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Java > Open Source Codes > org > eclipse > jdt > internal > compiler > lookup > MethodBinding

1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
3  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6  *
7  *
8  * Contributors:
9  * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
10  *******************************************************************************/

11 package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup;
13 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
14 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ClassFile;
15 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
16 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration;
17 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
18 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
19 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ConstantPool;
21 public class MethodBinding extends Binding {
23     public int modifiers;
24     public char[] selector;
25     public TypeBinding returnType;
26     public TypeBinding[] parameters;
27     public ReferenceBinding[] thrownExceptions;
28     public ReferenceBinding declaringClass;
29     public TypeVariableBinding[] typeVariables = Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES;
30     char[] signature;
31     public long tagBits;
33 protected MethodBinding() {
34     // for creating problem or synthetic method
36 public MethodBinding(int modifiers, char[] selector, TypeBinding returnType, TypeBinding[] parameters, ReferenceBinding[] thrownExceptions, ReferenceBinding declaringClass) {
37     this.modifiers = modifiers;
38     this.selector = selector;
39     this.returnType = returnType;
40     this.parameters = (parameters == null || parameters.length == 0) ? Binding.NO_PARAMETERS : parameters;
41     this.thrownExceptions = (thrownExceptions == null || thrownExceptions.length == 0) ? Binding.NO_EXCEPTIONS : thrownExceptions;
42     this.declaringClass = declaringClass;
44     // propagate the strictfp & deprecated modifiers
if (this.declaringClass != null) {
46         if (this.declaringClass.isStrictfp())
47             if (!(isNative() || isAbstract()))
48                 this.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccStrictfp;
49     }
50 }
51 public MethodBinding(int modifiers, TypeBinding[] parameters, ReferenceBinding[] thrownExceptions, ReferenceBinding declaringClass) {
52     this(modifiers, TypeConstants.INIT, TypeBinding.VOID, parameters, thrownExceptions, declaringClass);
53 }
54 // special API used to change method declaring class for runtime visibility check
public MethodBinding(MethodBinding initialMethodBinding, ReferenceBinding declaringClass) {
56     this.modifiers = initialMethodBinding.modifiers;
57     this.selector = initialMethodBinding.selector;
58     this.returnType = initialMethodBinding.returnType;
59     this.parameters = initialMethodBinding.parameters;
60     this.thrownExceptions = initialMethodBinding.thrownExceptions;
61     this.declaringClass = declaringClass;
62     declaringClass.storeAnnotationHolder(this, initialMethodBinding.declaringClass.retrieveAnnotationHolder(initialMethodBinding, true));
63 }
64 /* Answer true if the argument types & the receiver's parameters have the same erasure
65 */

66 public final boolean areParameterErasuresEqual(MethodBinding method) {
67     TypeBinding[] args = method.parameters;
68     if (parameters == args)
69         return true;
71     int length = parameters.length;
72     if (length != args.length)
73         return false;
75     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
76         if (parameters[i] != args[i] && parameters[i].erasure() != args[i].erasure())
77             return false;
78     return true;
79 }
80 /* Answer true if the argument types & the receiver's parameters are equal
81 */

82 public final boolean areParametersEqual(MethodBinding method) {
83     TypeBinding[] args = method.parameters;
84     if (parameters == args)
85         return true;
87     int length = parameters.length;
88     if (length != args.length)
89         return false;
91     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
92         if (parameters[i] != args[i])
93             return false;
94     return true;
95 }
96 /*
97  * Returns true if given parameters are compatible with this method parameters.
98  * Callers to this method should first check that the number of TypeBindings
99  * passed as argument matches this MethodBinding number of parameters
100  */

101 public final boolean areParametersCompatibleWith(TypeBinding[] arguments) {
102     int paramLength = this.parameters.length;
103     int argLength = arguments.length;
104     int lastIndex = argLength;
105     if (isVarargs()) {
106         lastIndex = paramLength - 1;
107         if (paramLength == argLength) { // accept X[] but not X or X[][]
TypeBinding varArgType = parameters[lastIndex]; // is an ArrayBinding by definition
TypeBinding lastArgument = arguments[lastIndex];
110             if (varArgType != lastArgument && !lastArgument.isCompatibleWith(varArgType))
111                 return false;
112         } else if (paramLength < argLength) { // all remainig argument types must be compatible with the elementsType of varArgType
TypeBinding varArgType = ((ArrayBinding) parameters[lastIndex]).elementsType();
114             for (int i = lastIndex; i < argLength; i++)
115                 if (varArgType != arguments[i] && !arguments[i].isCompatibleWith(varArgType))
116                     return false;
117         } else if (lastIndex != argLength) { // can call foo(int i, X ... x) with foo(1) but NOT foo();
return false;
119         }
120         // now compare standard arguments from 0 to lastIndex
122     for (int i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++)
123         if (parameters[i] != arguments[i] && !arguments[i].isCompatibleWith(parameters[i]))
124             return false;
125     return true;
126 }
128 /* API
129 * Answer the receiver's binding type from Binding.BindingID.
130 */

