinkedList (  )  
         count = 0; 
         last = null; // this points to the last student in the list 
         list = null; // this points to the first student in the list 
   //Add the specified student to the end of the list 
   //if its not already present 
    public void add  ( Student element )  
         if  ( ! ( contains ( element )  )  )  
            StudentNode node = new StudentNode  ( element ) ; 
            node.setNext ( list ) ; 
            list = node; 
            if  ( size (  )  == 0 )    
                last = node; 
       } //end add 
    //Remove the specified student from the list 
    public Student remove  ( Student target )   
      boolean found = false; 
      StudentNode previous, current; 
      Student result = null; 
      if  ( isEmpty (  )  )  
        System.out.println ( "The List is Empty" ) ; 
      if  ( list.getStudent (  ) .equals ( target )  )  
       {        //note that the "equals" above needs to be overwritten 
        //in whatever class is going to use this LinkedSet 
        result = list.getStudent (  ) ; 
        list = list.getNext (  ) ; 
        previous = list; 
        current = list.getNext (  ) ; 
        for  ( int look=0; look  <  count - 1 && !found; look++ )  
          if  ( current.getStudent (  ) .equals ( target )  )  
            found = true; 
            previous = current; 
            current = current.getNext (  ) ; 
        if  ( !found )   
          throw new NoSuchElementException (  ) ; 
        result = current.getStudent (  ) ; 
        previous.setNext ( current.getNext (  )  ) ; 
      return result;   
   // This method checks if the List is empty and  
    // returns a boolean value to indicate the answer 
    public boolean isEmpty (  )  
         return  ( size (  )  == 0 ) ; 
    public int size (  )  
         return count; 
    //This method prints a string representation of the list 
    public String toString (  )  
         String result = ""; 
         StudentNode current = list; 
         while  ( current != null )  
            result += current.getStudent (  ) .toString (  )  + "\n"; 
            current = current.getNext (  ) ; 
         return result; 
    // Returns true if this set contains the specified target 
    // element. 
    public boolean contains  ( Student target )  
         boolean found = false; 
         StudentNode current = list; 
         for  ( int look=0; look  <  count && !found; look++ )  
            if  ( current.getStudent (  ) .equals ( target )  )  
               found = true; 
         current = current.getNext (  ) ; 
         return found; 
    //This method returns the first student object in the List 
    public Student findFirst (  )  
      return list.getStudent (  ) ; 
    //This method returns the last student object in the list 
    public Student findLast (  )  
      return last.getStudent (  ) ; 

public void add(int index,
                E element)
See Also:
IndexOutOfBoundsException, AbstractSequentialList, List
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public void add(int index,
                Object element)
See Also:
IndexOutOfBoundsException, AbstractSequentialList, List
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[562]Place elements anywhere in the current list
By KansasT on 2004/11/29 07:44:25  Rate
The add with an index allows you to place elements anywhere in the current list, as the example will show. 
     public static void main ( String [  ]  args )  throws Exception 
         LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
         list.add ( "Hello" ) ; 
         list.add ( "world" ) ; 
         list.add ( 0,"there" ) ; 
         list.add ( 0,"there1" ) ; 
         list.add ( 1,"here" ) ; 
        ListIterator itt = list.listIterator (  ) ; 
        while  ( itt.hasNext (  )  )  
            String line =  ( String ) (  ) ; 
            System.out.println ( line ) ; 
      }  // end main 
 The output of this is: 
 since to start with we have: 
 - > "Hello"- > "world"- > end 
      1 2 
 After the add ( 0,"there" )   
 we have 
 - > "there"- > "Hello"- > "world"- > end 
      1 2 3 
 And after add ( 0,"there1" )  we have 
 - > "there1"- > "there"- > "Hello"- > "world"- > end 
      1 2 3 4 
 therefore when you do the add ( 1,"here" )  
 you get: 
 - > "there1"- > "here"- > "there"- > "Hello"- > "World"- > end 
       1 2 3 4 5 
 because it will insert "here" after element 1 which is now "there1".

