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Java > Open Source Codes > org > jscience > mathematics > numbers > Real

1 /*
2  * JScience - Java(TM) Tools and Libraries for the Advancement of Sciences.
3  * Copyright (C) 2006 - JScience (
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is
7  * freely granted, provided that this notice is preserved.
8  */

9 package org.jscience.mathematics.numbers;
11 import org.jscience.mathematics.structures.Field;
13 import javolution.lang.MathLib;
14 import javolution.context.LocalContext;
15 import javolution.text.Text;
16 import javolution.text.TypeFormat;
17 import javolution.xml.XMLFormat;
18 import;
20 /**
21  * <p> This class represents a real number of arbitrary precision with
22  * known/guaranteed uncertainty. A real number consists of a
23  * {@link #getMantissa mantissa}, a maximum {@link #getError error}
24  * (on the mantissa) and a decimal {@link #getExponent exponent}:
25  * (<code>(mantissa ± error) · 10<sup>exponent</sup></code>).</p>
26  *
27  * <p> Reals number can be {@link #isExact exact} (e.g. integer values
28  * scaled by a power of ten). Exactness is maintained for
29  * {@link org.jscience.mathematics.structures.Ring Ring} operations
30  * (e.g. addition, multiplication), but typically lost when a
31  * multiplicative {@link #inverse()} is calculated. The minimum
32  * precision for an exact number is set by
33  * {@link #setExactMinimumPrecision(int)} ({@link
34  * javolution.context.LocalContext context local} setting, default
35  * <code>19</code> digits).<p>
36  *
37  * <p> The actual {@link #getPrecision precision} and {@link #getAccuracy
38  * accuracy} of any real number is available and <b>guaranteed</b>
39  * (the true/exact value is always within the precision/accuracy range).</p>
40  *
41  * <p> Operations on instances of this class are quite fast
42  * as information substantially below the precision level (aka noise)
43  * is not processed/stored. There is no limit on a real precision
44  * but precision degenerates (due to numeric errors) and calculations
45  * accelerate as more and more operations are performed.</p>
46  *
47  * <p> Instances of this class can be utilized to find approximate
48  * solutions to linear equations using the
49  * {@link org.jscience.mathematics.vectors.Matrix Matrix} class for which
50  * high-precision reals is often required, the primitive type
51  * <code>double</code> being not accurate enough to resolve equations
52  * when the matrix's size exceeds 100x100. Furthermore, even for small
53  * matrices the "qualified" result is indicative of possible system
54  * singularities.</p>
55  *
56  * @author <a HREF="">Jean-Marie Dautelle</a>
57  * @version 3.3, January 8, 2006
58  * @see <a HREF="">
59  * Wikipedia: Real number</a>
60  */

61 public final class Real extends Number JavaDoc<Real> implements Field<Real> {
63     /**
64      * Holds the default XML representation for real numbers.
65      * This representation consists of a simple <code>value</code> attribute
66      * holding the {@link #toText() textual} representation.
67      */

68     protected static final XMLFormat<Real> XML = new XMLFormat<Real>(Real.class) {
70         @Override JavaDoc
71         public Real newInstance(Class JavaDoc<Real> cls, InputElement xml) throws XMLStreamException {
72             return Real.valueOf(xml.getAttribute("value"));
73         }
75         public void write(Real real, OutputElement xml) throws XMLStreamException {
76              xml.setAttribute("value", real.toText());
77          }
79          public void read(InputElement xml, Real real) {
80              // Nothing to do, immutable.
82      };
84     /**
85      * Holds a Not-a-Number instance (infinite error).
86      */

87     public static final Real NaN = new Real(); // Unique (0 ± 1E2147483647)
static {
89         NaN._mantissa = LargeInteger.ZERO;
90         NaN._error = LargeInteger.ONE;
91         NaN._exponent = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
92     }
94     /**
95      * Holds the exact ZERO instance.
96      */

97     public static final Real ZERO = new Real();
98     static {
99         ZERO._mantissa = LargeInteger.ZERO;
100         ZERO._error = LargeInteger.ZERO;
101         ZERO._exponent = 0;
102     }
104     /**
105      * Holds the exact ONE instance.
106      */

107     public static final Real ONE = new Real();
108     static {
109         ZERO._mantissa = LargeInteger.ONE;
110         ZERO._error = LargeInteger.ZERO;
111         ZERO._exponent = 0;
112     }
114     /**
115      * Holds local precision for exact number.
116      */

