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Java > Open Source Codes > org > apache > derby > iapi > error > StandardException

1 /*
3    Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException
5    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
6    contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
7    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
8    The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
9    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
10    the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
14    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
17    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18    limitations under the License.
20  */

22 package org.apache.derby.iapi.error;
24 import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
26 import org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedSQLException;
27 import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.ExceptionSeverity;
28 import;
29 import;
31 import java.sql.SQLException JavaDoc;
32 import java.sql.SQLWarning JavaDoc;
34 /**
35     StandardException is the root of all exceptions that are handled
36     in a standard fashion by the database code, mainly in the language code.
37     <P>
38     This class is abstract to ensure that an implementation only throws
39     a specific exception (e.g. TransactionException) which is a sub-class
40     <P>
41     A method in an iterface in a protocol under must
42     only throw a StandardException (if it needs to throw an exception).
43     This indicates that the method can throw an exception and therefore its
44     caller must ensure that any resources it allocates will be cleaned up
45     in the event of an exception in the StandardException hierarchy.
46     <P>
47     Implementations of methods that throw StandardException can have throws
48     clause that are more specific than StandardException.
49 */

51 public class StandardException extends Exception JavaDoc
52 {
53     public static final int REPORT_DEFAULT = 0;
54     public static final int REPORT_NEVER = 1;
55     public static final int REPORT_ALWAYS = 2;
57     /*
58      * Exception State
59      */

60     private Throwable JavaDoc nestedException;
61     private transient Object JavaDoc[] arguments;
62     private int severity;
63     private String JavaDoc textMessage;
64     private String JavaDoc sqlState;
65     private transient int report;
67     /*
68     ** End of constructors
69     */

71     protected StandardException(String JavaDoc messageID)
72     {
73         this(messageID, (Throwable JavaDoc) null, (Object JavaDoc[]) null);
75     }
77     protected StandardException(String JavaDoc messageID, Object JavaDoc[] args)
78     {
79         this(messageID, (Throwable JavaDoc) null, args);
80     }
82     protected StandardException(String JavaDoc messageID, Throwable JavaDoc t, Object JavaDoc[] args)
83     {
84         super(messageID);
86         this.severity = getSeverityFromIdentifier(messageID);
87         this.sqlState = getSQLStateFromIdentifier(messageID);
88         this.nestedException = t;
89         this.arguments = args;
91         if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
92         {
93                     SanityManager.ASSERT(messageID != null,
94                                          "StandardException with no messageID");
95         }
96     }
98     /**
99      * This constructor is used when we already have the
100      * message text.
101      *
102      * @param sqlState the sql state of the message
103      * @param text the text of the message
104      */

105     private StandardException(String JavaDoc sqlState, String JavaDoc text)
106     {
107         this(sqlState);
108         textMessage = text;
109     }
111     /*
112     ** End of constructors
113     */

114     /**
115      * Sets the arguments for this exception.
116      */

117     private final void setArguments(Object JavaDoc[] arguments)
118     {
119         this.arguments = arguments;
120     }
122     /**
123      * Returns the arguments for this exception,
124      * if there are any.
125      */

126     public final Object JavaDoc[] getArguments()
127     {
128         return arguments;
129     }
131     /**
132      * Sets the nested exception for this exception.
133      */

134     public final void setNestedException(Throwable JavaDoc nestedException)
135     {
136         this.nestedException = nestedException;
137     }
139     /**
140      * Returns the nested exception for this exception,
141      * if there is one.
142      */

143     public final Throwable JavaDoc getNestedException()
144     {
145         return nestedException;
146     }
148     /**
149         Yes, report me. Errors that need this method to return
150         false are in the minority.
151     */

152     public final int report() {
153         return report;
154     }
156     /**
157         Set my report type.
158     */

159     public final void setReport(int report) {
160 = report;
161     }
163     public final void setSeverity(int severity) {
164         this.severity = severity;
165     }
168     public final int getSeverity() {
169         return severity;
170     }
172     public final int getErrorCode() {
173         return severity;
174     }
176     /**
177         Return the 5 character SQL State.
178         If you need teh identifier that was used to create the
179         message, then use getMessageId(). getMessageId() will return the
180         string that corresponds to the field in org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState.
181     */

