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Java > Open Source Codes > org > netbeans > modules > j2ee > refactoring > changeparam > EjbJarChangeParamRefactoring

1 /*
2  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development
3  * and Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in
4  * compliance with the License.
5  *
6  * You can obtain a copy of the License at
7  * or
8  *
9  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file
10  * and include the License file at
11  * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, with the fields
12  * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
13  * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
14  *
15  * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
16  * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
17  * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
18  */

20 package org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.refactoring.changeparam;
22 import JavaDoc;
23 import java.text.MessageFormat JavaDoc;
24 import java.util.ArrayList JavaDoc;
25 import java.util.Collection JavaDoc;
26 import java.util.List JavaDoc;
27 import javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject;
28 import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
29 import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
30 import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.ClassDefinition;
31 import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.JavaClass;
32 import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.Method;
33 import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.Type;
34 import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.EjbJar;
35 import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.EnterpriseBeans;
36 import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.Entity;
37 import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.MethodParams;
38 import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.Query;
39 import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.QueryMethod;
40 import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.Session;
41 import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.refactoring.Utility;
42 import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.api.JavaModel;
43 import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.internalapi.ExternalChange;
44 import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.internalapi.JavaMetamodel;
45 import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.api.AbstractRefactoring;
46 import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.api.ChangeParametersRefactoring;
47 import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.api.ChangeParametersRefactoring.ParameterInfo;
48 import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.api.Problem;
49 import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.api.RefactoringSession;
50 import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.spi.RefactoringElementImplementation;
51 import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.spi.RefactoringElementsBag;
52 import org.openide.ErrorManager;
53 import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
54 import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
56 /**
57  *
58  * @author Martin Grebac
59  */

60 public final class EjbJarChangeParamRefactoring {
62     private static final ErrorManager err = ErrorManager.getDefault().getInstance("org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.refactoring.changeparam"); // NOI18N

64     /** Trying to change parameters of finder method in bean implementation class, and we should check also ejb-jar for references */
65     private boolean isCmpImplFinder = false;
67     /** Trying to change parameters of finder method in local home interface, and we should check also ejb-jar for references */
68     private boolean isCmpLocalHomeFinder = false;
70     /** Trying to change parameters of finder method in home interface, and we should check also ejb-jar for references */
71     private boolean isCmpHomeFinder = false;
73     /* stores collection of interface refactorings to be invoked */
74     ArrayList JavaDoc ifaceRefactors = new ArrayList JavaDoc();
76     /* stores collection of implementation class refactorings to be invoked */
77     ArrayList JavaDoc implRefactors = new ArrayList JavaDoc();
78     private static final String JavaDoc METHOD_EJBCREATE = "ejbCreate";
80     public EjbJarChangeParamRefactoring() { }
82     public Problem preCheck(RefObject refObject) {
83         Problem[] problem = new Problem[] {null};
84         if (refObject instanceof Method) {
85             Method method = (Method) refObject;
86             Collection JavaDoc emodules = Utility.getRelevantEjbModules(method);
87             if ((emodules != null) && (emodules.size() > 0)) {
88                 // there are ejb modules that can be affected by the change
ClassDefinition declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass(); // get affected class