132 public final int kind() {
133     return Binding.METHOD;
134 }
135 /* Answer true if the receiver is visible to the invocationPackage.
136 */

138 public final boolean canBeSeenBy(PackageBinding invocationPackage) {
139     if (isPublic()) return true;
140     if (isPrivate()) return false;
142     // isProtected() or isDefault()
return invocationPackage == declaringClass.getPackage();
144 }
145 /* Answer true if the type variables have the same erasure
146 */

147 public final boolean areTypeVariableErasuresEqual(MethodBinding method) {
148     TypeVariableBinding[] vars = method.typeVariables;
149     if (this.typeVariables == vars)
150         return true;
152     int length = this.typeVariables.length;
153     if (length != vars.length)
154         return false;
156     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
157         if (this.typeVariables[i] != vars[i] && this.typeVariables[i].erasure() != vars[i].erasure())
158             return false;
159     return true;
160 }
161 /* Answer true if the receiver is visible to the type provided by the scope.
162 * InvocationSite implements isSuperAccess() to provide additional information
163 * if the receiver is protected.
164 *
165 * NOTE: This method should ONLY be sent if the receiver is a constructor.
166 *
167 * NOTE: Cannot invoke this method with a compilation unit scope.
168 */

170 public final boolean canBeSeenBy(InvocationSite invocationSite, Scope scope) {
171     if (isPublic()) return true;
173     SourceTypeBinding invocationType = scope.enclosingSourceType();
174     if (invocationType == declaringClass) return true;
176     if (isProtected()) {
177         // answer true if the receiver is in the same package as the invocationType
if (invocationType.fPackage == declaringClass.fPackage) return true;
179         return invocationSite.isSuperAccess();
180     }
182     if (isPrivate()) {
183         // answer true if the invocationType and the declaringClass have a common enclosingType
// already know they are not the identical type
ReferenceBinding outerInvocationType = invocationType;
186         ReferenceBinding temp = outerInvocationType.enclosingType();
187         while (temp != null) {
188             outerInvocationType = temp;
189             temp = temp.enclosingType();
190         }
192         ReferenceBinding outerDeclaringClass = (ReferenceBinding)declaringClass.erasure();
193         temp = outerDeclaringClass.enclosingType();
194         while (temp != null) {
195             outerDeclaringClass = temp;
196             temp = temp.enclosingType();
197         }
198         return outerInvocationType == outerDeclaringClass;
199     }
201     // isDefault()
return invocationType.fPackage == declaringClass.fPackage;
203 }
204 /* Answer true if the receiver is visible to the type provided by the scope.
205 * InvocationSite implements isSuperAccess() to provide additional information
206 * if the receiver is protected.
207 *
208 * NOTE: Cannot invoke this method with a compilation unit scope.
209 */