117     private static final LocalContext.Reference<Integer JavaDoc> EXACT_PRECISION =
118         new LocalContext.Reference<Integer JavaDoc>(new Integer JavaDoc(19));
120     /**
121      * The mantissa value.
122      */

123     private LargeInteger _mantissa;
125     /**
126      * The mantissa error (0 for exact number).
127      */

128     private LargeInteger _error;
130     /**
131      * The decimal exponent.
132      */

133     private int _exponent;
135     /**
136      * Default constructor.
137      */

138     private Real() {
139     }
141     /**
142      * Returns the {@link javolution.context.LocalContext local} minimum
143      * precision when exact numbers have to be approximated.
144      *
145      * @return the minimum number of digits assumed exact for {@link #isExact
146      * exact} real numbers.
147      */

148     public static int getExactMinimumPrecision() {
149         return EXACT_PRECISION.get();
150     }
152     /**
153      * Sets the {@link javolution.context.LocalContext local} minimum precision
154      * when exact numbers have to be approximated.
155      *
156      * @param precision the minimum number of digits assumed exact for
157      * {@link #isExact exact} numbers.
158      */

159     public static void setExactMinimumPrecision(int precision) {
160         EXACT_PRECISION.set(precision);
161     }
163     /**
164      * Returns a real having the specified mantissa, error and exponent values.
165      * If the error is <code>0</code>, the real is assumed exact.
166      * For example:[code]
167      *
168      * // x = 0.0 ± 0.01
169      * Real x = Real.valueOf(LargeInteger.ZERO, LargeInteger.ONE, -2);
170      *
171      * // y = -12.3 exact
172      * Real y = Real.valueOf(LargeInteger.valueOf("-123"), LargeInteger.ZERO, -1);
173      *
174      * [/code]
175      *
176      * @param mantissa this real mantissa.
177      * @param error the maximum error on the mantissa.
178      * @param exponent the decimal exponent.
179      * @return <code>(mantissa ± error)·10<sup>exponent</sup>)</code>
180      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>error < 0</code>
181      */

182     public static Real valueOf(LargeInteger mantissa, LargeInteger error,
183             int exponent) {
184         if (error.isNegative())
185             throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("Error cannot be negative");
186         Real real = FACTORY.object();
187         real._mantissa = mantissa;
188         real._error = error;
189         real._exponent = exponent;
190         return real;
191     }
193     /**
194      * Returns the real number (inexact except for <code>0.0</code>)
195      * corresponding to the specified <code>double</code> value.
196      * The error is derived from the inexact representation of
197      * <code>double</code> values intrinsic to the 64 bits IEEE 754 format.
198      *
199      * @param doubleValue the <code>double</code> value to convert.
200      * @return the corresponding real number.
201      */

202     public static Real valueOf(double doubleValue) {
203         if (doubleValue == 0.0)
204             return Real.ZERO;
205         // Find the exponent e such as: value == * 10^e
int e = MathLib.floorLog10(doubleValue) - 18 + 1; // 18 digits mantissa.
long mantissa = MathLib.toLongPow10(doubleValue, -e);
208         int error = (int) MathLib.toLongPow10(Math.ulp(doubleValue), -e) + 1;
209         return
210            Real.valueOf(LargeInteger.valueOf(mantissa), LargeInteger.valueOf(error), e);
211     }
214     /**
215      * Returns the exact real number corresponding to the specified
216      * <code>long</code> value (convenience method).
217      *
218      * @param longValue the exact long value.
219      * @return <code>Real.valueOf(LargeInteger.valueOf(longValue), 0, 0)</code>
220      */

221     public static Real valueOf(long longValue) {
222          return Real.valueOf(LargeInteger.valueOf(longValue), LargeInteger.ZERO, 0);
223     }
225     /**
226      * Returns the real for the specified character sequence.
227      * If the precision is not specified (using the <code>±</code> symbol),
228      * the real is supposed exact. Example of valid character sequences:
229      * <li>"1.2E3" (1200 exact)</li>
230      * <li>"1.2E3±1E-2" (1200 ± 0.01)</li></ul>
231      *
232      * @param chars the character sequence.
233      * @return the corresponding real number.
234      * @throws NumberFormatException if the character sequence does not contain
235      * a parsable real.
236      */

