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Java > Open Source Codes > org > apache > ldap > server > db > DefaultOptimizer

1 /*
2  * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */

17 package org.apache.ldap.server.db;
20 import org.apache.ldap.common.filter.*;
22 import javax.naming.NamingException JavaDoc;
23 import JavaDoc;
24 import java.math.BigInteger JavaDoc;
25 import java.util.ArrayList JavaDoc;
28 /**
29  * Optimizer that annotates the filter using scan counts.
30  *
31  * @author <a HREF="">Apache Directory Project</a>
32  * @version $Rev: 169198 $
33  */

34 public class DefaultOptimizer implements Optimizer
35 {
36     /** the maximum size for a count Integer.MAX_VALUE as a BigInteger */
37     private static final BigInteger JavaDoc MAX = BigInteger.valueOf( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
38     /** the database this optimizer operates on */
39     private Database db;
42     /**
43      * Creates an optimizer on a database.
44      *
45      * @param db the database this optimizer works for.
46      */

47     public DefaultOptimizer( Database db )
48     {
49         this.db = db;
50     }
53     /**
54      * Annotates the expression tree to determine optimal evaluation order based
55      * on the scan count for indices that exist for each expression node. If an
56      * index on the attribute does not exist an IndexNotFoundException will be
57      * thrown.
58      *
59      * @see Optimizer#annotate(ExprNode)
60      */

61     public void annotate( ExprNode node ) throws NamingException JavaDoc
62     {
63         // Start off with the worst case unless scan count says otherwise.
BigInteger JavaDoc count = MAX;
66         /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
67          * H A N D L E L E A F N O D E S
68          * --------------------------------------------------------------------
69          *
70          * Each leaf node is based on an attribute and it represents a condition
71          * that needs to be statisfied. We ask the index (if one exists) for
72          * the attribute to give us a scan count of all the candidates that
73          * would satisfy the attribute assertion represented by the leaf node.
74          *
75          * This is conducted differently based on the type of the leaf node.
76          * Comments on each node type explain how each scan count is arrived at.
77          */

79         if ( node instanceof ScopeNode )
80         {
81             count = getScopeScan( ( ScopeNode ) node );
82         }
83         else if ( node instanceof AssertionNode )
84         {
85             /*
86              * Leave it up to the assertion node to determine just how much it
87              * will cost us. Anyway it defaults to a maximum scan count if a
88              * scan count is not specified by the implementation.
89              */

90         }
91         else if ( node.isLeaf() )
92         {
93             LeafNode leaf = ( LeafNode ) node;
95             switch ( leaf.getAssertionType() )
96             {
97             case( LeafNode.APPROXIMATE ):
98                 /** Feature not implemented so we just use equality matching */
99                 count = getEqualityScan( ( SimpleNode ) leaf );
100                 break;
101             case( LeafNode.EQUALITY ):
102                 count = getEqualityScan( ( SimpleNode ) leaf );
103                 break;
104             case( LeafNode.EXTENSIBLE ):
105                 /** Cannot really say so we presume the total index count */
106                 count = getFullScan( leaf );
107                 break;
108             case( LeafNode.GREATEREQ ):
109                 count = getGreaterLessScan( ( SimpleNode ) leaf, true );
110                 break;
111             case( LeafNode.LESSEQ ):
112                 count = getGreaterLessScan( ( SimpleNode ) leaf, false );
113                 break;
114             case( LeafNode.PRESENCE ):
115                 count = getPresenceScan( ( PresenceNode ) leaf );
116                 break;
117             case( LeafNode.SUBSTRING ):
118                 /** Cannot really say so we presume the total index count */
119                 count = getFullScan( leaf );
120                 break;
121             default:
122                 throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc( "Unrecognized leaf node" );
123             }
124         }
125         // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// H A N D L E B R A N C H N O D E S
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
129         {
130             BranchNode bnode = ( BranchNode ) node;
132             switch( bnode.getOperator() )
133             {
134             case( BranchNode.AND ):
135                 count = getConjunctionScan( bnode );
136                 break;
137             case( BranchNode.NOT ):
138                 count = getNegationScan( bnode );
139                 break;
140             case( BranchNode.OR ):
141                 count = getDisjunctionScan( bnode );
142                 break;
143             default:
144                 throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc(
145                     "Unrecognized branch node type" );
146             }
147         }
149         // Protect against overflow when counting.
if ( count.compareTo( BigInteger.ZERO ) < 0 )
151         {
152             count = MAX;
153         }
155         node.set( "count", count );
156     }
159     /**
160      * ANDs or Conjunctions take the count of the smallest child as their count.
161      * This is the best that a conjunction can do and should be used rather than
162      * the worst case. Notice that we annotate the child node with a recursive
163      * call before accessing its count parameter making the chain recursion
164      * depth first.
165      *
166      * @param node a AND (Conjunction) BranchNode
167      * @return the calculated scan count
168      * @throws NamingException if there is an error
169      */

170     private BigInteger JavaDoc getConjunctionScan( BranchNode node ) throws NamingException JavaDoc
171     {
172         BigInteger JavaDoc count = BigInteger.valueOf( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
173         ArrayList JavaDoc children = node.getChildren();
175         for ( int ii = 0; ii < children.size(); ii++ )
176         {
177             ExprNode child = ( ExprNode ) children.get( ii );
178             annotate( child );
179             count = ( ( BigInteger JavaDoc ) child.get( "count" ) ).min( count );
180         }
182         return count;
183     }
186     /**
187      * Negation counts are estimated in one of two ways depending on its
188      * composition. If the sole child of the negation is a leaf and an index
189      * exists for the attribute of the leaf then the count on the index is taken
190      * as the scan count. If the child is a branch node then the count of the
191      * negation node is set to the total count of entries in the master table.
192      * This last resort tactic is used to get a rough estimate because it would
193      * cost too much to get an exact estimate on the count of a negation on a
194      * branch node.
195      *
196      * @param node the negation node
197      * @return the scan count
198      * @throws NamingException if there is an error
199      */

