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Java > Open Source Codes > org > objectweb > jac > ide > Class

1 /*
2   Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Renaud Pawlak <>
4   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
6   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
7   License, or (at your option) any later version.
9   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
17   USA */

19 package org.objectweb.jac.ide;
21 import JavaDoc;
22 import java.util.Arrays JavaDoc;
23 import java.util.Collection JavaDoc;
24 import java.util.HashSet JavaDoc;
25 import java.util.Iterator JavaDoc;
26 import java.util.List JavaDoc;
27 import java.util.Map JavaDoc;
28 import java.util.Set JavaDoc;
29 import java.util.Vector JavaDoc;
30 import org.objectweb.jac.aspects.gui.DisplayContext;
31 import org.objectweb.jac.aspects.gui.HandlerResult;
32 import org.objectweb.jac.core.ObjectRepository;
33 import org.objectweb.jac.util.Strings;
35 /**
36  * This class represents a class meta element.
37  */

38 public class Class extends Type {
40     public String JavaDoc getGenerationName() {
41         return Strings.toUSAscii(getName());
42     }
44     Type superClass;
45     /**
46      * Get the value of superClass.
47      * @return value of superClass.
48      */

49     public Type getSuperClass() {
50         return superClass;
51     }
52     /**
53      * Set the value of superClass.
54      * @param v Value to assign to superClass.
55      */

56     public void setSuperClass(Type v) {
57         if (v!=superClass && superClass!=null) {
58             // Remove existing inheritance links from diagrams
// This should rather be done with an aspect
Collection JavaDoc diagrams = ObjectRepository.getObjects(Diagram.class);
61             Iterator JavaDoc it = diagrams.iterator();
62             while(it.hasNext()) {
63                 Diagram d = (Diagram);
64                 if (superClass instanceof Class JavaDoc)
65                     d.removeInheritanceLink(this,(Class JavaDoc)superClass);
66             }
67         }
69         this.superClass = v;
70     }
72     /**
73      * Finds a field with a given name
74      * @param name field name
75      * @return a field with the given name, or null
76      */

77     public Field findField(String JavaDoc name) {
78         Iterator JavaDoc it = getFields().iterator();
79         while (it.hasNext()) {
80             Field f = (Field);
81             if (f.getName().equals(name)) {
82                 return f;
83             }
84         }
85         return null;
86     }
88     Vector JavaDoc fields = new Vector JavaDoc();
89     /**
90      * Get the value of fields.
91      * @return value of fields.
92      */

93     public List JavaDoc getFields() {
94         return fields;
95     }
96     public void addField(Field f) {
97         fields.add(f);
98     }
99     public void removeField(Field f) {
100         fields.remove(f);
101     }
103     /**
104      * Returns all fields, including inherited ones
105      */

106     public List JavaDoc getAllFields() {
107         Vector JavaDoc result = new Vector JavaDoc();
108         if (superClass instanceof Class JavaDoc)
109             result.addAll(((Class JavaDoc)superClass).getAllFields());
110         result.addAll(getFields());
111         return result;
112     }
114     Vector JavaDoc methods = new Vector JavaDoc();
115     /**
116      * Get the value of methods.
117      * @return value of methods.
118      */

119     public List JavaDoc getMethods() {
120         return methods;
121     }
122     public void addMethod(Method m) {
123         methods.add(m);
124     }
125     public void removeMethod(Method m) {
126         methods.remove(m);
127     }
128     public void addConstructor(Constructor c) {
129         methods.add(c);
130     }
132     /**
133      * Gets al methods, including specific
134      * getter,setters,adders,removers and clearers.
135      */