237     public static Real valueOf(CharSequence JavaDoc chars) throws NumberFormatException JavaDoc {
238         Text txt = Text.valueOf(chars); // TODO Use TextFormat...
if ((txt.length() == 3) && (txt.indexOf("NaN", 0) == 0))
240             return NaN;
241         if (txt.equals("0")) return ZERO;
242         int exponentIndex = txt.indexOf("E", 0);
243         if (exponentIndex >= 0) {
244             int exponent = TypeFormat.parseInt(txt.subtext(
245                     exponentIndex + 1, txt.length()));
246             Real r = valueOf(txt.subtext(0, exponentIndex));
247             if (r == ZERO)
248                 return valueOf(LargeInteger.ZERO, LargeInteger.ONE, exponent);
249             r._exponent += exponent;
250             return r;
251         }
252         Real real = FACTORY.object();
253         int errorIndex = txt.indexOf("±", 0);
254         if (errorIndex >= 0) {
255             real._mantissa = LargeInteger.valueOf(txt.subtext(0,
256                     errorIndex));
257             real._error = LargeInteger.valueOf(txt.subtext(
258                     errorIndex + 1, txt.length()));
259             if (real._error.isNegative())
260                 throw new NumberFormatException JavaDoc(chars
261                         + " not parsable (error cannot be negative)");
262             real._exponent = 0;
263             return real;
264         }
265         int decimalPointIndex = txt.indexOf(".", 0);
266         if (decimalPointIndex >= 0) {
267             LargeInteger integer = LargeInteger.valueOf(txt.subtext(0,
268                     decimalPointIndex));
269             LargeInteger fraction = LargeInteger.valueOf(txt.subtext(
270                     decimalPointIndex + 1, txt.length()));
271             int fractionDigits = chars.length() - decimalPointIndex - 1;
272             real._mantissa = integer.isNegative() ?
273                     integer.times10pow(fractionDigits).minus(fraction) :
274                     integer.times10pow(fractionDigits).plus(fraction);
275             real._error = LargeInteger.ZERO;
276             real._exponent = -fractionDigits;
277             return real;
278         } else {
279             real._mantissa = LargeInteger.valueOf(chars);
280             real._error = LargeInteger.ZERO;
281             real._exponent = 0;
282             return real;
283         }
284     }
286     /**
287      * Returns this real mantissa.
288      *
289      * @return the mantissa.
290      */

291     public LargeInteger getMantissa() {
292         return _mantissa;
293     }
295     /**
296      * Returns the maximum error (positive) on this real mantissa.
297      *
298      * @return the maximum error on the mantissa.
299      */

300     public LargeInteger getError() {
301         return _error;
302     }
304     /**
305      * Returns the exponent of the power of 10 multiplier.
306      *
307      * @return the decimal exponent.
308      */

309     public int getExponent() {
310         return _exponent;
311     }
313     /**
314      * Indicates if this real number is exact (<code>{@link #getError() error}
315      * == 0</code>).
316      *
317      * @return <code>getError() == 0</code>
318      */

319     public boolean isExact() {
320         return _error.isZero();
321     }
323     /**
324      * Returns the number of decimal digits guaranteed exact which appear to
325      * the right of the decimal point (absolute error).
326      *
327      * @return a measure of the absolute error of this real number.
328      */

329     public int getAccuracy() {
330         if (_error.isZero()) return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
331         if (this == NaN) return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
332         return -_exponent - _error.digitLength();
333     }
335     /**
336      * Returns the total number of decimal digits guaranteed exact
337      * (relative error).
338      *
339      * @return a measure of the relative error of this real number.
340      */

341     public final int getPrecision() {
342         if (_error.isZero()) return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
343         if (this == NaN) return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
344         return _mantissa.digitLength() - _error.digitLength();
345     }
347     /**
348      * Indicates if this real is greater than zero.
349      *
350      * @return <code>this > 0</code>
351      */

352     public boolean isPositive() {
353         return _mantissa.isPositive();
354     }
356     /**
357      * Indicates if this real is less than zero.
358      *
359      * @return <code>this < 0</code>
360      */

361     public boolean isNegative() {
362         return _mantissa.isNegative();
363     }
365     /**
366      * Indicates if this real is Not-a-Number (unbounded value interval).
367      *
368      * @return <code>true</code> if this number has unbounded value interval;
369      * <code>false</code> otherwise.
370      */

