KickJava   Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.

Java > Open Source Codes > org > apache > ojb > broker > metadata > DescriptorRepository

1 package;
3 /* Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */

18 import JavaDoc;
19 import java.util.*;
21 import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
22 import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
23 import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle;
24 import;
25 import;
26 import;
27 import;
28 import;
29 import;
31 /**
32  * The repository containing all object mapping and manipulation information of
33  * all used persistent objects.
34  * <br>
35  * Note: Be careful when use references of this class or caching instances of this class,
36  * because instances could become invalid (see {@link MetadataManager}).
37  *
38  * @author <a HREF="">Thomas Mahler<a>
39  * @author <a HREF="">Leandro Rodrigo Saad Cruz<a>
40  * @version $Id:,v 2005/12/21 22:26:11 tomdz Exp $
41  */

42 public final class DescriptorRepository extends DescriptorBase
43         implements Serializable JavaDoc, XmlCapable, IsolationLevels
44 {
45     static final long serialVersionUID = -1556339982311359524L;
46     private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DescriptorRepository.class);
48     /**
49      * The version identifier of the Repository.
50      * Used to validate repository.xml against the dtd.
51      */

52     private static final String JavaDoc VERSION = "1.0";
53     /**
54      * the default isolation level used for this repository
55      */

56     private int defaultIsolationLevel = IsolationLevels.IL_DEFAULT;
57     /**
58      * This table holds all known Mapping descriptions.
59      * Key values are the respective Class objects
60      */

61     private final HashMap descriptorTable;
62     /**
63      * We need a lot the extent, to which a class belongs
64      * (@see DescriptorRepository#getExtentClass). To speed up the costy
65      * evaluation, we use this tiny hash map.
66      */

67     private Map extentTable;
69     private Map superClassMultipleJoinedTablesMap;
71     private transient Map m_multiMappedTableMap;
72     private transient Map m_topLevelClassTable;
73     private transient Map m_firstConcreteClassMap;
74     private transient Map m_allConcreteSubClass;
76     /**
77      * Constructor declaration
78      */

79     public DescriptorRepository() throws PersistenceBrokerException
80     {
81         descriptorTable = new HashMap();
82         extentTable = new HashMap();
83         superClassMultipleJoinedTablesMap = new HashMap();
84     }
86     public static String JavaDoc getVersion()
87     {
88         return VERSION;
89     }
91     /**
92      * Add a pair of extent/classdescriptor to the extentTable to gain speed
93      * while retrieval of extents.
94      * @param classname the name of the extent itself
95      * @param cld the class descriptor, where it belongs to
96      */

97     void addExtent(String JavaDoc classname, ClassDescriptor cld)
98     {
99         synchronized (extentTable)
100         {
101             extentTable.put(classname, cld);
102         }
103     }
105     /**
106      * Remove a pair of extent/classdescriptor from the extentTable.
107      * @param classname the name of the extent itself
108      */

109     void removeExtent(String JavaDoc classname)
110     {
111         synchronized (extentTable)
112         {
113             // returns the super class for given extent class name
ClassDescriptor cld = (ClassDescriptor) extentTable.remove(classname);
115             if(cld != null && m_topLevelClassTable != null)
116             {
117                 Class JavaDoc extClass = null;
118                 try
119                 {
120                     extClass = ClassHelper.getClass(classname);
121                 }
122                 catch (ClassNotFoundException JavaDoc e)
123                 {
124                     // Should not happen
throw new MetadataException("Can't instantiate class object for needed extent remove", e);
126                 }
127                 // remove extent from super class descriptor
129                 m_topLevelClassTable.remove(extClass);
130                 // clear map with first concrete classes, because the removed
// extent could be such a first found concrete class
m_firstConcreteClassMap = null;
133             }
134         }
135     }
137     /**
138      * Returns the top level (extent) class to which the given class belongs.
139      * This may be a (abstract) base-class, an interface or the given class
140      * itself if given class is not defined as an extent in other class
141      * descriptors.
142      *
143      * @throws ClassNotPersistenceCapableException if clazz is not persistence capable,
144      * i.e. if clazz is not defined in the DescriptorRepository.
145      */

