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Java > Open Source Codes > org > apache > derby > iapi > store > access > DiskHashtable

1 /*
3    Derby - Class
5    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
6    contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
7    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
8    The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
9    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
10    the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
14    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
17    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18    limitations under the License.
20  */

22 package;
24 import java.util.Enumeration JavaDoc;
25 import java.util.NoSuchElementException JavaDoc;
26 import java.util.Properties JavaDoc;
27 import java.util.Vector JavaDoc;
28 import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
29 import;
30 import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor;
31 import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLInteger;
32 import;
33 import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation;
34 import;
35 import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext;
37 /**
38  * This class is used by BackingStoreHashtable when the BackingStoreHashtable must spill to disk.
39  * It implements the methods of a hash table: put, get, remove, elements, however it is not implemented
40  * as a hash table. In order to minimize the amount of unique code it is implemented using a Btree and a heap
41  * conglomerate. The Btree indexes the hash code of the row key. The actual key may be too long for
42  * our Btree implementation.
43  *
44  * Created: Fri Jan 28 13:58:03 2005
45  *
46  * @author <a HREF="">Jack Klebanoff</a>
47  * @version 1.0
48  */

50 public class DiskHashtable
51 {
52     private final long rowConglomerateId;
53     private ConglomerateController rowConglomerate;
54     private final long btreeConglomerateId;
55     private ConglomerateController btreeConglomerate;
56     private final DataValueDescriptor[] btreeRow;
57     private final int[] key_column_numbers;
58     private final boolean remove_duplicates;
59     private final TransactionController tc;
60     private final DataValueDescriptor[] row;
61     private final DataValueDescriptor[] scanKey = { new SQLInteger()};
62     private int size;
63     private boolean keepStatistics;
65     /**
66      * Creates a new <code>DiskHashtable</code> instance.
67      *
68      * @param tc
69      * @param template An array of DataValueDescriptors that serves as a template for the rows.
70      * @param key_column_numbers The indexes of the key columns (0 based)
71      * @param remove_duplicates If true then rows with duplicate keys are removed
72      * @param keepAfterCommit If true then the hash table is kept after a commit
73      */

74     public DiskHashtable( TransactionController tc,
75                           DataValueDescriptor[] template,
76                           int[] key_column_numbers,
77                           boolean remove_duplicates,
78                           boolean keepAfterCommit)
79         throws StandardException
80     {
81 = tc;
82         this.key_column_numbers = key_column_numbers;
83         this.remove_duplicates = remove_duplicates;
84         LanguageConnectionContext lcc = (LanguageConnectionContext)
85                 ContextService.getContextOrNull(LanguageConnectionContext.CONTEXT_ID);
86         keepStatistics = (lcc != null) && lcc.getRunTimeStatisticsMode();
87         row = new DataValueDescriptor[ template.length];
88         for( int i = 0; i < row.length; i++)
89             row[i] = template[i].getNewNull();
90         int tempFlags = keepAfterCommit ? (TransactionController.IS_TEMPORARY | TransactionController.IS_KEPT)
91           : TransactionController.IS_TEMPORARY;
93         rowConglomerateId = tc.createConglomerate( "heap",
94                                                    template,
95                                                    (ColumnOrdering[]) null,
96                                                    (Properties JavaDoc) null,
97                                                    tempFlags);
98         rowConglomerate = tc.openConglomerate( rowConglomerateId,
99                                                keepAfterCommit,
100                                                TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE,
101                                                TransactionController.MODE_TABLE,
102                                                TransactionController.ISOLATION_NOLOCK /* Single thread only */ );
104         btreeRow = new DataValueDescriptor[] { new SQLInteger(), rowConglomerate.newRowLocationTemplate()};
105         Properties JavaDoc btreeProps = new Properties JavaDoc();
106         btreeProps.put( "baseConglomerateId", String.valueOf( rowConglomerateId));
107         btreeProps.put( "rowLocationColumn", "1");
108         btreeProps.put( "allowDuplicates", "false"); // Because the row location is part of the key
btreeProps.put( "nKeyFields", "2"); // Include the row location column
btreeProps.put( "nUniqueColumns", "2"); // Include the row location column
btreeProps.put( "maintainParentLinks", "false");
112         btreeConglomerateId = tc.createConglomerate( "BTREE",
113                                                      btreeRow,
114                                                      (ColumnOrdering[]) null,
115                                                      btreeProps,
116                                                      tempFlags);
118         btreeConglomerate = tc.openConglomerate( btreeConglomerateId,
119                                                  keepAfterCommit,
120                                                  TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE,
121                                                  TransactionController.MODE_TABLE,
122                                                  TransactionController.ISOLATION_NOLOCK /* Single thread only */ );
123     } // end of constructor