210 public final boolean canBeSeenBy(TypeBinding receiverType, InvocationSite invocationSite, Scope scope) {
211     if (isPublic()) return true;
213     SourceTypeBinding invocationType = scope.enclosingSourceType();
214     if (invocationType == declaringClass && invocationType == receiverType) return true;
216     if (invocationType == null) // static import call
return !isPrivate() && scope.getCurrentPackage() == declaringClass.fPackage;
219     if (isProtected()) {
220         // answer true if the invocationType is the declaringClass or they are in the same package
// OR the invocationType is a subclass of the declaringClass
// AND the receiverType is the invocationType or its subclass
// OR the method is a static method accessed directly through a type
// OR previous assertions are true for one of the enclosing type
if (invocationType == declaringClass) return true;
226         if (invocationType.fPackage == declaringClass.fPackage) return true;
228         ReferenceBinding currentType = invocationType;
229         TypeBinding receiverErasure = receiverType.erasure();
230         ReferenceBinding declaringErasure = (ReferenceBinding) declaringClass.erasure();
231         int depth = 0;
232         do {
233             if (currentType.findSuperTypeWithSameErasure(declaringErasure) != null) {
234                 if (invocationSite.isSuperAccess())
235                     return true;
236                 // receiverType can be an array binding in one case... see if you can change it
if (receiverType instanceof ArrayBinding)
238                     return false;
239                 if (isStatic()) {
240                     if (depth > 0) invocationSite.setDepth(depth);
241                     return true; // see 1FMEPDL - return invocationSite.isTypeAccess();
243                 if (currentType == receiverErasure || receiverErasure.findSuperTypeWithSameErasure(currentType) != null) {
244                     if (depth > 0) invocationSite.setDepth(depth);
245                     return true;
246                 }
247             }
248             depth++;
249             currentType = currentType.enclosingType();
250         } while (currentType != null);
251         return false;
252     }
254     if (isPrivate()) {
255         // answer true if the receiverType is the declaringClass
// AND the invocationType and the declaringClass have a common enclosingType
receiverCheck: {
258             if (receiverType != declaringClass) {
259                 // special tolerance for type variable direct bounds
if (receiverType.isTypeVariable() && ((TypeVariableBinding) receiverType).isErasureBoundTo(declaringClass.erasure()))
261                     break receiverCheck;
262                 return false;
263             }
264         }
266         if (invocationType != declaringClass) {
267             ReferenceBinding outerInvocationType = invocationType;
268             ReferenceBinding temp = outerInvocationType.enclosingType();
269             while (temp != null) {
270                 outerInvocationType = temp;
271                 temp = temp.enclosingType();
272             }
274             ReferenceBinding outerDeclaringClass = (ReferenceBinding)declaringClass.erasure();
275             temp = outerDeclaringClass.enclosingType();
276             while (temp != null) {
277                 outerDeclaringClass = temp;
278                 temp = temp.enclosingType();
279             }
280             if (outerInvocationType != outerDeclaringClass) return false;
281         }
282         return true;
283     }
285     // isDefault()
PackageBinding declaringPackage = declaringClass.fPackage;
287     if (invocationType.fPackage != declaringPackage) return false;
289     // receiverType can be an array binding in one case... see if you can change it
if (receiverType instanceof ArrayBinding)
291         return false;
292     ReferenceBinding currentType = (ReferenceBinding) receiverType;
293     do {
294         if (declaringClass == currentType) return true;
295         PackageBinding currentPackage = currentType.fPackage;
296         // package could be null for wildcards/intersection types, ignore and recurse in superclass
if (currentPackage != null && currentPackage != declaringPackage) return false;
298     } while ((currentType = currentType.superclass()) != null);
299     return false;
300 }
301 MethodBinding computeSubstitutedMethod(MethodBinding method, LookupEnvironment env) {
302     int length = this.typeVariables.length;
303     TypeVariableBinding[] vars = method.typeVariables;
304     if (length != vars.length)
305         return null;
307     // must substitute to detect cases like:
// <T1 extends X<T1>> void dup() {}
// <T2 extends X<T2>> Object dup() {return null;}
ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding substitute =
311         env.createParameterizedGenericMethod(method, this.typeVariables);
312     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
313         if (!this.typeVariables[i].isInterchangeableWith(vars[i], substitute))
314             return null;
315     return substitute;
316 }
317 /*
318  * declaringUniqueKey dot selector genericSignature
319  * p.X { <T> void bar(X<T> t) } --> Lp/X;.bar<T:Ljava/lang/Object;>(LX<TT;>;)V
320  */

321 public char[] computeUniqueKey(boolean isLeaf) {
322     // declaring class
char[] declaringKey = this.declaringClass.computeUniqueKey(false/*not a leaf*/);
324     int declaringLength = declaringKey.length;
326     // selector
int selectorLength = this.selector == TypeConstants.INIT ? 0 : this.selector.length;
329     // generic signature
char[] sig = genericSignature();
331     boolean isGeneric = sig != null;
332     if (!isGeneric) sig = signature();
333     int signatureLength = sig.length;
335     // thrown exceptions
int thrownExceptionsLength = this.thrownExceptions.length;
337     int thrownExceptionsSignatureLength = 0;
338     char[][] thrownExceptionsSignatures = null;
339     boolean addThrownExceptions = thrownExceptionsLength > 0 && (!isGeneric || CharOperation.lastIndexOf('^', sig) < 0);
340     if (addThrownExceptions) {
341         thrownExceptionsSignatures = new char[thrownExceptionsLength][];
342         for (int i = 0; i < thrownExceptionsLength; i++) {
343             if (this.thrownExceptions[i] != null) {
344                 thrownExceptionsSignatures[i] = this.thrownExceptions[i].signature();
345                 thrownExceptionsSignatureLength += thrownExceptionsSignatures[i].length + 1; // add one char for separator
347         }
348     }
350     char[] uniqueKey = new char[declaringLength + 1 + selectorLength + signatureLength + thrownExceptionsSignatureLength];
351     int index = 0;
352     System.arraycopy(declaringKey, 0, uniqueKey, index, declaringLength);
353     index = declaringLength;
354     uniqueKey[index++] = '.';
355     System.arraycopy(this.selector, 0, uniqueKey, index, selectorLength);
356     index += selectorLength;
357     System.arraycopy(sig, 0, uniqueKey, index, signatureLength);
358     if (thrownExceptionsSignatureLength > 0) {
359         index += signatureLength;
360         for (int i = 0; i < thrownExceptionsLength; i++) {
361             char[] thrownExceptionSignature = thrownExceptionsSignatures[i];
362             if (thrownExceptionSignature != null) {
363                 uniqueKey[index++] = '|';
364                 int length = thrownExceptionSignature.length;
365                 System.arraycopy(thrownExceptionSignature, 0, uniqueKey, index, length);
366                 index += length;
367             }
368         }
369     }
371     return uniqueKey;
372 }
373 /*
374  * Answer the declaring class to use in the constant pool
375  * may not be a reference binding (see subtypes)
376  */