err.log("classdefinition jc: " + declaringClass);
91                 if (declaringClass instanceof JavaClass) {
92                     FileObject fo = JavaModel.getFileObject(method.getResource());
93                     if (Utility.isSubTypeOf(declaringClass, Utility.SESSION_BEAN)) {
94                         checkSessionBeanImpl(problem, method, fo, declaringClass);
95                     } else if (Utility.isSubTypeOf(declaringClass, Utility.ENTITY_BEAN)) {
96                         checkEntityBeanImpl(problem, method, fo, declaringClass);
97                     } else if (Utility.isSubTypeOf(declaringClass, Utility.MESSAGE_DRIVEN_BEAN)) {
98                         checkMessageDrivenBeanImpl(problem, method, declaringClass);
99                     } else if (Utility.isSubTypeOf(declaringClass, Utility.EJB_HOME)) {
100                         checkHomeInterface(problem, method, fo, declaringClass, false);
101                     } else if (Utility.isSubTypeOf(declaringClass, Utility.EJB_LOCAL_HOME)) {
102                         checkHomeInterface(problem, method, fo, declaringClass, true);
103                     }
104                 }
105             }
106         }
107         return problem[0];
108     }
110     private void checkSessionBeanImpl(Problem[] problem, Method method, FileObject fo, ClassDefinition jc) {
111         // check if it's a method from javax.ejb.SesssionBean interface - do not allow such change
if (Utility.isSignatureFromSessionBeanInterface(method)) {
113             addFatalProblem(problem, "TXT_EjbJarMethodInJavaxInterfaceProblemChangeParam",
114                     Utility.SESSION_BEAN);
115         } else if (!checkCreateInSession(problem, fo, method)) {
116             String JavaDoc className = jc.getName();
117             // check if it's a home method - such change is allowed, but warnings are displayed that home/localhome methods are changed, too
Method homeInHome =
119                     Utility.getHomeHomeMethodForSessionImplHomeMethod(method, fo, className, false);
120             checkMethodInInterface(problem, homeInHome, "home");
121             Method homeInLocalHome =
122                     Utility.getHomeHomeMethodForSessionImplHomeMethod(method, fo, className, true);
123             checkMethodInInterface(problem, homeInLocalHome, "local home");
124         }
125     }
127     private void checkEntityBeanImpl(Problem[] problem, Method method, FileObject fo, ClassDefinition jc) {
128         // check if we are trying to rename a method from javax.ejb.EntityBean interface,
// and do not allow this
if (Utility.isSignatureFromEntityBeanInterface(method)) {
131             addFatalProblem(problem, "TXT_EjbJarMethodInJavaxInterfaceProblemChangeParam",
132                     Utility.ENTITY_BEAN);
133         } else {
134             String JavaDoc className = jc.getName();
135             String JavaDoc methodName = method.getName();
137             if (methodName.startsWith(METHOD_EJBCREATE)) { //NOI18N
// check if it's a create method
// such change is allowed, but warnings are displayed
// that home/local home/postCreate methods are changed, too
Method createInHome = Utility.getHomeCreateMethodForEntityImplCreateMethod(method, fo,
142                         className, false);
143                 checkMethodInInterface(problem, createInHome, "home");
144                 Method createInLocalHome = Utility.getHomeCreateMethodForEntityImplCreateMethod(method, fo,
145                         className, true);
146                 checkMethodInInterface(problem, createInLocalHome, "local home");
147                 Method postCreateInImpl = Utility.getImplPostCreateMethodForEntityImplCreateMethod(method);
148                 checkMethodInImpl(problem, postCreateInImpl,
149                         "TXT_EjbJarPostCreateMethodWarningChangeParam");
150             } else if (methodName.equals("ejbPostCreate")) { //NOI18N
// check if it's a postcreate method
// such change is allowed, but warnings are displayed
// that home/local home methods are changed, too
Method createInHome = Utility.getHomeCreateMethodForEntityImplPostCreateMethod(method, fo,
155                         className, false);
156                 checkMethodInInterface(problem, createInHome, "home");
157                 Method createInLocalHome = Utility.getHomeCreateMethodForEntityImplPostCreateMethod(method,
158                         fo, className, true);
159                 checkMethodInInterface(problem, createInLocalHome, "local home");
160                 Method createInImpl = Utility.getImplCreateMethodForEntityImplPostCreateMethod(method);
161                 checkMethodInImpl(problem, createInImpl, "TXT_EjbJarCreateMethodWarningChangeParam");
162             } else if (methodName.startsWith("ejbFind")) {
163                 // check if it's a finder method
// such change is allowed, but warnings are displayed
// that home/localhome methods are changed, too
isCmpImplFinder = true;
167                 Method finderInHome =