136     public List JavaDoc getAllMethods() {
137         Vector JavaDoc allMethods = new Vector JavaDoc();
138         allMethods.addAll(methods);
139         Method m;
140         Iterator JavaDoc it = fields.iterator();
141         while (it.hasNext()) {
142             Field field = (Field);
143             if ((m=field.getSetter())!=null)
144                 allMethods.add(m);
145             if ((m=field.getGetter())!=null)
146                 allMethods.add(m);
147         }
149         it = getNavigableRoles().iterator();
150         while (it.hasNext()) {
151             RelationRole role = (RelationRole);
152             if ((m=role.getGetter())!=null)
153                 allMethods.add(m);
154             if ((m=role.getAdder())!=null)
155                 allMethods.add(m);
156             if ((m=role.getRemover())!=null)
157                 allMethods.add(m);
158             if ((m=role.getClearer())!=null)
159                 allMethods.add(m);
160         }
161         return allMethods;
162     }
164     public List JavaDoc getInheritedMethods() {
165         if (superClass instanceof Class JavaDoc) {
166             List JavaDoc superMethods = ((Class JavaDoc)superClass).getAllMethods();
167             List JavaDoc superInheritedMethods = ((Class JavaDoc)superClass).getInheritedMethods();
168             superMethods.addAll(superInheritedMethods);
169             return superMethods;
170         } else {
171             return new Vector JavaDoc();
172         }
173     }
175     public List JavaDoc getAbstractMethods() {
176         Vector JavaDoc abstractMethods = new Vector JavaDoc();
177         Iterator JavaDoc i = methods.iterator();
178         while (i.hasNext()) {
179             Method m = (Method);
180             if (m.isAbstract()) {
181                 Method m2 = findMethod(m);
182                 if (m2==null || m2==m)
183                     abstractMethods.add(m);
184             }
185         }
186         if (superClass instanceof Class JavaDoc) {
187             List JavaDoc superMethods = ((Class JavaDoc)superClass).getAbstractMethods();
188             i = superMethods.iterator();
189             while (i.hasNext()) {
190                 Method m = (Method);
191                 Method m2 = findMethod(m);
192                 if (m2==null || m2==m)
193                     abstractMethods.add(m);
194             }
195         }
196         return abstractMethods;
197     }
199     /**
200      * Finds a method with a given name and parameters
201      * @param name method name
202      * @param parameters the types of the parameters.
203      * @return a method with the given name and parameter types, or null
204      * @see #findMethod(Method)
205      */

206     public Method findMethod(String JavaDoc name, List JavaDoc parameters) {
207         Iterator JavaDoc it = getAllMethods().iterator();
208         while (it.hasNext()) {
209             Method m = (Method);
210             if (m.getName().equals(name)) {
211                 if (Arrays.asList(m.getParameterTypes()).equals(parameters)) {
212                     return m;
213                 }
214             }
215         }
216         return null;
217     }
219     /**
220      * Finds a method with the same name and the same parameter types
221      * as a given method.
222      * @param method method whose name and parameter types must match
223      * @return a method with the same name and the same parameter types, or null
224      * @see #findMethod(String,List)
225      */

226     public Method findMethod(Method method) {
227         return findMethod(method.getName(),Arrays.asList(method.getParameterTypes()));
228     }
230     public void addMethodIntf(Method m) {
231         addMethod(m);
232     }
234     public void removeMethodIntf(Method m) {
235         removeMethod(m);
236     }
238     /**
239      * Adds a "public static void main(String[] parameters)" method
240      */

241     public void addMainMethod() {
242         Method main = new Method();
243         main.setName("main");
244         main.setVisibility(Visibility.PUBLIC);
245         main.setStatic(true);
246         Parameter param = new Parameter();
247         param.setName("parameters");
248         param.setType(Projects.types.resolveType("String", "java.lang"));
249         param.setArray(true);
250         main.addParameter(param);
251         addMethod(main);
252     }
254     Package JavaDoc container;
255     /**
256      * Get the value of container.
257      * @return value of container.
258      */

259     public Package JavaDoc getContainer() {
260         return container;
261     }
262     /**
263      * Set the value of container.
264      * @param v Value to assign to container.
265      */

266     public void setContainer(Package JavaDoc v) {
267         this.container = v;
268     }
270     public String JavaDoc getFullName() {
271         if (container == null) {
272             return name;
273         } else {
274             return container.getPPath()+"."+name;
275         }
276     }
278     public String JavaDoc getGenerationFullName() {
279         if (container == null) {
280             return getGenerationName();
281         } else {
282             return container.getPPath()+"."+getGenerationName();
283         }
284     }
287     /**
288      * Gets navigable roles
289      * @return a collection of RelationRole
290      */

291     public Collection JavaDoc getNavigableRoles() {
292         Vector JavaDoc result = new Vector JavaDoc();
293         Iterator JavaDoc it = links.iterator();
294         while (it.hasNext()) {
295             Role role = (Role);
296             if (role instanceof RelationRole && ((RelationRole)role).isNavigable())
297                 result.add(role);
298         }
299         return result;
300     }
302     /**
303      * Gets all navigable roles, including those form inherited classes.
304      */

305     public Collection JavaDoc getAllNavigableRoles() {
306         Vector JavaDoc result = new Vector JavaDoc();
307         if (superClass instanceof Class JavaDoc)
308             result.addAll(((Class JavaDoc)superClass).getAllNavigableRoles());
309         result.addAll(getNavigableRoles());
310         return result;
311     }
313     /**
314      * Gets all navigable reference roles (whose cardinality is 1 or
315      * 0-1), including those form inherited classes.
316      */