377 public TypeBinding constantPoolDeclaringClass() {
378     return this.declaringClass;
379 }
380 /* Answer the receiver's constant pool name.
381 *
382 * <init> for constructors
383 * <clinit> for clinit methods
384 * or the source name of the method
385 */

386 public final char[] constantPoolName() {
387     return selector;
388 }
389 /**
390  *<typeParam1 ... typeParamM>(param1 ... paramN)returnType thrownException1 ... thrownExceptionP
391  * T foo(T t) throws X<T> ---> (TT;)TT;LX<TT;>;
392  * void bar(X<T> t) --> (LX<TT;>;)V
393  * <T> void bar(X<T> t) --> <T:Ljava.lang.Object;>(LX<TT;>;)V
394  */

395 public char[] genericSignature() {
396     if ((this.modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccGenericSignature) == 0) return null;
397     StringBuffer JavaDoc sig = new StringBuffer JavaDoc(10);
398     if (this.typeVariables != Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) {
399         sig.append('<');
400         for (int i = 0, length = this.typeVariables.length; i < length; i++) {
401             sig.append(this.typeVariables[i].genericSignature());
402         }
403         sig.append('>');
404     }
405     sig.append('(');
406     for (int i = 0, length = this.parameters.length; i < length; i++) {
407         sig.append(this.parameters[i].genericTypeSignature());
408     }
409     sig.append(')');
410     if (this.returnType != null)
411         sig.append(this.returnType.genericTypeSignature());
413     // only append thrown exceptions if any is generic/parameterized
boolean needExceptionSignatures = false;
415     int length = this.thrownExceptions.length;
416     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
417         if((this.thrownExceptions[i].modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccGenericSignature) != 0) {
418             needExceptionSignatures = true;
419             break;
420         }
421     }
422     if (needExceptionSignatures) {
423         for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
424             sig.append('^');
425             sig.append(this.thrownExceptions[i].genericTypeSignature());
426         }
427     }
428     int sigLength = sig.length();
429     char[] genericSignature = new char[sigLength];
430     sig.getChars(0, sigLength, genericSignature, 0);
431     return genericSignature;
432 }
433 public AnnotationBinding[] getAnnotations() {
434     MethodBinding originalMethod = this.original();
435     return originalMethod.declaringClass.retrieveAnnotations(originalMethod);
436 }
437 /**
438  * @param index the index of the parameter of interest
439  * @return the annotations on the <code>index</code>th parameter
440  * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when <code>index</code> is not valid
441  */

442 public AnnotationBinding[] getParameterAnnotations(int index) {
443     MethodBinding originalMethod = this.original();
444     AnnotationHolder holder = originalMethod.declaringClass.retrieveAnnotationHolder(originalMethod, true);
445     return holder == null ? Binding.NO_ANNOTATIONS : holder.getParameterAnnotations(index);
446 }
447 public final int getAccessFlags() {
448     return modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccJustFlag;
449 }
451 /**
452  * Compute the tagbits for standard annotations. For source types, these could require
453  * lazily resolving corresponding annotation nodes, in case of forward references.
454  * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Binding#getAnnotationTagBits()
455  */

456 public long getAnnotationTagBits() {
457     MethodBinding originalMethod = this.original();
458     if ((originalMethod.tagBits & TagBits.AnnotationResolved) == 0 && originalMethod.declaringClass instanceof SourceTypeBinding) {
459         ClassScope scope = ((SourceTypeBinding) originalMethod.declaringClass).scope;
460         if (scope != null) {
461             TypeDeclaration typeDecl = scope.referenceContext;
462             AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl = typeDecl.declarationOf(originalMethod);
463             if (methodDecl != null)
464                 ASTNode.resolveAnnotations(methodDecl.scope, methodDecl.annotations, originalMethod);
465         }
466     }
467     return originalMethod.tagBits;
468 }
469 /**
470  * @return the default value for this annotation method or <code>null</code> if there is no default value
471  */