182     public final String JavaDoc getSQLState()
183     {
184         return sqlState;
185     }
187     /**
188         Convert a message identifer from org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState to
189         a SQLState five character string.
190      * @param messageID - the sql state id of the message from cloudscape
191      * @return String - the 5 character code of the SQLState ID to returned to the user
192     */

193     public static String JavaDoc getSQLStateFromIdentifier(String JavaDoc messageID) {
195         if (messageID.length() == 5)
196             return messageID;
197         return messageID.substring(0, 5);
198     }
200     /**
201         Get the severity given a message identifier from org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState.
202     */

203     public static int getSeverityFromIdentifier(String JavaDoc messageID) {
205         int lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.NO_APPLICABLE_SEVERITY;
207         switch (messageID.length()) {
208         case 5:
209             switch (messageID.charAt(0)) {
210             case '0':
211                 switch (messageID.charAt(1)) {
212                 case '1':
213                     lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.WARNING_SEVERITY;
214                     break;
215                 case 'A':
216                 case '7':
217                     lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.STATEMENT_SEVERITY;
218                     break;
219                 case '8':
220                     lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.SESSION_SEVERITY;
221                     break;
222                 }
223                 break;
224             case '2':
225             case '3':
226                 lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.STATEMENT_SEVERITY;
227                 break;
228             case '4':
229                 switch (messageID.charAt(1)) {
230                 case '0':
231                     lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.TRANSACTION_SEVERITY;
232                     break;
233                 case '2':
234                     lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.STATEMENT_SEVERITY;
235                     break;
236                 }
237                 break;
238             }
239             break;
241         default:
242             switch (messageID.charAt(6)) {
243             case 'M':
244                 lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.SYSTEM_SEVERITY;
245                 break;
246             case 'D':
247                 lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.DATABASE_SEVERITY;
248                 break;
249             case 'C':
250                 lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.SESSION_SEVERITY;
251                 break;
252             case 'T':
253                 lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.TRANSACTION_SEVERITY;
254                 break;
255             case 'S':
256                 lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.STATEMENT_SEVERITY;
257                 break;
258             case 'U':
259                 lseverity = ExceptionSeverity.NO_APPLICABLE_SEVERITY;
260                 break;
261             }
262             break;
263         }
265         return lseverity;
266     }
268     /*
269     ** Set of static methods to obtain exceptions.
270     **
271     ** Possible parameters:
272     ** String sqlState - SQL State
273     ** int severity - Severity of message
274     ** Throwable t - exception to wrap
275     ** Object aN - argument to error message
276     **
277     ** Calls that can be made after the exception has been created.
278     **
279     ** setExceptionCategory()
280     ** setReport()
281     */

283     /* specific exceptions */
285     public static StandardException normalClose()
286     {
287         StandardException se = newException( SQLState.NORMAL_CLOSE );
289         return se;
290     }
292     /* 0 arguments */
294     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID) {
295         return new StandardException(messageID);
296     }
297     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Throwable JavaDoc t) {
298         return new StandardException(messageID, t, (Object JavaDoc[]) null);
299     }
301     /* 1 argument */
303     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Object JavaDoc a1) {
304         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1};
305         return new StandardException(messageID, oa);
306     }
307     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Throwable JavaDoc t, Object JavaDoc a1) {
308         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1};
309         return new StandardException(messageID, t, oa);
310     }
312     /* 2 arguments */
314     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2) {
315         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2};
316         return new StandardException(messageID, oa);
317     }
319     /**
320      * Dummy exception to catch incorrect use of
321      * StandardException.newException(), at compile-time. If you get a
322      * compilation error because this exception isn't caught, it means
323      * that you are using StandardException.newException(...)
324      * incorrectly. The nested exception should always be the second
325      * argument.
326      * @see StandardException#newException(String, Object, Throwable)
327      * @see StandardException#newException(String, Object, Object, Throwable)
328      */