168                         Utility.getHomeFinderMethodForImplFinderMethod(method, fo, className, false);
169                 checkMethodInInterface(problem, finderInHome, "home");
170                 Method finderInLocalHome =
171                         Utility .getHomeFinderMethodForImplFinderMethod(method, fo, className, true);
172                 checkMethodInInterface(problem, finderInLocalHome, "local home");
173             } else {
174                 // check if it's a home method
// such change is allowed, but warnings are displayed
// that home/localhome methods are changed, too
Method homeInHome =
178                         Utility.getHomeHomeMethodForEntityImplHomeMethod(method, fo, className, false);
179                 checkMethodInInterface(problem, homeInHome, "home");
180                 Method homeInLocalHome =
181                         Utility.getHomeHomeMethodForEntityImplHomeMethod(method, fo, className, true);
182                 checkMethodInInterface(problem, homeInLocalHome, "local home");
183             }
184         }
185     }
187     private void checkMessageDrivenBeanImpl(Problem[] problem, Method method, ClassDefinition jc) {
188         // check if we are trying to rename a method from javax.ejb.MessageDrivenBean interface,
// and do not allow this
if (Utility.isSignatureFromMessageDrivenBeanInterface(method)) {
191             addFatalProblem(problem, "TXT_EjbJarMethodInJavaxInterfaceProblemChangeParam",
192                     Utility.MESSAGE_DRIVEN_BEAN);
193         }
194         if (jc.isSubTypeOf(Utility.resolveRealClass(Utility.MESSAGE_LISTENER))) {
195             if (Utility.isSignatureFromMessageListenerInterface(method)) {
196                 addFatalProblem(problem, "TXT_EjbJarMethodInJavaxInterfaceProblemChangeParam",
197                         Utility.MESSAGE_LISTENER);
199             }
200         }
201     }
203     private void addFatalProblem(Problem[] problem, String JavaDoc resName, String JavaDoc param) {
204         String JavaDoc msg = NbBundle.getMessage(EjbJarChangeParamRefactoring.class, resName, param);
205         problem[0] = Utility.addProblemsToEnd(problem[0], new Problem(true, msg));
206     }
208     private void checkHomeInterface(Problem[] problem, Method method, FileObject fo, ClassDefinition classDefinition,
209             boolean local) {
210         String JavaDoc methodName = method.getName();
211         String JavaDoc className = classDefinition.getName();
212         if (methodName.startsWith(Utility.PREFIX_CREATE)) {
213             // check renaming create method
// such change is allowed, but warnings are displayed that home/local home methods are changed, too
Method createInImpl = Utility.getImplCreateMethodForHomeCreateMethod(method, fo, className, local);
216             if (checkCreateInSession(problem, fo, createInImpl)) {
217                 return;
218             }
219             checkMethodInImpl(problem, createInImpl);
220             Method createInHome = Utility.getHomeCreateMethodForHomeCreateMethod(method, fo, className, !local);
221             checkMethodInInterface(problem, createInHome);
222             Method postCreateInImpl =
223                     Utility.getImplPostCreateMethodForHomeCreateMethod(method, fo, className, local);
224             checkMethodInImpl(problem, postCreateInImpl);
225         } else if (methodName.startsWith("find")) {
226             // check renaming some finder method
// this is allowed with some restrictions and finders in implclass/home need to be renamed, too
if (local) {
229                 isCmpLocalHomeFinder = true;
230             } else {
231                 isCmpHomeFinder = true;
232             }
233             Method finderInImpl = Utility.getImplFinderMethodForHomeFinderMethod(method, fo, className, local);
234             checkMethodInImpl(problem, finderInImpl);
235             Method finderInHome = Utility.getHomeFinderMethodForHomeFinderMethod(method, fo, className, !local);
236             checkMethodInInterface(problem, finderInHome);
237         } else {
238             // check renaming some home method
// this is allowed with some restrictions and homes in implclass/home need to be renamed, too
Method homeInImpl = Utility.getImplHomeMethodForHomeHomeMethod(method, fo, className, local);
241             checkMethodInImpl(problem, homeInImpl);
242             Method homeInHome = Utility.getHomeHomeMethodForHomeHomeMethod(method, fo, className, !local);
243             checkMethodInInterface(problem, homeInHome);
244         }
245     }
247     private boolean checkCreateInSession(Problem[] problem, FileObject fo, Method createInImpl) {
248         if (createInImpl == null || !createInImpl.getName().equals(Utility.PREFIX_EJBCREATE)) {
249             return false;
250         }
251         ClassDefinition implClass = createInImpl.getDeclaringClass();
252         if (!Utility.isSubTypeOf(implClass, Utility.SESSION_BEAN)) {
253             return false;
254         }
