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Java > Open Source Codes > org > quickserver > net > server > ClientHandler

1 /*
2  * This file is part of the QuickServer library
3  * Copyright (C) 2003-2005
4  *
5  * Use, modification, copying and distribution of this software is subject to
6  * the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
7  * You should have received a copy of the GNU LGP License along with this
8  * library; if not, you can download a copy from <>.
9  *
10  * For questions, suggestions, bug-reports, enhancement-requests etc.
11  * visit
12  *
13  */

15 package;
17 import JavaDoc;
18 import JavaDoc;
19 import JavaDoc;
20 import JavaDoc;
21 import JavaDoc;
22 import JavaDoc;
23 import JavaDoc;
24 import JavaDoc;
25 import JavaDoc;
26 import JavaDoc;
27 import JavaDoc;
28 import JavaDoc;
29 import JavaDoc;
30 import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException JavaDoc;
31 import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey JavaDoc;
32 import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel JavaDoc;
33 import JavaDoc;
34 import JavaDoc;
35 import java.sql.Connection JavaDoc;
36 import java.util.Date JavaDoc;
37 import java.util.logging.Level JavaDoc;
38 import java.util.logging.Logger JavaDoc;
39 import;
40 import org.quickserver.util.MyString;
42 /**
43  * Interface that represents client handle in QuickServer.
44  * <p> This class is used by {@link QuickServer} to handle each new client
45  * connected. This class is responsible to handle client sockets. It can operate
46  * in both blocking mode and non-blocking mode (java nio) based on its
47  * implementation.</p>
48  * @author Akshathkumar Shetty
49  */

50 public interface ClientHandler extends Runnable JavaDoc {
52     /**
53      * Adds the ClientEvent.
54      * @since 1.4.5
55      */

56     void addEvent(ClientEvent event);
58     /**
59      * Removes the ClientEvent.
60      * @since 1.4.5
61      */

62     void removeEvent(ClientEvent event);
64     void clean();
66     /** Closes client socket associated. */
67     void closeConnection();
69     /**
70      * Force the closing of the client by closing the associated socket.
71      * @since 1.3.3
72      */

73     void forceClose() throws IOException JavaDoc;
75     /**
76      * Returns client SelectionKey associated, if any.
77      * @since 1.4.5
78      */

79     Logger JavaDoc getAppLogger();
81     /**
82      *Returns the {@link} associated with
83      * the Client being handled. Can be null if not available at the time of method call.
84      * @see #getBufferedOutputStream
85      * @since 1.4.6
86      */

87     BufferedInputStream JavaDoc getBufferedInputStream();
89     /**
90      * Returns the {@link} associated with
91      * the Client being handled. Can be null if not available at the time of method call.
92      * @see #getBufferedInputStream
93      * @since 1.4.6
94      */

95     BufferedOutputStream JavaDoc getBufferedOutputStream();
97     /**
98      * Returns the {@link} associated with
99      * the Client being handled. Note that this is only available under blocking mode.
100      * @see #getBufferedWriter
101      */

102     BufferedReader JavaDoc getBufferedReader();
105     /**
106      * Returns Charset to be used for String decoding and encoding..
107      * @see #setCharset
108      * @since 1.4.5
109      */

110     String JavaDoc getCharset();
112     /**
113      * Returns the date/time when the client socket was assigned to this
114      * ClientHanlder. If no client is currently connected it will return
115      * <code>null</code>
116      * @since 1.3.1
117      */

118     Date JavaDoc getClientConnectedTime();
120     /**
121      * Returns the ClientData object associated with this ClientHandler,
122      * if not set will return <code>null</code>
123      * @see ClientData
124      */

125     ClientData getClientData();
127     /**
128      * Returns the communication logging flag.
129      * @see #setCommunicationLogging
130      * @since 1.3.2
131      */

132     boolean getCommunicationLogging();
134     /**
135      * Returns the {@link DataMode} of the ClientHandler for the
136      * DataType.
137      * @since 1.2
138      */

139     DataMode getDataMode(DataType dataType);
141     /**
142      * Returns cached socket host ip address.
143      * @since 1.4.5
144      */

145     String JavaDoc getHostAddress();
147     /**
148      * Returns the {@link} associated with
149      * the Client being handled.
150      */