371     public boolean isNaN() {
372         return this == NaN;
373     }
375     /**
376      * Indicates if this real approximates the one specified.
377      * This method takes into account possible errors (e.g. numeric
378      * errors) to make this determination.
379      *
380      * <p>Note: This method returns <code>true</code> if <code>this</code> or
381      * <code>that</code> {@link #isNaN} (basically Not-A-Number
382      * approximates anything).</p>
383      *
384      * @param that the real to compare with.
385      * @return <code>this &asymp; that</code>
386      */

387     public boolean approximates(Real that) {
388         Real diff = this.minus(that);
389         if (diff == NaN) return false;
390         return diff._error.isLargerThan(diff._mantissa);
391     }
393     /**
394      * Converts this real to a {@link LargeInteger} instance.
395      * Any fractional part of this real is discarded.
396      *
397      * @return the integer part of this real.
398      * @throws ArithmeticException if <code>this.isNaN()</code>
399      */

400     public LargeInteger toLargeInteger() {
401         if (this == NaN)
402             throw new ArithmeticException JavaDoc("Cannot convert NaN to integer value");
403         return _mantissa.times10pow(_exponent);
404     }
406     /**
407      * Returns the negation of this real number.
408      *
409      * @return <code>-this</code>.
410      */

411     public Real opposite() {
412         if (this == NaN) return NaN;
413         Real real = FACTORY.object();
414         real._mantissa = _mantissa.opposite();
415         real._exponent = _exponent;
416         real._error = _error;
417         return real;
418     }
420     /**
421      * Returns the sum of this real number with the one specified.
422      *
423      * @param that the real to be added.
424      * @return <code>this + that</code>.
425      */

426     public Real plus(Real that) {
427         if ((this == NaN) || (that == NaN)) return NaN;
428         if (this._exponent > that._exponent)
429             return; // Adds to the real with smallest exponent.
int scale = that._exponent - this._exponent; // >= 0
Real real = (Real) FACTORY.object();
432         real._exponent = _exponent;
433         real._mantissa =;
434         real._error =;
435         return real;
436     }
438     /**
439      * Returns the difference between this real number and the one
440      * specified.
441      *
442      * @param that the real to be subtracted.
443      * @return <code>this - that</code>.
444      */

445     public Real minus(Real that) {
446         return;
447     }
449     /**
450      * Returns the product of this real number with the specified
451      * <code>long</code> multiplier.
452      *
453      * @param multiplier the <code>long</code> multiplier.
454      * @return <code>this · multiplier</code>.
455      */

456     public Real times(long multiplier) {
457         if (this == NaN) return NaN;
458         Real real = FACTORY.object();
459         real._exponent = this._exponent;
460         real._mantissa = this._mantissa.times(multiplier);
461         real._error = this._error.times(multiplier);
462         return real;
463     }
465     /**
466      * Returns the product of this real number with the one specified.
467      *
468      * @param that the real multiplier.
469      * @return <code>this · that</code>.
470      */

471     public Real times(Real that) {
472         if ((this == NaN) || (that == NaN)) return NaN;
473         long exp = ((long) this._exponent) + that._exponent;
474         if (exp > Integer.MAX_VALUE || (exp < Integer.MIN_VALUE))
475             return NaN; // Exponent overflow.
LargeInteger thisMin = this._mantissa.minus(this._error);
477         LargeInteger thisMax =;
478         LargeInteger thatMin = that._mantissa.minus(that._error);
479         LargeInteger thatMax =;
480         LargeInteger min, max;
481         if (thisMin.compareTo(thisMax.opposite()) > 0) {
482             if (thatMin.compareTo(thatMax.opposite()) > 0) {
483                 min = thisMin.times(thatMin);
484                 max = thisMax.times(thatMax);
485             } else {
486                 min = thisMax.times(thatMin);
487                 max = thisMin.times(thatMax);
488             }
489         } else {
490             if (thatMin.compareTo(thatMax.opposite()) > 0) {
491                 min = thisMin.times(thatMax);
492                 max = thisMax.times(thatMin);
493             } else {
494                 min = thisMax.times(thatMax);
495                 max = thisMin.times(thatMin);
496             }
497         }
498         Real real = FACTORY.object();
499         real._exponent = (int) exp;
500         real._mantissa =;
501         real._error = max.minus(min);
502         return real;
503     }
505     /**
506      * Returns this real number divided by the specified <code>int</code>
507      * divisor.
508      *
509      * @param divisor the <code>int</code> divisor.
510      * @return <code>this / divisor</code>
511      */