472 public Object JavaDoc getDefaultValue() {
473     MethodBinding originalMethod = this.original();
474     if ((originalMethod.tagBits & TagBits.DefaultValueResolved) == 0) {
475         //The method has not been resolved nor has its class been resolved.
//It can only be from a source type within compilation units to process.
if (originalMethod.declaringClass instanceof SourceTypeBinding) {
478             SourceTypeBinding sourceType = (SourceTypeBinding) originalMethod.declaringClass;
479             if (sourceType.scope != null) {
480                 AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = originalMethod.sourceMethod();
481                 if (methodDeclaration != null && methodDeclaration.isAnnotationMethod()) {
482                     methodDeclaration.resolve(sourceType.scope);
483                 }
484             }
485         }
486         originalMethod.tagBits |= TagBits.DefaultValueResolved;
487     }
488     AnnotationHolder holder = originalMethod.declaringClass.retrieveAnnotationHolder(originalMethod, true);
489     return holder == null ? null : holder.getDefaultValue();
490 }
491 public TypeVariableBinding getTypeVariable(char[] variableName) {
492     for (int i = this.typeVariables.length; --i >= 0;)
493         if (CharOperation.equals(this.typeVariables[i].sourceName, variableName))
494             return this.typeVariables[i];
495     return null;
496 }
497 /**
498  * Returns true if method got substituted parameter types
499  * (see ParameterizedMethodBinding)
500  */

501 public boolean hasSubstitutedParameters() {
502     return false;
503 }
505 /* Answer true if the return type got substituted.
506  */

507 public boolean hasSubstitutedReturnType() {
508     return false;
509 }
511 /* Answer true if the receiver is an abstract method
512 */

513 public final boolean isAbstract() {
514     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract) != 0;
515 }
517 /* Answer true if the receiver is a bridge method
518 */

519 public final boolean isBridge() {
520     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccBridge) != 0;
521 }
523 /* Answer true if the receiver is a constructor
524 */

525 public final boolean isConstructor() {
526     return selector == TypeConstants.INIT;
527 }
529 /* Answer true if the receiver has default visibility
530 */

531 public final boolean isDefault() {
532     return !isPublic() && !isProtected() && !isPrivate();
533 }
535 /* Answer true if the receiver is a system generated default abstract method
536 */

537 public final boolean isDefaultAbstract() {
538     return (modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccDefaultAbstract) != 0;
539 }
541 /* Answer true if the receiver is a deprecated method
542 */

543 public final boolean isDeprecated() {
544     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccDeprecated) != 0;
545 }
547 /* Answer true if the receiver is final and cannot be overridden
548 */

549 public final boolean isFinal() {
550     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0;
551 }
553 /* Answer true if the receiver is implementing another method
554  * in other words, it is overriding and concrete, and overriden method is abstract
555  * Only set for source methods
556 */

557 public final boolean isImplementing() {
558     return (modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccImplementing) != 0;
559 }
561 /* Answer true if the receiver is a native method
562 */

563 public final boolean isNative() {
564     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccNative) != 0;
565 }
567 /* Answer true if the receiver is overriding another method
568  * Only set for source methods
569 */

570 public final boolean isOverriding() {
571     return (modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccOverriding) != 0;
572 }
573 /*
574  * Answer true if the receiver is a "public static void main(String[])" method
575  */

576 public final boolean isMain() {
577     if (this.selector.length == 4 && CharOperation.equals(this.selector, TypeConstants.MAIN)
578             && ((this.modifiers & (ClassFileConstants.AccPublic | ClassFileConstants.AccStatic)) != 0)
579             && TypeBinding.VOID == this.returnType
580             && this.parameters.length == 1) {
581         TypeBinding paramType = this.parameters[0];
582         if (paramType.dimensions() == 1 && paramType.leafComponentType().id == TypeIds.T_JavaLangString) {
583             return true;
584         }
585     }
586     return false;
587 }
588 /* Answer true if the receiver has private visibility
589 */

590 public final boolean isPrivate() {
591     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate) != 0;
592 }
594 /* Answer true if the receiver has private visibility and is used locally
595 */

596 public final boolean isUsed() {
597     return (modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccLocallyUsed) != 0;
598 }
600 /* Answer true if the receiver has protected visibility
601 */

602 public final boolean isProtected() {
603     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccProtected) != 0;
604 }
606 /* Answer true if the receiver has public visibility
607 */

608 public final boolean isPublic() {
609     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPublic) != 0;
610 }
612 /* Answer true if the receiver is a static method
613 */

614 public final boolean isStatic() {
615     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0;
616 }
618 /* Answer true if all float operations must adher to IEEE 754 float/double rules
619 */

620 public final boolean isStrictfp() {
621     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStrictfp) != 0;
622 }
624 /* Answer true if the receiver is a synchronized method
625 */

626 public final boolean isSynchronized() {
627     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccSynchronized) != 0;
628 }
630 /* Answer true if the receiver has public visibility
631 */

632 public final boolean isSynthetic() {
633     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic) != 0;
634 }
636 /* Answer true if the receiver method has varargs
637 */

