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Java > Open Source Codes > net > nutch > segment > SegmentSlicer

1 /* Copyright (c) 2004 The Nutch Organization. All rights reserved. */
2 /* Use subject to the conditions in */
4 package net.nutch.segment;
6 import JavaDoc;
7 import JavaDoc;
8 import java.util.Vector JavaDoc;
9 import java.util.logging.Logger JavaDoc;
11 import net.nutch.fs.*;
12 import net.nutch.fetcher.FetcherOutput;
13 import net.nutch.parse.ParseData;
14 import net.nutch.parse.ParseText;
15 import net.nutch.protocol.Content;
16 import net.nutch.util.LogFormatter;
18 /**
19  * This class reads data from one or more input segments, and outputs it to one
20  * or more output segments, optionally deleting the input segments when it's
21  * finished.
22  *
23  * <p>Data is read sequentially from input segments, and appended to output
24  * segment until it reaches the target count of entries, at which point the next
25  * output segment is created, and so on.</p>
26  * <p>NOTE 1: this tool does NOT de-duplicate data - use SegmentMergeTool for that.</p>
27  * <p>NOTE 2: this tool does NOT copy indexes. It is currently impossible to slice
28  * Lucene indexes. The proper procedure is first to create slices, and then to index
29  * them.</p>
30  * <p>NOTE 3: if one or more input segments are in non-parsed format, the output
31  * segments will also use non-parsed format. This means that any parseData and parseText
32  * data from input segments will NOT be copied to the output segments.</p>
33  * @author Andrzej Bialecki &lt;;
34  */

35 public class SegmentSlicer implements Runnable JavaDoc {
36   public static final Logger JavaDoc LOG = LogFormatter.getLogger("net.nutch.segment.SegmentSlicer");
37   public static int LOG_STEP = 20000;
39   private NutchFileSystem nfs = null;
40   private File JavaDoc[] input = null;
41   private File JavaDoc output = null;
42   private boolean withContent = true;
43   private boolean withParseData = true;
44   private boolean withParseText = true;
45   private boolean autoFix = false;
46   private long maxCount = Long.MAX_VALUE;
48   /**
49    * Create new SegmentSlicer.
50    * @param nfs filesystem
51    * @param input list of input segments
52    * @param output output directory, created if not exists. Output segments
53    * will be created inside this directory
54    * @param withContent if true, read content, otherwise ignore it
55    * @param withParseText if true, read parse_text, otherwise ignore it
56    * @param withParseData if true, read parse_data, otherwise ignore it
57    * @param autoFix if true, attempt to fix corrupt segments
58    * @param maxCount if greater than 0, determines the maximum number of entries
59    * per output segment. New multiple output segments will be created as needed.
60    */

