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Java > Open Source Codes > org > jgap > impl > GreedyCrossover

1 /*
2  * This file is part of JGAP.
3  *
4  * JGAP offers a dual license model containing the LGPL as well as the MPL.
5  *
6  * For licencing information please see the file license.txt included with JGAP
7  * or have a look at the top of class org.jgap.Chromosome which representatively
8  * includes the JGAP license policy applicable for any file delivered with JGAP.
9  */

10 package org.jgap.impl;
12 import java.util.*;
13 import org.jgap.*;
15 /**
16  *
17  * The Greedy Crossover is a specific type of crossover. It can only be is
18  * applied if
19  * <ul>
20  * <li>
21  * 1. All genes in the chromosome are different and
22  * </li>
23  * <li>
24  * 2. The set of genes for both chromosomes is identical and only they order
25  * in the chromosome can vary.
26  * </li>
27  * </ul>
28  *
29  * After the GreedyCrossover, these two conditions always remain true, so
30  * it can be applied again and again.
31  *
32  * The algorithm throws an assertion error if the two initial chromosomes
33  * does not satisfy these conditions.
34  *
35  *
36  * Greedy crossover can be best explained in the terms of the
37  * Traveling Salesman Problem:
38  *
39  * The algorithm selects the first city of one parent, compares the cities
40  * leaving that city in both parents, and chooses the closer one to extend
41  * the tour. If one city has already appeared in the tour, we choose the
42  * other city. If both cities have already appeared, we randomly select a
43  * non-selected city.
44  *
45  * See J. Grefenstette, R. Gopal, R. Rosmaita, and D. Gucht.
46  * <i>Genetic algorithms for the traveling salesman problem</i>.
47  * In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Genetic Algorithms.
48  * Lawrence Eribaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ, 1985.
49  * and also <a HREF="">
50  * Sushil J. Louis & Gong Li</a>}
51  *
52  * @author Audrius Meskauskas
53  * @author <font size=-1>Neil Rotstan, Klaus Meffert (reused code
54  * from {@link org.jgap.impl.CrossoverOperator CrossoverOperator})</font>
55  * @since 2.0
56  */

57 public class GreedyCrossover
58     extends BaseGeneticOperator {
59   /** String containing the CVS revision. Read out via reflection!*/
60   private static final String JavaDoc CVS_REVISION = "$Revision: 1.26 $";
62   /** Switches assertions on/off. Must be true during tests and debugging. */
63   boolean ASSERTIONS = true;
65   private int m_startOffset = 1;
67   /**
68    * Default constructor for dynamic instantiation.<p>
69    * Attention: The configuration used is the one set with the static method
70    * Genotype.setConfiguration.
71    * @throws InvalidConfigurationException
72    *
73    * @author Klaus Meffert
74    * @since 2.6
75    * @since 3.0 (since 2.0 without a_configuration)
76    */

77   public GreedyCrossover()
78       throws InvalidConfigurationException {
79     super(Genotype.getStaticConfiguration());
80   }
82   /**
83    * Using the given configuration.
84    * @param a_configuration the configuration to use
85    * @throws InvalidConfigurationException
86    *
87    * @author Klaus Meffert
88    * @since 3.0 (since 2.6 without a_configuration)
89    */

90   public GreedyCrossover(Configuration a_configuration)
91       throws InvalidConfigurationException {
92     super(a_configuration);
93   }
95   /**
96    * Compute the distance between "cities", indicated by these two
97    * given genes. The default method expects the genes to be a
98    * IntegerGenes's and returns they absolute difference, that
99    * makes sense only for tests.
100    *
101    * @param a_from Object
102    * @param a_to Object
103    * @return distance between the two given cities
104    */

105   public double distance(final Object JavaDoc a_from, final Object JavaDoc a_to) {
106     IntegerGene from = (IntegerGene) a_from;
107     IntegerGene to = (IntegerGene) a_to;
108     return Math.abs(to.intValue() - from.intValue());
109   }
111   public void operate(final Population a_population,
112                       final List a_candidateChromosomes) {
113     int size = Math.min(getConfiguration().getPopulationSize(),
114                         a_population.size());
115     int numCrossovers = size / 2;
116     RandomGenerator generator = getConfiguration().getRandomGenerator();
117     // For each crossover, grab two random chromosomes and do what
// Grefenstette et al say.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
for (int i = 0; i < numCrossovers; i++) {
121       IChromosome firstMate = (IChromosome)
122           a_population.getChromosome(generator.
123                                      nextInt(size)).clone();
124       IChromosome secondMate = (IChromosome)
125           a_population.getChromosome(generator.
126                                      nextInt(size)).clone();
127       operate(firstMate, secondMate);
128       // Add the modified chromosomes to the candidate pool so that
// they'll be considered for natural selection during the next
// phase of evolution.
// -----------------------------------------------------------
133       a_candidateChromosomes.add(secondMate);
134     }
135   }
137   /**
138    * Performs a greedy crossover for the two given chromosoms.
139    *
140    * @param a_firstMate the first chromosome to crossover on
141    * @param a_secondMate the second chromosome to crossover on
142    * @throws Error if the gene set in the chromosomes is not identical
143    *
144    * @author Audrius Meskauskas
145    * @since 2.1
146    */