146     public Class JavaDoc getTopLevelClass(Class JavaDoc clazz) throws ClassNotPersistenceCapableException
147     {
148         if(m_topLevelClassTable == null)
149         {
150             m_topLevelClassTable = new HashMap();
151         }
152         // try to find an extent that contains clazz
Class JavaDoc retval = (Class JavaDoc) m_topLevelClassTable.get(clazz);
154         if (retval == null)
155         {
156             synchronized (extentTable)
157             {
158                 ClassDescriptor cld = (ClassDescriptor) extentTable.get(clazz.getName());
159                 if (cld == null)
160                 {
161                     // walk the super-references
cld = getDescriptorFor(clazz).getSuperClassDescriptor();
163                 }
165                 if (cld != null)
166                 {
167                     // fix by Mark Rowell
// Changed to call getExtentClass recursively
retval = getTopLevelClass(cld.getClassOfObject());
170                     // if such an extent could not be found just return clazz itself.
if (retval == null)
172                     {
173                         retval = clazz;
174                     }
175                 }
176                 else
177                 {
178                     // check if class is persistence capable
// +
// Adam Jenkins: use the class that is associated
// with the descriptor instead of the actual class
ClassDescriptor temp = getDescriptorFor(clazz);
183                     retval = temp.getClassOfObject();
184                 }
185                 m_topLevelClassTable.put(clazz, retval);
186             }
187         }
188         return retval;
189     }
191     /**
192      * @return all field descriptors for a class that belongs to a set of classes mapped
193      * to the same table, otherwise the select queries produced won't contain the necessary
194      * information to materialize extents mapped to the same class.
195      */

196     public synchronized FieldDescriptor[] getFieldDescriptorsForMultiMappedTable(ClassDescriptor targetCld)
197     {
198         if (m_multiMappedTableMap == null)
199         {
200             m_multiMappedTableMap = new HashMap();
201         }
203         FieldDescriptor[] retval = (FieldDescriptor[]) m_multiMappedTableMap.get(targetCld.getClassNameOfObject());
204         if (retval == null)
205         {
206             retval = getAllMappedColumns(getClassesMappedToSameTable(targetCld));
207             m_multiMappedTableMap.put(targetCld.getClassNameOfObject(), retval);
208         }
209         return retval;
210     }
212     private FieldDescriptor[] getAllMappedColumns(List classDescriptors)
213     {
214         /* mkalen: Use an ordered implementation not to loose individual field ordering.
215             This is especially important for eg Oracle9i platform and LONGVARBINARY columns,
216             see
217             "If you do not use the SELECT-list order to access data,
218              then you can lose the stream data."
219         */

220         List allFieldDescriptors = new Vector();
222         Set visitedColumns = new HashSet();
223         Iterator it = classDescriptors.iterator();
224         ClassDescriptor temp = null;
225         FieldDescriptor[] fields;
226         while (it.hasNext())
227         {
228             temp = (ClassDescriptor);
229             fields = temp.getFieldDescriptions();
230             if (fields != null)
231             {
232                 for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
233                 {
234                     /*
235                     MBAIRD
236                     hashmap will only allow one entry per unique key,
237                     so no need to check contains(fields[i].getColumnName()).
238                     arminw:
239                     use contains to avoid overriding of target class fields by the same
240                     field-descriptor of other classes mapped to the same DB table, because
241                     the other class can use e.g. different FieldConversion.
242                     In #getClassesMappedToSameTable(...) we make sure that target
243                     class has first position in list.
244                      */

245                     final String JavaDoc columnName = fields[i].getColumnName();
246                     if (!visitedColumns.contains(columnName))
247                     {
248                         visitedColumns.add(columnName);
249                         allFieldDescriptors.add(fields[i]);
250                     }
251                 }
252             }
253         }
254         FieldDescriptor[] retval = new FieldDescriptor[allFieldDescriptors.size()];
255         allFieldDescriptors.toArray(retval);
256         return retval;
257     }
259     private List getClassesMappedToSameTable(ClassDescriptor targetCld)
260     {
261         /*
262         try to find an extent that contains clazz
263         clone map to avoid synchronization problems, because another thread
264         can do a put(..) operation on descriptor table
265         */

266         Iterator iter = ((HashMap)descriptorTable.clone()).values().iterator();
267         List retval = new ArrayList();
268         // make sure that target class is at first position
270         while (iter.hasNext())
271         {
272             ClassDescriptor cld = (ClassDescriptor);
273             if (cld.getFullTableName() != null)
274             {
275                 if (cld.getFullTableName().equals(targetCld.getFullTableName())
276                         && !targetCld.getClassOfObject().equals(cld.getClassOfObject()))
277                 {
278                     retval.add(cld);
279                 }
280             }
281         }
282         return retval;
283     }
285     public Map getDescriptorTable()
286     {
287         return descriptorTable;
288     }
290     /**
291      * Return the first found concrete class {@link ClassDescriptor}.
292      * This means a class which is not an interface or an abstract class.
293      * If given class descriptor is a concrete class, given class descriptor
294      * was returned. If no concrete class can be found <code>null</code> will be
295      * returned.
296      */

