1 28 29 package ist.coach.coachEmfServicesComponents.SnmpAdapterProviderComposition ; 30 31 import org.opennms.protocols.snmp.*; 32 33 import ist.coach.coachEmfCommon.Utils; 34 import ist.coach.coachEmfCommon.ExceptionMessages; 35 import ist.coach.coachEmfServices.SnmpAdapter.SnmpApplicationError ; 36 import ist.coach.coachEmfCommon.DataTypeImpl; 37 import ist.coach.coachEmfServices.SnmpAdapter.DataType ; 38 import ist.coach.coachEmfServicesComponents.SnmpAdapterProviderPackage.trap_targetConnection ; 39 42 import org.omg.CORBA.Any ; 43 44 import java.util.LinkedList ; 45 import java.util.ListIterator ; 46 47 import org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent ; 48 49 55 public class SnmpAdapterProviderImpl 56 extends ist.coach.coachEmfServicesComponents.SnmpAdapterProviderComposition.SnmpAdapterProvider_impl  57 implements Runnable , 58 SnmpTrapHandler 59 { 60 protected static LinkedList linkedList; 66 protected static Configuration config; 67 trap_targetConnection[] trap_target_facades = null; 68 71 private static org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb = org.objectweb.ccm.CORBA.TheORB.getORB(); 72 76 private static final SnmpObjectId SNMPv2_MIB_snmpTrapOid = 77 new SnmpObjectId("."); 78 79 public static final int SNMP_TRAP_PORT = 2010; 80 83 private Thread listenerThread; 84 87 private static final int UNKNOWN_TRAP_TYPE = 0; 88 94 public SnmpAdapterProviderImpl() 95 { 96 this.linkedList = new LinkedList (); 97 } 98 112 public void 113 configuration_complete() 114 throws org.omg.Components.InvalidConfiguration 115 { 116 120 config = Configuration.getInstance(); 121 122 if (config == null) { 123 System.err.println("Could not create a valid configuration. Exiting..."); 124 throw new org.omg.Components.InvalidConfiguration(); 125 } 126 127 listener_init(); 128 129 if ((trap_target_facades = get_context().get_connections_trap_target()) == null) { 130 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter is not configured with Facades to serve...."); 131 } 132 133 System.err.println("SnmpAdapterProvider configuration completed..."); 134 } 135 public void ccm_remove() 137 throws org.omg.Components.CCMException { 138 listener_stop(); 139 super.ccm_remove(); 140 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter has been destroyed"); 141 } 142 148 protected static Any convertSnmpSyntaxToAny(SnmpSyntax data) { 149 150 Any value =orb.create_any(); 151 152 153 switch (data.typeId()) { 154 case SnmpSMI.SMI_OBJECTID: 155 value.insert_string( new String (((SnmpObjectId)data).toString())); 156 break; 157 case SnmpSMI.SMI_COUNTER32: 158 value.insert_longlong( ((SnmpCounter32)data).getValue()); 159 break; 160 case SnmpSMI.SMI_COUNTER64: value.insert_longlong( ((SnmpCounter64)data).getValue().longValue()); 162 break; 163 case SnmpSMI.SMI_GAUGE32: 164 value.insert_longlong( ((SnmpGauge32)data).getValue()); 165 break; 166 case SnmpSMI.SMI_INTEGER: 167 value.insert_long( ((SnmpInt32)data).getValue()); 168 break; 169 case SnmpSMI.SMI_TIMETICKS: 170 value.insert_longlong( ((SnmpTimeTicks)data).getValue()); 171 break; 172 case SnmpSMI.SMI_IPADDRESS: 173 value.insert_string( new String (((SnmpIPAddress)data).toString())); 174 break; 175 case SnmpSMI.SMI_STRING: 176 192 SnmpOctetString octetData = (SnmpOctetString) data; 193 byte[] octetDataBytes = octetData.getString(); 194 org.omg.CORBA.OctetSeqHelper.insert(value, octetDataBytes); 195 196 break; 199 case SnmpSMI.SMI_OPAQUE: 200 value.insert_string( new String (((SnmpOpaque)data).getString())); 201 break; 202 case SnmpSMI.SMI_NOSUCHOBJECT: 203 value.insert_string("No Such Object"); 206 break; 207 case SnmpSMI.SMI_NOSUCHINSTANCE: 208 value.insert_string( "No Such Instance"); 211 break; 212 default: 213 System.err.println("Unknown Variable Binding."); 214 value = null; 215 break; 216 217 } 218 219 return value; 220 221 } 222 223 protected static SnmpSyntax convertAnyToSnmpSyntax(Any data, byte code) { 224 225 SnmpSyntax