125     public void close() throws StandardException
126     {
127         btreeConglomerate.close();
128         rowConglomerate.close();
129         tc.dropConglomerate( btreeConglomerateId);
130         tc.dropConglomerate( rowConglomerateId);
131     } // end of close

133     /**
134      * Put a new row in the overflow structure.
135      *
136      * @param row The row to be inserted.
137      *
138      * @return true if the row was added,
139      * false if it was not added (because it was a duplicate and we are eliminating duplicates).
140      *
141      * @exception StandardException standard error policy
142      */

143     public boolean put( Object JavaDoc key, Object JavaDoc[] row)
144         throws StandardException
145     {
146         boolean isDuplicate = false;
147         if( remove_duplicates || keepStatistics)
148         {
149             // Go to the work of finding out whether it is a duplicate
isDuplicate = (getRemove( key, false, true) != null);
151             if( remove_duplicates && isDuplicate)
152                 return false;
153         }
154         rowConglomerate.insertAndFetchLocation( (DataValueDescriptor[]) row, (RowLocation) btreeRow[1]);
155         btreeRow[0].setValue( key.hashCode());
156         btreeConglomerate.insert( btreeRow);
157         if( keepStatistics && !isDuplicate)
158             size++;
159         return true;
160     } // end of put

162     /**
163      * Get a row from the overflow structure.
164      *
165      * @param key If the rows only have one key column then the key value. If there is more than one
166      * key column then a KeyHasher
167      *
168      * @return null if there is no corresponding row,
169      * the row (DataValueDescriptor[]) if there is exactly one row with the key
170      * a Vector of all the rows with the key if there is more than one.
171      *
172      * @exception StandardException
173      */

174     public Object JavaDoc get( Object JavaDoc key)
175         throws StandardException
176     {
177         return getRemove( key, false, false);
178     }
180     private Object JavaDoc getRemove( Object JavaDoc key, boolean remove, boolean existenceOnly)
181         throws StandardException
182     {
183         int hashCode = key.hashCode();
184         int rowCount = 0;
185         Object JavaDoc retValue = null;
187         scanKey[0].setValue( hashCode);
188         ScanController scan = tc.openScan( btreeConglomerateId,
189                                            false, // do not hold
remove ? TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE : 0,
191                                            TransactionController.MODE_TABLE,
192                                            TransactionController.ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED,
193                                            null, // Scan all the columns
195                                            ScanController.GE,
196                                            (Qualifier[][]) null,
197                                            scanKey,
198                                            ScanController.GT);
199         try
200         {
201             while( scan.fetchNext( btreeRow))
202             {
203                 if( rowConglomerate.fetch( (RowLocation) btreeRow[1], row, (FormatableBitSet) null /* all columns */)
204                     && rowMatches( row, key))
205                 {
206                     if( existenceOnly)
207                         return this;
209                     rowCount++;
210                     if( rowCount == 1)
211                     {
212                         retValue = BackingStoreHashtable.shallowCloneRow( row);
213                     }
214                     else
215                     {
216                         Vector JavaDoc v;
217                         if( rowCount == 2)
218                         {
219                             v = new Vector JavaDoc( 2);
220                             v.add( retValue);
221                             retValue = v;
222                         }
223                         else
224                         {
225                             v = (Vector JavaDoc) retValue;
226                         }
227                         v.add( BackingStoreHashtable.shallowCloneRow( row));
228                     }
229                     if( remove)
230                     {
231                         rowConglomerate.delete( (RowLocation) btreeRow[1]);
232                         scan.delete();
233                         size--;
234                     }
235                     if( remove_duplicates)
236                         // This must be the only row with the key
return retValue;
238                 }
239             }
240         }
241         finally
242         {
243             scan.close();
244         }
245         return retValue;
246     } // end of getRemove

