org.apache.avalon.excalibur.i18n.Resources A class to simplify extracting localized strings, icons and other common resources from a ResourceBundle. Reworked to mirror behaviour of StringManager from Tomcat (format() to getString()). @author <a HREF="">Peter Donald</a> org.jboss.axis.i18n.RB CURRENTLY NOT USED KEEPING FOR REFERENCE 9/19/2002 <p/> <p>Wrapper class for resource bundles. Property files are used to store resource strings, which are the only types of resources available. Property files can inherit properties from other files so that a base property file can be <p>Wrapper class for resource bundles. Property files are used to store resource strings, which are the only types of resources available. Property files can inherit properties from other files so that a base property file can be used and a small number of properties can be over-ridden by an This class represents a button factory which builds buttons from the content of a resource bundle. <br> The resource entries format is (for a button named 'Button'):<br> <pre> Button.text = text Button.icon = icon_name Button.mnemonic = mnemonic Button.action = act EMF must run within an Eclipse workbench, within a headless Eclipse workspace, or just stand-alone as part of some other application. To support this, all resource access (e.g., NL strings, images, and so on) is directed to the resource locator methods, which can redirect the service as appopriate Accept parameters for ProjectResourceBundle, but defer object instantiation (and therefore resource bundle loading) until required. @author Richard A. Sitze ( @author Karl Moss ( @author Glen Daniels ( org.eclipse.jface.resource.FontRegistry A font registry maintains a mapping between symbolic font names and SWT fonts. <p> A font registry owns all of the font objects registered with it, and automatically disposes of them when the SWT Display that creates the fonts is disposed. Because of this, clients do not need to (indeed, mus This class offers convenience methods to decode resource bundle entries @author <a HREF="">Stephane Hillion</a> @version $Id:,v 1.4 2004/08/18 07:15:56 vhardy Exp $ <p>This class is the single point of access to all localization resources. It caches different ResourceBundles for different Locales.</p> <p>Usage example:</p> <blockquote><code><pre> LocalizationService ls = (LocalizationService) TurbineServices .getIn Implements the static methods that are used to implement multilanguage support, and to create some resources as menubar, toolbars and button panels. org.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources_tr Set up error messages. We build a two dimensional array of message keys and message strings. In order to add a new message here, you need to first add a String constant. And you need to enter key , value pair as part of contents Array. You also need to update MAX_CODE for error strings and MAX_WAR This class manages the message for the Swing extensions. @author <a HREF="">Vincent Hardy</a> @version $Id:,v 1.6 2004/10/30 18:38:05 deweese Exp $ com.opensymphony.workflow.designer.swing.EnhancedResourceBundle User: Hani Suleiman Date: Dec 29, 2003 Time: 4:08:58 PM org.eclipse.ui.internal.editors.quickdiff.QuickDiffMessages @since 3.0 $NON-NLS-1$org.objectweb.speedo.generation.start.Support Constructor | Popular Tags |