1 22 23 package org.xquark.mediator.algebra; 24 25 import java.net.MalformedURLException ; 26 import java.net.URL ; 27 import java.util.*; 28 29 import org.xquark.mediator.decomposer.GetVariablePathsVisitor; 30 import org.xquark.mediator.decomposer.IsolateWhereVisitor; 31 import org.xquark.mediator.decomposer.Utils; 32 import org.xquark.mediator.plan.*; 33 import org.xquark.mediator.runtime.MediatorException; 34 import org.xquark.schema.SchemaException; 35 import org.xquark.xquery.metadata.MetaCollection; 36 import org.xquark.xquery.metadata.MetaDataImpl; 37 import org.xquark.xquery.metadata.MetaWrapper; 38 import org.xquark.xquery.parser.*; 39 import org.xquark.xquery.parser.primitivefunctions.fnfunctions.FunctionCOLLECTION; 40 import org.xquark.xquery.parser.primitivefunctions.fnfunctions.FunctionDOC; 41 import org.xquark.xquery.parser.util.Constants; 42 import org.xquark.xquery.typing.*; 43 44 50 public class AlgSource extends Algebra { 51 private static final String RCSRevision = "$Revision: 1.30 $"; 55 private static final String RCSName = "$Name: $"; 56 private Set sources; 60 83 public AlgSource(XQueryExpression origexp, ArrayList variables, AlgebraManager depmanager, boolean islet) throws MediatorException { 84 super(origexp, variables, depmanager, islet); 85 } 86 87 public AlgSource(XQueryExpression origexp, Variable varleaf, AlgebraManager depmanager, boolean islet) throws MediatorException { 88 super(origexp, varleaf, depmanager, islet); 90 } 91 92 96 public void ParentHasIdentifier() { 97 hasIdentifier = true; 98 } 99 100 113 114 private void createFLWRExpression(boolean doReturn) throws MediatorException { 124 if (!(expression instanceof FLWRExpression)) 125 throw new MediatorException("DepNodeSource : " + expression + " is not a FLWR."); 126 127 try { 128 FLWRExpression origflwr = (FLWRExpression) expression; 129 130 ArrayList newvariables = (ArrayList) variables.clone(); 132 newvariables.addAll(this.parent.getVarsDependingOn()); 133 newvariables.addAll(this.getVarsDependingOn()); 134 newvariables.addAll(this.getVarsWhereOn()); 136 137 XQueryExpression newWhereClause = origflwr.getWhereClause(); 139 140 if (!doReturn) { 141 if (newWhereClause != null) { 143 GetVariablePathsVisitor gvpv = new GetVariablePathsVisitor(true); 144 newWhereClause.accept(gvpv); 145 ArrayList tmplist = gvpv.getPaths(newvariables); 146 if (tmplist != null) 147 for (int i = 0; i < tmplist.size(); i++) 148 if (!this.algManager.getPathsList().contains(tmplist.get(i).toString())) 149 paths.add(tmplist.get(i)); 150 } 151 } 152 if (newWhereClause != null) { 153 newWhereClause = (XQueryExpression) origflwr.getWhereClause().clone(); 154 IsolateWhereVisitor visitor = new IsolateWhereVisitor(newvariables); 155 newWhereClause.accept(visitor); 156 newWhereClause = visitor.getIsolatedExpression(); 157 ((FLWRExpression) expression).setWhereClause(visitor.getRemainingExpression()); 159 } 160 ArrayList newOrderbys = null; 162 if (origflwr.getOrderBy() != null) { 163 newOrderbys = (ArrayList) origflwr.getOrderBy().clone(); 164 for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < newOrderbys.size(); i++, j++) { 165 XQueryExpression exp = (XQueryExpression) newOrderbys.get(i); 166 if (exp.getOrder(0) == Constants.PLACE_ORDER) 167 exp = null; 168 else { 169 IsolateWhereVisitor visitor = new IsolateWhereVisitor(variables); 170 exp.accept(visitor); 171 exp = visitor.getIsolatedExpression(); 172 } 173 if (exp != null) { 174 newOrderbys.set(i, exp); 175 } else { 176 newOrderbys.remove(i); 177 i--; 178 } 179 } 180 if (newOrderbys.isEmpty()) 181 newOrderbys = null; 182 } 183 if (doReturn) { 184 sources = expression.getSourceNames(); 190 if (sources != null) { 191 sources.clear(); 192 for (int i = 0; i < variables.size(); i++) { 193 Variable vari = (Variable) variables.get(i); 194 sources.addAll(vari.getSourceNames()); 195 } 196 } 197 } 198 FLWRExpression newFlwr = null; 201 if (doReturn) { 202 if (newWhereClause != null && newWhereClause.getQType() == null) 203 newWhereClause.setQType(new QTypeAtom(this.algManager.getPlan().getSchemaManager().getBooleanType())); 204 newFlwr = new FLWRExpression(variables, newOrderbys, newWhereClause, createReturnExpression(), expression.getParentModule()); 