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Java > Open Source Codes > org > apache > ldap > server > db > Database

1 /*
2  * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */

17 package org.apache.ldap.server.db;
20 import org.apache.ldap.common.schema.AttributeType;
22 import javax.naming.Name JavaDoc;
23 import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration JavaDoc;
24 import javax.naming.NamingException JavaDoc;
25 import JavaDoc;
26 import JavaDoc;
27 import java.math.BigInteger JavaDoc;
28 import java.util.Iterator JavaDoc;
31 /**
32  * A database for storing attributes.
33  *
34  * @author <a HREF="">Apache Directory Project</a>
35  * @version $Rev: 169198 $
36  */

37 public interface Database
38 {
39     // @todo do these alias constants need to go elsewhere?
/** The objectClass name for aliases: 'alias' */
41     String JavaDoc ALIAS_OBJECT = "alias";
42     /**
43      * The aliased Dn attribute name: aliasedObjectName for LDAP and
44      * aliasedEntryName or X.500.
45      */

46     String JavaDoc ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE = "aliasedObjectName";
49     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Index Operations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

54     /**
55      * TODO Document me!
56      *
57      * @param attribute TODO
58      * @throws NamingException TODO
59      */

60     void addIndexOn( AttributeType attribute ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
62     /**
63      * TODO Document me!
64      *
65      * @param attribute TODO
66      * @return TODO
67      */

68     boolean hasUserIndexOn( String JavaDoc attribute );
70     /**
71      * TODO Document me!
72      *
73      * @param attribute TODO
74      * @return TODO
75      */

76     boolean hasSystemIndexOn( String JavaDoc attribute );
78     /**
79      * Gets the Index mapping the names of attributes as Strings to the
80      * BigInteger primary keys of entries containing one or more values of those
81      * attributes.
82      *
83      * @return the existance Index
84      */

85     Index getExistanceIndex();
87     /**
88      * Gets the Index mapping the BigInteger primary keys of parents to the
89      * BigInteger primary keys of their children.
90      *
91      * @return the hierarchy Index
92      */

93     Index getHierarchyIndex();
95     /**
96      * Gets the Index mapping user provided distinguished names of entries as
97      * Strings to the BigInteger primary keys of entries.
98      *
99      * @return the user provided distinguished name Index
100      */

101     Index getUpdnIndex();
103     /**
104      * Gets the Index mapping the normalized distinguished names of entries as
105      * Strings to the BigInteger primary keys of entries.
106      *
107      * @return the normalized distinguished name Index
108      */

109     Index getNdnIndex();
111     /**
112      * Gets the alias index mapping parent entries with scope expanding aliases
113      * children one level below them; this system index is used to dereference
114      * aliases on one/single level scoped searches.
115      *
116      * @return the one alias index
117      */

118     Index getOneAliasIndex();
120     /**
121      * Gets the alias index mapping relative entries with scope expanding
122      * alias descendents; this system index is used to dereference aliases on
123      * subtree scoped searches.
124      *
125      * @return the sub alias index
126      */

127     Index getSubAliasIndex();
129     /**
130      * Gets the system index defined on the ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE which for LDAP would
131      * be the aliasedObjectName and for X.500 would be aliasedEntryName.
132      *
133      * @return the index on the ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE
134      */

135     Index getAliasIndex();
137     /**
138      * Sets the system index defined on the ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE which for LDAP would
139      * be the aliasedObjectName and for X.500 would be aliasedEntryName.
140      *
141      * @param attrType the index on the ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE
142      */

143     void setAliasIndexOn( AttributeType attrType ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
145     /**
146      * Sets the attribute existance Index.
147      *
148      * @param attrType the attribute existance Index
149      */

150     void setExistanceIndexOn( AttributeType attrType ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
152     /**
153      * Sets the hierarchy Index.
154      *
155      * @param attrType the hierarchy Index
156      */

