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Java > Java SE, EE, ME > java > nio > charset > CharsetDecoder

Class CharsetDecoder

  extended by java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder
See Also:
Top Examples, Source Code, decodeLoop, onUnmappableCharacter, onMalformedInput, replaceWith, replace, report, ignore, CoderResult, flush, decode, reset, ByteBuffer, CharBuffer, Charset, CharsetEncoder

public final float averageCharsPerByte()
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[1071]Reference CharsetDecoder examples at IBM
By Thomas SMETS on 2004/10/27 07:41:49  Rate
There is also a set of simple example from Johm ZUKOWSKi @ IBM

public final Charset charset()
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[524]Charset decoding
By Anonymous on 2004/10/20 07:45:52  Rate
import java.nio.*; 
 import java.nio.channels.*; 
 import java.nio.charset.*; 
 CharSet cs = CharSet.forName ( "ISO-8859-1" ) ; 
 CharsetDecoder decoder = cs.newDecoder (  ) ; 
 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream ( new File ( fileName )  ) ; 
 FileChannel fc = fis.getChannel (  ) ; 
 int fs =  ( int ) fc.size (  ) ; 
 MappedByteBuffer mbb = ( FileChannel.MAP_RO, 0, fs ) ; 
 CharBuffer cb = decoder.decode ( bb ) ; 
 // Do some processing 
 fc.close (  ) ;

By Thomas SMETS on 2004/10/20 07:45:16  Rate
package demo; 
 import java.nio.CharBuffer; 
 import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; 
 import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; 
 import java.nio.charset.Charset; 
 import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; 
 public class CharsetDecoderExample  {  
   // Provide an file name located in the classpath 
   public static final String fileName = ""; 
   public static void main ( String [  ]  args )   
     throws IOException 
     Charset cs = Charset.forName ( "ISO-8859-1" ) ;  
     CharsetDecoder decoder = cs.newDecoder (  ) ;  
     FileInputStream fis  
       = new FileInputStream  ( new File  (  CharsetDecoderExample.class.getClassLoader (  ) .getResource ( fileName ) .getFile (  ) .toString (  )  )  ) ; 
     FileChannel fc = fis.getChannel (  ) ;  
     int fs =  ( int ) fc.size (  ) ;  
     MappedByteBuffer mbb = ( FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, fs ) ;  
     CharBuffer cb = decoder.decode ( mbb ) ; 
     System.out.println ( "Buffer content is \n : " + cb ) ; 
 // Do some processing  
     fc.close (  ) ; 

protected CharsetDecoder(Charset cs,
                         float averageCharsPerByte,
                         float maxCharsPerByte)
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public final CharBuffer decode(ByteBuffer in)
                        throws CharacterCodingException
See Also:
CodingErrorAction.REPORT, UnmappableCharacterException, MalformedInputException, IllegalStateException
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public final CoderResult decode(ByteBuffer in,
                                CharBuffer out,
                                boolean endOfInput)
See Also:
CoderMalfunctionError, reset, IllegalStateException, decodeLoop, CodingErrorAction.REPORT, unmappable action, unmappable-character, malformed action, malformed-input, CoderResult.OVERFLOW, CoderResult.UNDERFLOW, out.remaining()
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protected abstract CoderResult decodeLoop(ByteBuffer in,
                                          CharBuffer out)
See Also:
CoderResult.UNDERFLOW, decode, out.remaining()
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public Charset detectedCharset()
See Also:
UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalStateException
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public final CoderResult flush(CharBuffer out)
See Also:
decode, reset, IllegalStateException, CoderResult.OVERFLOW, CoderResult.UNDERFLOW, implFlush, out.remaining()
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protected CoderResult implFlush(CharBuffer out)
See Also:
CoderResult.OVERFLOW, CoderResult.UNDERFLOW
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protected void implOnMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction newAction)
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protected void implOnUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction newAction)
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protected void implReplaceWith(String newReplacement)
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protected void implReset()
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public boolean isAutoDetecting()
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public boolean isCharsetDetected()
See Also:
UnsupportedOperationException, detectedCharset
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public CodingErrorAction malformedInputAction()
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public final float maxCharsPerByte()
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public final CharsetDecoder onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction newAction)
See Also:
IllegalArgumentException, implOnMalformedInput
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public final CharsetDecoder onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction newAction)
See Also:
IllegalArgumentException, implOnUnmappableCharacter
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public final String replacement()
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public final CharsetDecoder replaceWith(String newReplacement)
See Also:
IllegalArgumentException, implReplaceWith
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public final CharsetDecoder reset()
See Also:
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public CodingErrorAction unmappableCharacterAction()
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