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Java > Open Source Codes > org > jscience > mathematics > functions > Polynomial

1 /*
2  * JScience - Java(TM) Tools and Libraries for the Advancement of Sciences.
3  * Copyright (C) 2006 - JScience (
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is
7  * freely granted, provided that this notice is preserved.
8  */

9 package org.jscience.mathematics.functions;
11 import java.util.List JavaDoc;
12 import java.util.Map JavaDoc;
13 import java.util.Set JavaDoc;
15 import org.jscience.mathematics.structures.GroupAdditive;
16 import org.jscience.mathematics.structures.GroupMultiplicative;
17 import org.jscience.mathematics.structures.Ring;
19 import javolution.util.FastMap;
20 import javolution.util.FastTable;
21 import javolution.text.Text;
22 import javolution.text.TextBuilder;
24 /**
25  * <p> This class represents a mathematical expression involving a sum of powers
26  * in one or more {@link Variable variables} multiplied by
27  * coefficients (such as <code>x² + x·y + 3y²</code>).</p>
28  *
29  * <p> Polynomials are characterized by the type of variable they operate
30  * upon. For example:[code]
31  * Variable<Measure<?>> varX = new Variable.Local<Measure<?>>("x");
32  * Polynomial<Measure<?>> x = Polynomial.valueOf(Measure.valueOf(1, SI.METER), varX);
33  * and
34  * Variable<Complex> varX = new Variable.Local<Complex>("x");
35  * Polynomial<Complex> x = Polynomial.valueOf(Complex.ONE, varX);[/code]
36  * are two different polynomials, the first one operates on physical
37  * {@link org.jscience.physics.measures.Measure measures},
38  * whereas the second operates on
39  * {@link org.jscience.mathematics.numbers.Complex complex} numbers.</p>
40  *
41  * <p> Terms (others than {@link Term#ONE ONE}) having zero (additive identity)
42  * for coefficient are automatically removed.</p>
43  *
44  * @author <a HREF="">Jean-Marie Dautelle</a>
45  * @version 3.1, April 1, 2006
46  */

47 public class Polynomial<R extends Ring<R>> extends Function<R, R> implements
48          Ring<Polynomial<R>> {
50     /**
51      * Holds the terms to coefficients mapping
52      * (never empty, holds Term.ONE when constant)
53      */

54     FastMap<Term, R> _termToCoef = new FastMap<Term, R>();
56     /**
57      * Default constructor.
58      */

59     Polynomial() {
60     }
62     /**
63      * Returns an univariate polynomial of degree one with the specified
64      * coefficient multiplier.
65      *
66      * @param coefficient the coefficient for the variable of degree 1.
67      * @param variable the variable for this polynomial.
68      * @return <code>valueOf(coefficient, Term.valueOf(variable, 1))</code>
69      */

70     public static <R extends Ring<R>> Polynomial<R> valueOf(R coefficient,
71             Variable<R> variable) {
72         return valueOf(coefficient, Term.valueOf(variable, 1));
73     }
75     /**
76      * Returns a polynomial corresponding to the specified {@link Term term}
77      * with the specified coefficient multiplier.
78      *
79      * @param coefficient the coefficient multiplier.
80      * @param term the term multiplicand.
81      * @return <code>coefficient * term</code>
82      */

83     public static <R extends Ring<R>> Polynomial<R> valueOf(R coefficient,
84             Term term) {
85         if (term.equals(Term.ONE)) return Constant.valueOf(coefficient);
86         if (isZero(coefficient)) return Constant.valueOf(coefficient);
87         Polynomial<R> p = Polynomial.newInstance();
88         p._termToCoef.put(term, coefficient);
89         return p;
90     }
92     private static boolean isZero(GroupAdditive coefficient) {
93         return coefficient.equals(coefficient.opposite());
94     }
96     /**
97      * Returns the terms of this polynomial.
98      *
99      * @return this polynomial's terms.
100      */

