org.apache.ldap.server.authz.AuthorizationService An {@link org.apache.ldap.server.interceptor.Interceptor} that controls access to {@link BackingStore} operations. If a user tries to perform any operations that requires permission he or she doesn't have, {@link NamingException} will be thrown and therefore the current invocation chain will term An {@link org.apache.ldap.server.interceptor.Interceptor} that adds or modifies the default attributes of entries. There are four default attributes for now;<code>'creatorsName' </code>, <code>'createTimestamp'</code>, <code>'modifiersName'</code>, and <code& A enumeration decorator which filters database search results as they are being enumerated back to the client caller. @see SearchResultFilter @author <a HREF="">Apache Directory Project</a> @version $Rev: 169198 $ org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.DeadContext A do nothing placeholder context whose methods throw ConfigurationExceptions. The provider returns these context when the shutdown environment property key is set. By returning a non-null Context we prevent an unnecessary exception being thrown by InitialConext and any one of its subclasses. @au A registry used for looking up JNDI object factories based on meta data regarding the objectClass and Class associations with the object factory. Unlike other registries which often throw exceptions when they cannot find an object, this one does not. It returns null if an 'optional' object factor A server side system Perferences implementation. This implementation presumes the creation of a root system preferences node in advance. This should be included with the system.ldif that is packaged with the server. @author <a HREF="">Apache Directory Projec ...
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