317     public Collection JavaDoc getReferenceRoles() {
318         Vector JavaDoc result = new Vector JavaDoc();
319         if (superClass instanceof Class JavaDoc)
320             result.addAll(((Class JavaDoc)superClass).getReferenceRoles());
322         Iterator JavaDoc it = links.iterator();
323         while (it.hasNext()) {
324             Role role = (Role);
325             if (role instanceof RelationRole) {
326                 RelationRole relRole = (RelationRole)role;
327                 if (relRole.isNavigable() && !relRole.isMultiple()) {
328                     result.add(role);
329                 }
330             }
331         }
333         return result;
334     }
336     public Collection JavaDoc getRelationRoles() {
337         Vector JavaDoc result = new Vector JavaDoc();
338         Iterator JavaDoc it = links.iterator();
339         while (it.hasNext()) {
340             Role role = (Role);
341             if (role instanceof RelationRole)
342                 result.add(role);
343         }
344         return result;
345     }
347     public Collection JavaDoc getRelationLinks() {
348         Vector JavaDoc result = new Vector JavaDoc();
349         Iterator JavaDoc it = links.iterator();
350         while (it.hasNext()) {
351             Role role = (Role);
352             if (role instanceof RelationRole)
353                 result.add(role.getLink());
354         }
355         return result;
356     }
358     public Project getProject() {
359         if (container!=null)
360             return container.getProject();
361         else
362             return null;
363     }
365     Vector JavaDoc imports = new Vector JavaDoc();
366     public List JavaDoc getImports() {
367         return imports;
368     }
369     public void addImport(String JavaDoc _import) {
370         imports.add(_import);
371     }
372     public void removeImport(String JavaDoc _import) {
373         imports.remove(_import);
374     }
376     boolean isAbstract = false;
377     public boolean isAbstract() {
378         return isAbstract;
379     }
380     public void setAbstract(boolean value) {
381         isAbstract = value;
382     }
384     Set JavaDoc interfaces = new HashSet JavaDoc();
385     public Set JavaDoc getInterfaces() {
386         return interfaces;
387     }
388     public void addInterface(Interface _interface) {
389         interfaces.add(_interface);
390     }
391     public void removeInterface(Interface _interface) {
392         interfaces.remove(_interface);
393     }
395     /**
396      * Adds the necessary fields and methods to implement a interface
397      * @param intf the interface to implement
398      */

399     public void implementInterface(Interface intf) {
400         Iterator JavaDoc it = intf.getAllFields().iterator();
401         while (it.hasNext()) {
402             Field intfField = (Field);
403             if (findField(intfField.getName())!=null)
404                 continue;
405             Field field = new Field();
406             field.setName(intfField.getName());
407             field.setType(intfField.getType());
408             field.setArray(intfField.isArray());
409             addField(field);
410         }
412         it = intf.getAllMethods().iterator();
413         while (it.hasNext()) {
414             Method intfMethod = (Method);
415             if (findMethod(intfMethod)!=null)
416                 continue;
417             addMethod(intfMethod.cloneMethod());
418         }
419     }
421     /**
422      * Adds an overriding method
423      * @param method method to override
424      */

425     public void overrideMethod(Method method) {
426         addMethod(method.cloneMethod());
427     }
429     /**
430      * Adds an implementation for an abstract method
431      * @param method abstract method to implement
432      */

433     public void implementMethod(Method method) {
434         addMethod(method.cloneMethod());
435     }
437     public HandlerResult gotoLine(DisplayContext context,int lineNumber) {
438         Map JavaDoc lineNumbers = CodeGeneration.getClassLineNumbers(this);
439         if (lineNumbers.isEmpty()) {
440             throw new RuntimeException JavaDoc("No line number information available. Please (re)generate code.");
441         }
442         Member member = null;
443         Iterator JavaDoc i = lineNumbers.entrySet().iterator();
444         int closestLine = 0;
445         while (i.hasNext()) {
446             Map.Entry JavaDoc entry = (Map.Entry JavaDoc);
447             int line = ((Integer JavaDoc)entry.getValue()).intValue();
448             if (lineNumber > line && line > closestLine) {
449                 closestLine = line;
450                 member = (Member)entry.getKey();
451             }
452         }
453         if (member!=null) {
454             if (member instanceof Method) {
455                 Method method = (Method)member;
456                 return new HandlerResult(
457                     context.getDisplay().getCustomizedView("ide"),
458                     org.objectweb.jac.core.rtti.ClassRepository.get()
459                     .getClass(org.objectweb.jac.ide.Class.class).getField("methods"),
460                     method,"body",new Integer JavaDoc(lineNumber-closestLine-1));
461             } else {
462                 return new HandlerResult(
463                     context.getDisplay().getCustomizedView("ide"),
464                     org.objectweb.jac.core.rtti.ClassRepository.get()
465                     .getClass(org.objectweb.jac.ide.Class.class).getField("fields"),
466                     member,null,null);
467             }
468         } else {
469             return null;
470         }
471     }
472 }
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