249     private boolean rowMatches( DataValueDescriptor[] row,
250                                 Object JavaDoc key)
251     {
252         if( key_column_numbers.length == 1)
253             return row[ key_column_numbers[0]].equals( key);
255         KeyHasher kh = (KeyHasher) key;
256         for( int i = 0; i < key_column_numbers.length; i++)
257         {
258             if( ! row[ key_column_numbers[i]].equals( kh.getObject(i)))
259                 return false;
260         }
261         return true;
262     } // end of rowMatches

264     /**
265      * remove all rows with a given key from the hash table.
266      *
267      * @param key The key of the rows to remove.
268      *
269      * @return The removed row(s).
270      *
271      * @exception StandardException Standard exception policy.
272      **/

273     public Object JavaDoc remove( Object JavaDoc key)
274         throws StandardException
275     {
276         return getRemove( key, true, false);
277     } // end of remove

279     /**
280      * @return The number of rows in the hash table
281      */

282     public int size()
283     {
284         return size;
285     }
287     /**
288      * Return an Enumeration that can be used to scan entire table.
289      * <p>
290      * RESOLVE - is it worth it to support this routine?
291      *
292      * @return The Enumeration.
293      *
294      * @exception StandardException Standard exception policy.
295      **/

296     public Enumeration JavaDoc elements()
297         throws StandardException
298     {
299         return new ElementEnum();
300     }
302     private class ElementEnum implements Enumeration JavaDoc
303     {
304         private ScanController scan;
305         private boolean hasMore;
307         ElementEnum()
308         {
309             try
310             {
311                 scan = tc.openScan( rowConglomerateId,
312                                     false, // do not hold
0, // read only
315                                     TransactionController.ISOLATION_NOLOCK,
316                                     (FormatableBitSet) null, // all columns
(DataValueDescriptor[]) null, // no start key
0, // no start key operator
(Qualifier[][]) null,
320                                     (DataValueDescriptor[]) null, // no stop key
0 /* no stop key operator */);
322                 hasMore =;
323                 if( ! hasMore)
324                 {
325                     scan.close();
326                     scan = null;
327                 }
328             }
329             catch( StandardException se)
330             {
331                 hasMore = false;
332                 if( scan != null)
333                 {
334                     try
335                     {
336                         scan.close();
337                     }
338                     catch( StandardException se1){};
339                     scan = null;
340                 }
341             }
342         } // end of constructor

344         public boolean hasMoreElements()
345         {
346             return hasMore;
347         }
349         public Object JavaDoc nextElement()
350         {
351             if( ! hasMore)
352                 throw new NoSuchElementException JavaDoc();
353             try
354             {
355                 scan.fetch( row);
356                 Object JavaDoc retValue = BackingStoreHashtable.shallowCloneRow( row);
357                 hasMore =;
358                 if( ! hasMore)
359                 {
360                     scan.close();
361                     scan = null;
362                 }
364                 return retValue;
365             }
366             catch( StandardException se)
367             {
368                 if( scan != null)
369                 {
370                     try
371                     {
372                         scan.close();
373                     }
374                     catch( StandardException se1){};
375                     scan = null;
376                 }
377                 throw new NoSuchElementException JavaDoc();
378             }
379         } // end of nextElement
} // end of class ElementEnum
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