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Java > Open Source Codes > JSci > maths > wavelet > MatchingPursuit

1 package JSci.maths.wavelet;
3 import JSci.maths.*;
4 /*************************************
5 * A Wavelet (and more) matching pursuit class
6 * Uses adaptative Morse coding for better
7 * performance. The MatchingPursuit is used
8 * to obtain a Time-Frequency representation (TF)
9 * through a fast algorithm.
10 * @author Daniel Lemire
11 *************************************/

12 public class MatchingPursuit extends BasisFunctionLibrary implements Cloneable JavaDoc {
13   private int[] Record;
14   private double[] Coefs;
15   private double[][][] TF=new double[0][][];
17     public void add(MultiscaleFunction fprimary, MultiscaleFunction fdual) {
18     super.add(fprimary, fdual);
19     double[][][] TFback=TF;
20     TF=new double[getSize()][][];
21     System.arraycopy(TFback,0,TF,0,TFback.length);
22     TF[getSize()-1]=getTF(super.Fprimary[getSize()-1]);
23   }
25   public Object JavaDoc clone() {
26     MatchingPursuit c=(MatchingPursuit) super.clone();
27     if(this.Record!=null) {
28       c.Record=ArrayMath.copy(this.Record);
29     }
30     if(this.Coefs!=null) {
31       c.Coefs=ArrayMath.copy(this.Coefs);
32     }
33     if(this.TF!=null) {
34       TF=new double[this.TF.length][][];
35       System.arraycopy(TF,0,c.TF,0,TF.length);
36     }
37     return(c);
38   }
40   /*****************************
41   * Allows one to trace back the
42   * matches
43   ******************************/

44   private void addToRecord (int K, double d) {
45     if(Record==null) {
46       Record=new int[1];
47       Record[0]=K;
48       Coefs=new double[1];
49       Coefs[0]=d;
50     } else {
51       int[] back=Record;
52       double[] backednorm=Coefs;
53       Record=new int[Record.length+1];
54       Coefs=new double[Record.length+1];
55       System.arraycopy(back,0,Record,0,Record.length-1);
56       System.arraycopy(backednorm,0,Coefs,0,Record.length-1);
57       //for(int k=0;k<Record.length-1;k++) {
// }
62       Coefs[Record.length-1]=d;
63     }
64   }
66   /******************************
67   * all matches are recorded
68   * so one can trace them back
69   *******************************/

70   public int[] getRecord() {
71     return(Record);
72   }
74   /******************************
75   * Trace back how much of the
76   * norm was taken out at each
77   * match.
78   *******************************/

79   public double[] getRecordedNorms() {
80     double[] ans=new double[Record.length];
81     for(int k=0; k<Record.length;k++) {
82       ans[k]=Math.abs(Coefs[k])*Fprimary[k].norm();
83     }
84     return(ans);
85   }
87   /******************************
88   * Recover the matching coefficients.
89   *******************************/

90   public double[] getCoefs() {
91     return(Coefs);
92   }
94     /************************************
95     * Constructor
96     ************************************/

97     public MatchingPursuit (DiscreteFunction f) {
98         super(f);
99     }
101   public void setData (DiscreteFunction f) {
102     if(DFunction!=null) {
103       if(f.dimension()!=DFunction.dimension()) {
104         throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("You cannot change the dimension of the data object. Please create a new object.");
105       }
106     }
107         DFunction= (DiscreteFunction) f.clone();
108     Record=null;
109     Coefs=null;
110   }
112   private MatchingPursuit() {
113   }
115   /**************************************************
116   * Check the validity of the
117   * current matching algorithm.
118   * Will return an exception if the diagnostic
119   * fails. This makes sense: the software should
120   * stop if the algorithm isn't safely within
121   * the given tolerance.
122   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if
123   * the matching fails
124   * @exception MaximumIterationsExceededException if it can't
125   * match one of the elements of the dictionnary
126   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if tol is
127   * is negative
128   ***************************************************/

129   public void diagnostic(double tol) throws MaximumIterationsExceededException {
130     if(tol<0) {
131       throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("A tolerance cannot be negative :"+tol+" < 0");
132     }
133     MatchingPursuit testmatch=(MatchingPursuit) this.clone();
134     double ener1, ener2;
135     for(int k=0;k<getSize();k++) {
136       testmatch.DFunction=(DiscreteFunction) super.Fprimary[k].clone();
137       ener1=testmatch.DFunction.norm();
138       testmatch.match();
139       ener2=testmatch.DFunction.norm();
140       if(ener2>ener1*tol) {
141         throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("Fail to match dictionnary element number "+k+" got a 'de facto' tolerance of "+(ener2/ener1));
142       }
143     }
144   }
146     /************************************
147     * Convert the an element to a
148     * time-frequency representation
149     * using Fourier as a basis multiply
150     * everything by a coefficient b.
151     *************************************/