329     public static class BadMessageArgumentException extends Throwable JavaDoc {}
331     /**
332      * Dummy overload which should never be called. Only used to
333      * detect incorrect usage, at compile time.
334      * @param messageID - the sql state id of the message
335      * @param a1 - Message arg
336      * @param t - Incorrectly placed exception to be nested
337      * @return nothing - always throws
338      * @throws BadMessageArgumentException - always (dummy)
339      */

340     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID,
341                                                  Object JavaDoc a1,
342                                                  Throwable JavaDoc t)
343         throws BadMessageArgumentException {
344         throw new BadMessageArgumentException();
345     }
347     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Throwable JavaDoc t, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2) {
348         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2};
349         return new StandardException(messageID, t, oa);
350     }
352     /* 3 arguments */
354     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3) {
355         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3};
356         return new StandardException(messageID, oa);
357     }
359     /**
360      * Dummy overload which should never be called. Only used to
361      * detect incorrect usage, at compile time.
362      * @param messageID - the sql state id of the message
363      * @param a1 - First message arg
364      * @param a2 - Second message arg
365      * @param t - Incorrectly placed exception to be nested
366      * @return nothing - always throws
367      * @throws BadMessageArgumentException - always (dummy)
368      */

369     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID,
370                                                  Object JavaDoc a1,
371                                                  Object JavaDoc a2,
372                                                  Throwable JavaDoc t)
373         throws BadMessageArgumentException {
374         throw new BadMessageArgumentException();
375     }
377     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Throwable JavaDoc t, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3) {
378         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3};
379         return new StandardException(messageID, t, oa);
380     }
382     /* 4 arguments */
384     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3, Object JavaDoc a4) {
385         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3, a4};
386         return new StandardException(messageID, oa);
387     }
388     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Throwable JavaDoc t, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3, Object JavaDoc a4) {
389         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3, a4};
390         return new StandardException(messageID, t, oa);
391     }
393     /* 5 arguments */
394     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3, Object JavaDoc a4, Object JavaDoc a5) {
395         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5};
396         return new StandardException(messageID, oa);
397     }
398     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Throwable JavaDoc t, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3, Object JavaDoc a4, Object JavaDoc a5) {
399         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5};
400         return new StandardException(messageID, t, oa);
401     }
403     /* 6 arguments */
404     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3, Object JavaDoc a4, Object JavaDoc a5, Object JavaDoc a6) {
405         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6};
406         return new StandardException(messageID, oa);
407     }
408     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Throwable JavaDoc t, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3, Object JavaDoc a4, Object JavaDoc a5, Object JavaDoc a6) {
409         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6};
410         return new StandardException(messageID, t, oa);
411     }
413     /* 7 arguments */
414     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3, Object JavaDoc a4, Object JavaDoc a5, Object JavaDoc a6, Object JavaDoc a7) {
415         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7};
416         return new StandardException(messageID, oa);
417     }
418     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Throwable JavaDoc t, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3, Object JavaDoc a4, Object JavaDoc a5, Object JavaDoc a6, Object JavaDoc a7) {
419         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7};
420         return new StandardException(messageID, t, oa);
421     }
423     /* 8 arguments */
424     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3, Object JavaDoc a4, Object JavaDoc a5, Object JavaDoc a6, Object JavaDoc a7, Object JavaDoc a8) {
425         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8};
426         return new StandardException(messageID, oa);
427     }
428     public static StandardException newException(String JavaDoc messageID, Throwable JavaDoc t, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2, Object JavaDoc a3, Object JavaDoc a4, Object JavaDoc a5, Object JavaDoc a6, Object JavaDoc a7, Object JavaDoc a8) {
429         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8};
430         return new StandardException(messageID, t, oa);
431     }
433     /**
434      * Creates a new StandardException using message text that has already been localized.
435      *
436      * @param MessageID The SQLState and severity are derived from the ID. However the text message is not.
437      * @param t The Throwable that caused this exception, null if this exception was not caused by another Throwable.
438      * @param localizedMessage The message associated with this exception.
439      * <b>It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that this message is properly localized.</b>
440      *
441      * See
442      */