157     void setHierarchyIndexOn( AttributeType attrType ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
159     /**
160      * Sets the user provided distinguished name Index.
161      *
162      * @param attrType the updn Index
163      */

164     void setUpdnIndexOn( AttributeType attrType ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
166     /**
167      * Sets the normalized distinguished name Index.
168      *
169      * @param attrType the ndn Index
170      */

171     void setNdnIndexOn( AttributeType attrType ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
173     /**
174      * Sets the alias index mapping parent entries with scope expanding aliases
175      * children one level below them; this system index is used to dereference
176      * aliases on one/single level scoped searches.
177      *
178      * @param attrType a one level alias index
179      */

180     void setOneAliasIndexOn( AttributeType attrType ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
182     /**
183      * Sets the alias index mapping relative entries with scope expanding
184      * alias descendents; this system index is used to dereference aliases on
185      * subtree scoped searches.
186      *
187      * @param attrType a subtree alias index
188      */

189     void setSubAliasIndexOn( AttributeType attrType ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
191     /**
192      * TODO Document me!
193      *
194      * @param attribute TODO
195      * @return TODO
196      * @throws IndexNotFoundException TODO
197      */

198     Index getUserIndex( String JavaDoc attribute ) throws IndexNotFoundException;
200     /**
201      * TODO Document me!
202      *
203      * @param attribute TODO
204      * @return TODO
205      * @throws IndexNotFoundException TODO
206      */

207     Index getSystemIndex( String JavaDoc attribute ) throws IndexNotFoundException;
209     /**
210      * TODO Document me!
211      *
212      * @param dn TODO
213      * @return TODO
214      * @throws NamingException TODO
215      */

216     BigInteger JavaDoc getEntryId( String JavaDoc dn ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
218     /**
219      * TODO Document me!
220      *
221      * @param id TODO
222      * @return TODO
223      * @throws NamingException TODO
224      */

225     String JavaDoc getEntryDn( BigInteger JavaDoc id ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
227     /**
228      * TODO Document me!
229      *
230      * @param dn TODO
231      * @return TODO
232      * @throws NamingException TODO
233      */

234     BigInteger JavaDoc getParentId( String JavaDoc dn ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
236     /**
237      * TODO Document me!
238      *
239      * @param childId TODO
240      * @return TODO
241      * @throws NamingException TODO
242      */

243     BigInteger JavaDoc getParentId( BigInteger JavaDoc childId ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
245     /**
246      * Gets the user provided distinguished name.
247      *
248      * @param id the entry id
249      * @return the user provided distinguished name
250      * @throws NamingException if the updn index cannot be accessed
251      */

252     String JavaDoc getEntryUpdn( BigInteger JavaDoc id ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
254     /**
255      * Gets the user provided distinguished name.
256      *
257      * @param dn the normalized distinguished name
258      * @return the user provided distinguished name
259      * @throws NamingException if the updn and ndn indices cannot be accessed
260      */

261     String JavaDoc getEntryUpdn( String JavaDoc dn ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
263     /**
264      * TODO Document me!
265      *
266      * @param updn the user provided distinguished name of the entry
267      * @param dn TODO
268      * @param entry TODO
269      * @throws NamingException TODO
270      */

271     void add( String JavaDoc updn, Name JavaDoc dn, Attributes JavaDoc entry ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
273     /**
274      * TODO Document me!
275      *
276      * @param id TODO
277      * @return TODO
278      * @throws NamingException TODO
279      */

280     Attributes JavaDoc lookup( BigInteger JavaDoc id ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
282     /**
283      * TODO Document me!
284      *
285      * @param id TODO
286      * @throws NamingException TODO
287      */

288     void delete( BigInteger JavaDoc id ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
290     /**
291      * TODO Document me!
292      *
293      * @param id TODO
294      * @return TODO
295      * @throws NamingException TODO
296      */