101     public Set JavaDoc<Term> getTerms() {
102         return _termToCoef.unmodifiable().keySet();
103     }
105     /**
106      * Returns the coefficient for the specified term.
107      *
108      * @param term the term for which the coefficient is returned.
109      * @return the coefficient for the specified term or <code>null</code>
110      * if this polynomial does not contain the specified term.
111      */

112     public final R getCoefficient(Term term) {
113         return _termToCoef.get(term);
114     }
116     /**
117      * Returns the order of this polynomial for the specified variable.
118      *
119      * @return the polynomial order relative to the specified variable.
120      */

121     public int getOrder(Variable<R> v) {
122         int order = 0;
123         for (Term term : _termToCoef.keySet()) {
124             int power = term.getPower(v);
125             if (power > order) {
126                 order = power;
127             }
128         }
129         return order;
130     }
132     /**
133      * Returns the sum of this polynomial with a constant polynomial
134      * having the specified value (convenience method).
135      *
136      * @param constantValue the value of the constant polynomial to add.
137      * @return <code>this + Constant.valueOf(constantValue)</code>
138      */

139     public Polynomial<R> plus(R constantValue) {
140         return;
141     }
143     /**
144      * Returns the product of this polynomial with a constant polynomial
145      * having the specified value (convenience method).
146      *
147      * @param constantValue the value of the constant polynomial to multiply.
148      * @return <code>this · Constant.valueOf(constantValue)</code>
149      */

150     public Polynomial<R> times(R constantValue) {
151         return this.times(Constant.valueOf(constantValue));
152     }
154     /**
155      * Returns the sum of two polynomials.
156      *
157      * @param that the polynomial being added.
158      * @return <code>this + that</code>
159      */

160     public Polynomial<R> plus(Polynomial<R> that) {
161         Polynomial<R> result = Polynomial.newInstance();
162         R zero = null;
163         result._termToCoef.putAll(this._termToCoef);
164         result._termToCoef.putAll(that._termToCoef);
165         for (FastMap.Entry<Term, R> e = result._termToCoef.head(),
166                 end = result._termToCoef.tail(); (e = e.getNext()) != end;) {
167             Term term = e.getKey();
168             R thisCoef = this._termToCoef.get(term);
169             R thatCoef = that._termToCoef.get(term);
170             if ((thisCoef != null) && (thatCoef != null)) {
171                 R sum =;
172                 if (isZero(sum)) { // Remove entry (be careful iterating)
FastMap.Entry<Term, R> prev = e.getPrevious();
174                     result._termToCoef.remove(term);
175                     e = prev; // Move back to previous entry.
zero = sum; // To be used if constant polynomial.
} else {
178                     result._termToCoef.put(term, sum);
179                 }
180             } // Else the current coefficient is correct.
182         if (result._termToCoef.size() == 0) return Constant.valueOf(zero);
183         return result;
184     }
186     /**
187      * Returns the opposite of this polynomial.
188      *
189      * @return <code> - this</code>
190      */

191     public Polynomial<R> opposite() {
192         Polynomial<R> result = Polynomial.newInstance();
193         for (FastMap.Entry<Term, R> e = _termToCoef.head(),
194                 end = _termToCoef.tail(); (e = e.getNext()) != end;) {
195             result._termToCoef.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().opposite());
196         }
197         return result;
198     }
200     /**
201      * Returns the difference of two polynomials.
202      *
203      * @param that the polynomial being subtracted.
204      * @return <code>this - that</code>
205      */

206     public Polynomial<R> minus(Polynomial<R> that) {
207         return;
208     }
210     /**
211      * Returns the product of two polynomials.
212      *
213      * @param that the polynomial multiplier.
214      * @return <code>this · that</code>
215      */