297     public ClassDescriptor findFirstConcreteClass(ClassDescriptor cld)
298     {
299         if(m_firstConcreteClassMap == null)
300         {
301             m_firstConcreteClassMap = new HashMap();
302         }
303         ClassDescriptor result = (ClassDescriptor) m_firstConcreteClassMap.get(cld.getClassNameOfObject());
304         if (result == null)
305         {
306             if(cld.isInterface() || cld.isAbstract())
307             {
308                 if(cld.isExtent())
309                 {
310                     List extents = cld.getExtentClasses();
311                     for (int i = 0; i < extents.size(); i++)
312                     {
313                         Class JavaDoc ext = (Class JavaDoc) extents.get(i);
314                         result = findFirstConcreteClass(getDescriptorFor(ext));
315                         if(result != null) break;
316                     }
317                 }
318                 else
319                 {
320                     LoggerFactory.getDefaultLogger().error("["+this.getClass().getName()+"] Found interface/abstract class" +
321                             " in metadata declarations without concrete class: "+cld.getClassNameOfObject());
322                 }
323                 m_firstConcreteClassMap.put(cld.getClassNameOfObject(), result);
324             }
325             else
326             {
327                 result = cld;
328             }
329         }
330         return result;
331     }
333     /**
334      *
335      * Utility method to discover all concrete subclasses of a given super class. <br>
336      * This method was introduced in order to get Extent Aware Iterators.
337      *
338      * @return a Collection of ClassDescriptor objects
339      */

340     public Collection getAllConcreteSubclassDescriptors(ClassDescriptor aCld)
341     {
342         if(m_allConcreteSubClass == null)
343         {
344             m_allConcreteSubClass = new HashMap();
345         }
346         Collection concreteSubclassClds = (Collection) m_allConcreteSubClass.get(aCld.getClassOfObject());
348         if (concreteSubclassClds == null)
349         {
350             // BRJ: As long as we do not have an ordered Set
// duplicates have to be prevented manually.
// a HashSet should not be used because the order is unpredictable
concreteSubclassClds = new ArrayList();
354             Iterator iter = aCld.getExtentClasses().iterator();
356             while (iter.hasNext())
357             {
358                 Class JavaDoc extentClass = (Class JavaDoc);
359                 ClassDescriptor extCld = getDescriptorFor(extentClass);
360                 if (aCld.equals(extCld))
361                 {
362                     // prevent infinite recursion caused by cyclic references
364                 }
365                 if (!extCld.isInterface() && !extCld.isAbstract())
366                 {
367                     if (!concreteSubclassClds.contains(extCld))
368                     {
369                         concreteSubclassClds.add(extCld);
370                     }
371                 }
373                 // recurse
Iterator subIter = getAllConcreteSubclassDescriptors(extCld).iterator();
375                 while (subIter.hasNext())
376                 {
377                     ClassDescriptor subCld = (ClassDescriptor);
378                     if (!concreteSubclassClds.contains(subCld))
379                     {
380                         concreteSubclassClds.add(subCld);
381                     }
382                 }
383             }
384             m_allConcreteSubClass.put(aCld.getClassOfObject(), concreteSubclassClds);
385         }
387         return concreteSubclassClds;
388     }
391     /**
392      * Checks if repository contains given class.
393      */

394     public boolean hasDescriptorFor(Class JavaDoc c)
395     {
396         return descriptorTable.containsKey(c.getName());
397     }
399     /**
400      * lookup a ClassDescriptor in the internal Hashtable
401      * @param strClassName a fully qualified class name as it is returned by Class.getName().
402      */

403     public ClassDescriptor getDescriptorFor(String JavaDoc strClassName) throws ClassNotPersistenceCapableException
404     {
405         ClassDescriptor result = discoverDescriptor(strClassName);
406         if (result == null)
407         {
408             throw new ClassNotPersistenceCapableException(strClassName + " not found in OJB Repository");
409         }
410         else
411         {
412             return result;
413         }
414     }
416     /**
417      * lookup a ClassDescriptor in the internal Hashtable
418      */