[1864]LinkedList with runtime input
By Mubin Ahmed on 2007/02/02 09:18:36  Rate
import java.util.Scanner; 
 import java.util.*; 
 public class LinkedListUtil {  
     public static void main ( String args [  ]  )  {  
       Scanner in=new Scanner ( ) ; 
       LinkedList list=new LinkedList (  ) ; 
       while  ( in.hasNext (  )  )   {  
             String word = (  ) ; 
             list.add ( word ) ; 
              ListIterator itt = list.listIterator  (    )  ;  
         while   (  itt.hasNext  (    )    )    
             String line =   (  String  )  (    )  ;  
             System.out.println  (  line  )  ;  
          System.out.println ( "\nList in reverse order........." ) ; 
         while   (  itt.hasPrevious  (    )    )    
             String line =   (  String  )   itt.previous  (    )  ;  
             System.out.println  (  line  )  ;  

public boolean add(Object o)
See Also:
AbstractList, List
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By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 17:52:07  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 Integer i1 = new Integer ( 1 ) ; 
 Integer i2 = new Integer ( 2 ) ; 
 list.add ( i1 ) ; 
 list.add ( i2 ) ; 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 1- > 2

public boolean addAll(int index,
                      Collection<? extends E> c)
See Also:
NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, AbstractSequentialList, List
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[941]Nested LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 17:55:55  Rate
LinkedList list1 = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 LinkedList list2 = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 Integer i1 = new Integer ( 1 ) ; 
 Integer i2 = new Integer ( 2 ) ; 
 Integer i3 = new Integer ( 3 ) ; 
 list1.add ( i1 ) ; 
 list1.add ( i2 ) ; 
 list1.add ( i3 ) ; 
 list2.add ( "Shave" ) ; 
 list2.add ( "And" ) ; 
 list2.add ( "A" ) ; 
 list2.add ( "Haircut" ) ; 
 list2.add ( "Two" ) ; 
 list2.add ( "Bits" ) ; 
 //Now we list1 that looks like 
 // - > 1- > 2- > 3 
 //And list2 looks like 
 //- > "Shave"- > "And"- > "A"- > "Haircut"- > "Two"- > "Bits" 
 list2.add ( 2, list1 ) ; 
 //Now list2 looks like 
 //- > "Shave"- > "And"- >  [  1- > 2- > 3  ] - > "A"- > "Haircut"- > "Two"- > "Bits"

public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c)
See Also:
AbstractCollection.add(Object), NullPointerException, List
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By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 17:57:34  Rate
LinkedList list1 = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 LinkedList list2 = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 Integer i1 = new Integer ( 1 ) ; 
 Integer i2 = new Integer ( 2 ) ; 
 list1.add ( i1 ) ; 
 list1.add ( i2 ) ; 
 list1.add ( i3 ) ; 
 list2.add ( "Shave" ) ; 
 list2.add ( "And" ) ; 
 list2.add ( "A" ) ; 
 list2.add ( "Haircut" ) ; 
 list2.add ( "Two" ) ; 
 list2.add ( "Bits" ) ; 
 //Now we list1 that looks like 
 // - > 1- > 2- > 3 
 //And list2 looks like 
 //- > "Shave"- > "And"- > "A"- > "Haircut"- > "Two"- > "Bits" 
 list2.add ( list1 ) ; 
 //Now list2 looks like 
 //- > "Shave"- > "And"- > "A"- > "Haircut"- > "Two"- > "Bits"- >  [  1- > 2- > 3  ] 

public void addFirst(E o)
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public void addFirst(Object o)
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public void addLast(E o)
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public void addLast(Object o)
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public void clear()
See Also:
E, AbstractList, List, Collection
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[943]Clear LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 18:00:04  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 Integer i1 = new Integer ( 1 ) ; 
 Integer i2 = new Integer ( 2 ) ; 
 Integer i3 = new Integer ( 3 ) ; 
 list1.add ( i1 ) ; 
 list1.add ( i2 ) ; 
 list1.add ( i3 ) ; 
 //Now we list1 that looks like 
 // - > 1- > 2- > 3 
 list.clear (  ) ; 
 //Now the list is empty 
 int i = list.size (  ) ; //i = 0

public Object clone()
See Also:
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public boolean contains(Object o)
See Also:
E, AbstractCollection, List, Collection
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[944]Check to see if an item in a LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2005/07/20 14:40:47  Rate
ist.add ( "Shave" ) ; 
 list.add ( "And" ) ; 
 list.add ( "A" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Haircut" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Two" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Bits" ) ; 
 //Now list looks like 
 //- > "Shave"- > "And"- > "A"- > "Haircut"- > "Two"- > "Bits" 
 boolean b = list.contains ( "Haircut" ) ; //b = true

public E element()
See Also:
NoSuchElementException, Queue
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public E get(int index)
See Also:
IndexOutOfBoundsException, AbstractSequentialList, List
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[945]Retrieve item from LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 18:05:46  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 list.add ( "Shave" ) ; 
 list.add ( "And" ) ; 
 list.add ( "A" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Haircut" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Two" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Bits" ) ; 
 //Now list looks like 
 //- > "Shave"- > "And"- > "A"- > "Haircut"- > "Two"- > "Bits" 
 String s1 =  ( String )  list.get ( 1 ) ; //s1 = "And" 
 String s2 =  ( String )  list.get ( 3 ) ; //s1 = "Haircut"