216     public Polynomial<R> times(Polynomial<R> that) {
217         Polynomial<R> result = Polynomial.newInstance();
218         R zero = null;
219         for (Map.Entry JavaDoc<Term, R> entry1 : this._termToCoef.entrySet()) {
220             Term t1 = entry1.getKey();
221             R c1 = entry1.getValue();
222             for (Map.Entry JavaDoc<Term, R> entry2 : that._termToCoef.entrySet()) {
223                 Term t2 = entry2.getKey();
224                 R c2 = entry2.getValue();
225                 Term t = t1.times(t2);
226                 R c = c1.times(c2);
227                 R prev = result.getCoefficient(t);
228                 R coef = (prev != null) ? : c;
229                 if (isZero(coef)) {
230                     zero = coef;
231                 } else {
232                     result._termToCoef.put(t, coef);
233                 }
234             }
235         }
236         if (result._termToCoef.size() == 0) return Constant.valueOf(zero);
237         return result;
238     }
240     /**
241      * Returns the composition of this polynomial with the one specified.
242      *
243      * @param that the polynomial for which the return value is passed as
244      * argument to this function.
245      * @return the polynomial <code>(this o that)</code>
246      * @throws FunctionException if this function is not univariate.
247      */

248     public Polynomial<R> compose(Polynomial<R> that) {
249         List JavaDoc<Variable<R>> variables = getVariables();
250         if (getVariables().size() != 1)
251             throw new FunctionException("This polynomial is not monovariate");
252         Variable<R> v = variables.get(0);
253         Polynomial<R> result = null;
254         for (Map.Entry JavaDoc<Term, R> entry : this._termToCoef.entrySet()) {
255             Term term = entry.getKey();
256             Constant<R> cst = Constant.valueOf(entry.getValue());
257             int power = term.getPower(v);
258             if (power > 0) {
259                 Polynomial<R> fn = that.pow(power);
260                 result = (result != null) ? : cst
261                         .times(fn);
262             } else { // power = 0
result = (result != null) ? : cst;
264             }
265         }
266         return result;
267     }
269     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Overrides parent method potentially returning polynomials //