638 public final boolean isVarargs() {
639     return (modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccVarargs) != 0;
640 }
642 /* Answer true if the receiver's declaring type is deprecated (or any of its enclosing types)
643 */

644 public final boolean isViewedAsDeprecated() {
645     return (modifiers & (ClassFileConstants.AccDeprecated | ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccDeprecatedImplicitly)) != 0;
646 }
648 /**
649  * Returns the original method (as opposed to parameterized instances)
650  */

651 public MethodBinding original() {
652     return this;
653 }
655 public char[] readableName() /* foo(int, Thread) */ {
656     StringBuffer JavaDoc buffer = new StringBuffer JavaDoc(parameters.length + 1 * 20);
657     if (isConstructor())
658         buffer.append(declaringClass.sourceName());
659     else
660         buffer.append(selector);
661     buffer.append('(');
662     if (parameters != Binding.NO_PARAMETERS) {
663         for (int i = 0, length = parameters.length; i < length; i++) {
664             if (i > 0)
665                 buffer.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
667         }
668     }
669     buffer.append(')');
670     return buffer.toString().toCharArray();
671 }
672 public void setAnnotations(AnnotationBinding[] annotations) {
673     this.declaringClass.storeAnnotations(this, annotations);
674 }
675 public void setAnnotations(AnnotationBinding[] annotations, AnnotationBinding[][] parameterAnnotations, Object JavaDoc defaultValue) {
676     this.declaringClass.storeAnnotationHolder(this, AnnotationHolder.storeAnnotations(annotations, parameterAnnotations, defaultValue));
677 }
678 public void setDefaultValue(Object JavaDoc defaultValue) {
679     MethodBinding originalMethod = this.original();
680     originalMethod.tagBits |= TagBits.DefaultValueResolved;
682     AnnotationHolder holder = this.declaringClass.retrieveAnnotationHolder(this, false);
683     if (holder == null)
684         setAnnotations(null, null, defaultValue);
685     else
686         setAnnotations(holder.getAnnotations(), holder.getParameterAnnotations(), defaultValue);
687 }
688 public void setParameterAnnotations(AnnotationBinding[][] parameterAnnotations) {
689     AnnotationHolder holder = this.declaringClass.retrieveAnnotationHolder(this, false);
690     if (holder == null)
691         setAnnotations(null, parameterAnnotations, null);
692     else
693         setAnnotations(holder.getAnnotations(), parameterAnnotations, holder.getDefaultValue());
694 }
695 /**
696  * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Binding#shortReadableName()
697  */

698 public char[] shortReadableName() {
699     StringBuffer JavaDoc buffer = new StringBuffer JavaDoc(parameters.length + 1 * 20);
700     if (isConstructor())
701         buffer.append(declaringClass.shortReadableName());
702     else
703         buffer.append(selector);
704     buffer.append('(');
705     if (parameters != Binding.NO_PARAMETERS) {
706         for (int i = 0, length = parameters.length; i < length; i++) {
707             if (i > 0)
708                 buffer.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
710         }
711     }
712     buffer.append(')');
713     int nameLength = buffer.length();
714     char[] shortReadableName = new char[nameLength];
715     buffer.getChars(0, nameLength, shortReadableName, 0);
716     return shortReadableName;
717 }
719 protected final void setSelector(char[] selector) {
720     this.selector = selector;
721     this.signature = null;
722 }
724 /* Answer the receiver's signature.
725 *
726 * NOTE: This method should only be used during/after code gen.
727 * The signature is cached so if the signature of the return type or any parameter
728 * type changes, the cached state is invalid.
729 */