151     InputStream JavaDoc getInputStream();
153     /**
154      * Returns the date/time when the client socket last sent a data to this
155      * ClientHanlder. If no client is currently connected it will return
156      * <code>null</code>
157      * @since 1.3.3
158      */

159     Date JavaDoc getLastCommunicationTime();
161     /**
162      * Returns message to be displayed to the client when maximum
163      * connection reaches.
164      * @since 1.4.5
165      */

166     String JavaDoc getMaxConnectionMsg();
168     /**
169      * Returns the ClientHandler name
170      * @since 1.4.6
171      */

172     String JavaDoc getName();
174     /**
175      * Returns the {@link} associated with
176      * the Client being handled.
177      * It will be <code>null</code> if no {@link ClientObjectHandler}
178      * was set in {@link QuickServer}.
179      * @see #getObjectOutputStream
180      * @since 1.2
181      */

182     ObjectInputStream JavaDoc getObjectInputStream();
184     /**
185      * Returns the {@link} associated with
186      * the Client being handled.
187      * It will be <code>null</code> if no {@link ClientObjectHandler}
188      * was set in {@link QuickServer}.
189      * @see #getObjectInputStream
190      * @since 1.2
191      */

192     ObjectOutputStream JavaDoc getObjectOutputStream();
194     /**
195      * Returns the {@link} associated with
196      * the Client being handled.
197      * @see #setOutputStream
198      */

199     OutputStream JavaDoc getOutputStream();
201     /**
202      * Returns client SelectionKey associated, if any.
203      * @since 1.4.5
204      */

205     SelectionKey JavaDoc getSelectionKey();
207     /**
208      * Returns the QuickServer object that created it.
209      */

210     QuickServer getServer();
212     /** Returns client socket associated. */
213     Socket JavaDoc getSocket();
215     /**
216      * Returns client socket channel associated, if any.
217      * @since 1.4.5
218      */

219     SocketChannel JavaDoc getSocketChannel();
221     /**
222      * Returns the Client socket timeout in milliseconds.
223      * @see #setTimeout
224      * @since 1.4.5
225      */

226     int getTimeout();
228     /**
229      * Associates the ClientHanlder with the client encapsulated by
230      * <code>theClient</code>.
231      * @param theClient object that encapsulates client socket
232      * and its configuration details.
233      */

234     void handleClient(TheClient theClient);
236     /**
237      * Checks if this client has the event.
238      * @since 1.4.5
239      */

240     boolean hasEvent(ClientEvent event);
242     /**
243      * Returns the ClientHandler detailed information.
244      * If ClientData is present and is ClientIdentifiable will return ClientInfo else
245      * it will return Clients InetAddress and port information.
246      */

247     String JavaDoc info();
249     /**
250      * Checks if the passed ClientEvent is the one next for
251      * processing if a thread is allowed through this object.
252      * @since 1.4.6
253      */

254     boolean isClientEventNext(ClientEvent clientEvent);
256     /**
257      * Checks if the client is closed.
258      * @since 1.4.1
259      */

260     boolean isClosed();
263     /**
264      * Checks if the client is still connected.
265      * @exception SocketException if Socket is not open.
266      * @since 1.4.5
267      */

268     boolean isConnected() throws SocketException JavaDoc;
270     /**
271      * Checks if the client is still connected and if socket is open. This is same as isConnected()
272      * but does not throw SocketException.
273      * @since 1.4.6
274      */

275     boolean isOpen();
277     /**
278      * Returns flag indicating if the client is connected in secure mode
279      * (SSL or TLS).
280      * @return secure flag
281      * @since 1.4.0
282      */

283     boolean isSecure();
285     /**
286      * Makes current Client connection to secure protocol based on the
287      * secure configuration set to the server. This method will just call
288      * <code>makeSecure(false, false, true, null)</code>.
289      * @throws IOException
290      * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
291      * @throws KeyManagementException
292      * @since 1.4.0
293      */

294     void makeSecure() throws IOException JavaDoc, NoSuchAlgorithmException JavaDoc, KeyManagementException JavaDoc;
296     /**
297      * Makes current Client connection to secure protocol.
298      * @param useClientMode falg if the socket should start its first handshake in "client" mode.
299      * @param needClientAuth flag if the clients must authenticate themselves.
300      * @param autoClose close the underlying socket when this socket is closed
301      * @param protocol the standard name of the requested protocol. If <code>null</code> will use the protocol set in secure configuration of the server.
302      * @throws IOException
303      * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
304      * @throws KeyManagementException
305      * @since 1.4.0
306      */