61   public SegmentSlicer(NutchFileSystem nfs, File JavaDoc[] input, File JavaDoc output,
62           boolean withContent, boolean withParseText, boolean withParseData,
63           boolean autoFix, long maxCount) {
64     this.nfs = nfs;
65     this.input = input;
66     this.output = output;
67     this.withContent = withContent;
68     this.withParseData = withParseData;
69     this.withParseText = withParseText;
70     this.autoFix = autoFix;
71     if (maxCount > 0) this.maxCount = maxCount;
72   }
74   /** Run the slicer. */
75   public void run() {
76     long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
77     Vector JavaDoc readers = new Vector JavaDoc();
78     long total = 0L;
79     boolean parsed = true;
80     for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
81       SegmentReader sr = null;
82       try {
83         sr = new SegmentReader(nfs, input[i], withContent, withParseText, withParseData, autoFix);
84       } catch (Exception JavaDoc e) {
85         LOG.warning(e.getMessage());
86         continue;
87       }
88       total += sr.size;
89       parsed = parsed && sr.isParsed;
90       readers.add(sr);
91     }
92"Input: " + total + " entries in " + readers.size() + " segments.");
93     if (!parsed)
94       LOG.warning(" - some input segments are non-parsed, forcing non-parsed output!");
95     FetcherOutput fo = new FetcherOutput();
96     Content co = new Content();
97     ParseData pd = new ParseData();
98     ParseText pt = new ParseText();
99     long outputCnt = 0L;
100     int segCnt = 1;
101     File JavaDoc outDir = new File JavaDoc(output, SegmentWriter.getNewSegmentName());
102"Writing output in " + output);
103     try {
104" - starting first output segment in " + outDir.getName());
105       SegmentWriter sw = new SegmentWriter(nfs,
106             outDir, true, parsed, withContent, withParseText, withParseData);
107       long delta = System.currentTimeMillis();
108       for (int i = 0; i < readers.size(); i++) {
109         SegmentReader sr = (SegmentReader)readers.get(i);
110         for (long k = 0L; k < sr.size; k++) {
111           try {
112             if (!, co, pt, pd)) break;
113           } catch (Throwable JavaDoc t) {
114             LOG.warning(" - error reading entry #" + k + " from " + sr.segmentDir.getName());
115             break;
116           }
117           sw.append(fo, co, pt, pd);
118           outputCnt++;
119           if (outputCnt % LOG_STEP == 0) {
120   " Processed " + outputCnt + " entries (" +
121                     (float)LOG_STEP / (float)(System.currentTimeMillis() - delta) * 1000.0f + " rec/s)");
122             delta = System.currentTimeMillis();
123           }
124           if (outputCnt % maxCount == 0) {
125             sw.close();
126             outDir = new File JavaDoc(output, SegmentWriter.getNewSegmentName());
127             segCnt++;
128   " - starting next output segment in " + outDir.getName());
129             sw = new SegmentWriter(nfs, outDir,
130                     true, parsed, withContent, withParseText, withParseData);
131           }
132         }
133         sr.close();
134       }
135       sw.close();
136       delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
137       float eps = (float) outputCnt / (float) (delta / 1000);
138"DONE segment slicing, INPUT: " + total + " -> OUTPUT: " + outputCnt + " entries in "
139               + segCnt + " segment(s), " + ((float) delta / 1000f) + " s (" + eps + " entries/sec).");
140     } catch (Throwable JavaDoc t) {
141       t.printStackTrace();
142"Unexpected error " + t.getMessage() + ", aborting at " + outputCnt + " output entries.");
143     }
144   }
146   /** Command-line wrapper. Run without arguments to see usage help. */
147   public static void main(String JavaDoc[] args) throws Exception JavaDoc {
148     if (args.length == 0) {
149       usage();
150       return;
151     }
152     String JavaDoc segDir = null;
153     String JavaDoc outDir = null;
154     Vector JavaDoc dirs = new Vector JavaDoc();
155     boolean fix = false;
156     long maxCount = Long.MAX_VALUE;
157     boolean withParseText = true;
158     boolean withParseData = true;
159     boolean withContent = true;
160     NutchFileSystem nfs = NutchFileSystem.parseArgs(args, 0);
161     for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
162       if (args[i] != null) {
163         if (args[i].equals("-noparsetext")) withParseText = false;
164         else if (args[i].equals("-noparsedata")) withParseData = false;
165         else if (args[i].equals("-nocontent")) withContent = false;
166         else if (args[i].equals("-fix")) fix = true;
167         else if (args[i].equals("-dir")) segDir = args[++i];
168         else if (args[i].equals("-o")) outDir = args[++i];
169         else if (args[i].equals("-max")) {
170           String JavaDoc cnt = args[++i];
171           try {
172             maxCount = Long.parseLong(cnt);
173           } catch (Exception JavaDoc e) {
174             LOG.warning("Invalid count '" + cnt + "', setting to Long.MAX_VALUE.");
175           }
176         } else dirs.add(new File JavaDoc(args[i]));
177       }
178     }
179     if (outDir == null) {
180       LOG.severe("Missing output path.");
181       usage();
182       return;
183     }
184     if (segDir != null) {
185       File JavaDoc sDir = new File JavaDoc(segDir);
186       if (!sDir.exists() || !sDir.isDirectory()) {
187         LOG.warning("Invalid path: " + sDir);
188       } else {
189         File JavaDoc[] files = sDir.listFiles(new FileFilter JavaDoc() {
190           public boolean accept(File JavaDoc f) {
191             return f.isDirectory();
192           }
193         });
194         if (files != null && files.length > 0) {
195           for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) dirs.add(files[i]);
196         }
197       }
198     }
199     if (dirs.size() == 0) {
200       LOG.severe("No input segment dirs.");
201       usage();
202       return;
203     }
204     File JavaDoc[] input = (File JavaDoc[])dirs.toArray(new File JavaDoc[0]);
205     File JavaDoc output = new File JavaDoc(outDir);
206     SegmentSlicer slicer = new SegmentSlicer(nfs, input, output,
207             withContent, withParseText, withParseData, fix, maxCount);
209   }
211   private static void usage() {
212     System.err.println("SegmentSlicer (-local | -ndfs <namenode:port>) -o outputDir [-max count] [-fix] [-nocontent] [-noparsedata] [-noparsetext] (-dir segments | seg1 seg2 ...)");
213     System.err.println("\tNOTE: at least one segment dir name is required, or '-dir' option.");
214     System.err.println("\t outputDir is always required.");
215     System.err.println("\t-o outputDir\toutput directory for segments");
216     System.err.println("\t-max count\t(optional) output multiple segments, each with maximum 'count' entries");
217     System.err.println("\t-fix\t\t(optional) automatically fix corrupted segments");
218     System.err.println("\t-nocontent\t(optional) ignore content data");
219     System.err.println("\t-noparsedata\t(optional) ignore parse_data data");
220     System.err.println("\t-nocontent\t(optional) ignore parse_text data");
221     System.err.println("\t-dir segments\tdirectory containing multiple segments");
222     System.err.println("\tseg1 seg2 ...\tsegment directories\n");
223   }
224 }
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