1 package org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.templates.model; 2 3 import java.util.*; 4 import org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.*; 5 6 public class SwitchClass 7 { 8 protected static String nl; 9 public static synchronized SwitchClass create(String lineSeparator) 10 { 11 nl = lineSeparator; 12 SwitchClass result = new SwitchClass(); 13 nl = null; 14 return result; 15 } 16 17 protected final String NL = nl == null ? (System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator")) : nl; 18 protected final String TEXT_1 = ""; 19 protected final String TEXT_2 = "/**" + NL + " * <copyright>" + NL + " * </copyright>" + NL + " *" + NL + " * "; 20 protected final String TEXT_3 = "Id"; 21 protected final String TEXT_4 = NL + " */" + NL + "package "; 22 protected final String TEXT_5 = ";" + NL; 23 protected final String TEXT_6 = NL + NL + "/**" + NL + " * <!-- begin-user-doc -->" + NL + " * The <b>Switch</b> for the model's inheritance hierarchy." + NL + " * It supports the call {@link #doSwitch(EObject) doSwitch(object)}" + NL + " * to invoke the <code>caseXXX</code> method for each class of the model," + NL + " * starting with the actual class of the object" + NL + " * and proceeding up the inheritance hierarchy" + NL + " * until a non-null result is returned," + NL + " * which is the result of the switch." + NL + " * <!-- end-user-doc -->" + NL + " * @see "; 24 protected final String TEXT_7 = NL + " * @generated" + NL + " */" + NL + "public class "; 25 protected final String TEXT_8 = NL + "{"; 26 protected final String TEXT_9 = NL + "\t/**" + NL + "\t * <!-- begin-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * <!-- end-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * @generated" + NL + "\t */" + NL + "\tpublic static final "; 27 protected final String TEXT_10 = " copyright = \""; 28 protected final String TEXT_11 = "\";"; 29 protected final String TEXT_12 = NL; 30 protected final String TEXT_13 = NL + "\t/**" + NL + "\t * The cached model package" + NL + "\t * <!-- begin-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * <!-- end-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * @generated" + NL + "\t */" + NL + "\tprotected static "; 31 protected final String TEXT_14 = " modelPackage;" + NL + "" + NL + "\t/**" + NL + "\t * Creates an instance of the switch." + NL + "\t * <!-- begin-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * <!-- end-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * @generated" + NL + "\t */" + NL + "\tpublic "; 32 protected final String TEXT_15 = "()" + NL + "\t{" + NL + "\t\tif (modelPackage == null)" + NL + "\t\t{" + NL + "\t\t\tmodelPackage = "; 33 protected final String TEXT_16 = ".eINSTANCE;" + NL + "\t\t}" + NL + "\t}" + NL + "" + NL + "\t/**" + NL + "\t * Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result." + NL + "\t * <!-- begin-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * <!-- end-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call." + NL + "\t * @generated" + NL + "\t */" + NL + "\tpublic Object doSwitch(EObject theEObject)" + NL + "\t{" + NL + "\t\treturn doSwitch(theEObject.eClass(), theEObject);" + NL + "\t}" + NL + "" + NL + "\t/**" + NL + "\t * Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result." + NL + "\t * <!-- begin-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * <!-- end-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call." + NL + "\t * @generated" + NL + "\t */" + NL + "\tprotected Object doSwitch(EClass theEClass, EObject theEObject)" + NL + "\t{" + NL + "\t\tif (theEClass.eContainer() == modelPackage)" + NL + "\t\t{" + NL + "\t\t\treturn doSwitch(theEClass.getClassifierID(), theEObject);" + NL + "\t\t}" + NL + "\t\telse" + NL + "\t\t{" + NL + "\t\t\t"; 34 protected final String TEXT_17 = " eSuperTypes = theEClass.getESuperTypes();" + NL + "\t\t\treturn" + NL + "\t\t\t\teSuperTypes.isEmpty() ?" + NL + "\t\t\t\t\tdefaultCase(theEObject) :" + NL + "\t\t\t\t\tdoSwitch((EClass)eSuperTypes.get(0), theEObject);" + NL + "\t\t}" + NL + "\t}" + NL + "" + NL + "\t/**" + NL + "\t * Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result." + NL + "\t * <!-- begin-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * <!-- end-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call." + NL + "\t * @generated" + NL + "\t */" + NL + "\tprotected Object doSwitch(int classifierID, EObject theEObject)" + NL + "\t{" + NL + "\t\tswitch (classifierID)" + NL + "\t\t{"; 35 protected final String TEXT_18 = NL + "\t\t\tcase "; 36 protected final String TEXT_19 = "."; 37 protected final String TEXT_20 = ":" + NL + "\t\t\t{" + NL + "\t\t\t\t"; 38 protected final String TEXT_21 = " "; 39 protected final String TEXT_22 = " = ("; 40 protected final String TEXT_23 = ")theEObject;" + NL + "\t\t\t\tObject "; 41 protected final String TEXT_24 = " = case"; 42 protected final String TEXT_25 = "("; 43 protected final String TEXT_26 = ");"; 44 protected final String TEXT_27 = NL + "\t\t\t\tif ("; 45 protected final String TEXT_28 = " == null) "; 46 protected final String TEXT_29 = " = case"; 47 protected final String TEXT_30 = "("; 48 protected final String TEXT_31 = "("; 49 protected final String TEXT_32 = ")"; 50 protected final String TEXT_33 = ");"; 51 protected final String TEXT_34 = NL + "\t\t\t\tif ("; 52 protected final String TEXT_35 = " == null) "; 53 protected final String TEXT_36 = " = defaultCase(theEObject);" + NL + "\t\t\t\treturn "; 54 protected final String TEXT_37 = ";" + NL + "\t\t\t}"; 55 protected final String TEXT_38 = NL + "\t\t\tdefault: return defaultCase(theEObject);" + NL + "\t\t}" + NL + "\t}"; 56 protected final String TEXT_39 = NL + NL + "\t/**" + NL + "\t * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>"; 57 protected final String TEXT_40 = "</em>'." + NL + "\t * <!-- begin-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * This implementation returns null;" + NL + "\t * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch." + NL + "\t * <!-- end-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * @param object the target of the switch." + NL + "\t * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>"; 58 protected final String TEXT_41 = "</em>'." + NL + "\t * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)" + NL + "\t * @generated" + NL + "\t */" + NL + "\tpublic Object case"; 59 protected final String TEXT_42 = "("; 60 protected final String TEXT_43 = " object)" + NL + "\t{" + NL + "\t\treturn null;" + NL + "\t}"; 61 protected final String TEXT_44 = NL + NL + "\t/**" + NL + "\t * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'." + NL + "\t * <!-- begin-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * This implementation returns null;" + NL + "\t * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch, but this is the last case anyway." + NL + "\t * <!