205 } else 206 newFlwr = new FLWRExpression(variables, newOrderbys, newWhereClause, new XQueryVoid(expression.getParentModule()), null); 207 newFlwr.setParentModule(origflwr.getParentModule()); 208 newFlwr.setSourceNames(sources); 209 expression = newFlwr; 210 } catch (TypeException te) { 211 throw new MediatorException("DepNodeSource.createFLWRExpression : " + te.getMessage(), te); 212 } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { 213 throw new MediatorException("DepNodeSource.createFLWRExpression : " + e.getMessage(), e); 214 } catch (XQueryException e) { 215 throw new MediatorException("DepNodeSource.createFLWRExpression : " + e.getMessage(), e); 216 } 217 } 218 219 private XQueryExpression createReturnExpression() throws XQueryException, TypeException { 220 TypeVisitor typevisitor = this.algManager.getTypeVisitor(); 221 ArrayList subexpressions = null; 222 if (this.paths != null) { 223 subexpressions = new ArrayList(this.paths.size()); 224 for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) { 225 XQueryExpression expr = null; 230 try { 231 expr = (XQueryExpression) ((XQueryExpression) paths.get(i)).clone(); 232 } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { 234 throw new XQueryException(e.getMessage()); 235 } 236 ArrayList tmpeltexprs = new ArrayList(1); 237 tmpeltexprs.add(expr); 239 subexpressions.add(new org.xquark.xquery.parser.Element(new QName(null, null, "R" + Integer.toString(i + 1), null, null), null, null, tmpeltexprs, expression.getParentModule())); 240 } 241 } 242 return new Element(new QName(null, null, "R", null, null), null, null, subexpressions, expression.getParentModule()); 243 } 244 245 253 public Operator createOperator(ExecutionPlan plan) throws MediatorException { 254 createFLWRExpression(!plan.getQAOnly()); 256 257 FLWRExpression newFlwr = (FLWRExpression) expression; 258 if (!plan.getQAOnly()) { 259 QTypeElement flwrqtype = (QTypeElement) newFlwr.getQType(); 260 try { 261 this.getAlgebraManager().getPlan().setTypeName(flwrqtype.getType()); 262 ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList(2); 263 attributes.add(new AttributeValuePair(new ValueText("xmlns:xquark_execution_prefix", null), new ValueString("http://www.xquark.org/EXECUTIONPLAN", null), false, null)); 265 attributes.add(new AttributeValuePair(new ValueText("xsi:type", null), new ValueString("xquark_execution_prefix:" + flwrqtype.getType().getName(), null), false, null)); 266 ((Element) newFlwr.getReturnClause()).setAttributes(attributes); 267 } catch (TypeException te) { 268 throw new MediatorException("DepNodeSource.createAlgebra : " + te.getMessage(), te); 269 } catch (XQueryException e) { 270 throw new MediatorException("DepNodeSource.createAlgebra : " + e.getMessage(), e); 271 } catch (SchemaException e) { 272 throw new MediatorException("DepNodeSource.createAlgebra : " + e.getMessage(), e); 273 } 274 275 sources = expression.getSourceNames(); 276 if (sources == null || sources.isEmpty()) { 277 try { 278 Utils.fillSources(expression, algManager.getMetaData(), false); 279 } catch (XQueryException e) { 280 throw new MediatorException(e.getMessage(), e); 281 } 282 sources = expression.getSourceNames(); 283 } 284 } else 285 sources = null; 286 if (sources == null || sources.isEmpty()) { 287 if (!plan.getQAOnly()) 288 throw new MediatorException("DepNodeSource.createAlgebra: " + toString() + " has no sources."); 289 if (newFlwr.getVariables().size() != 1) 294 throw new MediatorException("Collection for QA, flwr should have only one variable"); 295 Variable var = (Variable) newFlwr.getVariables().get(0); 296 XQueryExpression expr = var.getExpression(); 297 FunctionCOLLECTION func = null; 300 boolean onlyFunction = false; 301 if (expr instanceof LocatedExpression && ((LocatedExpression) expr).getExpression() instanceof FunctionCOLLECTION) 302 func = (FunctionCOLLECTION) ((LocatedExpression) expr).getExpression(); 303 else if (expr instanceof FunctionCOLLECTION) { 304 func = (FunctionCOLLECTION) expr; 305 onlyFunction = true; 306 } else 307 throw new MediatorException("Collection for QA, variable should be bound to located expression starting with collection"); 308 expr = func.getArgument(0); 309 if (!