443     public static StandardException newPreLocalizedException( String JavaDoc MessageID,
444                                                               Throwable JavaDoc t,
445                                                               String JavaDoc localizedMessage)
446     {
447         StandardException se = new StandardException( MessageID, localizedMessage);
448         if( t != null)
449             se.nestedException = t;
450         return se;
451     }
453     public static StandardException unexpectedUserException(Throwable JavaDoc t)
454     {
455         /*
456         ** If we have a SQLException that isn't a Util
457         ** (i.e. it didn't come from cloudscape), then we check
458         ** to see if it is a valid user defined exception range
459         ** (38001-38XXX). If so, then we convert it into a
460         ** StandardException without further ado.
461         */

462         if ((t instanceof SQLException) &&
463             !(t instanceof EmbedSQLException))
464         {
465             SQLException sqlex = (SQLException)t;
466             String JavaDoc state = sqlex.getSQLState();
467             if ((state != null) &&
468                 (state.length() == 5) &&
469                 state.startsWith("38") &&
470                 !state.equals("38000"))
471             {
472                 StandardException se = new StandardException(state, sqlex.getMessage());
473                 if (sqlex.getNextException() != null)
474                 {
475                     se.setNestedException(sqlex.getNextException());
476                 }
477                 return se;
478             }
479         }
481         // Look for simple wrappers for 3.0.1 - will be cleaned up in main
if (t instanceof EmbedSQLException) {
483             EmbedSQLException csqle = (EmbedSQLException) t;
484             if (csqle.isSimpleWrapper()) {
485                 Throwable JavaDoc wrapped = csqle.getJavaException();
486                 if (wrapped instanceof StandardException)
487                     return (StandardException) wrapped;
488             }
489         }
492         // no need to wrap a StandardException
if (t instanceof StandardException)
494         {
495             return (StandardException) t;
496         }
497         else
498         {
499             /*
500             **
501             ** The exception at this point could be a:
502             **
503             ** standard java exception, e.g. NullPointerException
504             ** SQL Exception - from some server-side JDBC
505             ** 3rd party exception - from some application
506             ** some cloudscape exception that is not a standard exception.
507             **
508             **
509             ** We don't want to call t.toString() here, because the JVM is
510             ** inconsistent about whether it includes a detail message
511             ** with some exceptions (esp. NullPointerException). In those
512             ** cases where there is a detail message, t.toString() puts in
513             ** a colon character, even when the detail message is blank.
514             ** So, we do our own string formatting here, including the colon
515             ** only when there is a non-blank message.
516             **
517             ** The above is because our test canons contain the text of
518             ** error messages.
519             **
520             ** In addition we don't want to place the class name in an
521             ** exception when the class is from cloudscape because
522             ** the class name changes in obfuscated builds. Thus for
523             ** exceptions that are in a package below
524             ** we use toString(). If this returns an empty or null
525             ** then we use the class name to make tracking the problem
526             ** down easier, though the lack of a message should be seen
527             ** as a bug.
528             */

529             String JavaDoc detailMessage;
530             boolean cloudscapeException = false;
532             if (t instanceof EmbedSQLException) {
533                 detailMessage = ((EmbedSQLException) t).toString();
534                 cloudscapeException = true;
535             }
536             else {
537                 detailMessage = t.getMessage();
538             }
540             if (detailMessage == null)
541             {
542                 detailMessage = "";
543             } else {
544                 detailMessage = detailMessage.trim();
545             }
547             // if no message, use the class name
if (detailMessage.length() == 0) {
549                 detailMessage = t.getClass().getName();
550             }
551             else {
553                 if (!cloudscapeException) {
554                     detailMessage = t.getClass().getName() + ": " + detailMessage;
555                 }
556             }
558             StandardException se =
559                 newException(SQLState.LANG_UNEXPECTED_USER_EXCEPTION, t, detailMessage);
560             return se;
561         }
562     }
564     /**
565         Similar to unexpectedUserException but makes no assumtion about
566         when the execption is being called. The error is wrapped as simply
567         as possible.
568     */

