KickJava   Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.

Java > Open Source Codes > org > netbeans > modules > java > source > engine > PropertySheetInfo

1 /*
2  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development
3  * and Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in
4  * compliance with the License.
5  *
6  * You can obtain a copy of the License at
7  * or
8  *
9  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file
10  * and include the License file at
11  * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, with the fields
12  * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
13  * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
14  *
15  * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
16  * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
17  * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
18  */

19 package;
21 import java.awt.*;
22 import java.awt.event.*;
23 import java.beans.*;
24 import*;
25 import java.lang.reflect.*;
26 import java.util.*;
27 import java.util.prefs.Preferences JavaDoc;
28 import javax.swing.*;
29 import org.openide.ErrorManager;
30 import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
32 /**
33  * Creates a UI form from the set of bean properties for a specified class.
34  * <p>
35  * Localization is supported in two ways:
36  * <ul><li>A panel resource file is first checked; if present, all text is
37  * read from this file. Panel resource files follow the same localization
38  * rules as other resources; with the foo.Bar transformer in a French locale,
39  * for example, foo/Bar_fr.panel is first tried, followed by foo/Bar.panel.</li>
40  * <li>If a panel resource file doesn't exist, then a is
41  * used for label text. The property key used is the simple name of the class,
42  * plus period, plus the bean property name. Using the above example with
43  * the "mumble" property, "Bar.mumble" is the resource key in the
44  * foo/ or foo/ files.
45  */

46 public class PropertySheetInfo {
48     private final Class JavaDoc base;
49     private final ArrayList<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();
50     private String JavaDoc title = null;
51     private boolean hasTabs;
52     private Preferences JavaDoc prefs;
54     public static final String JavaDoc REMOVE_PANEL_ACTION = "remove PropertySheetInfo panel"; //NOI18N
private static final ErrorManager logger = ErrorManager.getDefault();
57     private static final int DEFAULT_PAD = 12;
59     public static PropertySheetInfo find(Class JavaDoc c) {
60         return new PropertySheetInfo(c);
61     }
62     public static JComponent findButtonedPanel(final Object JavaDoc obj, ActionListener apply, ActionListener cancel) {
63     return find(obj.getClass()).buildButtonedPanel(obj, apply, cancel);
64     }
65     public static JComponent findPanel(final Object JavaDoc obj, Runnable JavaDoc incHandler) {
66     return find(obj.getClass()).buildPanel(obj,incHandler);
67     }
69     /** Creates new PropertySheetInfo */
70     private PropertySheetInfo(Class JavaDoc base) {
71         this.base = base;
72         String JavaDoc panelName = base.getName().replace('.','/');
73     prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node(panelName);
74         Method[] methods = base.getDeclaredMethods();
75         Field[] fields = base.getDeclaredFields();
76         for(int i = fields.length; --i>=0; ) {
77             Field f = fields[i];
78             if((f.getModifiers()&Modifier.PUBLIC)==0) continue;
79             if((f.getModifiers()&Modifier.STATIC)!=0) continue;
80             String JavaDoc nm = f.getName();
81             Class JavaDoc t = f.getType();
82             PropertyEditor bi = PropertyEditorManager.findEditor(t);
83             if(bi==null && t!=PickOne.class) continue;
84             items.add(new FieldItem(nm,f,t,bi));
85         }
86         for(int i = methods.length; --i>=0; ) {
87             Method m = methods[i];
88             String JavaDoc nm = m.getName();
89             String JavaDoc pnm;
90             boolean getter;
91             Class JavaDoc rt = m.getReturnType();
92             Class JavaDoc[] pt = m.getParameterTypes();
93             Class JavaDoc propType;
94             if(rt!=void.class) {
95                 if(pt.length!=0) continue;
96                 if((pnm=pattern("get",nm))==null //NOI18N
&& (pnm=pattern("is",nm))==null) //NOI18N
99                 getter = true;
100                 propType = rt;
101             }
102             else {
103                 if(pt.length!=1 || (pnm=pattern("set",nm)) == null) //NOI18N
105                 getter = false;
106                 propType = pt[0];
107             }
108             PropertyEditor bi = PropertyEditorManager.findEditor(propType);
109             if(bi==null && propType!=PickOne.class) continue;
110             Item item0 = null;
111             for(int j = items.size(); --j>=0; ) {
112                 Item item = items.get(j);
113                 if( {
114                     item0 = item;
115                     break;
116                 }
117             }
118             MethodItem item;
