KickJava   Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.

Java > Open Source Codes > org > exoplatform > portlets > communication > forum > component > UITopics

1 /***************************************************************************
2  * Copyright 2001-2003 The eXo Platform SARL All rights reserved. *
3  * Please look at license.txt in info directory for more license detail. *
4  **************************************************************************/

5 package;
7 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.Util ;
8 import org.exoplatform.faces.application.ExoFacesMessage ;
9 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.component.InformationProvider;
10 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.component.UIExoCommand;
11 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.component.UIPageListIterator;
12 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.component.model.PageListDataHandler;
13 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.component.model.Parameter;
14 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.event.ExoActionEvent;
15 import org.exoplatform.faces.core.event.ExoActionListener;
16 import;
17 import;
18 import;
19 import ;
20 import;
21 import ;
22 import ;
24 import java.util.Date JavaDoc;
25 import java.util.Map JavaDoc;
26 import java.util.HashMap JavaDoc;
27 /**
28  * Sat, Jan 03, 2004 @ 11:16
29  * @author: Tuan Nguyen
30  * @email:
31  * @version: $Id:,v 1.10 2004/10/20 18:46:31 benjmestrallet Exp $
32  */

33 public class UITopics extends UIExoCommand {
34   public static final String JavaDoc TOPIC_ID = "topicId";
35   private static final String JavaDoc NEW_TOPIC = "newTopic";
36   private static final String JavaDoc VIEW_FORUMS = "viewForums";
37   private static final String JavaDoc WATCH_TOPIC = "watchTopic";
38   private static final String JavaDoc STOP_WATCH_TOPIC = "stopWatchTopic";
39   private static final String JavaDoc WATCH_FORUM = "watchForum";
40   private static final String JavaDoc STOP_WATCH_FORUM = "stopWatchForum";
42   public static Parameter VIEW_POSTS = new Parameter( ACTION , "viewPosts") ;
43   public static Parameter DELETE_TOPIC = new Parameter(ACTION , "deleteTopic") ;
44   public static Parameter[] newTopicParams = { new Parameter(ACTION , NEW_TOPIC)} ;
45   public static Parameter[] viewForumsParams = { new Parameter(ACTION , VIEW_FORUMS)} ;
46   public static Parameter[] watchForumParams = { new Parameter(ACTION , WATCH_FORUM)} ;
47   public static Parameter[] stopWatchForumParams = { new Parameter(ACTION , STOP_WATCH_FORUM)} ;
48   public static Parameter watchTopicParam = new Parameter(ACTION , WATCH_TOPIC ) ;
49   public static Parameter stopWatchTopicParam = new Parameter(ACTION , STOP_WATCH_TOPIC) ;
51   private Forum forum_ ;
52   private ForumService forumService_ ;
53   private OrganizationService orgService_ ;
54   private ForumACL acl_ ;
55   private UIPageListIterator uiPageIterator_ ;
56   private User user_ ;
57 // private long lastAccessTime_ = System.currentTimeMillis() + 24*60*60*1000;//tomorrow todo change on more logical
private Map JavaDoc visitedTopics_ = new HashMap JavaDoc();
60     public UITopics(OrganizationService orgService,
61                   ForumService service,ForumACL acl) throws Exception JavaDoc {
62     setRendererType("TopicsRenderer") ;
63     setId("UITopics") ;
64     uiPageIterator_ = new UIPageListIterator(new PageListDataHandler()) ;
65     getChildren().add(uiPageIterator_);
66     forumService_ = service ;
67     orgService_ = orgService ;
68     acl_ = acl ;
69     String JavaDoc userName = Util.getRemoteUser();
70     if( userName != null ){
71         user_ = orgService_.findUserByName( userName );
72     }
74     addActionListener(ViewPostsActionListener.class, "viewPosts") ;
75     addActionListener(ViewForumsActionListener.class, VIEW_FORUMS) ;
76     addActionListener(NewTopicActionListener.class, NEW_TOPIC);
77     addActionListener(DeleteTopicActionListener.class, "deleteTopic") ;