570     public static StandardException plainWrapException(Throwable JavaDoc t) {
572         if (t instanceof StandardException)
573             return (StandardException) t;
575         if (t instanceof SQLException) {
577             SQLException sqle = (SQLException) t;
579             String JavaDoc sqlState = sqle.getSQLState();
580             if (sqlState != null) {
582                 StandardException se = new StandardException(sqlState, "(" + sqle.getErrorCode() + ") " + sqle.getMessage());
583                 sqle = sqle.getNextException();
584                 if (sqle != null)
585                     se.setNestedException(plainWrapException(sqle));
586                 return se;
587             }
588         }
590         String JavaDoc detailMessage = t.getMessage();
592         if (detailMessage == null)
593         {
594             detailMessage = "";
595         } else {
596             detailMessage = detailMessage.trim();
597         }
599         StandardException se =
600                 newException(SQLState.JAVA_EXCEPTION, t, detailMessage, t.getClass().getName());
601         return se;
602     }
604     /**
605     ** A special exception to close a session.
606     */

607     public static StandardException closeException() {
608         StandardException se = newException(SQLState.CLOSE_REQUEST);
609         se.setReport(REPORT_NEVER);
610         return se;
611     }
612     /*
613     ** Message handling
614     */

616     /**
617         The message stored in the super class Throwable must be set
618         up object creation. At this time we cannot get any information
619         about the object itself (ie. this) in order to determine the
620         natural language message. Ie. we need to class of the objec in
621         order to look up its message, but we can't get the class of the
622         exception before calling the super class message.
623         <P>
624         Thus the message stored by Throwable and obtained by the
625         getMessage() of Throwable (ie. super.getMessage() in this
626         class) is the message identifier. The actual text message
627         is stored in this class at the first request.
629     */

631     public String JavaDoc getMessage() {
632         if (textMessage == null)
633             textMessage = MessageService.getCompleteMessage(getMessageId(), getArguments());
635         return textMessage;
636     }
638     /**
639         Return the message identifier that is used to look up the
640         error message text in the file.
641     */

642     public final String JavaDoc getMessageId() {
643         return super.getMessage();
644     }
647     /**
648         Get the error code for an error given a type. The value of
649         the property messageId.type will be returned, e.g.
650         deadlock.sqlstate.
651     */

652     public String JavaDoc getErrorProperty(String JavaDoc type) {
653         return getErrorProperty(getMessageId(), type);
654     }
656     /**
657         Don't print the class name in the toString() method.
658     */

659     public String JavaDoc toString() {
660         String JavaDoc msg = getMessage();
662         return "ERROR " + getSQLState() + ": " + msg;
663     }
665     /*
666     ** Static methods
667     */

669     private static String JavaDoc getErrorProperty(String JavaDoc messageId, String JavaDoc type) {
670         return MessageService.getProperty(messageId, type);
671     }
673     public static StandardException interrupt(InterruptedException JavaDoc ie) {
674         StandardException se = StandardException.newException(SQLState.CONN_INTERRUPT, ie);
675         return se;
676     }
677     /*
678     ** SQL warnings
679     */

681     public static SQLWarning JavaDoc newWarning(String JavaDoc messageId) {
683         return newWarningCommon( messageId, (Object JavaDoc[]) null );
685     }
687     public static SQLWarning JavaDoc newWarning(String JavaDoc messageId, Object JavaDoc a1) {
689         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1};
691         return newWarningCommon( messageId, oa );
692     }
694     public static SQLWarning JavaDoc newWarning(String JavaDoc messageId, Object JavaDoc a1, Object JavaDoc a2) {
696         Object JavaDoc[] oa = new Object JavaDoc[] {a1, a2};
698         return newWarningCommon( messageId, oa );
699     }
701     private static SQLWarning JavaDoc newWarningCommon( String JavaDoc messageId, Object JavaDoc[] oa )
702     {
703         String JavaDoc message = MessageService.getCompleteMessage(messageId, oa);
704         String JavaDoc state = StandardException.getSQLStateFromIdentifier(messageId);
705         SQLWarning JavaDoc sqlw = new SQLWarning JavaDoc(message, state, ExceptionSeverity.WARNING_SEVERITY);
707         return sqlw;
708     }
709 }
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