By pillepop2003 at yahoo { dot } de on 2005/02/16 14:04:24  Rate
Don't forget to  ( typecast )  the Object returned bet get ( int ) -  
 as I'm quite a newbie to java, it costed me 4958839 hours to find out. 
 bigup 2 kickjava 

By Anonymous on 2005/12/01 20:58:34  Rate
Thank you. I'm a newbie too & this helped me avoid this pitfall.

public E getFirst()
See Also:
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[946]Retrieve first item from LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 18:07:06  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 list.add ( "Shave" ) ; 
 list.add ( "And" ) ; 
 list.add ( "A" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Haircut" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Two" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Bits" ) ; 
 //Now list looks like 
 //- > "Shave"- > "And"- > "A"- > "Haircut"- > "Two"- > "Bits" 
 String s1 =  ( String )  list.getFirst (  ) ; //s1 = "Shave"

public E getLast()
See Also:
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[947]Retrieve last item from LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 18:07:42  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 list.add ( "Shave" ) ; 
 list.add ( "And" ) ; 
 list.add ( "A" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Haircut" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Two" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Bits" ) ; 
 //Now list looks like 
 //- > "Shave"- > "And"- > "A"- > "Haircut"- > "Two"- > "Bits" 
 String s1 =  ( String )  list.getLast (  ) ; //s1 = "Bits" 

public int indexOf(Object o)
See Also:
E, AbstractList, List
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[948]Check the position of an item in a LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 19:15:09  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 int position; 
 list.add ( "Shave" ) ; 
 list.add ( "And" ) ; 
 list.add ( "A" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Haircut" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Two" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Bits" ) ; 
 //Now list looks like 
 //- > "Shave"- > "And"- > "A"- > "Haircut"- > "Two"- > "Bits" 
 position = list.indexOf ( "Shave" ) ; //position = 0 
 position = list.indexOf ( "Two" ) ; //position = 4 

public int lastIndexOf(Object o)
See Also:
E, AbstractList, List
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[949]Check the last position of an item in a LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 19:19:18  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 list.add ( "Shave" ) ; 
 list.add ( "And" ) ; 
 list.add ( "A" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Haircut" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Two" ) ; 
 list.add ( "Bits" ) ; 
 //Now list looks like 
 //- > "Shave"- > "And"- > "A"- > "Haircut"- > "Two"- > "Bits" 
 position = list.LastIndexOf ( "Shave" ) ; //position = 0 
 list.add ( "Shave" ) ; 
 //Now list looks like 
 //- > "Shave"- > "And"- > "A"- > "Haircut"- > "Two"- > "Bits"- > "Shave" 
 position = list.LastIndexOf ( "Shave" ) ; //position = 6 

public LinkedList()
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public LinkedList(Collection<? extends E> c)
See Also:
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[950]Convert a stack to a LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 19:20:18  Rate
Stack stack = new Stack (  ) ; 
 stack.add ( "It" ) ; 
 stack.add ( "was" ) ; 
 stack.add ( "the" ) ; 
 stack.add ( "best" ) ; 
 stack.add ( "of" ) ; 
 stack.add ( "times" ) ; 
 //Now we have a collection implemented with a Stack that looks like 
 //- > "It"- > "was"- > "the"- > "best"- > "of"- > "times" 
 LinkedList list = new LinkedList ( stack ) ; 
 //Now we have a LinkedList named list that also looks like 
 //- > "It"- > "was"- > "the"- > "best"- > "of"- > "times" 

public ListIterator<E> listIterator(int index)
See Also:
IndexOutOfBoundsException, List
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public boolean offer(E o)
See Also:
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public E peek()
See Also:
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public E poll()
See Also:
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public E remove()
See Also:
NoSuchElementException, Queue
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public E remove(int index)
See Also:
IndexOutOfBoundsException, AbstractSequentialList, List
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[835]Number of items in a LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 15:20:10  Rate
LinkedList l = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 l.add ( new Integer ( 1 )  ) ; 
 int lSize = l.size (  ) ; //lSize = 1 
 l.remove ( 0 ) ; 
 lSize = = l.size (  ) ; //lSize = 0

