com.jgoodies.looks.demo.Settings Describes most of the optional settings of the JGoodies Looks. Used by the <code>DemoFrame</code> to configure the UI. @author Karsten Lentzsch @version $Revision: 1.7 $ @see com.jgoodies.looks.BorderStyle @see com.jgoodies.looks.FontSizeHints @see com.jgoodies.looks.Hea Gui methods for the menus. com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.PlasticInternalFrameUI The JGoodies Plastic Look and Feel implementation of <code>InternalFrameUI</code>.<p> Uses a <code>PlasticInternalFrameTitlePane</code> that in turn uses <code>PlasticTheme</code> colors. @author Karsten Lentzsch @version $Revision: 1.2 $ | Popular Tags |