-- end-user-doc -->" + NL + "\t * @param object the target of the switch." + NL + "\t * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'." + NL + "\t * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)" + NL + "\t * @generated" + NL + "\t */" + NL + "\tpublic Object defaultCase(EObject object)" + NL + "\t{" + NL + "\t\treturn null;" + NL + "\t}" + NL + "" + NL + "} //"; 62 protected final String TEXT_45 = NL; 63 64 public String generate(Object argument) 65 { 66 StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer (); 67 68 82 83 GenPackage genPackage = (GenPackage)argument; GenModel genModel=genPackage.getGenModel(); 84 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_1); 85 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_2); 86 stringBuffer.append("$"); 87 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_3); 88 stringBuffer.append("$"); 89 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_4); 90 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getUtilitiesPackageName()); 91 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_5); 92 genModel.addImport("org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass"); 93 genModel.addImport("org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject"); 94 if (!genPackage.hasJavaLangConflict() && !genPackage.getUtilitiesPackageName().equals(genPackage.getInterfacePackageName())) genModel.addImport(genPackage.getInterfacePackageName() + ".*"); 95 genModel.markImportLocation(stringBuffer); 96 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_6); 97 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getQualifiedPackageInterfaceName()); 98 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_7); 99 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getSwitchClassName()); 100 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_8); 101 if (genModel.getCopyrightText() != null) { 102 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_9); 103 stringBuffer.append(genModel.getImportedName("java.lang.String")); 104 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_10); 105 stringBuffer.append(genModel.getCopyrightText()); 106 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_11); 107 stringBuffer.append(genModel.getNonNLS()); 108 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_12); 109 } 110 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_13); 111 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getImportedPackageInterfaceName()); 112 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_14); 113 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getSwitchClassName()); 114 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_15); 115 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getImportedPackageInterfaceName()); 116 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_16); 117 stringBuffer.append(genModel.getImportedName("java.util.List")); 118 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_17); 119 for (Iterator i=genPackage.getGenClasses().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { GenClass genClass = (GenClass)i.next(); 120 if (!genClass.isExternalInterface() && !genClass.isEObject() || genClass.isMapEntry()) { String result = "result".equals(genClass.getSafeUncapName()) ? "theResult" : "result"; 121 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_18); 122 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getImportedPackageInterfaceName()); 123 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_19); 124 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getClassifierID(genClass)); 125 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_20); 126 stringBuffer.append(genClass.getImportedInterfaceName()); 127 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_21); 128 stringBuffer.append(genClass.getSafeUncapName()); 129 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_22); 130 stringBuffer.append(genClass.getImportedInterfaceName()); 131 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_23); 132 stringBuffer.append(result); 133 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_24); 134 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getClassUniqueName(genClass)); 135 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_25); 136 stringBuffer.append(genClass.getSafeUncapName()); 137 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_26); 138 for (Iterator b=genClass.getSwitchGenClasses().iterator(); b.hasNext();) { GenClass baseGenClass = (GenClass)b.next(); 139 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_27); 140 stringBuffer.append(result); 141 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_28); 142 stringBuffer.append(result); 143 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_29); 144 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getClassUniqueName(baseGenClass)); 145 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_30); 146 if (genClass.isMapEntry()) { 147 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_31); 148 stringBuffer.append(baseGenClass.getImportedInterfaceName()); 149 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_32); 150 } 151 stringBuffer.append(genClass.getSafeUncapName()); 152 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_33); 153 } 154 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_34); 155 stringBuffer.append(result); 156 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_35); 157 stringBuffer.append(result); 158 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_36); 159 stringBuffer.append(result); 160 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_37); 161 } 162 } 163 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_38); 164 for (Iterator i=genPackage.getAllSwitchGenClasses().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { GenClass genClass = (GenClass)i.next(); 165 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_39); 166 stringBuffer.append(genClass.getFormattedName()); 167 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_40); 168 stringBuffer.append(genClass.getFormattedName()); 169 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_41); 170 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getClassUniqueName(genClass)); 171 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_42); 172 stringBuffer.append(genClass.getImportedInterfaceName()); 173 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_43); 174 } 175 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_44); 176 stringBuffer.append(genPackage.getSwitchClassName()); 177 genModel.emitSortedImports(); 178 stringBuffer.append(TEXT_45); 179 return stringBuffer.toString(); 180 } 181 } 182 | Popular Tags |