419     public ClassDescriptor getDescriptorFor(Class JavaDoc c) throws ClassNotPersistenceCapableException
420     {
421         return this.getDescriptorFor(c.getName());
422     }
424     /**
425      * Convenience for {@link #put(Class c, ClassDescriptor cld)}
426      */

427     public void setClassDescriptor(ClassDescriptor cld)
428     {
429         this.put(cld.getClassNameOfObject(), cld);
430     }
432     /**
433      * Add a ClassDescriptor to the internal Hashtable<br>
434      * Set the Repository for ClassDescriptor
435      */

436     public void put(Class JavaDoc c, ClassDescriptor cld)
437     {
438         this.put(c.getName(), cld);
439     }
441     /**
442      * Add a ClassDescriptor to the internal Hashtable<br>
443      * Set the Repository for ClassDescriptor
444      */

445     public void put(String JavaDoc classname, ClassDescriptor cld)
446     {
447         cld.setRepository(this); // BRJ
synchronized (descriptorTable)
449         {
450             descriptorTable.put(classname, cld);
451             List extentClasses = cld.getExtentClasses();
452             for (int i = 0; i < extentClasses.size(); ++i)
453             {
454                 addExtent(((Class JavaDoc) extentClasses.get(i)).getName(), cld);
455             }
456             changeDescriptorEvent();
457         }
458     }
460     public void remove(String JavaDoc className)
461     {
462         synchronized (descriptorTable)
463         {
464             ClassDescriptor cld = (ClassDescriptor) descriptorTable.remove(className);
465             if(cld != null)
466             {
467                 // class itself could no longer be a extent
Iterator it = descriptorTable.values().iterator();
469                 while (it.hasNext())
470                 {
471                     ((ClassDescriptor);
472                 }
473                 removeExtent(className);
474                 List extentClasses = cld.getExtentClasses();
475                 for (int i = 0; i < extentClasses.size(); ++i)
476                 {
477                     removeExtent(((Class JavaDoc) extentClasses.get(i)).getName());
478                 }
479                 changeDescriptorEvent();
480                 // deregister classes using mapping of classes to multiple joined tables
// the registration is done by the class-descriptor itself
483             }
484         }
485     }
487     public void remove(Class JavaDoc clazz)
488     {
489         remove(clazz.getName());
490     }
492     private synchronized void changeDescriptorEvent()
493     {
494         m_multiMappedTableMap = null;
495         m_topLevelClassTable = null;
496         m_firstConcreteClassMap = null;
497         m_allConcreteSubClass = null;
498     }
500     /**
501      * Returns an iterator over all managed {@link ClassDescriptor}.
502      */

503     public Iterator iterator()
504     {
505         /*
506         clone map to avoid synchronization problems
507         */

508         return ((HashMap)descriptorTable.clone()).values().iterator();
509     }
511     /**
512      * Returns the defaultIsolationLevel.
513      * @return int
514      */

515     public int getDefaultIsolationLevel()
516     {
517         return defaultIsolationLevel;
518     }
520     /**
521      * Sets the defaultIsolationLevel.
522      * @param defaultIsolationLevel The defaultIsolationLevel to set
523      */

524     public void setDefaultIsolationLevel(int defaultIsolationLevel)
525     {
526         this.defaultIsolationLevel = defaultIsolationLevel;
527     }
529     /**
530      * returns a string representation
531      */

532     public String JavaDoc toString()
533     {
534         Iterator it = descriptorTable.entrySet().iterator();
535         ToStringBuilder buf = new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE);
536         String JavaDoc className = "class name: ";
537         String JavaDoc tableName = "> table name: ";
538         while (it.hasNext())
539         {
540             Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
541             ClassDescriptor descriptor = (ClassDescriptor) me.getValue();
542             buf.append(className + me.getKey() + " =", tableName + descriptor.getFullTableName());
543         }
544         return buf.toString();
545     }
547     /*
548      * @see XmlCapable#toXML()
549      */

550     public String JavaDoc toXML()
551     {
552         String JavaDoc eol = SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR;
553         StringBuffer JavaDoc buf = new StringBuffer JavaDoc();
555         // write all ClassDescriptors
Iterator i = this.iterator();
557         while (i.hasNext())
558         {
559             buf.append(((XmlCapable) + eol);
560         }
561         return buf.toString();
562     }
564     /**
565      * returns IsolationLevel literal as matching
566      * to the corresponding id
567      * @return the IsolationLevel literal
568      */