119             if(item0==null) {
120                 item = new MethodItem(pnm,propType,bi);
121                 items.add(item);
122             } else if(!(item0 instanceof MethodItem)) continue;
123             else {
124                 item = (MethodItem) item0;
125                 if(propType != item.propType) {
126                     logger.log(ErrorManager.USER, "set/get type mismatch "+item);
127                     continue;
128                 }
129             }
130             if(getter) item.getter = m;
131             else item.setter = m;
132         }
133         pname = null;
134         if (base.getPackage() == null) {
135             // no panels for rule files
137             return;
138         }
139         String JavaDoc cname = base.getSimpleName();
140         String JavaDoc rnm = cname+"-"+Locale.getDefault().getLanguage()+".panel"; //NOI18N
InputStream cfg = null;
142         if((cfg = base.getResourceAsStream(rnm))==null) {
143             if((cfg = base.getResourceAsStream(rnm=cname+".panel"))==null) { //NOI18N
145                 return;
146         }
147         }
148         Reader in = new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(cfg));
149         char[] buf = new char[2];
150         int slot = 0;
151         try {
152             int c;
153             int pos = 0;
154             String JavaDoc tag = null;
155             while((c =>=0)
156                 if(c!='\n' && c!='\r')
157                     if(c==':' && tag==null) {
158                         tag = new String JavaDoc(buf,0,pos).trim();
159                         pos=0;
160                     } else {
161                         if(pos>=buf.length) {
162                             char[] nb = new char[pos*2];
163                             System.arraycopy(buf,0,nb,0,pos);
164                             buf = nb;
165                         }
166                         buf[pos++] = (char)c;
167                     }
168                 else {
169                     if(pos>0 && tag!=null && tag.length()>0) {
170                         String JavaDoc body = new String JavaDoc(buf,0,pos).trim();
171                         if(tag.equals("*title")) {
172                             title = body;
173                             tag = null;
174                             pos = 0;
175                             continue;
176                         } else if(tag.equals("*tab")) {
177                             items.add(slot++,new TabItem(body));
178                             hasTabs = true;
179                         } else if(!tag.startsWith("#")) {
180                             for(int i = items.size(); --i>=slot; ) {
181                                 Item item = items.get(i);
182                                 if( {
183                                     item.setLabel(body);
184                                     items.remove(item);
185                                     items.add(slot++,item);
186                                     body = null;
187                                     break;
188                                 }
189                             }
190                             if(body != null)
191                                 logger.log(ErrorManager.USER, "Panel field "+tag+" missing from object");
192                         }
193                     }
194                     pos = 0;
195                     tag = null;
196                 }
197             in.close();
198         } catch(IOException ioe) {
199             ioe.printStackTrace();
200         }
201     validate();
202     }
203     private void validate() {
204     for(int i = items.size(); --i>=0; ) {
205         Item item = items.get(i);
206         if(!item.valid()) items.remove(i);
207     }
208     }
209     private String JavaDoc pattern(String JavaDoc pfx, String JavaDoc name) {
210         if(!name.startsWith(pfx)) return null;
211         int nml = name.length();
212         int pfl = pfx.length();
213         if(pfl==nml) return null;
214         if(pname.length<nml) pname = new char[nml];
215         name.getChars(0,nml,pname,0);
216         if(Character.isUpperCase(pname[pfl]))
217             pname[pfl] = Character.toLowerCase(pname[pfl]);
218         return new String JavaDoc(pname,pfl,nml-pfl);
219     }
220     public String JavaDoc getTitle() {
221         if(title==null) {
222         title = base.getName();
223         int dot = title.lastIndexOf('.');
224         if(dot>0) title = title.substring(dot+1);
225     }
226         return title;
227     }
228     public boolean nonEmpty() { return items.size()>0; }
229     public void print(PrintStream out) {
230         for(int i = 0; i<items.size(); i++) {
231             Item item = items.get(i);
232             out.print(item.toString());
233             if(item.propertyEditor!=null)
234             out.print(item.propertyEditor+"\n isP="
235                 +item.propertyEditor.isPaintable()+" sce="
236                 +item.propertyEditor.supportsCustomEditor());
237             out.println();
238         }
239     }
240     // load prefs settings for a given object.