730 public final char[] signature() /* (ILjava/lang/Thread;)Ljava/lang/Object; */ {
731     if (signature != null)
732         return signature;
734     StringBuffer JavaDoc buffer = new StringBuffer JavaDoc(parameters.length + 1 * 20);
735     buffer.append('(');
737     TypeBinding[] targetParameters = this.parameters;
738     boolean isConstructor = isConstructor();
739     if (isConstructor && declaringClass.isEnum()) { // insert String name,int ordinal
741         buffer.append(TypeBinding.INT.signature());
742     }
743     boolean needSynthetics = isConstructor && declaringClass.isNestedType();
744     if (needSynthetics) {
745         // take into account the synthetic argument type signatures as well
ReferenceBinding[] syntheticArgumentTypes = declaringClass.syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes();
747         if (syntheticArgumentTypes != null) {
748             for (int i = 0, count = syntheticArgumentTypes.length; i < count; i++) {
749                 buffer.append(syntheticArgumentTypes[i].signature());
750             }
751         }
753         if (this instanceof SyntheticMethodBinding) {
754             targetParameters = ((SyntheticMethodBinding)this).targetMethod.parameters;
755         }
756     }
758     if (targetParameters != Binding.NO_PARAMETERS) {
759         for (int i = 0; i < targetParameters.length; i++) {
760             buffer.append(targetParameters[i].signature());
761         }
762     }
763     if (needSynthetics) {
764         SyntheticArgumentBinding[] syntheticOuterArguments = declaringClass.syntheticOuterLocalVariables();
765         int count = syntheticOuterArguments == null ? 0 : syntheticOuterArguments.length;
766         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
767             buffer.append(syntheticOuterArguments[i].type.signature());
768         }
769         // move the extra padding arguments of the synthetic constructor invocation to the end
for (int i = targetParameters.length, extraLength = parameters.length; i < extraLength; i++) {
771             buffer.append(parameters[i].signature());
772         }
773     }
774     buffer.append(')');
775     if (this.returnType != null)
776         buffer.append(this.returnType.signature());
777     int nameLength = buffer.length();
778     signature = new char[nameLength];
779     buffer.getChars(0, nameLength, signature, 0);
781     return signature;
782 }
783 /*
784  * This method is used to record references to nested types inside the method signature.
785  * This is the one that must be used during code generation.
786  *
787  * See
788  */

789 public final char[] signature(ClassFile classFile) {
790     if (signature != null) {
791         if ((this.tagBits & TagBits.ContainsNestedTypesInSignature) != 0) {
792             // we need to record inner classes references
boolean isConstructor = isConstructor();
794             TypeBinding[] targetParameters = this.parameters;
795             boolean needSynthetics = isConstructor && declaringClass.isNestedType();
796             if (needSynthetics) {
797                 // take into account the synthetic argument type signatures as well
ReferenceBinding[] syntheticArgumentTypes = declaringClass.syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes();
799                 if (syntheticArgumentTypes != null) {
800                     for (int i = 0, count = syntheticArgumentTypes.length; i < count; i++) {
801                         ReferenceBinding syntheticArgumentType = syntheticArgumentTypes[i];
802                         if (syntheticArgumentType.isNestedType()) {
803                             classFile.recordInnerClasses(syntheticArgumentType);
804                         }
805                     }
806                 }
807                 if (this instanceof SyntheticMethodBinding) {
808                     targetParameters = ((SyntheticMethodBinding)this).targetMethod.parameters;
809                 }
810             }
812             if (targetParameters != Binding.NO_PARAMETERS) {
813                 for (int i = 0; i < targetParameters.length; i++) {
814                     TypeBinding targetParameter = targetParameters[i];
815                     TypeBinding leafTargetParameterType = targetParameter.leafComponentType();
816                     if (leafTargetParameterType.isNestedType()) {
817                         classFile.recordInnerClasses(leafTargetParameterType);
818                     }
819                 }
820             }
821             if (needSynthetics) {
822                 // move the extra padding arguments of the synthetic constructor invocation to the end
for (int i = targetParameters.length, extraLength = parameters.length; i < extraLength; i++) {
824                     TypeBinding parameter = parameters[i];
825                     TypeBinding leafParameterType = parameter.leafComponentType();
826                     if (leafParameterType.isNestedType()) {
827                         classFile.recordInnerClasses(leafParameterType);
828                     }
829                 }
830             }
831             if (this.returnType != null) {
832                 TypeBinding ret = this.returnType.leafComponentType();
833                 if (ret.isNestedType()) {
834                     classFile.recordInnerClasses(ret);
835                 }
836             }
837         }
838         return signature;
839     }
841     StringBuffer JavaDoc buffer = new StringBuffer JavaDoc(parameters.length + 1 * 20);
842     buffer.append('(');
844     TypeBinding[] targetParameters = this.parameters;
845     boolean isConstructor = isConstructor();
846     if (isConstructor && declaringClass.isEnum()) { // insert String name,int ordinal
848         buffer.append(TypeBinding.INT.signature());
849     }
850     boolean needSynthetics = isConstructor && declaringClass.isNestedType();
851     if (needSynthetics) {
852         // take into account the synthetic argument type signatures as well
ReferenceBinding[] syntheticArgumentTypes = declaringClass.syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes();
854         if (syntheticArgumentTypes != null) {
855             for (int i = 0, count = syntheticArgumentTypes.length; i < count; i++) {
856                 ReferenceBinding syntheticArgumentType = syntheticArgumentTypes[i];
857                 if (syntheticArgumentType.isNestedType()) {
858                     this.tagBits |= TagBits.ContainsNestedTypesInSignature;
859                     classFile.recordInnerClasses(syntheticArgumentType);
860                 }
861                 buffer.append(syntheticArgumentType.signature());
862             }
863         }
865         if (this instanceof SyntheticMethodBinding) {
866             targetParameters = ((SyntheticMethodBinding)this).targetMethod.parameters;
867         }
868     }
870     if (targetParameters != Binding.NO_PARAMETERS) {
871         for (int i = 0; i < targetParameters.length; i++) {
872             TypeBinding targetParameter = targetParameters[i];
873             TypeBinding leafTargetParameterType = targetParameter.leafComponentType();
874             if (leafTargetParameterType.isNestedType()) {
875                 this.tagBits |= TagBits.ContainsNestedTypesInSignature;
876                 classFile.recordInnerClasses(leafTargetParameterType);
877             }
878             buffer.append(targetParameter.signature());
879         }
880     }
881     if (needSynthetics) {
882         SyntheticArgumentBinding[] syntheticOuterArguments = declaringClass.syntheticOuterLocalVariables();
883         int count = syntheticOuterArguments == null ? 0 : syntheticOuterArguments.length;
884         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
885             buffer.append(syntheticOuterArguments[i].type.signature());
886         }
887         // move the extra padding arguments of the synthetic constructor invocation to the end
for (int i = targetParameters.length, extraLength = parameters.length; i < extraLength; i++) {
889             TypeBinding parameter = parameters[i];
890             TypeBinding leafParameterType = parameter.leafComponentType();
891             if (leafParameterType.isNestedType()) {
892                 this.tagBits |= TagBits.ContainsNestedTypesInSignature;
893                 classFile.recordInnerClasses(leafParameterType);
894             }
895             buffer.append(parameter.signature());
896         }
897     }
898     buffer.append(')');
899     if (this.returnType != null) {
900         TypeBinding ret = this.returnType.leafComponentType();
901         if (ret.isNestedType()) {
902             this.tagBits |= TagBits.ContainsNestedTypesInSignature;
903             classFile.recordInnerClasses(ret);
904         }
905         buffer.append(this.returnType.signature());
906     }
907     int nameLength = buffer.length();
908     signature = new char[nameLength];
909     buffer.getChars(0, nameLength, signature, 0);
911     return signature;
912 }
913 public final int sourceEnd() {
914     AbstractMethodDeclaration method = sourceMethod();
915     if (method == null) {
916         if (this.declaringClass instanceof SourceTypeBinding)
917             return ((SourceTypeBinding) this.declaringClass).sourceEnd();
918         return 0;
919     }
920     return method.sourceEnd;
921 }
922 public AbstractMethodDeclaration sourceMethod() {
923     SourceTypeBinding sourceType;
924     try {
925         sourceType = (SourceTypeBinding) declaringClass;
926     } catch (ClassCastException JavaDoc e) {
927         return null;
928     }
930     AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methods = sourceType.scope.referenceContext.methods;
931     for (int i = methods.length; --i >= 0;)
932         if (this == methods[i].binding)
933             return methods[i];
934     return null;
935 }
936 public final int sourceStart() {
937     AbstractMethodDeclaration method = sourceMethod();
938     if (method == null) {
939         if (this.declaringClass instanceof SourceTypeBinding)
940             return ((SourceTypeBinding) this.declaringClass).sourceStart();
941         return 0;
942     }
943     return method.sourceStart;
944 }
946 public String JavaDoc toString() {
947     String JavaDoc s = (returnType != null) ? returnType.debugName() : "NULL TYPE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
s += " "; //$NON-NLS-1$
s += (selector != null) ? new String JavaDoc(selector) : "UNNAMED METHOD"; //$NON-NLS-1$