569     protected String JavaDoc getIsolationLevelAsString()
570     {
571         if (defaultIsolationLevel == IL_READ_UNCOMMITTED)
572         {
573             return LITERAL_IL_READ_UNCOMMITTED;
574         }
575         else if (defaultIsolationLevel == IL_READ_COMMITTED)
576         {
577             return LITERAL_IL_READ_COMMITTED;
578         }
579         else if (defaultIsolationLevel == IL_REPEATABLE_READ)
580         {
581             return LITERAL_IL_REPEATABLE_READ;
582         }
583         else if (defaultIsolationLevel == IL_SERIALIZABLE)
584         {
585             return LITERAL_IL_SERIALIZABLE;
586         }
587         else if (defaultIsolationLevel == IL_OPTIMISTIC)
588         {
589             return LITERAL_IL_OPTIMISTIC;
590         }
592     }
594     /**
595      * Starts by looking to see if the <code>className</code> is
596      * already mapped specifically to the descritpor repository.
597      * If the <code>className</code> is not specifically mapped we
598      * look at the <code>className</code>'s parent class for a mapping.
599      * We do this until the parent class is of the type
600      * <code>java.lang.Object</code>. If no mapping was found,
601      * <code>null</code> is returned. Mappings successfuly discovered
602      * through inheritence are added to the internal table of
603      * class descriptors to improve performance on subsequent requests
604      * for those classes.
605      *
606      * <br/>
607      * author <a HREF="">Scott T. Weaver</a>
608      * @param className name of class whose descriptor we need to find.
609      * @return ClassDescriptor for <code>className</code> or <code>null</code>
610      * if no ClassDescriptor could be located.
611      */

612     protected ClassDescriptor discoverDescriptor(String JavaDoc className)
613     {
614         ClassDescriptor result = (ClassDescriptor) descriptorTable.get(className);
615         if (result == null)
616         {
617             Class JavaDoc clazz;
618             try
619             {
620                 clazz = ClassHelper.getClass(className, true);
621             }
622             catch (ClassNotFoundException JavaDoc e)
623             {
624                 throw new OJBRuntimeException("Class, " + className + ", could not be found.", e);
625             }
626             result = discoverDescriptor(clazz);
627          }
628         return result;
629     }
631     /**
632      * Internal method for recursivly searching for a class descriptor that avoids
633      * class loading when we already have a class object.
634      *
635      * @param clazz The class whose descriptor we need to find
636      * @return ClassDescriptor for <code>clazz</code> or <code>null</code>
637      * if no ClassDescriptor could be located.
638      */

639     private ClassDescriptor discoverDescriptor(Class JavaDoc clazz)
640     {
641         ClassDescriptor result = (ClassDescriptor) descriptorTable.get(clazz.getName());
643         if (result == null)
644         {
645             Class JavaDoc superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
646             // only recurse if the superClass is not java.lang.Object
if (superClass != null)
648             {
649                 result = discoverDescriptor(superClass);
650             }
651             if (result == null)
652             {
653                 // we're also checking the interfaces as there could be normal
// mappings for them in the repository (using factory-class,
// factory-method, and the property field accessor)
Class JavaDoc[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces();
658                 if ((interfaces != null) && (interfaces.length > 0))
659                 {
660                     for (int idx = 0; (idx < interfaces.length) && (result == null); idx++)
661                     {
662                         result = discoverDescriptor(interfaces[idx]);
663                     }
664                 }
665             }
667             if (result != null)
668             {
669                 descriptorTable.put(clazz.getName(), result);
670             }
671         }
672         return result;
673     }
675     /**
676      * Internal used! Register sub-classes of specified class when mapping class to
677      * multiple joined tables is used. Normally this method is called by the {@link ClassDescriptor}
678      * itself.
679      *
680      * @param cld The {@link ClassDescriptor} of the class to register.
681      */

682     protected void registerSuperClassMultipleJoinedTables(ClassDescriptor cld)
683     {
684         /*
685         arminw: Sadly, we can't map to sub class-descriptor, because it's not guaranteed
686         that they exist when this method is called. Thus we map the class instance instead
687         of the class-descriptor.
688         */