78     addActionListener(WatchTopicActionListener.class, WATCH_TOPIC) ;
79     addActionListener(StopWatchTopicActionListener.class, STOP_WATCH_TOPIC) ;
80     addActionListener(WatchForumActionListener.class, WATCH_FORUM) ;
81     addActionListener(StopWatchForumActionListener.class, STOP_WATCH_FORUM) ;
82   }
84   public boolean isModerator() { return acl_.hasModeratorRole(forum_) ; }
86   public boolean hasViewForumRole() { return acl_.hasViewForumRole(forum_) ; }
88   public boolean hasCreateTopicRole() { return acl_.hasCreateTopicRole(forum_) ; }
90   public boolean hasReplyTopicRole() { return acl_.hasReplyTopicRole(forum_) ; }
92   public User getUser() { return user_; }
94   public Forum getForum() { return forum_ ; }
96   public boolean setForum(Forum forum) throws Exception JavaDoc {
97     if(!acl_.hasViewForumRole(forum)) return false ;
98     forum_ = forum ;
99     uiPageIterator_.setPageList(forumService_.getTopics(forum.getId())) ;
100     return true ;
101   }
103   public void reload() throws Exception JavaDoc {
104     if (forum_ == null) return ;
105     uiPageIterator_.setPageList(forumService_.getTopics(forum_.getId())) ;
106   }
108   public UIPageListIterator getUIPageIterator() { return uiPageIterator_ ; }
110   public boolean canDecodeInvalidState() { return forum_ != null ;}
111     public void visit( String JavaDoc topicId) {
112         visitedTopics_.put( topicId, new Date JavaDoc() );
113     }
114   public boolean hasNewPosts( Topic topic ) {
115     boolean retVal = false;
116       Date JavaDoc lastVisitDate = (Date JavaDoc)visitedTopics_.get( topic.getId() );
117     if( lastVisitDate != null ) {
118       //somebody post new message in during user session but user didn't visit yet this topic
retVal = lastVisitDate.getTime() < topic.getLastPostDate().getTime();
120     } else if( user_ != null && user_.getLastLoginTime().getTime() < topic.getLastPostDate().getTime() ){
121       //somebody post new message after login of previous user session.
retVal = true;
123     };
124       return retVal;
125   }
126   static public class ViewPostsActionListener extends ExoActionListener {
127         public void execute(ExoActionEvent event) throws Exception JavaDoc {
128       UITopics uiTopics = (UITopics) event.getComponent() ;
129       String JavaDoc topicId = event.getParameter(TOPIC_ID) ;
130       Topic topic = uiTopics.forumService_.getTopic(topicId) ;
131       UIPosts uiPosts = (UIPosts)uiTopics.getSibling(UIPosts.class) ;
132       uiPosts.setUIPostsData(uiTopics.forum_, topic) ;
133       UIForumPortlet forumPortlet = (UIForumPortlet)uiTopics.getAncestorOfType(UIForumPortlet.class);
134       forumPortlet.addHistoryElement(uiTopics);
135       forumPortlet.setRenderedComponent(UIPosts.class);
136       ((UIToolbarPanel)forumPortlet.getChildComponentOfType(UIToolbarPanel.class)).setRendered(true);
137       uiTopics.visit( topicId );
138     }
139   }
141   static public class ViewForumsActionListener extends ExoActionListener {
142         public void execute(ExoActionEvent event) throws Exception JavaDoc {
143             UITopics uiTopics = (UITopics) event.getComponent() ;
144       UIForumPortlet forumPortlet = (UIForumPortlet)uiTopics.getAncestorOfType(UIForumPortlet.class);
145       forumPortlet.addHistoryElement(uiTopics);
146       forumPortlet.setRenderedComponent(UIViewCategories.class);
147       ((UIToolbarPanel)forumPortlet.getChildComponentOfType(UIToolbarPanel.class)).setRendered(true);
148         }
149   }
151   static public class NewTopicActionListener extends ExoActionListener {
152         public void execute(ExoActionEvent event) throws Exception JavaDoc {
153             UITopics uiTopics = (UITopics) event.getComponent() ;
154             UIPostForm uiForm = (UIPostForm) uiTopics.getSibling(UIPostForm.class) ;
155             uiForm.setNewTopicInfo(uiTopics.forum_) ;
156       UIForumPortlet forumPortlet = (UIForumPortlet)uiTopics.getAncestorOfType(UIForumPortlet.class);
157       forumPortlet.addHistoryElement(uiTopics);
158       forumPortlet.setRenderedComponent(UIPostForm.class);