public void loadValues(Object JavaDoc dst) {
242         for (Item item : items)
243         item.set(dst, item.get(dst));
244     }
245     public void saveValues(Object JavaDoc src) throws InstantiationException JavaDoc, IllegalAccessException JavaDoc {
246         Object JavaDoc orig = src.getClass().newInstance();
247         for (Item item : items) {
248             Object JavaDoc value = item.get(src);
249         item.set(orig, item.get(orig)); // reset oldValue to original for comparison
item.set(src, value);
251         }
252     }
253     public int showDialog(Object JavaDoc obj, ActionListener apply) {
254         if(apply==null && obj instanceof ActionListener) apply = (ActionListener) obj;
255         JFrame frame = new JFrame(getTitle());
256         frame.getContentPane().add(buildButtonedPanel(obj, apply));
257         frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(frame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
258         frame.pack();
259         frame.setVisible(true);
260         return 0;
261     }
262     public JComponent buildButtonedPanel(Object JavaDoc obj, ActionListener apply) {
263         return buildButtonedPanel(obj, apply, null);
264     }
265     public JComponent buildButtonedPanel(final Object JavaDoc obj, ActionListener apply, ActionListener cancel) {
266     if(apply==null && obj instanceof ActionListener)
267         apply = (ActionListener) obj;
268     final Box panel = Box.createVerticalBox();
269         Box buttons = Box.createHorizontalBox();
270     panel.add(buildPanel(obj));
271     panel.add(Box.createVerticalGlue());
272         panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(DEFAULT_PAD));
273     panel.add(buttons);
274         buttons.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue());
275     final RemovablePane rpane = new RemovablePane(panel);
276         if(apply != null) {
277         JButton apBut = new JButton(NbBundle.getMessage(PropertySheetInfo.class, "LBL_Apply"));
278         apBut.addActionListener(apply);
279             buttons.add(apBut);
280             if (cancel != null)
281                 buttons.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(DEFAULT_PAD / 2));
282         }
283     if(cancel != null) {
284         final JButton canBut = new JButton(NbBundle.getMessage(PropertySheetInfo.class, "LBL_Cancel"));
285         if (cancel != null) {
286         rpane.addActionListener(cancel);
287         canBut.addActionListener(rpane);
288         }
289         buttons.add(canBut);
290     }
291         return rpane;
292     }
293     /** Pane that fires a "remove me" action in response to an ActionEvent. */
294     private static class RemovablePane extends JScrollPane
295       implements ActionListener {
296     RemovablePane(Component view) {
297         super(view);
298     }
299     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
300         if (listener != null)
301         listener.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0,
302                              REMOVE_PANEL_ACTION));
303     }
304     public void addActionListener(ActionListener l) {
305         listener = l;
306     }
307     private ActionListener listener = null;
308     }
309     private Component wrapLabel(String JavaDoc l) {
310     int length = l.length();
311     int split;
312     if(length<50 || (split = l.indexOf(' ', l.length()>>1))<=0)
313         return new JLabel(l);
314     Box ret = Box.createVerticalBox();
315     ret.add(new JLabel(l.substring(0,split).trim()));
316     ret.add(new JLabel(l.substring(split+1).trim()));
317     return ret;
318     }
319     public JComponent buildPanel() {
320         try {
321             Object JavaDoc obj = base.newInstance();
322             loadValues(obj);
323             return buildPanel(obj);
324         } catch (Exception JavaDoc e) {
325             e.printStackTrace();
326             return null;
327         }
328     }
329     public JComponent buildPanel(Object JavaDoc obj) {
330     return buildPanel(obj, null);
331     }
332     public JComponent buildPanel(final Object JavaDoc obj, Runnable JavaDoc incrementalHandler) {
333         try {
334             BeanDescriptor beanDesc = Introspector.getBeanInfo(base).getBeanDescriptor();
335             Class JavaDoc customizerClass = beanDesc.getCustomizerClass();
336             if (customizerClass != null) {
337                 final Customizer customizer = (Customizer)customizerClass.newInstance();
338                 customizer.setObject(this);
339                 if (customizer instanceof JComponent)
340                     return (JComponent)customizer;
341                 else {
342                     JPanel wrapper = new JPanel();
343                     wrapper.add((Component)customizer);
344                     return wrapper;
345                 }
346             }
347         } catch (Exception JavaDoc e) {
348             e.printStackTrace();
349             // fall-through on any error
351         JPanel panel = null;
352         JTabbedPane tabs;
353         if(hasTabs)
354             tabs = new JTabbedPane();
355         else
356             tabs=null;
357         String JavaDoc tabTitle = NbBundle.getMessage(PropertySheetInfo.class, "LBL_Properties_Tab");
358         GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout();
359         if(!base.isInstance(obj))
360             throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("Type mismatch");
361         GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