307     void makeSecure(boolean useClientMode, boolean needClientAuth, boolean autoClose, String JavaDoc protocol) throws IOException JavaDoc, NoSuchAlgorithmException JavaDoc, KeyManagementException JavaDoc;
309     /**
310      * Makes current Client connection to secure protocol.
311      * This method will just call <code>makeSecure(false, false, true, protocol)</code>.
312      * @throws IOException
313      * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
314      * @throws KeyManagementException
315      * @since 1.4.0
316      */

317     void makeSecure(String JavaDoc protocol) throws IOException JavaDoc, NoSuchAlgorithmException JavaDoc, KeyManagementException JavaDoc;
319     /**
320      * Read the binary input. This will block till some data is
321      * received from the stream. Allowed only when
322      * <code>DataType.IN</code> is in <code>DataMode.BINARY</code> mode.
323      * @return The data as a String
324      * @since 1.4
325      */

326     byte[] readBinary() throws IOException JavaDoc;
328     /**
329      * Read the byte input. This will block till some data is
330      * received from the stream. Allowed only when
331      * <code>DataType.IN</code> is in <code>DataMode.BYTE</code> mode.
332      * @return The data as a String
333      * @since 1.3.2
334      */

335     String JavaDoc readBytes() throws IOException JavaDoc;
337     /**
338      * Register OP_READ with the SelectionKey associated with the channel. If SelectionKey is
339      * not set then it registers the channel with the Selector.
340      * @since 1.4.5
341      */

342     void registerForRead() throws IOException JavaDoc, ClosedChannelException JavaDoc;
344     /**
345      * Register OP_WRITE with the SelectionKey associated with the channel.
346      * @since 1.4.5
347      */

348     void registerForWrite() throws IOException JavaDoc, ClosedChannelException JavaDoc;
350     void run();
352     /**
353      * Send a binary data to the connected client.
354      * If client is not connected it will just return.
355      * @since 1.4
356      * @exception IOException
357      * if Socket IO Error or Socket was closed by the client.
358      */

359     void sendClientBinary(byte[] data) throws IOException JavaDoc;
361     /**
362      * Send a binary data to the connected client.
363      * If client is not connected it will just return.
364      * @since 1.4.5
365      * @exception IOException
366      * if Socket IO Error or Socket was closed by the client.
367      */

368     void sendClientBinary(byte[] data, int off, int len) throws IOException JavaDoc;
370     /**
371      * Send a String message to the connected client as a string of bytes.
372      * If client is not connected it will just return.
373      * @since 1.3.1
374      * @exception IOException
375      * if Socket IO Error or Socket was closed by the client.
376      */

377     void sendClientBytes(String JavaDoc msg) throws IOException JavaDoc;
379     /**
380      * Send a String message to the connected client
381      * it adds a new line{\r\n} to the end of the string.
382      * If client is not connected it will just return.
383      * @exception IOException
384      * if Socket IO Error or Socket was closed by the client.
385      */

386     void sendClientMsg(String JavaDoc msg) throws IOException JavaDoc;
388     /**
389      * Send a Object message to the connected client. The message Object
390      * passed must be serializable. If client is not connected it
391      * will just return.
392      * @exception IOException if Socket IO Error or Socket was closed
393      * by the client.
394      * @exception IllegalStateException if DataType.OUT is not in
395      * DataMode.OBJECT
396      * @see #setDataMode
397      * @since 1.2
398      */

399     void sendClientObject(Object JavaDoc msg) throws IOException JavaDoc;
401     /**
402      * Send a String message to the logger associated with
403      * {@link QuickServer#getAppLogger} with Level.INFO as its level.
404      */

405     void sendSystemMsg(String JavaDoc msg);
407     /**
408      * Send a String message to the logger associated with
409      * {@link QuickServer#getAppLogger}.
410      * @since 1.2
411      */