200     private BigInteger JavaDoc getNegationScan( BranchNode node ) throws NamingException JavaDoc
201     {
202         ExprNode onlyChild = ( ExprNode ) node.getChildren().get( 0 );
204         annotate( onlyChild );
206         if ( onlyChild.isLeaf()
207             && ! ( onlyChild instanceof ScopeNode )
208             && ! ( onlyChild instanceof AssertionNode )
209             && ! ( onlyChild instanceof PresenceNode ) )
210         {
211             LeafNode leaf = ( LeafNode ) onlyChild;
212             Index idx = db.getUserIndex( leaf.getAttribute() );
213             return BigInteger.valueOf( idx.count() );
214         }
216         return BigInteger.valueOf( db.count() );
217     }
220     /**
221      * Disjunctions (OR) are the union of candidates across all subexpressions
222      * so we add all the counts of the child nodes. Notice that we annotate the
223      * child node with a recursive call.
224      *
225      * @param node the OR branch node
226      * @return the scan count on the OR node
227      * @throws NamingException if there is an error
228      */

229     private BigInteger JavaDoc getDisjunctionScan( BranchNode node ) throws NamingException JavaDoc
230     {
231         ArrayList JavaDoc children = node.getChildren();
232         BigInteger JavaDoc total = BigInteger.ZERO;
234         for ( int ii = 0; ii < children.size(); ii++ )
235         {
236             ExprNode child = ( ExprNode ) children.get( ii );
237             annotate( child );
238             total = total.add( ( BigInteger JavaDoc ) child.get( "count" ) );
239         }
241         return total;
242     }
245     /**
246      * Gets the worst case scan count for all entries that satisfy the equality
247      * assertion in the SimpleNode argument.
248      *
249      * @param node the node to get a scan count for
250      * @return the worst case
251      * @throws NamingException if there is an error accessing an index
252      */

253     private BigInteger JavaDoc getEqualityScan( SimpleNode node )
254         throws NamingException JavaDoc
255     {
256         if ( db.hasUserIndexOn( node.getAttribute() ) )
257         {
258             Index idx = db.getUserIndex( node.getAttribute() );
259             return BigInteger.valueOf( idx.count( node.getValue() ) );
260         }
262         // count for non-indexed attribute is unknown so we presume da worst
return MAX;
264     }
267     /**
268      * Gets a scan count of the nodes that satisfy the greater or less than test
269      * specified by the node.
270      *
271      * @param node the greater or less than node to get a count for
272      * @param isGreaterThan if true test is for >=, otherwise <=
273      * @return the scan count of all nodes satisfying the AVA
274      * @throws NamingException if there is an error accessing an index
275      */

276     private BigInteger JavaDoc getGreaterLessScan( SimpleNode node,
277         boolean isGreaterThan ) throws NamingException JavaDoc
278     {
279         if ( db.hasUserIndexOn( node.getAttribute() ) )
280         {
281             Index idx = db.getUserIndex( node.getAttribute() );
282             int count = idx.count( node.getValue(), isGreaterThan );
283             return BigInteger.valueOf( count );
284         }
286         // count for non-indexed attribute is unknown so we presume da worst
return MAX;
288     }
291     /**
292      * Gets the total number of entries within the database index if one is
293      * available otherwise the count of all the entries within the database is
294      * returned.
295      *
296      * @param node the leaf node to get a full scan count for
297      * @return the worst case full scan count
298      * @throws NamingException if there is an error access database indices
299      */

300     private BigInteger JavaDoc getFullScan( LeafNode node )
301         throws NamingException JavaDoc
302     {
303         if ( db.hasUserIndexOn( node.getAttribute() ) )
304         {
305             Index idx = db.getUserIndex( node.getAttribute() );
306             int count = idx.count();
307             return BigInteger.valueOf( count );
308         }
310         return MAX;
311     }
314     /**
315      * Gets the number of entries that would be returned by a presence node
316      * assertion. Leverages the existance system index for scan counts.
317      *
318      * @param node the presence node
319      * @return the number of entries matched for the presence of an attribute
320      * @throws NamingException if errors result
321      */

322     private BigInteger JavaDoc getPresenceScan( PresenceNode node ) throws NamingException JavaDoc
323     {
324         if ( db.hasUserIndexOn( node.getAttribute() ) )
325         {
326             Index idx = db.getExistanceIndex();
327             int count = idx.count( node.getAttribute() );
328             return BigInteger.valueOf( count );
329         }
331         return MAX;
332     }
335     /**
336      * Gets the scan count for the scope node attached to this filter.
337      *
338      * @param node the ScopeNode
339      * @return the scan count for scope
340      * @throws NamingException if any errors result
341      */

342     private BigInteger JavaDoc getScopeScan( ScopeNode node ) throws NamingException JavaDoc
343     {
344         switch ( node.getScope() )
345         {
346             case ( SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE ):
347                 return BigInteger.ONE;
348             case ( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE ):
349                 BigInteger JavaDoc id = db.getEntryId( node.getBaseDn() );
350                 return BigInteger.valueOf( db.getChildCount( id ) );
351             case ( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE ):
352                 return BigInteger.valueOf( db.count() );
353             default:
354                 throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc( "Unrecognized search scope "
355                     + "value for filter scope node" );
356         }
357     }
358 }
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