(expr instanceof ValueString)) 310 throw new MediatorException("Collection for QA, first argument of collection should be value string"); 311 String colName = ((ValueString) expr).getStringValue(); 312 int index = colName.indexOf(":"); 313 if (index != -1) 314 colName = colName.substring(index + 1); 315 Operator operator = null; 317 try { 318 MetaDataImpl metadata = plan.getMetadata(); 319 MetaWrapper metawrapper = metadata.getMetaWrapper("CONFFILES"); 320 if (metawrapper == null) 321 throw new MediatorException("Collection for QA, no document wrapper accessible"); 322 ArrayList documents = null; 324 if (colName.equals("*")) { 325 List list = metawrapper.getCollectionsName(); 326 if (!list.isEmpty()) { 327 for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { 328 colName = (String ) it.next(); 329 if (documents == null) 330 documents = (ArrayList) metawrapper.getMetaCollection(colName).getDocuments(); 331 else 332 documents.addAll(metawrapper.getMetaCollection(colName).getDocuments()); 333 } 334 } 335 } else { 336 MetaCollection col = metawrapper.getMetaCollection(colName); 337 if (col != null) 338 documents = col.getDocuments(); 339 else 340 throw new MediatorException("Collection for QA, collection '" + colName + "' does not exist"); 341 } 342 if (documents == null || documents.isEmpty()) 343 throw new MediatorException("Collection for QA, collection has no documents"); 344 if (documents.size() == 1) { 345 String docname = (String ) documents.get(0); 346 if (plan.getBaseURI() != null) 347 docname = (new URL (new URL (plan.getBaseURI()), docname)).toString(); 348 ArrayList args = new ArrayList(1); 349 args.add(new ValueString(docname, null)); 350 if (onlyFunction) 351 ((Variable) newFlwr.getVariables().get(0)).setExpression(new FunctionDOC(args, expression.getParentModule()), false); 352 else 353 ((LocatedExpression) ((Variable) newFlwr.getVariables().get(0)).getExpression()).getStepNum(0).setExpression(new FunctionDOC(args, expression.getParentModule())); 354 operator = new OpSourceEval(plan, newFlwr, paths, hasIdentifier); 355 if (newFlwr.getOrderBy() != null && !newFlwr.getOrderBy().isEmpty()) 357 operator = new OpSort(plan, operator, newFlwr.getOrderBy()); 358 } else { 359 Operator[] operators = new Operator[documents.size()]; 361 for (int i = 0; i < documents.size(); i++) { 362 FLWRExpression cloneflwr = (FLWRExpression) newFlwr.clone(false); 363 String docname = (String ) documents.get(i); 364 ArrayList args = new ArrayList(1); 365 args.add(new ValueString(docname, null)); 366 if (onlyFunction) 367 ((Variable) cloneflwr.getVariables().get(0)).setExpression(new FunctionDOC(args, expression.getParentModule()), false); 368 else 369 ((LocatedExpression) ((Variable) cloneflwr.getVariables().get(0)).getExpression()).getStepNum(0).setExpression(new FunctionDOC(args, expression.getParentModule())); 370 operators[i] = new OpSourceEval(plan, cloneflwr, paths, hasIdentifier); 371 } 372 if (newFlwr.getOrderBy() != null && !newFlwr.getOrderBy().isEmpty()) 374 operator = new OpUnionSort(plan, operators, newFlwr.getOrderBy()); 375 else 376 operator = new OpUnion(plan, operators); 377 378 } 379 } catch (MalformedURLException e) { 380 throw new MediatorException("Collection for QA, could not access metadata"); 381 } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { 382 throw new MediatorException("Collection for QA, could not access metadata"); 383 } catch (MediatorException e) { 384 throw e; 385 } catch (XQueryException e) { 386 throw new MediatorException("Collection for QA, could not access metadata"); 387 } 388 operator.isLet(islet); 389 return operator; 390 } 393 394 Iterator it = sources.iterator(); 396 String source = (String ) it.next(); 397 Operator algebra = null; 398 try { 399 algebra = new OpSource(plan, (XQueryExpression) expression.clone(false), paths, source, hasIdentifier); 400 if (sources.size() > 1) { 401 ArrayList orderbys = ((FLWRExpression) expression).getOrderBy(); 403 Operator[] operators = new Operator[sources.size()]; 404 operators[0] = algebra; 405 for (int i = 1;it.hasNext();i++) 406 operators[i] = new