362         gbc.gridx = 0;
363         gbc.gridy = 0;
364         gbc.weightx = 1;
365         gbc.weighty = 1;
366         gbc.gridwidth = 1;
367         gbc.gridheight = 1;
368         gbc.fill = gbc.HORIZONTAL;
369         gbc.anchor = gbc.NORTHWEST;
370     int last = items.size()-1;
371         for(int i = 0; i<=last; i++) {
372             final Item item = items.get(i);
373         if(!item.valid()) continue;
374         gbc.weighty = i==last || items.get(i+1) instanceof TabItem ? 1000 : 1;
375             if(item instanceof TabItem) {
376                 tabTitle = item.getLabel();
377                 panel = null;
378                 continue;
379             }
380             if(panel==null) {
381                 panel = new JPanel();
382                 panel.setLayout(gbl);
383                 gbc.gridy = 0;
384                 if(tabs!=null) {
385                     panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(12, 12, 12, 12));
386                     tabs.addTab(tabTitle, panel);
387                 }
388             }
389             String JavaDoc label = item.getLabel();
390             if(label!=null && label.length()>0) {
391                 gbc.gridx = 0;
392                 gbc.weightx = 0;
393                 gbc.insets.right = 12;
394                 panel.add(wrapLabel(label), gbc);
395             }
396             gbc.gridx = 1;
397             gbc.weightx = 1;
398             gbc.insets.right = 0;
399         Component comp = item.getInteractor(obj,incrementalHandler);
400         if(comp instanceof JScrollPane)
401         gbc.fill = gbc.BOTH;
402             panel.add(comp, gbc);
403             gbc.gridy++;
404         }
405         return tabs!=null ? (JComponent) tabs : panel!=null ? (JComponent) panel : new JLabel(NbBundle.getMessage(PropertySheetInfo.class, "MSG_No_items_to_edit"));
406     }
408     private static class PropertySheet {
409     private Component sheet;
410     private Box buttons;
411     private void addButton(JComponent b) {
412         if(buttons==null) {
413         buttons = Box.createHorizontalBox();
414         Box nSheet = Box.createVerticalBox();
415         nSheet.add(sheet);
416         nSheet.add(Box.createVerticalGlue());
417         nSheet.add(buttons);
418         sheet = nSheet;
419         buttons.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue());
420         } else buttons.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10));
421         buttons.add(b);
422     }
423     public PropertySheet addButton(String JavaDoc label, final ActionListener al) {
424         JButton b = new JButton(label);
425         b.addActionListener(al);
426         addButton(b);
427         return this;
428     }
429     public Component getComponent() { return sheet; }
430     }
432     char[] pname = new char[2];
433     private static String JavaDoc ns(Object JavaDoc s) { return s==null ? "" : s.toString(); }
434     public abstract class Item {
435         protected abstract Object JavaDoc get0(Object JavaDoc src);
436         protected abstract void set0(Object JavaDoc dst, Object JavaDoc value);
437         public String JavaDoc name;
438     boolean textarea = false;
439         private String JavaDoc label;
440     private Object JavaDoc oldValue;
441     protected boolean trnsient = false;
442     public final Object JavaDoc get(Object JavaDoc src) {
443         Object JavaDoc fromobj = get0(src);
444         if(oldValue==null && name!=null && fromobj!=null) {
445         if(fromobj instanceof Boolean JavaDoc)
446             fromobj = Boolean.valueOf(prefs.getBoolean(name,((Boolean JavaDoc)fromobj).booleanValue()));
447         else if(fromobj instanceof String JavaDoc)
448             fromobj = prefs.get(name,((String JavaDoc)fromobj));
449         else if(fromobj instanceof Integer JavaDoc)
450             fromobj = new Integer JavaDoc(prefs.getInt(name,((Integer JavaDoc)fromobj).intValue()));
451         else if(fromobj instanceof PickOne)
452             ((PickOne) fromobj).value = prefs.getInt(name,((PickOne)fromobj).value);
453         else logger.log(ErrorManager.USER, "Missing type "+fromobj.getClass().getName()+" for "+name);
454         set0(src,fromobj);
455         }
456         oldValue = fromobj;
457         return fromobj;
458     }
459     public final void set(Object JavaDoc dst, Object JavaDoc value) {
460         if(!trnsient && value!=null && !value.equals(oldValue)) {
461         if(value instanceof Boolean JavaDoc)
462             prefs.putBoolean(name,((Boolean JavaDoc)value).booleanValue());
463         else if(value instanceof Integer JavaDoc)
464             prefs.putInt(name,((Integer JavaDoc)value).intValue());
465         else if(value instanceof String JavaDoc)
466             prefs.put(name,(String JavaDoc)value);
467                 flush();
468             }
469         set0(dst,value);
470     }
471         void flush() {
472             try {
473                 prefs.flush();
474             } catch (java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException JavaDoc e) {
475                 e.printStackTrace();
476             }
477         }
478         public void setLabel(String JavaDoc l) {
479         if(l.startsWith("textarea")) {
480         l = l.substring(8).trim();
481         textarea = true;
482         }
483         label = l;
484     }
485         public String JavaDoc getLabel() {
486         if(label==null) {
487                 // First check if resource exists. When 1.6 is the minimum JDK,
// switch to ResourceBundle.containsKey().