689         if(cld.getBaseClass() != null)
690         {
691             try
692             {
693                 Class JavaDoc superClass = ClassHelper.getClass(cld.getBaseClass());
694                 Class JavaDoc currentClass = cld.getClassOfObject();
695                 synchronized(descriptorTable)
696                 {
697                     List subClasses = (List) superClassMultipleJoinedTablesMap.get(superClass);
698                     if(subClasses == null)
699                     {
700                         subClasses = new ArrayList();
701                         superClassMultipleJoinedTablesMap.put(superClass, subClasses);
702                     }
703                     if(!subClasses.contains(currentClass))
704                     {
705                         if(log.isDebugEnabled())
706                         {
707                             log.debug("(MultipleJoinedTables): Register sub-class '" + currentClass
708                                     + "' for class '" + superClass);
709                         }
710                         subClasses.add(currentClass);
711                     }
712                 }
713             }
714             catch(Exception JavaDoc e)
715             {
716                 throw new MetadataException("Can't register super class '" + cld.getBaseClass()
717                         + "' for class-descriptor: " + cld, e);
718             }
719         }
720     }
722     /**
723      * Internal used! Deregister sub-classes of specified class when mapping to multiple joined tables
724      * is used. Normally this method is called when {@link #remove(Class)} a class.
725      *
726      * @param cld The {@link ClassDescriptor} of the class to register.
727      */

728     protected void deregisterSuperClassMultipleJoinedTables(ClassDescriptor cld)
729     {
730         try
731         {
732             Class JavaDoc currentClass = cld.getClassOfObject();
733             synchronized(descriptorTable)
734             {
735                 // first remove registered sub-classes for current class
List subClasses = (List) superClassMultipleJoinedTablesMap.remove(currentClass);
737                 if(subClasses != null && log.isDebugEnabled())
738                 {
739                     log.debug("(MultipleJoinedTables): Deregister class " + currentClass
740                             + " with sub classes " + subClasses);
741                 }
742                 if(cld.getBaseClass() != null)
743                 {
744                     // then remove sub-class entry of current class for super-class
Class JavaDoc superClass = ClassHelper.getClass(cld.getBaseClass());
746                     subClasses = (List) superClassMultipleJoinedTablesMap.get(superClass);
747                     if(subClasses != null)
748                     {
749                         boolean removed = subClasses.remove(currentClass);
750                         if(removed && log.isDebugEnabled())
751                         {
752                             log.debug("(MultipleJoinedTables): Remove sub-class entry '" + currentClass
753                             + "' in mapping for class '" + superClass + "'");
754                         }
755                     }
756                 }
757             }
758         }
759         catch(Exception JavaDoc e)
760         {
761             throw new MetadataException("Can't deregister super class '" + cld.getBaseClass()
762                     + "' for class-descriptor: " + cld, e);
763         }
764     }
766     /**
767      * Return <em>sub-classes</em> of the specified class using the
768      * <em>"super"-Reference</em> concept.
769      * @param cld The {@link ClassDescriptor} of the class to search for sub-classes.
770      * @param wholeTree If set <em>true</em>, the whole sub-class tree of the specified
771      * class will be returned. If <em>false</em> only the direct sub-classes of the specified class
772      * will be returned.
773      * @return An array of <em>sub-classes</em> for the specified class.
774      */

775     public Class JavaDoc[] getSubClassesMultipleJoinedTables(ClassDescriptor cld, boolean wholeTree)
776     {
777         ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
778         createResultSubClassesMultipleJoinedTables(result, cld, wholeTree);
779         return (Class JavaDoc[]) result.toArray(new Class JavaDoc[result.size()]);
780     }
782     /**
783      * Add all sub-classes using multiple joined tables feature for specified class.
784      * @param result The list to add results.
785      * @param cld The {@link ClassDescriptor} of the class to search for sub-classes.
786      * @param wholeTree If set <em>true</em>, the whole sub-class tree of the specified
787      * class will be returned. If <em>false</em> only the direct sub-classes of the specified class
788      * will be returned.
789      */

790     private void createResultSubClassesMultipleJoinedTables(List result, ClassDescriptor cld, boolean wholeTree)
791     {
792         List tmp = (List) superClassMultipleJoinedTablesMap.get(cld.getClassOfObject());
793         if(tmp != null)
794         {
795             result.addAll(tmp);
796             if(wholeTree)
797             {
798                 for(int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++)
799                 {
800                     Class JavaDoc subClass = (Class JavaDoc) tmp.get(i);
801                     ClassDescriptor subCld = getDescriptorFor(subClass);
802                     createResultSubClassesMultipleJoinedTables(result, subCld, wholeTree);
803                 }
804             }
805         }
806     }
808     protected void finalize() throws Throwable JavaDoc
809     {
810"# finalize DescriptorRepository instance #");
811         super.finalize();
812     }
813 }
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