OpSource(plan, (XQueryExpression) expression.clone(), paths, (String ) it.next(), hasIdentifier); 407 if (orderbys != null && !orderbys.isEmpty()) 408 algebra = new OpUnionSort(plan, operators, orderbys); 409 else 410 algebra = new OpUnion(plan, operators); 411 } 412 } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse) { 413 throw new MediatorException(cnse.getMessage()); 414 } 415 algebra.isLet(islet); 416 return algebra; 417 } 418 419 public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { 420 AlgSource newobj = (AlgSource) super.clone(); 421 newobj.hasIdentifier = this.hasIdentifier; 422 newobj.sources = this.sources; 423 return newobj; 424 } 425 426 433 435 439 441 448 public String toCompleteString(int indent) { 449 StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (); 450 451 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent) + "<" + this.getClass().getName() + ">\n"); 452 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<variables> " + variables + " </variables>\n"); 453 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<sources> " + getSources() + " </sources>\n"); 454 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<urls> " + getUrls() + " </urls>\n"); 455 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<isLet> " + islet + " </isLet>\n"); 456 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<monosource> " + isMonoSource() + " </monosource>\n"); 457 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<hasIdentifier> " + hasIdentifier + " </hasIdentifier>\n"); 458 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<Expression>\n"); 459 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 2) + expression + "\n"); 460 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "</Expression>\n"); 461 if (sources != null) { 463 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<Sources>\n"); 464 for (Iterator it = sources.iterator(); it.hasNext();) 465 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 2) + "<Source>" + it.next() + "</Sources>\n"); 466 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "</Sources>\n"); 467 } 468 if (algChildren != null && !algChildren.isEmpty()) { 469 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<Leaves>\n"); 470 for (int i = 0; i < algChildren.size(); i++) { 471 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 2) + "<Leave>\n"); 472 Algebra depchild = (Algebra) algChildren.get(i); 473 buf.append(depchild.toCompleteString(indent + 3)); 474 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 2) + "</Leave>\n"); 475 } 476 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "</Leaves>\n"); 477 } 478 if (referenceDefinitionVars != null && !referenceDefinitionVars.isEmpty()) { 479 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<referenceDefinitionVars>\n"); 480 for (int i = 0; i < referenceDefinitionVars.size(); i++) { 481 Variable var = (Variable) referenceDefinitionVars.get(i); 482 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 2) + "<Var>" + var + "</Var>\n"); 483 } 484 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "</referenceDefinitionVars>\n"); 485 } 486 if (dependDefinitionVars != null && !dependDefinitionVars.isEmpty()) { 487 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<DependingOn>\n"); 488 for (int i = 0; i < dependDefinitionVars.size(); i++) { 489 Variable var = (Variable) dependDefinitionVars.get(i); 490 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 2) + "<Var>" + var + "</Var>\n"); 491 } 492 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "</dependDefinitionVars>\n"); 493 } 494 if (paths != null) { 495 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "<Paths>\n"); 496 for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) 497 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 2) + "<Path>" + paths.get(i) + "</Path>\n"); 498 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent + 1) + "</Paths>\n"); 499 } 500 buf.append(Utils.makeIndent(indent) + "</" + this.getClass().getName() + ">\n"); 501 return buf.toString(); 502 } 503 504 public void execute(ExecutionPlan plan) throws MediatorException { 505 } 506 507 } 508
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