org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities A collection of utility methods for JFreeChart. Includes methods for converting charts to image formats (PNG and JPEG) plus creating simple HTML image maps. org.apache.ojb.odmg.locking.RemoteLockMapImpl Servlet based lock mechanism for usage in distributed environment. @author Thomas Mahler @version $Id:,v 2005/02/19 21:49:54 arminw Exp $ org.objectweb.asm.xml.Processor Processor is a command line tool that can be used for bytecode waving directed by XSL transformation. <p> In order to use a concrete XSLT engine, system property <tt>javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory</tt> must be set to one of the following values. <blockquote> <ta General IO Stream manipulation. <p> This class provides static utility methods for input/output operations, particularly buffered copying between sources (<code>InputStream</code>, <code>Reader</code>, <code>String</code> and <code>byte[]</code> An abstraction of an HTTP {@link InputStream} and {@link OutputStream} pair, together with the relevant attributes. <p> The following options are set on the socket before getting the input/output streams in the {@link #open()} method: <table border=1><tr> <th>Socket Method A utility class for dealing with Jar files. org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame This class represents a SVG viewer swing frame. @author <a HREF="">Stephane Hillion</a> @version $Id:,v 1.109 2005/03/29 10:48:01 deweese Exp $ org.apache.james.mailrepository.filepair.File_Persistent_Stream_Repository Implementation of a StreamRepository to a File. TODO: -retieve(String key) should return a FilterInputStream to allow mark and reset methods. (working not like BufferedInputStream!!!) org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket XXX Make the 'message type' pluggable A lot of the 'original' behavior is hardcoded - this uses Ajp13 wire protocol, Jk can use multiple protocols/transports. Various container adapters should load this object ( as a bean ), set configurations and use it. Note that the connector will handle all Class that handles clients for QuickServer. <p> This class is used by {@link QuickServer} to handle each new client connected. This class is responsible to handle client sockets. It can operate in both blocking mode and non-blocking mode (java nio).</p> @author Akshathkumar Shetty @aut Base class for testcases doing tests with files. @author Jeremias Maerki org.apache.cocoon.acting.OraAddAction Add a record in a database. This Action assumes that there is only one table at a time to update. @author <a HREF="">Berin Loritsch</a> @version CVS $Id: 124617 2005-01-08 03:48:10Z antonio $ DistributedAnalysisTool performs link-analysis by reading exclusively from a IWebDBReader, and writing to an IWebDBWriter. This tool can be used in phases via the command line to compute the LinkAnalysis score across many machines. For a single iteration of LinkAnalysis, you must have: 1) An "i The RMI implementation of the ConnectionReceiver object @author Norbert Lataille ( @author Hiram Chirino ( @version $Revision: $ @created August 16, 2001 org.enhydra.kelp.common.node.OtterProject | Popular Tags |