value = null; 226 227 switch (code) { 228 229 case SnmpSMI.SMI_COUNTER32: 230 value = ((SnmpSyntax)new SnmpCounter32(data.extract_longlong())); 231 break; 232 case SnmpSMI.SMI_COUNTER64: 233 value = ((SnmpSyntax)new SnmpCounter64(data.extract_longlong())); 234 break; 235 case SnmpSMI.SMI_UNSIGNED32: value = ((SnmpSyntax)new SnmpGauge32(data.extract_longlong())); 237 break; 238 case SnmpSMI.SMI_INTEGER: 239 value = ((SnmpSyntax)new SnmpInt32(data.extract_long())); 240 break; 241 case SnmpSMI.SMI_IPADDRESS: 242 value = ((SnmpSyntax)new SnmpIPAddress(data.extract_string().getBytes())); 243 break; 244 case SnmpSMI.SMI_OBJECTID: 245 value = ((SnmpSyntax)new SnmpObjectId(data.extract_string())); 246 break; 247 case SnmpSMI.SMI_OPAQUE: 248 value = ((SnmpSyntax)new SnmpOpaque(data.extract_string().getBytes())); 249 break; 250 case SnmpSMI.SMI_STRING: 251 value = (SnmpSyntax)new SnmpOctetString(org.omg.CORBA.OctetSeqHelper.extract(data)); 252 break; 255 case SnmpSMI.SMI_TIMETICKS: 256 value = ((SnmpSyntax)new SnmpTimeTicks(data.extract_longlong())); 257 break; 258 default: 259 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter:convertAnyToSnmpSyntax> " + 260 " Unknown (or un-supported) SMI Type"); 261 break; 262 } 263 264 return value; 265 } 266 267 private void processTrapData( 268 java.net.InetAddress agent, 269 SnmpOctetString community, 270 SnmpPduPacket pdu) 271 throws SnmpApplicationError{ 272 273 int snmpTrapType = 0; 274 String trapObjectIdentifier = null; 275 int k = pdu.getLength(); 276 DataTypeImpl[] dataSetType = new DataTypeImpl[k]; 277 278 for (int i = 0; i < k ; i++ ) { 279 280 SnmpVarBind vb = pdu.getVarBindAt(i); 281 282 String oid = vb.getName().toString(); 283 Any value = orb.create_any(); 284 285 switch (vb.getValue().typeId()) { 286 case SnmpSMI.SMI_OBJECTID: 287 value.insert_string( ((SnmpObjectId)vb.getValue()).toString()); 288 break; 289 case SnmpSMI.SMI_COUNTER32: 290 value.insert_longlong( ((SnmpCounter32)vb.getValue()).getValue()); 291 break; 292 case SnmpSMI.SMI_COUNTER64: 293 value.insert_longlong( ((SnmpCounter64)vb.getValue()).getValue().longValue()); 294 break; 295 case SnmpSMI.SMI_GAUGE32: 296 value.insert_longlong( ((SnmpGauge32)vb.getValue()).getValue()); 297 break; 298 case SnmpSMI.SMI_INTEGER: 299 value.insert_long( ((SnmpInt32)vb.getValue()).getValue()); 300 break; 301 case SnmpSMI.SMI_TIMETICKS: 302 value.insert_longlong( ((SnmpTimeTicks)vb.getValue()).getValue()); 303 break; 304 case SnmpSMI.SMI_IPADDRESS: 305 value.insert_string( ((SnmpIPAddress)vb.getValue()).toString()); 306 break; 307 case SnmpSMI.SMI_STRING: 308 SnmpOctetString octetData = (SnmpOctetString) vb.getValue(); 309 byte[] octetDataBytes = octetData.getString(); 310 org.omg.CORBA.OctetSeqHelper.insert(value, octetDataBytes); 311 break; 314 default: 315 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter: processTrapData> Unknown Variable Binding."); 316 break; 317 318 } 319 320 if (vb.getName().compare(SNMPv2_MIB_snmpTrapOid) == 0) 321 trapObjectIdentifier = ((SnmpObjectId)vb.getValue()).toString(); 322 323 dataSetType[i] = new DataTypeImpl(oid, value); 324 325 } 326 327 snmpTrapType = determineTrapType(trapObjectIdentifier); 328 if (snmpTrapType == UNKNOWN_TRAP_TYPE) 329 throw new SnmpApplicationError(ExceptionMessages.uknown_trap_error); 330 331 String objectClass = determineObjectClass(snmpTrapType); 332 if (objectClass == null) { 333 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter: processTrapData> Trap could not be mapped to an object class"); 334 throw new SnmpApplicationError("Trap could not be mapped to an object class"); 335 } 336 337 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter: processTrapData> Trap is " + trapTypeToString(snmpTrapType) + 338 " (trap type " + snmpTrapType + 339 " ), thrown by objects of objectclass " + objectClass); 340 341 NameComponent [] name = null; 342 343 if (isRootObject(objectClass)) { 344 name = findRegisteredRootObject(objectClass, agent.getHostAddress()); 345 if (name == null) { 346 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter: processTrapData> Trap could not be mapped to a registered (root) object."); 347 throw new SnmpApplicationError(ExceptionMessages.uknown_trap_origin_error); 348 } 349 } 350 else { 351 352 boolean valueIsNeeded = determineIfValueIsNeeded(objectClass); 353 354 Any value = null; 355 356 if (valueIsNeeded == true) { 357 value = determineValue(objectClass, dataSetType); 358 359 if (value == null) { 360 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter: processTrapData> Could not determine value for trap!"); 361 throw new SnmpApplicationError(ExceptionMessages.trap_misconfig_error); 362 } 363 } 364 365 name = findRegisteredLeafObject(objectClass, agent.getHostAddress(), value); 366 if (name == null) { 367 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter: processTrapData> Trap could not be mapped to a registered (leaf) object."); 368 throw new SnmpApplicationError(ExceptionMessages.uknown_trap_origin_error); 369 } 370 } 371 372 String objectFacadeKind = Utils.name2facade(Utils.name2string(name)); 373 String facadeNameKind = null; 374 boolean facadeFound = false; 375 376 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter: processTrapData> Object with name " + Utils.name2string(name) + 377 " is accessible through a facade with kind " + objectFacadeKind); 378 379 int index = 0; 380 String facadeName = new String (); 381 trap_target_facades = get_context().get_connections_trap_target(); 382 for (index = 0; index < trap_target_facades.length; index++) { 383 384 facadeName = trap_target_facades[index].objref.facade_name(); 385 facadeNameKind = Utils.name2facade(facadeName); 386 387 390 if (objectFacadeKind.equals(facadeNameKind)) { 391 392 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter: processTrapData> Object with name " + 393 Utils.name2string(name) + 394 " is accessible through facade with name " + facadeName + 395 " found at position " + index); 396 397 facadeFound = true; 398 399 break; 400 401 } 402 } 403 404 if (facadeFound == false) { 405 406 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter: processTrapData> Could not find a facade to send trap to"); 407 throw new SnmpApplicationError("No Facade trap sink found"); 408 } 409 410 int varBindNumber = pdu.getLength(); 411 412 DataTypeImpl [] trapData = new DataTypeImpl[varBindNumber]; 413 414 for (int j = 0; j < varBindNumber; j++) { 415 416 SnmpVarBind vb = pdu.getVarBindAt(j); 417 418 trapData[j] = new DataTypeImpl(vb.getName().toString(), 419 convertSnmpSyntaxToAny(vb.getValue()), 420 vb.getValue().typeId()); 421 422 } 423 424 String community_str = (community != null) ? 425 new String (community.getString()) : new String (); 426 427 System.err.println("Calling notifyTrap with arguments: "); 428 System.err.println("Name: " + name); 429 System.err.println("Community: " + community_str); 430 System.err.println("RequestId: " + pdu.getRequestId()); 431 System.err.println("SnmpTrapType: " + snmpTrapType); 432 System.err.println("Length of trap data: " + trapData.length); 433 434 try { 435 ist.coach.coachEmfServices.SnmpAdapter.TrapCallback facade_callback = 436 trap_target_facades[index].objref; 437 438 if (facade_callback != null) { 439 facade_callback.notifyTrap( name, 440 community_str, 441 pdu.getRequestId(), 442 snmpTrapType, 443 trapData); 444 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter has served Trap successfully"); 445 } 446 else 447 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter: processTrapData> Could not retrieve reference to facade of " + 448 Utils.name2string(name)); 449 } 450 catch(SnmpApplicationError snmp_ex) { 451 System.err.println("SnmpAdapterProvider: SnmpApplicationError exception caught " + 452 " while trying to forward trap to " + Utils.name2string(name)); 453 } 454 catch(intt.itu.itut_x780.ApplicationError app_exc) { 455 System.err.println("SnmpAdapterProvider: ApplicationError exception caught " + 456 " while trying to forward trap to " + Utils.name2string(name)); 457 } 458 459 } 460 461 private int determineTrapType(String trapObjectIdentifier) { 462 463 464 int snmpTrapType = UNKNOWN_TRAP_TYPE; 465 466 for (int i = 0; i < this.config.availableTraps.length; i++) { 467 if (trapObjectIdentifier.equals( 468 this.config.availableTraps[i].oid.toString())) { 469 470 snmpTrapType = this.config.availableTraps[i].identifier; 471 break; 472 } 473 } 474 475 return snmpTrapType; 476 477 } 478 479 private String determineObjectClass(int snmpTrapType) { 480 481 for (int i = 0; i < this.config.availableTraps.length; i++) { 482 if (snmpTrapType == this.config.availableTraps[i].identifier) { 483 return this.config.availableTraps[i].objectclass; 484 } 485 } 486 487 return null; 488 489 } 490 491 private boolean determineIfValueIsNeeded(String objectClass) { 492 493 boolean valueNeeded = false; 494 495 for (int i = 0; i < this.config.availableTraps.length; i++) { 496 497 if (objectClass.equalsIgnoreCase(this.config.availableTraps[i].objectclass)) { 498 499 if (this.config.availableTraps[i].valueOid == null) { 500 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter: determineIfValueIsNeeded> No value needed to fetch " + 501 "leaf object of objectclass " + objectClass); 502 valueNeeded = false; 503 } 504 else 505 valueNeeded = true; 506 } 507 } 508 509 return valueNeeded; 510 } 511 512 513 private Any determineValue(String objectClass, DataType [] varBindings) { 514 515 String valueOid = null; 516 517 520 521 for (int i = 0; i < this.config.availableTraps.length; i++) { 522 523 if (objectClass.equalsIgnoreCase(this.config.availableTraps[i].objectclass)) { 524 525 if (this.config.availableTraps[i].valueOid != null) 526 valueOid = new String (this.config.availableTraps[i].valueOid.toString()); 527 531 break; 532 } 533 534 } 535 536 if (valueOid != null) { 537 for (int i = 0; i < varBindings.length; i++) { 538 if (varBindings[i].identifier.equals( 539 valueOid)) { 540 return (varBindings[i].value); 541 } 542 } 543 } 544 return null; 546 547 } 548 549 private String trapTypeToString(int snmpTrapType) { 550 for (int i = 0; i < this.config.availableTraps.length; i++) { 551 if (this.config.availableTraps[i].identifier == snmpTrapType) { 552 553 return this.config.availableTraps[i].id; 554 } 555 556 } 557 558 return null; 559 } 560 561 protected static synchronized boolean isRootObject(String objectClass) { 562 563 for (int i = 0; i < config.rootObjects.length; i++) 564 if (config.rootObjects[i].equals(objectClass)) 565 return true; 566 567 return false; 568 } 569 577 private NameComponent [] findRegisteredRootObject( 578 String objectClass, String ipAddress) { 579 580 ListIterator li = this.linkedList.listIterator(); 581 582 585 while (li.hasNext()) { 586 587 SnmpObjectData objData = (SnmpObjectData)li.next(); 588 589 NameComponent [] name = objData.getName(); 590 String myObjectClass = name[name.length - 2].kind; 591 String myIpAddress = objData.getIPAddress(); 592 593 596 if (myObjectClass.equals(objectClass) && 597 myIpAddress.equals(ipAddress)) { 598 599 return objData.getName(); 602 } 603 } 604 605 return null; 606 } 607 608 618 619 private NameComponent [] findRegisteredLeafObject( 620 String objectClass, String ipAddress, Any value) { 621 622 ListIterator li = this.linkedList.listIterator(); 623 624 627 while (li.hasNext()) { 628 629 SnmpObjectData objData = (SnmpObjectData)li.next(); 630 631 NameComponent [] name = objData.getName(); 632 String myObjectClass = getObjectClass(name); 633 String myIpAddress = objData.getIPAddress(); 634 635 if (myObjectClass.equals(objectClass) && 636 myIpAddress.equals(ipAddress)) { 637 638 if (value != null) { 639 if (objData.getValue().equal(value)) { 640 641 return objData.getName(); 644 } 645 } 646 else { 647 return objData.getName(); 650 } 651 } 652 } 653 654 return null; 655 } 656 657 protected static String