255         List JavaDoc parameters = createInImpl.getParameters();
256         if (parameters != null && parameters.size() > 0) {
257             return false;
258         }
259         EnterpriseBeans enterpriseBeans = Utility.getEnterpriseBeansFromDD(fo);
260         if (enterpriseBeans == null) {
261             return false;
262         }
263         Session[] sessions = enterpriseBeans.getSession();
264         if (sessions == null) {
265             return false;
266         }
267         for (int i = 0; i < sessions.length; i++) {
268             Session session = sessions[i];
269             String JavaDoc className = implClass.getName();
270             if (session.getEjbClass().equals(className)) {
271                 if (Session.SESSION_TYPE_STATELESS.equals(session.getSessionType())) {
272                     String JavaDoc msg = NbBundle.getMessage(EjbJarChangeParamRefactoring.class, "TXT_EjbJarCreateMethodErrorChangeParam");
273                     problem[0] = Utility.addProblemsToEnd(problem[0], new Problem(true, msg));
274                     return true;
275                 } else {
276                     Method createInHome = Utility.getMethodInHomeClassForImpl(fo, Session.class, className,
277                             Utility.PREFIX_CREATE, parameters, false);
278                     checkMethodInInterface(problem, createInHome, "home");
279                     Method createInLocalHome = Utility.getMethodInHomeClassForImpl(fo, Session.class, className,
280                             Utility.PREFIX_CREATE, parameters, true);
281                     checkMethodInInterface(problem, createInLocalHome, "local home");
282                     return true;
283                 }
284             }
285         }
286         return false;
287     }
289     private boolean checkMethod(List JavaDoc refactorings, Problem problem[], Method method, String JavaDoc resName, String JavaDoc param) {
290         if (method != null) {
291             ChangeParametersRefactoring refactoring = new ChangeParametersRefactoring(method);
292             problem[0] = Utility.addProblemsToEnd(problem[0], refactoring.preCheck());
293             refactorings.add(refactoring);
294             if (resName != null) {
295                 String JavaDoc msg;
296                 if (param != null) {
297                     msg = NbBundle.getMessage(EjbJarChangeParamRefactoring.class, resName, param);
298                 } else {
299                     msg = NbBundle.getMessage(EjbJarChangeParamRefactoring.class, resName);
300                 }
301                 problem[0] = Utility.addProblemsToEnd(problem[0], new Problem(false, msg));
302             }
303             return true;
304         } else {
305             return false;
306         }
307     }
310     private boolean checkMethodInImpl(Problem[] problem, Method method) {
311         return checkMethod(implRefactors, problem, method, null, null);
312     }
314     private void checkMethodInImpl(Problem[] problem, Method postCreateInImpl, String JavaDoc resName) {
315         checkMethod(implRefactors, problem, postCreateInImpl, resName, null);
316     }
318     private boolean checkMethodInInterface(Problem[] problem, Method method) {
319         return checkMethod(ifaceRefactors, problem, method, null, null);
320     }
322     private boolean checkMethodInInterface(Problem[] problem, Method method, String JavaDoc interfaceName) {
323         return checkMethod(ifaceRefactors, problem, method, "TXT_EjbJarIfaceMethodWarningChangeParam", interfaceName);
324     }
326     public Problem fastCheckParameters(RefObject refObject) {
327 // if ((javaClass != null) && !(javaClass instanceof UnresolvedClass)) {
// err.log("resolved class: " + javaClass);
// }
return null;
332     }
334     public Problem checkParameters(RefObject refObject) {
335         return fastCheckParameters(refObject);
336     }
338     public Problem prepare(AbstractRefactoring refactoring, RefObject refObject, ParameterInfo[] paramInfo,
339             int modifier, RefactoringElementsBag refactoringElements) {
340         RefactoringSession session = refactoringElements.getSession();
341         Problem problem = null;
342         if (refObject instanceof Method) {
343             Method method = (Method) refObject;
344             if (isChanged(method, paramInfo)) {
345                 processFinderMethods(refactoring, method, paramInfo, refactoringElements);
346             }
347             for (int i = 0; i < ifaceRefactors.size(); i++) {
348                 problem = prepareRefactoring((ChangeParametersRefactoring) ifaceRefactors.get(i), modifier, paramInfo,
349                         session, problem);
350             }
351             for (int i = 0; i < implRefactors.size(); i++) {
352                 problem = prepareRefactoring((ChangeParametersRefactoring) implRefactors.get(i), modifier, paramInfo,
353                         session, problem);
354             }
355         }
356         return problem;
357     }