String JavaDoc key = base.getSimpleName() + '.' + name;
490                 try {
491                     label = NbBundle.getBundle(base).getString(key);
492                 } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
493                     ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.WARNING, key + " property not localized");
494                     // fall-through
496             }
497         if(label==null) {
498                 // No resource, so create an unlocalized label from the name.
StringBuffer JavaDoc sb = new StringBuffer JavaDoc();
500         char lastc = 0;
501         int limit = name.length();
502         for(int i = 0; i<limit; i++) {
503             char c = name.charAt(i);
504             char nc;
505             if(c=='_') nc = ' ';
506             else if(Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
507             nc = Character.toLowerCase(c);
508             sb.append(' ');
509             } else nc = c;
510             if(lastc==0 && Character.isLowerCase(nc)) nc = Character.toUpperCase(nc);
511             sb.append(nc);
512             lastc = c;
513         }
514         label = sb.toString();
515         }
516         return label;
517     }
518         public Class JavaDoc propType;
519         public PropertyEditor propertyEditor;
520         public Component getInteractor(final Object JavaDoc obj, final Runnable JavaDoc incrementalHandler) {
521             try {
522                 final PropertyEditor pe = propertyEditor;
523                 // Check for String class first since NetBeans String custom editor is broken...
if(propType == String JavaDoc.class) {
525                     final javax.swing.text.JTextComponent JavaDoc string;
526             if(textarea) {
527             JTextArea ta = new JTextArea();
528             string = ta;
529             } else string = new JTextField();
530                     string.setText(ns(get(obj)));
531             string.addFocusListener(new java.awt.event.FocusAdapter JavaDoc() {
532                 public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
533                             Object JavaDoc newValue = string.getText();
534                             if(newValue.equals(get(obj))) return;
535                 if(incrementalHandler!=null) EventQueue.invokeLater(incrementalHandler);
536                             set(obj,newValue);
537                         }
538                     });
539                     if (textarea) {
540                         Component c = new JScrollPane(string);
541                         c.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(320,200));
542                         return c;
543                     }
544                     else
545                         return string;
546                 } else if(pe!=null && pe.supportsCustomEditor()) {
547             pe.setValue(get(obj));
548                     pe.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
549                         public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
550                 if(incrementalHandler!=null) EventQueue.invokeLater(incrementalHandler);
551                         }
552                     });
553                     return pe.getCustomEditor();
554                 } else if(propType == boolean.class) {
555                     final JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox(null,null,((Boolean JavaDoc)get(obj)).booleanValue());
556                     cb.addChangeListener(new javax.swing.event.ChangeListener JavaDoc() {
557                         public void stateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent JavaDoc ce) {
558                             Object JavaDoc newValue = cb.isSelected() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
559                             if(newValue.equals(get(obj))) return;
560                 if(incrementalHandler!=null) EventQueue.invokeLater(incrementalHandler);
561                             set(obj,newValue);
562                         }
563                     });
564                     return cb;
565                 } else if(propType == int.class) {
566                     final JSpinner spinner = new JSpinner();
567                     spinner.setValue(get(obj));
568                     spinner.addChangeListener(new javax.swing.event.ChangeListener JavaDoc() {
569                         public void stateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent JavaDoc ce) {
570                             Object JavaDoc newValue = spinner.getValue();
571                             if(newValue.equals(get(obj))) return;
572                 if(incrementalHandler!=null) EventQueue.invokeLater(incrementalHandler);
573                             set(obj,newValue);
574                         }
575                     });
576                     return spinner;
577         } else if(propType == PickOne.class) {