getObjectClass(NameComponent [] name) { 658 return name[name.length - 2].kind; 659 } 660 661 private void listener_init() { 662 if (listenerThread == null) { 663 listenerThread = new Thread (this, "Listener"); 664 listenerThread.start(); 665 } 666 } 667 668 private void listener_stop() { 669 670 Thread dummyThread =listenerThread; 671 listenerThread = null; 672 dummyThread.interrupt(); 673 674 } 675 676 public void run() { 682 683 Thread myThread = Thread.currentThread(); 684 SnmpTrapSession trapSession = null; 685 while (listenerThread == myThread) { 686 687 try { 688 trapSession = new SnmpTrapSession(this, 689 SNMP_TRAP_PORT); 690 System.err.println("SNMP Trap Receiver Started"); 691 synchronized(trapSession) 692 { 693 trapSession.wait(); 694 } 695 } 696 catch (InterruptedException ie) { 697 System.err.println("SNMP Trap Receiver Exiting"); 698 trapSession.close(); 699 } 700 catch (Exception e) { 701 System.err.println("Exception in init(): " + e); 702 e.printStackTrace(); 703 } 704 } 705 } 706 707 708 714 715 718 public void snmpReceivedTrap( 719 SnmpTrapSession session, 720 java.net.InetAddress agent, 721 int port, 722 SnmpOctetString community, 723 SnmpPduPacket pdu) { 724 725 System.err.println("V2 Trap from agent " + agent.toString() + " on port " + port); 726 System.err.println("V2 Trap Community........... " + new String (community.getString())); 727 System.err.println("V2 Trap PDU command......... " + pdu.getCommand()); 728 System.err.println("V2 Trap PDU ID.............. " + pdu.getRequestId()); 729 System.err.println("V2 Trap PDU Length.......... " + pdu.getLength()); 730 731 if(pdu instanceof SnmpPduRequest) 732 { 733 System.err.println("V2 Trap PDU Error Status.... " + ((SnmpPduRequest)pdu).getErrorStatus()); 734 System.err.println("V2 Trap PDU Error Index..... " + ((SnmpPduRequest)pdu).getErrorIndex()); 735 } 736 737 int k = pdu.getLength(); 738 739 for (int i = 0; i < k ; i++ ) 740 { 741 SnmpVarBind vb = pdu.getVarBindAt(i); 742 System.err.print("Varbind[" + i + "] := " + vb.getName().toString()); 743 System.err.println(" --> " + vb.getValue().toString()); 744 } 745 746 try { 747 748 processTrapData(agent, community, pdu); 749 } 750 catch (SnmpApplicationError e) { 751 System.err.println("Unable to process trap!"); 752 } 753 754 } 755 756 766 public void snmpReceivedTrap( 767 SnmpTrapSession session, 768 java.net.InetAddress agent, 769 int port, 770 SnmpOctetString community, 771 SnmpPduTrap pdu) 772 773 { 774 775 System.err.println("V1 Trap from agent " + agent.toString() + " on port " + port); 776 System.err.println("Ip Address................. " + pdu.getAgentAddress() ); 777 System.err.println("Enterprise Id.............. " + pdu.getEnterprise() ); 778 System.err.println("Generic ................... " + pdu.getGeneric() ); 779 System.err.println("Specific .................. " + pdu.getSpecific() ); 780 System.err.println("TimeStamp ................. " + pdu.getTimeStamp() ); 781 System.err.println("Length..................... " + pdu.getLength() ); 782 783 784 int k = pdu.getLength(); 785 for (int i = 0; i < k ; i++ ) 786 { 787 SnmpVarBind vb = pdu.getVarBindAt(i); 788 System.err.print("Varbind[" + i + "] := " + vb.getName().toString()); 789 System.err.println(" --> " + vb.getValue().toString()); 790 } 791 System.err.println(""); 792 793 } 798 799 806 public void snmpTrapSessionError( 807 SnmpTrapSession session, 808 int error, 809 java.lang.Object ref) 810 { 811 812 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter:snmpTrapSessionError> An error occured in the trap session"); 813 System.err.println("Session error code = " + error); 814 if(ref != null) 815 { 816 System.err.println("SnmpAdapter:snmpTrapSessionError> Session error reference: " + ref.toString()); 817 } 818 819 if(error == SnmpTrapSession.ERROR_EXCEPTION) 820 { 821 synchronized(session) 822 { 823 session.notify(); } 825 } 826 } 827 828 829 } 835
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