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Java > Java SE, EE, ME > javax > crypto > CipherOutputStream

Class CipherOutputStream

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by javax.crypto.CipherOutputStream
All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, Flushable
See Also:
Top Examples, Source Code, Cipher, CipherInputStream

protected CipherOutputStream(OutputStream os)
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[440]Generate Symmetric Key, encryption, and decryption
By nils { dot } schneider { at } drkw { dot } com on 2003/10/07 07:35:17  Rate
  * Created on 23.09.2003 
  * To change the template for this generated file go to 
  * Window > Preferences > Java > Code Generation > Code and Comments 
 package enc; 
 import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator; 
 import javax.crypto.SecretKey; 
 import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory; 
 import javax.crypto.Cipher; 
 import javax.crypto.CipherOutputStream; 
 import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException; 
 import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; 
 import java.util.Iterator; 
 import java.util.Set; 
 import java.util.List; 
 import java.util.ArrayList; 
 import java.util.Collections; 
 import com.sun.crypto.*; 
 import com.sun.crypto.provider.DESedeCipher; 
  * @author Standard 
  * To change the template for this generated type comment go to 
  * Window > Preferences > Java > Code Generation > Code and Comments 
 public class JavaCipher  {  
   public JavaCipher (  )   {  
     super (  ) ; 
   static final String keystore = "C:\\Zertifikate\\jks_keystore.jks"; 
   static final String password = "diplom"; 
   static final String cipherfile = "C:\\Zertifikate\\cipherfile.txt"; 
   static final String cipherfile2 = "C:\\Zertifikate\\cipherfile2.txt"; 
   static String inputfile = "C:\\Zertifikate\\deal.txt"; 
 //  static String inputfile = "C:\\Programme\\eclipse\\workspace\\XML Security Suite\\deal.xml"; 
   static String decrypted_file = "C:\\Zertifikate\\decrypted_file.txt"; 
   static String korrekt = "C:\\Zertifikate\\korrekt.txt"; 
   static String logfile = "C:\\Zertifikate\\logfile.txt"; 
   static File f = new File ( logfile ) ; 
   static FileWriter fw = null; 
   static {  
     try {   
       fw = new FileWriter ( f ) ; 
      } catch ( IOException io )  {  
       fw = null; 
       System.out.println ( "Could not initialize LogFile." ) ; 
   public static void main ( String [  ]  args )   {  
     try {  
       JavaCipher.getProviderInformation (  ) ; 
       SecretKey key =  ( SecretKey ) JavaCipher.generateSymmetricKey ( "DESede", "FlexiCore" ) ; 
       JavaCipher.encryption ( "DESede", "FlexiCore", key ) ; 
       JavaCipher.decryption ( "DESede", "FlexiCore", key ) ; 
      } catch ( Exception e )  {  
       writeLogfile ( "Exception "+e ) ; 
   public static Key generateSymmetricKey ( String algorithm, String provider )  {  
     writeLogfile ( "\nKeyGenerator - Start symmetric KeyGenerator" ) ; 
     Key key = null; 
     try {  
       KeyGenerator kg = null; 
       try {  
         kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance ( algorithm, provider ) ; 
        } catch ( NoSuchProviderException nspe )  {  
         kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance ( algorithm ) ; 
 //      kg.init ( new SecureRandom (  )  ) ; 
       kg.init ( 168 ) ; 
       key = kg.generateKey (  ) ; 
       List keys = new ArrayList ( kg.getProvider (  ) .keySet (  )  ) ; 
       Collections.sort ( keys ) ; 
       Iterator keysIterator = keys.iterator (  ) ; 
       do {  
         String key_prov =  ( String ) (  ) ; 
         if ( kg.getProvider (  ) .getProperty ( key_prov ) ==key.getAlgorithm (  )  )  
           writeLogfile ( "KeyGenerator - "+key_prov+": "+kg.getProvider (  ) .getProperty ( key_prov )  ) ; 
        } while ( keysIterator.hasNext (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "KeyGenerator - Generated Key Informations:" ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "KeyGenerator - Algorithm: "+key.getAlgorithm (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "KeyGenerator - Format: "+key.getFormat (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "KeyGenerator - HashCode: "+key.hashCode (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "KeyGenerator - Provider: "+kg.getProvider (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "KeyGenerator - Class: "+kg.getClass (  )  ) ;     