359     private void processFinderMethods(AbstractRefactoring refactoring, Method method, ParameterInfo[] paramInfo,
360             RefactoringElementsBag refactoringElements) {
361         if (isCmpImplFinder || isCmpHomeFinder || isCmpLocalHomeFinder) {
362             String JavaDoc methodName = method.getName();
363             if (isCmpImplFinder) {
364                 methodName = methodName.substring(9, 10).toLowerCase() + methodName.substring(10);
365             }
366             err.log("method name: " + methodName);
368             FileObject fo = JavaModel.getFileObject(method.getResource());
369             if (fo == null) {
370                 return;
371             }
372             Project prj = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(fo);
373             if (prj == null) {
374                 return;
375             }
376             org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.api.ejbjar.EjbJar emod =
377                     org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.api.ejbjar.EjbJar.getEjbJar(prj.getProjectDirectory());
378             ClassDefinition declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
379             err.log("classdefinition jc: " + declaringClass);
380             if (declaringClass instanceof JavaClass) {
381                 Entity[] eBeans = Utility.getEntityBeans(emod);
382                 EjbJar ejbJarDD = Utility.getEjbJar(emod);
383                 if ((eBeans != null) && (ejbJarDD != null)) {
384                     for (int i = 0; i < eBeans.length; i++) {
385                         Entity entity = eBeans[i];
386                         if (isCmpImplFinder) {
387                             prepareQueries(declaringClass, entity.getEjbClass(), entity, methodName, ejbJarDD,
388                                     paramInfo, emod, refactoringElements, refactoring);
389                         } else {
390                             if (isCmpHomeFinder) {
391                                 prepareQueries(declaringClass, entity.getHome(), entity, methodName, ejbJarDD,
392                                         paramInfo, emod, refactoringElements, refactoring);
393                             }
394                             if (isCmpLocalHomeFinder) {
395                                 prepareQueries(declaringClass, entity.getLocalHome(), entity, methodName, ejbJarDD,
396                                         paramInfo, emod, refactoringElements, refactoring);
397                             }
398                         }
399                     }
400                 }
401             }
402         }
403     }
405     private Problem prepareRefactoring(ChangeParametersRefactoring chr, int modifier,
406             ParameterInfo[] paramInfo, RefactoringSession session, Problem problem) {
407         chr.setModifiers(modifier);
408         chr.setParameterInfo(paramInfo);
409         Problem p = chr.prepare(session);
410         problem = Utility.addProblemsToEnd(problem, p);
411         return problem;
412     }
414     private void prepareQueries(ClassDefinition jc, String JavaDoc ejbClass, Entity entity, String JavaDoc methodName, EjbJar ejbJarDD,
415             ParameterInfo[] paramInfo, org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.api.ejbjar.EjbJar emod,
416             RefactoringElementsBag refactoringElements, AbstractRefactoring refactoring) {
417         if (jc.getName().equals(ejbClass)) {
418             Query[] queries = entity.getQuery();
419             for (int q=0; q<queries.length; q++) {
420                 QueryMethod qm = queries[q].getQueryMethod();
421                 err.log("query method: " + qm);
422                 if (methodName.equals(qm.getMethodName())) {
423                     RefactoringElementImplementation elem =
424                             new EjbJarFinderMethodChangeParamsRefactoringElement(ejbJarDD, methodName, paramInfo, entity, emod.getDeploymentDescriptor());
425                     refactoringElements.add(refactoring, elem);
426                 }
427             }
428         }
429     }
431     public final class EjbJarFinderMethodChangeParamsRefactoringElement extends AbstractChangeParamsRefactoringElement
432             implements ExternalChange {
433         protected EjbJar ejbJarDD;
434         private Entity entity;
435         private String JavaDoc[] oldParams = new String JavaDoc[]{};
437         /**
438          * Creates a new instance of EjbJarFinderMethodChangeParamsRefactoringElement
439          */

440         public EjbJarFinderMethodChangeParamsRefactoringElement(EjbJar ejbJarDD, String JavaDoc methodName,
441                 ParameterInfo[] paramInfo, Entity entity, FileObject parentFile) {
442             this.ejbJarDD = ejbJarDD;
443             this.entity = entity;
444             this.methodName = methodName;
445             this.paramInfo = paramInfo;
446             this.parentFile = parentFile;
447         }
449         /**
450          * Returns text describing the refactoring formatted for display (using HTML tags).