412     void sendSystemMsg(String JavaDoc msg, Level JavaDoc level);
414     /**
415      * Sets the Charset to be used for String decoding and encoding.
416      * @param charset to be used for String decoding and encoding
417      * @see #getCharset
418      * @since 1.4.5
419      */

420     void setCharset(String JavaDoc charset);
422     /**
423      * Sets the communication logging flag.
424      * @see #getCommunicationLogging
425      * @since 1.3.2
426      */

427     void setCommunicationLogging(boolean communicationLogging);
429     /**
430      * Sets the {@link DataMode} for the ClientHandler
431      *
432      * Note: When mode is DataMode.OBJECT and type is DataType.IN
433      * this call will block until the client ObjectOutputStream has
434      * written and flushes the header.
435      * @since 1.2
436      * @exception IOException if mode could not be changed.
437      * @param dataMode mode of data exchange - String or Object.
438      * @param dataType type of data for which mode has to be set.
439      */

440     void setDataMode(DataMode dataMode, DataType dataType) throws IOException JavaDoc;
442     /**
443      * Sets message to be displayed when maximum connection reaches.
444      * @since 1.4.5
445      */

446     void setMaxConnectionMsg(String JavaDoc msg);
448     /**
449      * Set the {@link} associated with
450      * the Client being handled.
451      * @since 1.1
452      * @see #getOutputStream
453      * @exception IOException if ObjectOutputStream could not be created.
454      */

455     void setOutputStream(OutputStream JavaDoc out) throws IOException JavaDoc;
457     /**
458      * Sets flag indicating if the client is connected in secure mode
459      * (SSL or TLS).
460      * @param secure
461      * @since 1.4.0
462      */

463     void setSecure(boolean secure);
465     /**
466      * Sets client SelectionKey associated, if any.
467      * @since 1.4.5
468      */

469     void setSelectionKey(SelectionKey JavaDoc selectionKey);
471     /**
472      * Returns client socket associated.
473      * @since 1.4.0
474      * @see #updateInputOutputStreams
475      */

476     void setSocket(Socket JavaDoc socket);
478     /**
479      * Sets client socket channel associated, if any.
480      * @since 1.4.5
481      */

482     void setSocketChannel(SocketChannel JavaDoc socketChannel);
484     /**
485      * Sets the client socket's timeout.
486      * @param time client socket timeout in milliseconds.
487      * @see #getTimeout
488      * @since 1.4.5
489      */

490     void setTimeout(int time);
492     /**
493      * Returns the ClientHandler information.
494      * If ClientData is present and is ClientIdentifiable will return ClientInfo else
495      * it will return Clients InetAddress and port information.
496      */

497     String JavaDoc toString();
499     /**
500      * Updates the InputStream and OutputStream for the ClientHandler for the
501      * set Socket.
502      * @since 1.4.0
503      * @see #setSocket
504      */

505     void updateInputOutputStreams() throws IOException JavaDoc;
507     /**
508      * Updates the last communication time for this client
509      * @since 1.3.3
510      */

511     void updateLastCommunicationTime();
513     /**
514      * Returns the {@link java.sql.Connection} object for the
515      * DatabaseConnection that is identified by id passed. If id passed
516      * does not match with any connection loaded by this class it will
517      * return <code>null</code>.
518      * This just calls <code>getServer().getDBPoolUtil().getConnection(id)</code>
519      * @since 1.3
520      * @deprecated as of v1.4.5 use <code>getServer().getDBPoolUtil().getConnection(id)</code>
521      */

522     Connection JavaDoc getConnection(String JavaDoc id) throws Exception JavaDoc;
524      /**
525      * Checks if the client is still connected.
526      * @exception SocketException if Socket is not open.
527      * @deprecated since 1.4.5 Use {@link #isConnected}
528      */

529     boolean isConected() throws SocketException JavaDoc;
531      /**
532      * Send a String message to the system output stream.
533      * @param newline indicates if new line required at the end.
534      * @deprecated Use {@link #sendSystemMsg(java.lang.String)},
535      * since it uses Logging.
536      */

537     void sendSystemMsg(String JavaDoc msg, boolean newline);
539      /**
540      * Returns the {@link} associated with
541      * the Client being handled.
542      * @deprecated since 1.4.5 use getOutputStream()
543      */

544     BufferedWriter JavaDoc getBufferedWriter();
545 }
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