578             final PickOne pickone = (PickOne) get(obj);
579             if(pickone==null) return new JLabel(NbBundle.getMessage(PropertySheetInfo.class, "MSG_Null_PickOne"));
580             final JComboBox combo = new JComboBox(pickone.keys);
581             combo.setSelectedIndex(pickone.value);
582             combo.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
583                 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
584                 if(e.getStateChange()==e.SELECTED) {
585                     int nValue = combo.getSelectedIndex();
586                     if(nValue == pickone.value) return;
587                     pickone.value = nValue;
588                                     prefs.putInt(name, nValue);
589                                     flush();
590                     if(incrementalHandler!=null)
591                     EventQueue.invokeLater(incrementalHandler);
592                 }
593                 }
594             });
595             return combo;
596                 } else {
597                     Object JavaDoc [] tags = pe.getTags();
598                     if(tags!=null && tags.length>0) {
599                         JComboBox jcb = new JComboBox(tags);
600                         jcb.setEditable(false);
601                         jcb.setSelectedItem(pe.getAsText());
602                         return jcb;
603                     } else {
604                         return new JTextField(pe.getAsText());
605                     }
606                 }
607             } catch(Exception JavaDoc e) {
608         e.printStackTrace();
609         return new JLabel(e.toString());
610         }
611         }
612     public boolean valid() { return true; }
614         protected final Object JavaDoc defaultItem(Class JavaDoc type) {
615             if (type == String JavaDoc.class)
616                 return "";
617             if (type == Boolean JavaDoc.class)
618                 return false;
619             if (type == Integer JavaDoc.class)
620                 return 0;
621             return null;
622         }
623     }
624     private class TabItem extends Item {
625         TabItem(String JavaDoc label) {
626             setLabel(label);
627             propType = String JavaDoc.class;
628         }
629         public Object JavaDoc get0(Object JavaDoc src) { return NbBundle.getMessage(PropertySheetInfo.class, "MSG_Invalid_TabItem"); }
630         public void set0(Object JavaDoc dst, Object JavaDoc value) { }
631     }
632     private class MethodItem extends Item {
633         Method setter, getter;
634         MethodItem(String JavaDoc nm, Class JavaDoc pt, PropertyEditor bi) {
635             propertyEditor = bi;
636             propType = pt;
637             name = nm;
638         }
639     public boolean valid() { return getter!=null && setter!=null; }
640         public Object JavaDoc get0(Object JavaDoc src) {
641             try {
642                 Object JavaDoc ret = getter.invoke(src);
643                 if (ret == null)
644                     ret = defaultItem(getter.getReturnType());
645                 return ret;
646             }
647             catch(IllegalAccessException JavaDoc ice) { return null; }
648             catch(InvocationTargetException ice) { return null; }
649         }
650         public void set0(Object JavaDoc dst, Object JavaDoc value) {
651             try {
652                 setter.invoke(dst,new Object JavaDoc[]{value});
653             }
654             catch(IllegalAccessException JavaDoc ice) { }
655             catch(InvocationTargetException ice) { }
656         }
657         public String JavaDoc toString() { return name+"/"+getter+"/"+setter; }
658     }
659     private class FieldItem extends Item {
660         Field field;
661         FieldItem(String JavaDoc nm, Field f, Class JavaDoc t, PropertyEditor bi) {
662             field = f;
663             name = nm;
664             propType = t;
665             propertyEditor = bi;
666         trnsient = Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers());
667         }
668         public Object JavaDoc get0(Object JavaDoc src) {
669             try {
670                 Object JavaDoc ret = field.get(src);
671                 if (ret == null)
672                     ret = defaultItem(field.getType());
673                 return ret;
674             } catch(IllegalAccessException JavaDoc ice) {
675                 return null;
676             }
677         }
678         public void set0(Object JavaDoc dst, Object JavaDoc value) {
679             try {
680                 field.set(dst,value);
681             } catch(IllegalAccessException JavaDoc ice) {
682                 logger.log(ErrorManager.USER, "bad set, value=" + value);
683             }
684         }
685         public String JavaDoc toString() { return name+" "+propType; }
686     }
687 }
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