451          *
452          * @return Formatted text.
453          */

454         public String JavaDoc getDisplayText() {
455             Object JavaDoc[] args = new Object JavaDoc []{parentFile.getNameExt(), methodName};
456             return MessageFormat.format(NbBundle.getMessage(EjbJarChangeParamRefactoring.class,
457                     "TXT_EjbJarFinderMethodChangeParam"), args);
458         }
460         /**
461          * Performs the change represented by this refactoring element.
462          */

463         public void performChange() {
464             JavaMetamodel.getManager().registerExtChange(this);
465         }
467         public void performExternalChange() {
468             Query[] queries = entity.getQuery();
469             for (int q = 0; q < queries.length; q++) {
470                 QueryMethod qm = queries[q].getQueryMethod();
471                 if (methodName.equals(qm.getMethodName())) {
472                     MethodParams mp = qm.getMethodParams();
473                     if (mp != null) {
474                         oldParams = mp.getMethodParam();
475                         String JavaDoc[] newParams = getNewParameters(paramInfo, oldParams);
476                         if (newParams != null) {
477                             mp.setMethodParam(newParams);
478                         }
479                     }
480                     try {
481                         ejbJarDD.write(parentFile);
482                     } catch (IOException JavaDoc ioe) {
483                         //TODO
485                 }
486             }
487         }
489         public void undoExternalChange() {
490             Query[] queries = entity.getQuery();
491             for (int q = 0; q < queries.length; q++) {
492                 QueryMethod qm = queries[q].getQueryMethod();
493                 if (methodName.equals(qm.getMethodName())) {
494                     MethodParams mp = qm.getMethodParams();
495                     if (mp != null) {
496                         if (oldParams != null) {
497                             mp.setMethodParam(oldParams);
498                         }
499                     }
500                     try {
501                         ejbJarDD.write(parentFile);
502                     } catch (IOException JavaDoc ioe) {
503                         //TODO
505                 }
506             }
507         }
508     }
510     /** Checks if the parameters changed (name of parameter is not checked, as it's not reflected */
511     private static boolean isChanged(Method method, ParameterInfo[] paramInfo) {
512         if ((paramInfo != null)) {
513             if (paramInfo.length < method.getParameters().size()) { // parameter was removed
return true;
515             }
516             if ((paramInfo.length > 0)) {
517                 for (int i=0; i<paramInfo.length; i++) {
518                     ParameterInfo pi = paramInfo[i];
519                     if ((pi.getDefaultValue() != null) ||
520                         (pi.getOriginalIndex() != i) ||
521                         (pi.getType() != null)
522                        ) {
523                         return true;
524                     }
525                 }
526             }
527         }
528         return false;
529     }
531     private static String JavaDoc[] getNewParameters(ParameterInfo[] paramInfo, String JavaDoc[] methodParams) {
532         String JavaDoc[] newParams = new String JavaDoc[paramInfo.length];
533         if ((paramInfo != null) && (paramInfo.length > 0)) {
534             for (int i=0; i<paramInfo.length; i++) {
535                 ParameterInfo pi = paramInfo[i];
536                 Type newParamType = pi.getType();
537                 if (newParamType == null) {
538                     newParams[i] = methodParams[pi.getOriginalIndex()];
539                 } else {
540                     newParams[i] = newParamType.getName();
541                 }
542             }
543         }
544         return newParams;
545     }
546 }
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