273     @SuppressWarnings JavaDoc("unchecked")
274     @Override JavaDoc
275     public <Z> Function<Z, R> compose(Function<Z, R> that) {
276       return (Function<Z, R>) ((that instanceof Polynomial) ?
277       compose((Polynomial)that) : super.compose(that));
278     }
280     @Override JavaDoc
281     public Polynomial<R> differentiate(Variable<R> v) {
282         if (this.getOrder(v) > 0) {
283             Polynomial<R> result = null;
284             for (Map.Entry JavaDoc<Term, R> entry : this._termToCoef.entrySet()) {
285                 Term term = entry.getKey();
286                 R coef = entry.getValue();
287                 int power = term.getPower(v);
288                 if (power > 0) {
289                     R newCoef = multiply(coef, power);
290                     Term newTerm = term.divide(Term.valueOf(v, 1));
291                     Polynomial<R> p = valueOf(newCoef, newTerm);
292                     result = (result != null) ? : p;
293                 }
294             }
295             return result;
296         } else { // Returns zero.
R coef = _termToCoef.values().iterator().next();
298             return Constant.valueOf(;
299         }
300     }
302     private static <R extends Ring<R>> R multiply(R o, int n) {
303         if (n <= 0)
304             throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("n: " + n
305                     + " zero or negative values not allowed");
306         R shift2 = o;
307         R result = null;
308         while (n >= 1) { // Iteration.
if ((n & 1) == 1) {
310                 result = (result == null) ? shift2 :;
311             }
312             shift2 =;
313             n >>>= 1;
314         }
315         return result;
316     }
318     @SuppressWarnings JavaDoc("unchecked")
319     @Override JavaDoc
320     public Polynomial<R> integrate(Variable<R> v) {
321         Polynomial<R> result = null;
322         for (Map.Entry JavaDoc<Term, R> entry : this._termToCoef.entrySet()) {
323             Term term = entry.getKey();
324             R coef = entry.getValue();
325             int power = term.getPower(v);
326             R newCoef = (R)((GroupMultiplicative)multiply((R)((GroupMultiplicative)coef).inverse(), power + 1)).inverse();
327             Term newTerm = term.times(Term.valueOf(v, 1));
328             Polynomial<R> p = valueOf(newCoef, newTerm);
329             result = (result != null) ? : p;
330         }
331         return result;
332     }
334     @Override JavaDoc
335     public Function<R, R> plus(Function<R, R> that) {
336         return (that instanceof Polynomial) ?
337       <R>)that) :;
338     }
340     @Override JavaDoc
341     public Function<R, R> minus(Function<R, R> that) {
342         return (that instanceof Polynomial) ?
343                 this.minus((Polynomial<R>)that) : super.minus(that);
344     }
346     @Override JavaDoc
347     public Function<R, R> times(Function<R, R> that) {
348         return (that instanceof Polynomial) ?
349                 this.times((Polynomial<R>)that) : super.times(that);
350     }
352     @Override JavaDoc
353     public Polynomial<R> pow(int n) {
354         return (Polynomial<R>) super.pow(n);
355     }
357     @SuppressWarnings JavaDoc("unchecked")
358     @Override JavaDoc
359     public List JavaDoc<Variable<R>> getVariables() {
360         List JavaDoc vars = _termToCoef.head().getNext().getKey().getVariables();
361         for (FastMap.Entry<Term, R> e = _termToCoef.head().getNext(),
362                 end = _termToCoef.tail(); (e = e.getNext()) != end;) {
363             vars = merge(vars, e.getKey().getVariables());
364         }
365         return (List JavaDoc<Variable<R>>) vars;
366     }
368     @Override JavaDoc
369     @SuppressWarnings JavaDoc("unchecked")
370     public R evaluate() {
371         R sum = null;
372         for (Map.Entry JavaDoc<Term, R> entry : _termToCoef.entrySet()) {
373             Term term = entry.getKey();
374             R coef = entry.getValue();
375             R termValue = (R) term.evaluate();
376             R value = (termValue != null) ? coef.times(termValue) : coef;
377             sum = (sum == null) ? value :;
378         }
379         return sum;
380     }
382     @Override JavaDoc
383     public boolean equals(Object JavaDoc obj) {
384         if (!(obj instanceof Polynomial))
385             return false;
386         Polynomial that = (Polynomial) obj;
387         return this._termToCoef.equals(that._termToCoef);
388     }
390     @Override JavaDoc
391     public int hashCode() {
392         return _termToCoef.hashCode();
393     }
395     @Override JavaDoc
396     public Text toText() {
397         FastTable<Term> terms = FastTable.newInstance();
398         terms.addAll(_termToCoef.keySet());
399         terms.sort();
400         TextBuilder tb = TextBuilder.newInstance();
401         for (int i=0, n = terms.size(); i < n; i++) {
402             if (i != 0) {
403                 tb.append(" + ");
404             }
405             tb.append('[').append(_termToCoef.get(terms.get(i)));
406             tb.append(']').append(terms.get(i));
407         }
408         return tb.toText();
409     }
411     @Override JavaDoc
412     public boolean move(ObjectSpace os) {
413         if (super.move(os)) {
414             _termToCoef.move(os);
415             return true;
416         }
417         return false;
418     }
420     @SuppressWarnings JavaDoc("unchecked")
421     private static <R extends Ring<R>> Polynomial<R> newInstance() {
422         return FACTORY.object();
423     }
424     private static final Factory<Polynomial> FACTORY = new Factory<Polynomial>() {
426         protected Polynomial create() {
427             return new Polynomial();
428         }
430         protected void cleanup(Polynomial p) {
431             p._termToCoef.reset();
432         }
433     };
435     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
437 }
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