152     private double[][] getTF(int pos, double b) {
153     double[][] ans=ArrayMath.copy(TF[pos]);
154     for(int k=0;k<ans.length;k++) {
155       for(int l=0;l<ans[k].length;l++) {
156         ans[k][l]*=b;
157       }
158     }
159     return(ans);
160     }
162     /************************************
163     * Convert the an element to a
164     * time-frequency representation
165     * using Fourier as a basis.
166     *************************************/

167     private double[][] getTF(DiscreteFunction a) {
168         int freqlength=(int) Math.ceil(DFunction.dimension()/2.0);
169         double freq;
170         double[][] TF=new double[freqlength][DFunction.dimension()];
171     double[] time=a.evaluate(0);
172         for(int k=0;k<freqlength;k++) {
173             freq=norm(DiscreteHilbertSpace.integrate(a,new Cosine(DFunction.dimension(),k)),DiscreteHilbertSpace.integrate(a,new Sine(DFunction.dimension(),k)));
174             for(int l=0;l<DFunction.dimension();l++) {
175                 TF[k][l]=time[l]*freq;
176             }
177         }
178         return(TF);
179     }
182     /************************************
183     * Does the matching 1 time and return
184     * the TF representation. The TF representation
185   * may contain negative values and so,
186   * taking the absolute value of the
187   * result will often be useful.
188     *************************************/

189     public double[][] match() {
190         double coef=getWeigth(0);
191     int pos=0;
192     double min=getResidue(0);
193         double resitemp,weigthtemp;
194     double[] soltemp;
195         for(int k=1;k<getSize();k++) {
196       weigthtemp=DiscreteHilbertSpace.integrate(DFunction,Fdual[k]);
197       soltemp=DiscreteHilbertSpace.add(DFunction,-weigthtemp,Fprimary[k]);
198             resitemp=ArrayMath.norm(soltemp);
199             if(resitemp<min) {
200                 min=resitemp;
201                 coef=weigthtemp;
202                 pos=k;
203             }
204         }
205     addToRecord(pos,coef);
206     DFunction=new DiscreteFunction(DiscreteHilbertSpace.add(DFunction,-coef,Fprimary[pos]));
207         return(getTF(pos,coef));
208     }
210   /******************************************
211   * Repeatly match until it remains less
212   * than tol * 100 percent of the original
213   * L2 norm; no matter what, at least one
214   * match will be done. It will return
215   * the TF representaiton. The TF representation
216   * may contain negative values and so,
217   * taking the absolute value of the
218   * result will often be useful.
219   * @param tol percentile of energy
220   * @exception IllegalArgumentException
221   * if tol is not within the interval [0,1]
222   * @exception MaximumIterationsExceededException
223   * if the number of required match exceeds 5 times
224   * the size of the dictionnary (it should be a more
225   * than confortable margin unless the problem is
226   * ill-posed, change the dictionnary if it doesn't work)
227   *******************************************/

228   public double[][] matchAll (double tol) throws MaximumIterationsExceededException {
230     if((tol>1)||(tol<0)) {
231       throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("The percentile should be between 0 and 1: "+tol);
232     }
233     int TimesAround=0;
234     double ener0=DFunction.norm();
235     double ts=ener0*tol;
236     int maxTimesAround=5*getSize();
237     double[][] ans=new double[0][0];
238     while(DFunction.norm()>ts) {
239       TimesAround++;
240       if(TimesAround>maxTimesAround) {
241         throw new MaximumIterationsExceededException("Impossible to match to the desired precision ("+tol+") with this dictionnary of size "+getSize()+" after "+TimesAround+" iterations. You might want to expand the dictionnary.");
242       }
243       if(ans.length!=0) {
244         ans=add(ans,match());
245       } else {
246         ans=match();
247       }
248     }
249     return(ans);
250   }
254   /******************************************
255   * Force the system to select the given
256   * element as the best match. It will return
257   * the TF representaiton. The TF representation
258   * may contain negative values and so,
259   * taking the absolute value of the
260   * result will often be useful.
261   *******************************************/

262   public double[][] forcedMatch(int pos) {
263     double coef=DiscreteHilbertSpace.integrate(DFunction,Fdual[pos]);
264     addToRecord(pos,coef);
265     DFunction=new DiscreteFunction(DiscreteHilbertSpace.add(DFunction,-coef,Fprimary[pos]));
266         return(getTF(pos,coef));
267   }
269     /*********************************
270     * Does the matching j times and
271     * return the TF representation.
272   * The TF representation
273   * may contain negative values and so,
274   * taking the absolute value of the
275   * result will often be useful.
276   * @param j number of iterations
277   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if j is not positive
278     **********************************/

279     public double[][] match(int j) {
280     if(j<=0) {
281       throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("Can't do "+j+" matching... Must be a positive number.");
282     }
283         double[][] ans=match();
284         for(int k=1;k<j;k++) {
285             ans=add(ans,match());
286         }
287         return(ans);
288     }
290 }
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