159       ((UIToolbarPanel)forumPortlet.getChildComponentOfType(UIToolbarPanel.class)).setRendered(true);
160         }
161   }
163   static public class DeleteTopicActionListener extends ExoActionListener {
164         public void execute(ExoActionEvent event) throws Exception JavaDoc {
165             UITopics uiTopics = (UITopics) event.getComponent() ;
166             if(!uiTopics.acl_.hasModeratorRole(uiTopics.forum_)) return ;
167             String JavaDoc topicId = event.getParameter(TOPIC_ID) ;
168       uiTopics.forumService_.removeTopic(topicId) ;
169       uiTopics.reload() ;
170         }
171   }
173   static public class WatchTopicActionListener extends ExoActionListener {
174     public void execute(ExoActionEvent event) throws Exception JavaDoc {
175       UITopics uiTopics = (UITopics) event.getComponent() ;
176       User user = uiTopics.getUser() ;
177       Topic topic = uiTopics.forumService_.getTopic(event.getParameter(TOPIC_ID)) ;
178       Watcher watcher = uiTopics.forumService_.getWatcher(topic, user.getUserName()) ;
179       if(watcher == null) {
180         watcher = uiTopics.forumService_.createWatcher(topic) ;
181         watcher.setUserName(user.getUserName()) ;
182         watcher.setAddress(user.getEmail()) ;
183       }
184       UIWatchForm uiForm = (UIWatchForm) uiTopics.getSibling(UIWatchForm.class) ;
185       uiForm.setWatcher(watcher) ;
186       uiTopics.setRenderedSibling(UIWatchForm.class) ;
187     }
188   }
190   static public class StopWatchTopicActionListener extends ExoActionListener {
191     public void execute(ExoActionEvent event) throws Exception JavaDoc {
192       UITopics uiTopics = (UITopics) event.getComponent() ;
193       Topic topic = uiTopics.forumService_.getTopic(event.getParameter(TOPIC_ID)) ;
194       Watcher watcher = uiTopics.forumService_.getWatcher(topic, uiTopics.user_.getUserName()) ;
195       InformationProvider iprovider = findInformationProvider(uiTopics);
196       if(watcher != null) {
197         uiTopics.forumService_.removeWatcher(watcher) ;
198         Object JavaDoc[] args = {topic.getTopic()} ;
199         iprovider.addMessage(new ExoFacesMessage("#{UITopics.msg.stop-topic-watch-success}", args)) ;
200       } else {
201         iprovider.addMessage(new ExoFacesMessage("#{UITopics.msg.stop-topic-watch-fail}")) ;
202       }
203     }
204   }
206   static public class WatchForumActionListener extends ExoActionListener {
207     public void execute(ExoActionEvent event) throws Exception JavaDoc {
208       UITopics uiTopics = (UITopics) event.getComponent() ;
209       User user = uiTopics.getUser();
210       Watcher watcher = uiTopics.forumService_.getWatcher(uiTopics.forum_, user.getUserName()) ;
211       if(watcher == null) {
212         watcher = uiTopics.forumService_.createWatcher(uiTopics.forum_) ;
213         watcher.setUserName(user.getUserName()) ;
214         watcher.setAddress(user.getEmail()) ;
215       }
216       UIWatchForm uiForm = (UIWatchForm) uiTopics.getSibling(UIWatchForm.class) ;
217       uiForm.setWatcher(watcher) ;
218       uiTopics.setRenderedSibling(UIWatchForm.class) ;
219     }
220   }
222   static public class StopWatchForumActionListener extends ExoActionListener {
223     public void execute(ExoActionEvent event) throws Exception JavaDoc {
224       UITopics uiTopics = (UITopics) event.getComponent() ;
225       Watcher watcher = uiTopics.forumService_.getWatcher(uiTopics.forum_, uiTopics.getUser().getUserName()) ;
226       InformationProvider iprovider = findInformationProvider(uiTopics);
227       if(watcher != null) {
228         uiTopics.forumService_.removeWatcher(watcher) ;
229         Object JavaDoc[] args = {uiTopics.forum_.getForumName()} ;
230         iprovider.addMessage(new ExoFacesMessage("#{UITopics.msg.stop-forum-watch-success}", args)) ;
231       } else {
232         iprovider.addMessage(new ExoFacesMessage("#{UITopics.msg.stop-forum-watch-fail}")) ;
233       }
234     }
235   }
236 }
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