1 18 19 package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.ssh; 20 21 import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException; 22 import com.jcraft.jsch.Session; 23 24 import java.io.IOException ; 25 import java.io.File ; 26 27 import java.util.List ; 28 import java.util.LinkedList ; 29 import java.util.Iterator ; 30 import java.util.ArrayList ; 31 32 import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; 33 import org.apache.tools.ant.DirectoryScanner; 34 import org.apache.tools.ant.Project; 35 import org.apache.tools.ant.types.FileSet; 36 37 42 public class Scp extends SSHBase { 43 44 private static final String [] FROM_ATTRS = { 45 "file", "localfile", "remotefile" }; 46 47 private static final String [] TO_ATTRS = { 48 "todir", "localtodir", "remotetodir", "localtofile", "remotetofile" }; 49 50 private String fromUri; 51 private String toUri; 52 private List fileSets = null; 53 private boolean isFromRemote, isToRemote; 54 private boolean isSftp = false; 55 56 65 public void setFile(String aFromUri) { 66 setFromUri(aFromUri); 67 this.isFromRemote = isRemoteUri(this.fromUri); 68 } 69 70 79 public void setTodir(String aToUri) { 80 setToUri(aToUri); 81 this.isToRemote = isRemoteUri(this.toUri); 82 } 83 84 91 public void setLocalFile(String aFromUri) { 92 setFromUri(aFromUri); 93 this.isFromRemote = false; 94 } 95 96 102 public void setRemoteFile(String aFromUri) { 103 setFromUri(aFromUri); 104 this.isFromRemote = true; 105 } 106 107 114 public void setLocalTodir(String aToUri) { 115 setToUri(aToUri); 116 this.isToRemote = false; 117 } 118 119 125 public void setRemoteTodir(String aToUri) { 126 setToUri(aToUri); 127 this.isToRemote = true; 128 } 129 130 136 public void setLocalTofile(String aToUri) { 137 setToUri(aToUri); 138 this.isToRemote = false; 139 } 140 141 147 public void setRemoteTofile(String aToUri) { 148 setToUri(aToUri); 149 this.isToRemote = true; 150 } 151 152 157 public void setSftp(boolean yesOrNo) { 158 isSftp = yesOrNo; 159 } 160 161 167 public void addFileset(FileSet set) { 168 if (fileSets == null) { 169 fileSets = new LinkedList (); 170 } 171 fileSets.add(set); 172 } 173 174 178 public void init() throws BuildException { 179 super.init(); 180 this.toUri = null; 181 this.fromUri = null; 182 this.fileSets = null; 183 } 184 185 189 public void execute() throws BuildException { 190 if (toUri == null) { 191 throw exactlyOne(TO_ATTRS); 192 } 193 if (fromUri == null && fileSets == null) { 194 throw exactlyOne(FROM_ATTRS, "one or more nested filesets"); 195 } 196 try { 197 if (isFromRemote && !isToRemote) { 198 download(fromUri, toUri); 199 } else if (!isFromRemote && isToRemote) { 200 if (fileSets != null) { 201 upload(fileSets, toUri); 202 } else { 203 upload(fromUri, toUri); 204 } 205 } else if (isFromRemote && isToRemote) { 206 throw new BuildException( 207 "Copying from a remote server to a remote server is not supported."); 208 } else { 209 throw new BuildException("'todir' and 'file' attributes " 210 + "must have syntax like the following: " 211 + "user:password@host:/path"); 212 } 213 } catch (Exception e) { 214 if (getFailonerror()) { 215 throw new BuildException(e); 216 } else { 217 log("Caught exception: " + e.getMessage(), Project.MSG_ERR); 218 } 219 } 220 } 221 222 private void download(String fromSshUri, String toPath) 223 throws JSchException, IOException { 224 String file = parseUri(fromSshUri); 225 226 Session session = null; 227 try { 228 session = openSession(); 229 ScpFromMessage message = null; 230 if (!isSftp) { 231 message = 232 new ScpFromMessage(getVerbose(), session, file, 233 getProject().resolveFile(toPath), 234 fromSshUri.endsWith("*")); 235 } else { 236 message = 237 new ScpFromMessageBySftp(getVerbose(), session, file, 238 getProject().resolveFile(toPath), 239 fromSshUri.endsWith("*")); 240 } 241 log("Receiving file: " + file); 242 message.setLogListener(this); 243 message.execute(); 244 } finally { 245 if (session != null) { 246 session.disconnect(); 247 } 248 } 249 } 250 251 private void upload(List fileSet, String toSshUri) 252 throws IOException , JSchException { 253 String file = parseUri(toSshUri); 254 255 Session session = null; 256 try { 257 List list = new ArrayList (fileSet.size()); 258 for (Iterator i = fileSet.