147   public void operate(final IChromosome a_firstMate,
148                       final IChromosome a_secondMate) {
149     Gene[] g1 = a_firstMate.getGenes();
150     Gene[] g2 = a_secondMate.getGenes();
151     Gene[] c1, c2;
152     try {
153       c1 = operate(g1, g2);
154       c2 = operate(g2, g1);
155       a_firstMate.setGenes(c1);
156       a_secondMate.setGenes(c2);
157     }
158     catch (InvalidConfigurationException cex) {
159       throw new Error JavaDoc("Error occured while operating on:"
160                       + a_firstMate + " and "
161                       + a_secondMate
162                       + ". First " + m_startOffset + " genes were excluded "
163                       + "from crossover. Error message: "
164                       + cex.getMessage());
165     }
166   }
168   protected Gene[] operate(final Gene[] a_g1, final Gene[] a_g2) {
169     int n = a_g1.length;
170     LinkedList out = new LinkedList();
171     TreeSet not_picked = new TreeSet();
172     out.add(a_g1[m_startOffset]);
173     for (int j = m_startOffset + 1; j < n; j++) { // g[m_startOffset] picked
if (ASSERTIONS && not_picked.contains(a_g1[j])) {
175         throw new Error JavaDoc("All genes must be different for "
176                         + getClass().getName()
177                         + ". The gene " + a_g1[j] + "[" + j
178                         + "] occurs more "
179                         + "than once in one of the chromosomes. ");
180       }
181       not_picked.add(a_g1[j]);
182     }
183     if (ASSERTIONS) {
184       if (a_g1.length != a_g2.length) {
185         throw new Error JavaDoc("Chromosome sizes must be equal");
186       }
187       for (int j = m_startOffset; j < n; j++) {
188         if (!not_picked.contains(a_g2[j])) {
189           if (!a_g1[m_startOffset].equals(a_g2[j])) {
190             throw new Error JavaDoc("Chromosome gene sets must be identical."
191                             + " First gene set: " + a_g1
192                             + ", second gene set: " + a_g2);
193           }
194         }
195       }
196     }
197     while (not_picked.size() > 1) {
198       Gene last = (Gene) out.getLast();
199       Gene n1 = findNext(a_g1, last);
200       Gene n2 = findNext(a_g2, last);
201       Gene picked, other;
202       boolean pick1;
203       if (n1 == null) {
204         pick1 = false;
205       }
206       else if (n2 == null) {
207         pick1 = true;
208       }
209       else {
210         pick1 = distance(last, n1) < distance(last, n2);
211       }
212       if (pick1) {
213         picked = n1;
214         other = n2;
215       }
216       else {
217         picked = n2;
218         other = n1;
219       }
220       if (out.contains(picked)) {
221         picked = other;
222       }
223       if (picked == null || out /* still */.contains(picked)) {
224         // select a non-selected // it is not random
picked = (Gene) not_picked.first();
226       }
227       out.add(picked);
228       not_picked.remove(picked);
229     }
230     if (ASSERTIONS && not_picked.size() != 1) {
231       throw new Error JavaDoc("Given Gene not correctly created (must have length > 1"
232                       + ")");
233     }
234     out.add(not_picked.last());
235     Gene[] g = new Gene[n];
236     Iterator gi = out.iterator();
237     for (int i = 0; i < m_startOffset; i++) {
238       g[i] = a_g1[i];
239     }
240     if (ASSERTIONS) {
241       if (out.size() != g.length - m_startOffset) {
242         throw new Error JavaDoc("Unexpected internal error. "
243                         + "These two must be equal: " + out.size()
244                         + " and " + (g.length - m_startOffset) + ", g.length "
245                         + g.length + ", start offset " + m_startOffset);
246       }
247     }
248     for (int i = m_startOffset; i < g.length; i++) {
249       g[i] = (Gene);
250     }
251     return g;
252   }
254   protected Gene findNext(final Gene[] a_g, final Gene a_x) {
255     for (int i = m_startOffset; i < a_g.length - 1; i++) {
256       if (a_g[i].equals(a_x)) {
257         return a_g[i + 1];
258       }
259     }
260     return null;
261   }
263   /**
264    * Sets a number of genes at the start of chromosome, that are
265    * excluded from the swapping. In the Salesman task, the first city
266    * in the list should (where the salesman leaves from) probably should
267    * not change as it is part of the list. The default value is 1.
268    * @param a_offset the start offset to use
269    */

270   public void setStartOffset(int a_offset) {
271     m_startOffset = a_offset;
272   }
274   /**
275    * Gets a number of genes at the start of chromosome, that are
276    * excluded from the swapping. In the Salesman task, the first city
277    * in the list should (where the salesman leaves from) probably should
278    * not change as it is part of the list. The default value is 1.
279    * @return the start offset used
280    */

281   public int getStartOffset() {
282     return m_startOffset;
283   }
285   /**
286    * Compares the given GeneticOperator to this GeneticOperator.
287    *
288    * @param a_other the instance against which to compare this instance
289    * @return a negative number if this instance is "less than" the given
290    * instance, zero if they are equal to each other, and a positive number if
291    * this is "greater than" the given instance
292    *
293    * @author Klaus Meffert
294    * @since 2.6
295    */

296   public int compareTo(final Object JavaDoc a_other) {
297     if (a_other == null) {
298       return 1;
299     }
300     GreedyCrossover op = (GreedyCrossover) a_other;
301     if (getStartOffset() < op.getStartOffset()) {
302       // start offset less, meaning more to do --> return 1 for "is greater than"
return 1;
304     }
305     else if (getStartOffset() > op.getStartOffset()) {
306       return -1;
307     }
308     else {
309       // Everything is equal. Return zero.
// ---------------------------------
return 0;
312     }
313   }
314 }
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