       writeLogfile ( "KeyGenerator - Serial Version UID: "+key.serialVersionUID ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "KeyGenerator - End Symmetric KeyGenerator\n" ) ; 
   /**    KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance ( "DiffieHellman" ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Generating algorithm: "+kf.getAlgorithm (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Provider: "+kf.getProvider (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Class: "+kf.getClass (  )  ) ; */
   /**    SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance ( "AES" ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Folgende KeyFactory wurder erfolgreich generiert." ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Generierungsalgorithmus: "+skf.getAlgorithm (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "HashCode: "+skf.hashCode (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Provider: "+skf.getProvider (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Class: "+skf.getClass (  )  ) ; */
   /**    KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance ( "JKS" ) ; 
       ks.load ( new FileInputStream ( "c:\\Zertifikate\\jks_keystore.jks" ) , password.toCharArray (  )  ) ; 
       Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate ( "nilsschneider_head" ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Zertifikatstyp: "+cert.getType (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "HashCode: "+cert.hashCode (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "toString: "+cert.toString (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Zertifikat gelesen" ) ; */
      } catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae )  {  
       writeLogfile ( "NoSuchAlgorithmException: "+nsae.getMessage (  )  ) ; 
     return key; 
   public static void getProviderInformation (  )  { [  ]  provList = (  ) ; 
     writeLogfile ( "\nInformation - List of JCA/JCE registered Service Providers:\n " ) ; 
     for ( int i = 0; i  <  provList.length; i++ )  {  
       writeLogfile ( "Information - "+i+". provider: name= "+provList [ i ] .getName (  ) +", version="+ provList [ i ] .getVersion (  ) +", information= "+ provList [ i ] .getInfo (  )  ) ; 
       List keyList = new ArrayList ( provList [ i ] .keySet (  )  ) ; 
       Collections.sort ( keyList ) ; 
       Iterator keyIterator = keyList.iterator (  ) ; 
       while ( keyIterator.hasNext (  )  )  {  
         String key =  ( String ) (  ) ; 
         writeLogfile ( "Information - \t"+key+": "+provList [ i ] .getProperty ( key )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "\n" ) ; 
     Set AlgorithmSet = Security.getAlgorithms ( "Cipher" ) ; 
     writeLogfile ( "Information - registered service providers:\n" ) ; 
     for ( Iterator it=AlgorithmSet.iterator (  ) ; it.hasNext (  ) ; )  {  
       writeLogfile ( "Information - " (  ) .toString (  )  ) ; 
   public static void encryption ( String algorithm_alias, String provider, SecretKey key ) throws Exception {  
       writeLogfile ( "\nEncryption - start encryption" ) ; 
       Cipher ciph = Cipher.getInstance ( algorithm_alias, provider ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Encrpytion - algorithm: "+ciph.getAlgorithm (  ) +", provider:"+ciph.getProvider (  ) +",block-size:"+ciph.getBlockSize (  )  ) ;  
 /**      Key key_from_store = ks.getKey ( "dipl_jks_sha1withrsa", password.toCharArray (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Generierter Key:" ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Algorithmus: "+key_from_store.getAlgorithm (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Format: "+key_from_store.getFormat (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "HashCode: "+key_from_store.hashCode (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "toString: "+key_from_store.toString (  )  ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "serialVersionUID: "+key_from_store.serialVersionUID ) ; */
 //      System.out.wait ( 100 ) ; 
 //      ciph.init ( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, cert ) ; 
 //      ciph.init ( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key_from_store ) ; 
       FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream ( inputfile ) ; 
       FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ( cipherfile ) ; 
       FileOutputStream fos2 = new FileOutputStream ( cipherfile2 ) ; 
       FileOutputStream test = new FileOutputStream ( korrekt ) ; 
       PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter ( System.out, true ) ; 
       BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( pw ) ; 
       CipherOutputStream cos = new CipherOutputStream ( fos, ciph ) ;   
       CipherOutputStream cos2 = new CipherOutputStream ( fos2, ciph ) ; 
       byte [  ]  buffer = new byte [ 512 ] ; 
       ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( buffer.length ) ;       
 //      byte [  ]  iv= new byte [ 64 ] ; 
 //      IvParameterSpec spec = new IvParameterSpec ( iv ) ; 
 //      fos.write ( iv ) ;       
 //      ciph.init ( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, spec ) ; 
       ciph.init ( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Encryption - CipherObject initialized" ) ;       
 ( buffer ) ; 
       System.out.println ( "buffer.length: "+buffer.length ) ; 
       for ( int j = 0; j  <  buffer.length; j++ )  {  
         if ( buffer [ j ] !=0 )  
           cos2.write ( buffer [ j ]  ) ; 
           test.write ( buffer [ j ]  ) ; 
         System.out.println ( "buffer [ "+j+" ] = "+buffer [ j ]  ) ; 
       int length = 0;     
       while (  ( ( buffer )  ) !=-1 )  {  
         System.out.println ( "encryption length="+length ) ; 
         cos.write ( buffer, 0, length ) ; 
 //        test.write ( buffer, 0, length ) ; 
       cos.flush (  ) ; 
       int i = 0; 
 //      System.out.println ( "buffer.length: "+buffer.length ) ; 
 /**      while ( buffer.length  >  i )  {  
         if ( buffer [ i ] !=0 )  
           System.out.println ( "Buffer [ "+i+" ] :"+buffer [ i ] +"\n" ) ; 
         System.out.println ( "i: "+i ) ; 
         }  */
       writeLogfile ( "Encryption - buffer-length: "+buffer.length ) ; 
       writeLogfile ( "Encryption - End Encryption\n" ) ; 
       fis.close (  ) ; 
       fos.close (  ) ; 
       cos.close (  ) ; 
   public static void decryption ( String algorithm_alias, String provider, SecretKey key )  throws Exception {  
     writeLogfile ( "\nDecryption - start decryption" ) ; 
     Cipher unciph = Cipher.getInstance ( algorithm_alias, provider ) ; 
     FileInputStream fis_encrypted = new FileInputStream ( cipherfile2 ) ; 
     FileOutputStream fos_decrypted = new FileOutputStream ( decrypted_file ) ; 
     CipherOutputStream cos_decrypted = new CipherOutputStream ( fos_decrypted, unciph ) ; 
     byte [  ]  buffer_encrypted = new byte [ 8192 ] ; 
 //    byte [  ]  iv= new byte [ 64 ] ; 
 //    fos_decrypted.write ( iv ) ; 
 //    IvParameterSpec spec = new IvParameterSpec ( iv ) ; 
 // ( iv ) ; 
     unciph.init ( Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key ) ;     
     int length = 0; 
     while (  ( ( buffer_encrypted )  ) !=-1 )  {  
       cos_decrypted.write ( buffer_encrypted, 0, length ) ; 
     writeLogfile ( "Decryption - algorithm: "+unciph.getAlgorithm (  ) +", provider:"+unciph.getProvider (  ) +", block-size: "+unciph.getBlockSize (  )  ) ;  
     writeLogfile ( "Decryption - end decryption\n" ) ; 
   private static void writeLogfile ( String text )  {  
     System.out.println ( text ) ; 
     PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter ( fw ) ; 
     pw.println ( text ) ; 

public CipherOutputStream(OutputStream os,
                          Cipher c)
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public void close()
           throws IOException
See Also:
FilterOutputStream.out, FilterOutputStream.flush(), Closeable
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public void flush()
           throws IOException
See Also:
FilterOutputStream.out, Flushable
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public void write(byte[] b)
           throws IOException
See Also:
write(byte[], int, int), NullPointerException, FilterOutputStream
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public void write(byte[] b,
                  int off,
                  int len)
           throws IOException
See Also:
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public void write(int b)
           throws IOException
See Also:
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