297     NamingEnumeration JavaDoc list( BigInteger JavaDoc id ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
299     /**
300      * TODO Document me!
301      *
302      * @param id TODO
303      * @return TODO
304      * @throws NamingException TODO
305      */

306     int getChildCount( BigInteger JavaDoc id ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
308     /**
309      * @return TODO
310      */

311     Name JavaDoc getSuffix();
313     /**
314      * TODO Document me!
315      *
316      * @return TODO
317      * @throws NamingException TODO
318      */

319     Attributes JavaDoc getSuffixEntry() throws NamingException JavaDoc;
321     /**
322      * TODO Document me!
323      *
324      * @throws NamingException TODO
325      */

326     void sync() throws NamingException JavaDoc;
328     /**
329      * TODO Document me!
330      *
331      * @throws NamingException TODO
332      */

333     void close() throws NamingException JavaDoc;
335     /**
336      * Checks to see if this BackingStore has been closed or shut down.
337      * Operations against closed BackingStores will fail.
338      *
339      * @return true if shut down, false otherwise
340      */

341     boolean isClosed();
343     /**
344      * TODO Document me!
345      *
346      * @param key TODO
347      * @param value TODO
348      * @throws NamingException TODO
349      */

350     void setProperty( String JavaDoc key, String JavaDoc value ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
352     /**
353      * TODO Document me!
354      *
355      * @param key TODO
356      * @return TODO
357      * @throws NamingException TODO
358      */

359     String JavaDoc getProperty( String JavaDoc key ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
361     /**
362      * TODO Document me!
363      *
364      * @return TODO
365      */

366     Iterator JavaDoc getUserIndices();
368     /**
369      * TODO Document me!
370      *
371      * @return TODO
372      */

373     Iterator JavaDoc getSystemIndices();
375     /**
376      * TODO Document me!
377      *
378      * @param id TODO
379      * @return TODO
380      * @throws NamingException TODO
381      */

382     Attributes JavaDoc getIndices( BigInteger JavaDoc id ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
384     /**
385      * TODO Document me!
386      *
387      * @param dn TODO
388      * @param modOp TODO
389      * @param mods TODO
390      * @throws NamingException TODO
391      */

392     void modify( Name JavaDoc dn, int modOp, Attributes JavaDoc mods ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
394     /**
395      * TODO Document me!
396      *
397      * @param dn TODO
398      * @param mods TODO
399      * @throws NamingException TODO
400      */

401     void modify( Name JavaDoc dn, ModificationItem JavaDoc [] mods ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
403     /**
404      * TODO Document me!
405      *
406      * @param dn TODO
407      * @param newRdn TODO
408      * @param deleteOldRdn TODO
409      * @throws NamingException TODO
410      */

411     void modifyRdn( Name JavaDoc dn, String JavaDoc newRdn, boolean deleteOldRdn ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
413     /**
414      * TODO Document me!
415      *
416      * @param oldChildDn TODO
417      * @param newParentDn TODO
418      * @throws NamingException TODO
419      */

420     void move( Name JavaDoc oldChildDn, Name JavaDoc newParentDn ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
422     /**
423      * Moves a child from one location to another while changing the Rdn
424      * attribute used in the new location and optionally deleting the old
425      * Rdn attribute value pair.
426      *
427      * @param oldChildDn the normalized child dn to move
428      * @param newParentDn the normalized new parent dn to move the child to
429      * @param newRdn the new rdn of the child at its new location
430      * @param deleteOldRdn switch to remove the old rdn attribute/value pair
431      * @throws NamingException if a database failure results
432      */

433     void move( Name JavaDoc oldChildDn, Name JavaDoc newParentDn, String JavaDoc newRdn,
434                boolean deleteOldRdn ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
436     /**
437      * Gets the count of the total number of entries in the database.
438      *
439      * TODO shouldn't this be a BigInteger instead of an int?
440      *
441      * @return the number of entries in the database
442      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read the count
443      */

444     int count() throws NamingException JavaDoc;
445 }
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