public boolean remove(Object o)
See Also:
E, AbstractCollection, List, Collection
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[951]Remove item from LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 20:13:47  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 Integer i1 = new Integer ( 1 ) ; 
 Integer i2 = new Integer ( 2 ) ; 
 list.add ( i1 ) ; 
 list.add ( i2 ) ; 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 1- > 2 
 int lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 2 
 Object o = list.remove ( i1 ) ; 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 2 
 lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 1 
 Integer i3 =  ( Integer )  list.remove ( i2 ) ; 
 lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 0

public E removeFirst()
See Also:
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[952]Safely remove all the elements in a list
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 20:16:30  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 Integer i1 = new Integer ( 1 ) ; 
 Integer i2 = new Integer ( 2 ) ; 
 list.add ( i1 ) ; 
 list.add ( i2 ) ; 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 1- > 2 
 int lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 2 
 Object o = list.removeFirst (  ) ; 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 2 
 lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 1 
 Integer i3 =  ( Integer )  list.removeFirst (  ) ; 
 lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 0 

By ficr { at } hotmail { dot } com on 2005/08/12 09:13:26  Rate
//Safely remove all the elements in a list 
 while  ( list.size (  )  != 0 )  
  System.out.print ( list.getFirst (  )  + " " 
  try { list.removeFirst (  ) ; }  
  catch ( NoSuchElementException e )  { throw new RuntimeException ( e ) ; }  

public E removeLast()
See Also:
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[953]Remove item from bottom of LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 20:17:32  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 Integer i1 = new Integer ( 1 ) ; 
 Integer i2 = new Integer ( 2 ) ; 
 Integer i3 = new Integer ( 3 ) ; 
 list.add ( i1 ) ; 
 list.add ( i2 ) ; 
 list.add ( i3 ) ; 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 1- > 2- > 3 
 int lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 3 
 Object o = list.removeLast (  ) ; 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 1- > 2 
 lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 2 
 Integer i4 =  ( Integer )  list.removeLast (  ) ; 
 lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 1 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 1 

public E set(int index,
             E element)
See Also:
IndexOutOfBoundsException, AbstractSequentialList, List
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public Object set(int index,
                  Object element)
See Also:
IndexOutOfBoundsException, AbstractSequentialList, List
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[954]Replace items in a LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 20:18:58  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 Integer i1 = new Integer ( 1 ) ; 
 Integer i2 = new Integer ( 2 ) ; 
 Integer i3 = new Integer ( 3 ) ; 
 list.add ( i1 ) ; 
 list.add ( i2 ) ; 
 list.add ( i3 ) ; 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 1- > 2- > 3 
 int lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 3 
 Integer i4 = new Integer ( 4 ) ; 
 list.set ( 0, i4 ) ; 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 4- > 2- > 3 
 Integer i5 = new Integer ( 5 ) ; 
 Integer i6 = list.set ( 1, i5 ) ; 
 int i = i6.intValue (  ) ; //i = 2 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 4- > 5- > 3 

public int size()
See Also:
E, AbstractCollection, List, Collection
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[955]Add items to a LinkedList
By parisjackson { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/09/27 20:19:28  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ; 
 int lSize; 
 Integer i1 = new Integer ( 1 ) ; 
 Integer i2 = new Integer ( 2 ) ; 
 Integer i3 = new Integer ( 3 ) ; 
 list.add ( i1 ) ; 
 lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 1 
 list.add ( i2 ) ; 
 lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 2 
 list.add ( i3 ) ; 
 lSize = list.size (  ) ; //lSize = 3 
 //now we have a list that looks like 
 // - > 1- > 2- > 3

public Object[] toArray()
See Also:
Arrays.asList(Object[]), E, AbstractCollection, List, Collection
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[1023]Convert list to array
By shiva { dot } s mailtomeshiva { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/10/07 05:57:45  Rate
LinkedList list = new LinkedList (  ) ;  
 list.add ( "shiva" ) ;  
 list.add ( "java" ) ;  
 list.add ( "world" ) ;  
 String [  ]   str = list.toArray ( new String [ list.size (  )  ]  ) ;

public Object[] toArray(Object[] a)
See Also:
ArrayStoreException, AbstractCollection, List
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public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a)
See Also:
NullPointerException, ArrayStoreException, E, AbstractCollection, List, Collection
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