KickJava   Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.

Java > Open Source Codes > org > exoplatform > portlets > user > component > UICommunityPortalForm

1 /***************************************************************************
2  * Copyright 2001-2003 The eXo Platform SARL All rights reserved. *
3  * Please look at license.txt in info directory for more license detail. *
4  **************************************************************************/

5 package org.exoplatform.portlets.user.component;
7 import java.util.ArrayList JavaDoc;
8 import java.util.Collection JavaDoc;
9 import java.util.Iterator JavaDoc;
10 import java.util.List JavaDoc;
11 import org.exoplatform.faces.application.ExoFacesMessage;
12 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.component.*;
13 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.component.UISelectBox;
14 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.component.UISimpleForm;
15 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.component.UIStringInput;
16 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.component.UITextArea;
17 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.component.model.*;
18 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.event.ExoActionEvent;
19 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.event.ExoActionListener;
20 import org.exoplatform.faces.user.validator.ValidUserValidator;
21 import;
22 import;
23 import;
24 import;
25 import;
26 /**
27  * Sat, Jan 03, 2004 @ 11:16
28  * @author: Tuan Nguyen
29  * @email:
30  * @version: $Id:,v 1.11 2004/10/21 15:25:17 tuan08 Exp $
31  */

32 public class UICommunityPortalForm extends UISimpleForm {
33   static public List JavaDoc PRIORITIES ;
34   static {
35     PRIORITIES = new ArrayList JavaDoc() ;
36     for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
37       String JavaDoc num = Integer.toString(i) ;
38       PRIORITIES.add(new SelectItem(num, num)) ;
39     }
40   }
42   private UISelectBox membershipInput_ ;
43   private UIStringInput portalInput_ ;
44   private UISelectBox priorityInput_ ;
45   private UITextArea descriptionInput_ ;
46   private CommunityConfigService service_ ;
47   private CommunityPortal communityPortal_ ;
49   public UICommunityPortalForm(CommunityConfigService service,
50                                OrganizationService orgService) throws Exception JavaDoc {
51     super("communityPortalForm", "post", null) ;
52     service_ = service ;
53     Collection JavaDoc memberships = orgService.findMembershipTypes() ;
54     Iterator JavaDoc i = memberships.iterator() ;
55     List JavaDoc mtypes = new ArrayList JavaDoc(10) ;
56     while(i.hasNext()) {
57       MembershipType mt = (MembershipType);
58       String JavaDoc name = mt.getName() ;
59       mtypes.add(new SelectItem(name, name)) ;
60     }
61     membershipInput_ = new UISelectBox("membership", "", mtypes) ;
62     portalInput_ = new UIStringInput("portal", "").
63                    addValidator(ValidUserValidator.class) ;
64     priorityInput_ = new UISelectBox("priority", "1", PRIORITIES) ;
65     descriptionInput_ = new UITextArea("description", "") ;
66     add(new HeaderRow().
67         add(new Cell("#{}").
68             addColspan("2")));
69     add(new Row().
70         add(new LabelCell("#{UICommunityPortalForm.label.membership}")).
71         add(new ComponentCell(this, membershipInput_)));
72     add(new Row().
73         add(new LabelCell("#{UICommunityPortalForm.label.portal}")).
74         add(new ComponentCell(this, portalInput_)));
75     add(new Row().
76         add(new LabelCell("#{UICommunityPortalForm.label.priority}")).
77         add(new ComponentCell(this, priorityInput_)));
78     add(new Row().
79         add(new LabelCell("#{UICommunityPortalForm.label.description}")).
80         add(new ComponentCell(this, descriptionInput_)));
81     add(new Row().
82         add(new ListComponentCell().
83             add(new FormButton("#{}", SAVE_ACTION)).
84             add(new FormButton("#{UICommunityPortalForm.button.cancel}", CANCEL_ACTION)).
85             addColspan("2").addAlign("center"))) ;
87     addActionListener(SaveUpdateListener.class, SAVE_ACTION) ;
88     addActionListener(CancelActionListener.class, CANCEL_ACTION) ;
89   }
91   public void setCommunityPortal(CommunityPortal cp) {
92     communityPortal_ = cp;
93     if(cp == null) {
94       membershipInput_.setValue("") ;
95       portalInput_.setValue("") ;
96       priorityInput_.setValue("5") ;
97       descriptionInput_.setValue("") ;
98     } else {
99       membershipInput_.setValue(cp.getMembership()) ;
100       portalInput_.setValue(cp.getPortal()) ;
101       priorityInput_.setValue(Integer.toString(cp.getPriority())) ;
102       descriptionInput_.setValue(cp.getDescription()) ;
103     }
104   }
106   static public class SaveUpdateListener extends ExoActionListener {
107     public void execute(ExoActionEvent event) throws Exception JavaDoc {
108       UICommunityPortalForm uiForm = (UICommunityPortalForm) event.getComponent() ;
109       CommunityPortal cp = uiForm.communityPortal_ ;
110       if(cp == null) {
111         UIGroupExplorer uiExplorer =
112           (UIGroupExplorer) uiForm.getAncestorOfType(UIGroupExplorer.class) ;
113         Group currentGroup = uiExplorer.getCurrentGroup() ;
114         if(currentGroup == null) {
115           InformationProvider iprovider = findInformationProvider(uiForm);
116           iprovider.addMessage(new ExoFacesMessage("#{}")) ;
117           uiForm.setRenderedSibling(UIGroupCommunityInfo.class) ;
118           return ;
119         }
120         cp = new CommunityPortal() ;
121         cp.setGroupId(currentGroup.getId()) ;
122       }
123       cp.setMembership(uiForm.membershipInput_.getValue()) ;
124       cp.setPortal(uiForm.portalInput_.getValue()) ;
125       cp.setPriority(Integer.parseInt(uiForm.priorityInput_.getValue())) ;
126       cp.setDescription(uiForm.descriptionInput_.getValue()) ;
127       uiForm.service_.addCommunityPortal(cp) ;
128       UIGroupCommunityInfo uiInfo =
129         (UIGroupCommunityInfo) uiForm.getSibling(UIGroupCommunityInfo.class);
130       uiInfo.setCommunityPortal(cp) ;
131       uiForm.setRenderedSibling(UIGroupCommunityInfo.class) ;
132     }
133   }
135   static public class CancelActionListener extends ExoActionListener {
136     public void execute(ExoActionEvent event) throws Exception JavaDoc {
137       UICommunityPortalForm uiForm = (UICommunityPortalForm) event.getComponent() ;
138       uiForm.setRenderedSibling(UIGroupCommunityInfo.class) ;
139     }
140   }
141 }
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