512     public Real divide(long divisor) {
513         return this.divide(Real.valueOf(divisor));
514     }
516     /**
517      * Returns this real number divided by the one specified.
518      *
519      * @param that the real divisor.
520      * @return <code>this / that</code>.
521      * @throws ArithmeticException if <code>that.equals(ZERO)</code>
522      */

523     public Real divide(Real that) {
524         return this.times(that.inverse());
525     }
527     /**
528      * Returns the reciprocal (or inverse) of this real number.
529      *
530      * @return <code>1 / this</code>.
531      */

532     public Real inverse() {
533         if ((this == NaN) || (this == ZERO))
534             return NaN;
535         if (this.isExact()) return this.toInexact().inverse();
536         LargeInteger thisMin = this._mantissa.minus(this._error);
537         LargeInteger thisMax =;
538         if (thisMin.isNegative() && thisMax.isPositive()) // Encompasses 0
return NaN;
540         int digits = MathLib.max(thisMin.digitLength(), thisMax.digitLength());
541         long exp = ((long) -this._exponent) - digits - digits;
542         if ((exp > Integer.MAX_VALUE || (exp < Integer.MIN_VALUE)))
543             return NaN; // Exponent overflow.
LargeInteger min = div(2 * digits, thisMax);
545         LargeInteger max = div(2 * digits, thisMin);
546         Real real = (Real) FACTORY.object();
547         real._exponent = (int) exp;
548         real._mantissa =;
549         real._error = max.minus(min).plus(LargeInteger.ONE);
550         return real;
551     }
552     private static LargeInteger div(int exp, LargeInteger mantissa) {
553         int expBitLength = (int) (exp * DIGITS_TO_BITS);
554         int precision = expBitLength - mantissa.bitLength() + 1;
555         LargeInteger reciprocal = mantissa.inverseScaled(precision);
556         LargeInteger result = reciprocal.times10pow(exp);
557         return result.shiftRight(expBitLength + 1);
558     }
559     private static final double DIGITS_TO_BITS = MathLib.LOG10 / MathLib.LOG2;
561     private Real toInexact() {
562         int precision = Real.getExactMinimumPrecision();
563         Real z = FACTORY.object();
564         z._mantissa = _mantissa.times10pow(precision);
565         z._error = LargeInteger.ONE;
566         z._exponent = _exponent - precision;
567         return z;
568     }
570     /**
571      * Returns the absolute value of this real number.
572      *
573      * @return <code>|this|</code>.
574      */

575     public Real abs() {
576         return _mantissa.isNegative() ? this.opposite() : this;
577     }
579     /**
580      * Compares the absolute value of two real numbers.
581      *
582      * @param that the real number to be compared with.
583      * @return <code>|this| > |that|</code>
584      */

585     public boolean isLargerThan(Real that) {
586         return this.abs().compareTo(that.abs()) > 0;
587     }
589     /**
590      * Returns the square root of this real number, the more accurate is this
591      * real number, the more accurate the square root.
592      *
593      * @return the positive square root of this real number.
594      */

595     public Real sqrt() {
596         if (this == NaN) return NaN;
597         if (this.isExact()) return this.toInexact().sqrt();
598         LargeInteger thisMin = this._mantissa.minus(this._error);
599         LargeInteger thisMax =;
600         if (thisMin.isNegative()) return NaN;
601         int exponent = _exponent >> 1;
602         if ((_exponent & 1) == 1) { // Odd exponent.
thisMin = thisMin.times10pow(1);
604             thisMax = thisMax.times10pow(1);
605         }
606         LargeInteger minSqrt = thisMin.sqrt();
607         LargeInteger maxSqrt = thisMax.sqrt().plus(LargeInteger.ONE);
608         LargeInteger sqrt =;
609         Real z = FACTORY.object();
610         z._mantissa = sqrt;
611         z._error = maxSqrt.minus(sqrt);
612         z._exponent = exponent;
613         return z;
614     }
616     /**
617      * Returns the decimal text representation of this number.
618      *
619      * @return the text representation of this number.
620      */