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { 259 FileSet set = (FileSet) i.next(); 260 Directory d = createDirectory(set); 261 if (d != null) { 262 list.add(d); 263 } 264 } 265 if (!list.isEmpty()) { 266 session = openSession(); 267 ScpToMessage message = null; 268 if (!isSftp) { 269 message = new ScpToMessage(getVerbose(), session, 270 list, file); 271 } else { 272 message = new ScpToMessageBySftp(getVerbose(), session, 273 list, file); 274 } 275 message.setLogListener(this); 276 message.execute(); 277 } 278 } finally { 279 if (session != null) { 280 session.disconnect(); 281 } 282 } 283 } 284 285 private void upload(String fromPath, String toSshUri) 286 throws IOException , JSchException { 287 String file = parseUri(toSshUri); 288 289 Session session = null; 290 try { 291 session = openSession(); 292 ScpToMessage message = null; 293 if (!isSftp) { 294 message = 295 new ScpToMessage(getVerbose(), session, 296 getProject().resolveFile(fromPath), file); 297 } else { 298 message = 299 new ScpToMessageBySftp(getVerbose(), session, 300 getProject().resolveFile(fromPath), 301 file); 302 } 303 message.setLogListener(this); 304 message.execute(); 305 } finally { 306 if (session != null) { 307 session.disconnect(); 308 } 309 } 310 } 311 312 private String parseUri(String uri) { 313 int indexOfAt = uri.lastIndexOf('@'); 314 int indexOfColon = uri.indexOf(':'); 315 if (indexOfColon > -1 && indexOfColon < indexOfAt) { 316 setUsername(uri.substring(0, indexOfColon)); 318 setPassword(uri.substring(indexOfColon + 1, indexOfAt)); 319 } else { 320 setUsername(uri.substring(0, indexOfAt)); 322 } 323 324 if (getUserInfo().getPassword() == null 325 && getUserInfo().getPassphrase() == null) { 326 throw new BuildException("neither password nor passphrase for user " 327 + getUserInfo().getName() + " has been " 328 + "given. Can't authenticate."); 329 } 330 331 int indexOfPath = uri.indexOf(':', indexOfAt + 1); 332 if (indexOfPath == -1) { 333 throw new BuildException("no remote path in " + uri); 334 } 335 336 setHost(uri.substring(indexOfAt + 1, indexOfPath)); 337 String remotePath = uri.substring(indexOfPath + 1); 338 if (remotePath.equals("")) { 339 remotePath = "."; 340 } 341 return remotePath; 342 } 343 344 private boolean isRemoteUri(String uri) { 345 boolean isRemote = true; 346 int indexOfAt = uri.indexOf('@'); 347 if (indexOfAt < 0) { 348 isRemote = false; 349 } 350 return isRemote; 351 } 352 353 private Directory createDirectory(FileSet set) { 354 DirectoryScanner scanner = set.getDirectoryScanner(getProject()); 355 Directory root = new Directory(scanner.getBasedir()); 356 String [] files = scanner.getIncludedFiles(); 357 if (files.length != 0) { 358 for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) { 359 String [] path = Directory.getPath(files[j]); 360 Directory current = root; 361 File currentParent = scanner.getBasedir(); 362 for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { 363 File file = new File (currentParent, path[i]); 364 if (file.isDirectory()) { 365 current.addDirectory(new Directory(file)); 366 current = current.getChild(file); 367 currentParent = current.getDirectory(); 368 } else if (file.isFile()) { 369 current.addFile(file); 370 } 371 } 372 } 373 } else { 374 root = null; 376 } 377 return root; 378 } 379 380 private void setFromUri(String fromUri) { 381 if (this.fromUri != null) { 382 throw exactlyOne(FROM_ATTRS); 383 } 384 this.fromUri = fromUri; 385 } 386 387 private void setToUri(String toUri) { 388 if (this.toUri != null) { 389 throw exactlyOne(TO_ATTRS); 390 } 391 this.toUri = toUri; 392 } 393 394 private BuildException exactlyOne(String [] attrs) { 395 return exactlyOne(attrs, null); 396 } 397 398 private BuildException exactlyOne(String [] attrs, String alt) { 399 StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer ("Exactly one of ").append( 400 '[').append(attrs[0]); 401 for (int i = 1; i < attrs.length; i++) { 402 buf.append('|').append(attrs[i]); 403 } 404 buf.append(']'); 405 if (alt != null) { 406 buf.append(" or ").append(alt); 407 } 408 return new BuildException(buf.append(" is required.").toString()); 409 } 410 } 411
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