951     s += "("; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (parameters != null) {
953         if (parameters != Binding.NO_PARAMETERS) {
954             for (int i = 0, length = parameters.length; i < length; i++) {
955                 if (i > 0)
956                     s += ", "; //$NON-NLS-1$
s += (parameters[i] != null) ? parameters[i].debugName() : "NULL TYPE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
959         }
960     } else {
961         s += "NULL PARAMETERS"; //$NON-NLS-1$
963     s += ") "; //$NON-NLS-1$

965     if (thrownExceptions != null) {
966         if (thrownExceptions != Binding.NO_EXCEPTIONS) {
967             s += "throws "; //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0, length = thrownExceptions.length; i < length; i++) {
969                 if (i > 0)
970                     s += ", "; //$NON-NLS-1$
s += (thrownExceptions[i] != null) ? thrownExceptions[i].debugName() : "NULL TYPE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
973         }
974     } else {
975         s += "NULL THROWN EXCEPTIONS"; //$NON-NLS-1$
977     return s;
978 }
979 /**
980  * Returns the method to use during tiebreak (usually the method itself).
981  * For generic method invocations, tiebreak needs to use generic method with erasure substitutes.
982  */

983 public MethodBinding tiebreakMethod() {
984     return this;
985 }
986 public TypeVariableBinding[] typeVariables() {
987     return this.typeVariables;
988 }
989 }
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