621     public Text toText() {
622         if (this == NaN) return Text.valueOf("NaN");
623         if (this == ZERO) return Text.valueOf("0");
624         int errorDigits = _error.digitLength();
625         LargeInteger m = (_mantissa.isPositive()) ?
626                 .times10pow(errorDigits - 1)) :
627                 .times10pow(errorDigits - 1));
628         m = m.times10pow(-errorDigits);
629         int exp = _exponent + errorDigits;
630         Text txt = m.toText();
631         int digits = (m.isNegative()) ? txt.length() - 1 : txt.length();
632         if (digits > 1) {
633             if ((exp < 0) && (-exp < digits)) {
634                 txt = txt.insert(txt.length() + exp, Text.valueOf('.'));
635             } else { // Scientific notation.
txt = txt.insert(txt.length() - digits + 1, Text.valueOf('.'));
637                 txt = txt.concat(Text.valueOf('E')).concat(Text.valueOf(exp + digits - 1));
638             }
639         } else {
640             txt = txt.concat(Text.valueOf('E')).concat(Text.valueOf(exp));
641         }
642         return txt;
643     }
644     private static final LargeInteger FIVE = LargeInteger.valueOf(5).moveHeap();
645     private static final LargeInteger MINUS_FIVE = LargeInteger.valueOf(-5).moveHeap();
647     /**
648      * Compares this real number against the specified object.
649      *
650      * <p>Note: This method returns <code>true</code> if <code>this</code> or
651      * <code>that</code> {@link #isNaN is Not-A-Number}, even though
652      * <code>Double.NaN == Double.NaN</code> has the value
653      * <code>false</code>.</p>
654      *
655      * @param that the object to compare with.
656      * @return <code>true</code> if the objects are two reals with same
657      * mantissa, error and exponent;<code>false</code> otherwise.
658      */

659     public boolean equals(Object JavaDoc that) {
660         if (this == that) return true;
661         if (!(that instanceof Real))
662             return false;
663         Real thatReal = (Real) that;
664         return this._mantissa.equals(thatReal._mantissa) && this._error.equals(thatReal._error)
665               && (this._exponent == thatReal._exponent);
666     }
668     /**
669      * Returns the hash code for this real number.
670      *
671      * @return the hash code value.
672      */

673     public int hashCode() {
674         return _mantissa.hashCode() + _error.hashCode() + _exponent * 31;
675     }
677     /**
678      * Returns the value of this real number as a <code>long</code>.
679      *
680      * @return the numeric value represented by this real after conversion
681      * to type <code>long</code>.
682      */

683     public long longValue() {
684         return (long) doubleValue();
685     }
687     /**
688      * Returns the value of this real number as a <code>double</code>.
689      *
690      * @return the numeric value represented by this real after conversion
691      * to type <code>double</code>.
692      */

693     public double doubleValue() {
694         if (this == NaN) return Double.NaN;
695         if (this == ZERO) return 0.0;
696         // Shift the mantissa to a >18 digits integer (long compatible).
int nbrDigits = _mantissa.digitLength();
698         int digitShift = nbrDigits - 18;
699         long reducedMantissa = _mantissa.times10pow(-digitShift).longValue();
700         int exponent = _exponent + digitShift;
701         return MathLib.toDoublePow10(reducedMantissa, exponent);
702     }
704     /**
705      * Compares two real numbers numerically.
706      *
707      * @param that the real to compare with.
708      * @return -1, 0 or 1 as this real is numerically less than, equal to,
709      * or greater than <code>that</code>.
710      * @throws ClassCastException <code>that</code> is not a {@link Real}.
711      */

712     public int compareTo(Real that) {
713         Real diff = this.minus(that);
714         if (diff.isPositive()) {
715             return 1;
716         } else if (diff.isNegative()) {
717             return -1;
718         } else {
719             return 0;
720         }
721     }
723     // Moves additional real-time members.
public boolean move(ObjectSpace os) {
725         if (super.move(os)) {
726             _mantissa.move(os);
727             _error.move(os);
728             return true;
729         }
730         return false;
731     }
733     /**
734      * Holds the factory constructing real instances.
735      */

736     private static final Factory<Real> FACTORY = new Factory<Real>() {
738         public Real create() {
739             return new Real();
740         }
741     };
743     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
745 }
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