SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.OperationsPanel @author Ladislav Sobr SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.LocalInfosPanel @author Ladislav Sobr org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame This class represents a SVG viewer swing frame. @author <a HREF="">Stephane Hillion</a> @version $Id:,v 1.109 2005/03/29 10:48:01 deweese Exp $ org.jrobin.mrtg.client.Client controls menubar MRTG menu Routers menu Interfaces menu Help menu MRTG popup menu ROUTER popup menu INTERFACES popup menu tree paneSOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.BinBundlesAndLicencesPanel @author Ladislav Sobr SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.ContractRuleEditDialog @author Ladislav Sobr SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.ContractEditDialog @author Ladislav Sobr Description of the Class @author Wido Riezebos @created 5 juni 2002
SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.LocalInfoDialog @author Ladislav Sobr
org.objectstyle.cayenne.dataview.dvmodeler.DVModelerFrameHelper This class is helper for DVModelerFrame class. @author Nataliya Kholodna @version 1.0 This is actions for menu items from dvModelerFrameSOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.ShareBundleDialog @author Ladislav Sobr org.enhydra.dods.wizard.WizardFrame1 DODS Generator Wizard main frame @author Nenad Vico @version 1.0 SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.RMISearchConfigurationEditDialog @author Ladislav Sobr
demo.notification.whiteboard.WorkgroupFrame @author Alphonse Bendt @version $Id:,v 1.4 2004/04/28 13:52:02 alphonse.bendt Exp $ cve.osservatori.OACesecSemantic Osservatore cve finalizzato alla gestione del modello che descrive gli aspetti visuali di un linguaggio visuale. Vengono svolte le seguenti macro attivita': 1) Manipolazione degli attributi legati ad aspetti visuali della sentenza (coordinate, colori, dimensioni,...) 2) Gestione della mappatura ...FileChooser JDIC API demo main class. <p> Class <code>FileChooser</code> creates a UI interface demonstrating the usage of the public API of <code>org.jdesktop.jdic.desktop.*</code> classes. hero.client.grapheditor.WFToolBar
cve.osservatori.OACBuildSemantic Osservatore cve finalizzato all'organizzazione visuale delle informazioni legate alla specifica della Semantica di un linguaggio visuale. L'osservatore e' composto da: - 1 controller di eventi (treeContr) - 3 container (TreeCve) - 1 esecutore che implementa l'interfaccia SpecificationSemantic. Qu <p> SwingSet - Open Toolkit For Making Swing Controls Database-Aware <p><pre> Component that can be used for data navigation. It provides buttons for navigation, insertion, and deletion of records in a SSRowSet. The modification of a SSRowSet can be prevented
org.objectweb.proactive.examples.binarytree.TreeApplet <p> The binary tree is an a recursive data structure. A tree is composed of a root node, and each node has two potential child nodes. Here, each node is an active object, allowing large data structures to be distributed aver the network. </p> @author ProActive Team @version 1.0, 200 ...wingset.Faces @author <a HREF="">Armin Haaf</a> @version $Revision: 1.5 $ com.genimen.djeneric.repository.oql.test.DjOqlParserTest
org.quickserver.swing.SensitiveInput Simple GUI frame that prompts for masked input. @author Akshathkumar Shetty GUI class which handles the OUT operations of the queue @author Saminda Abeyruwan <> org.objectstyle.cayenne.modeler.util.TextAdapter A validating adapter for JTextComponent. Implement {@link #updateModel(String)}to initialize model on text change. @author Andrei Adamchik org.objectweb.util.browser.gui.lib.ExtendedTreeChooserBox @author <a HREF="">Jerome Moroy</a> @version 0.1 | Popular Tags |