hero.session.BnLdapBean @ejb:bean name="BnLdap" display-name="BnLdap Bean" type="Stateless" transaction-type="Container" jndi-name="ejb/hero/BnLdap" local-jndi-name="ejb/hero/BnLdap_L" @ejb:ejb-ref ejb-name="BnLdap" ref-name="myhero/BnLdap" @ejb.ejb-external-ref view-type="remote" ref-name="ejb/mgmt/MEJB" type="Session ...org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService An implementation of SecurityService that uses LDAP as a backend. @author <a HREF="mailto:Rafal.Krzewski@e-point.pl">Rafal Krzewski</a> @author <a HREF="mailto:tadewunmi@gluecode.com">Tracy M. Adewunmi </a> @author <a HREF="mailto:lflournoy@gluecode.com">Leonard J. F ...org.apache.james.userrepository.UsersLDAPRepository Implementation of a Repository to store users. This clas is a dummy for the proposal! @version This is $Revision: $ org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.ServerDirContext The DirContext implementation for the Server Side JNDI LDAP provider. @author <a HREF="mailto:dev@directory.apache.org">Apache Directory Project</a> @version $Rev: 169198 $ org.apache.naming.modules.cache.ProxyDirContext Changes( costin ): The goal is to make it a generic JNDI cache, not specific Proxy Directory Context implementation. Will cache directory entries - attributes and content. This can be used to eliminate expensive dir access and to avoid keeping large directories in memory. @author Remy Maucherat ...org.apache.ldap.server.operational.OperationalAttributeServiceTest Tests the methods on JNDI contexts that are analogous to entry modify operations in LDAP. @author <a HREF="mailto:dev@directory.apache.org">Apache Directory Project</a> @version $Rev: 169198 $ org.apache.jetspeed.services.ldap.LDAPService @author <a HREF="mailto:ender@kilicoglu.nom.tr">Ender KILICOGLU</a> @author <a HREF="mailto:sami.leino@netorek.fi">Sami Leino</a> @version $Id: LDAPService.java,v 1.6 2004/02/23 03:28:31 jford Exp $ org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.JndiProvider The BackendSubsystem service implementation. @author <a HREF="mailto:dev@directory.apache.org">Apache Directory Project</a> @version $Rev: 169198 $ org.apache.ldap.server.db.DefaultOptimizer Optimizer that annotates the filter using scan counts. @author <a HREF="mailto:dev@directory.apache.org">Apache Directory Project</a> @version $Rev: 169198 $ | Popular Tags |