nu.xom.tests.XIncludeTest <p> Unit tests for the XInclude and XPointer engines. </p> @author Elliotte Rusty Harold @version 1.0 nu.xom.tests.XSLTransformTest <p> Unit tests for the XSLT engine. </p> <p> Many of the tests in this suite use an identity transformation. This is often done to make sure I get a particular content into the output tree in order to test the XSLTHandler. </p> @author Elliotte Rusty Harold @version 1.0 jodd.file.FileUtil File utilities. net.nutch.db.DistributedWebDBWriter This is a wrapper class that allows us to reorder write operations to the linkdb and pagedb. It is useful only for objects like UpdateDatabaseTool, which just does writes. The WebDBWriter is a traditional single-pass database writer. It does not cache any instructions to disk (but it does in mem Abstract engine. Cannot be instantiated. Should be sub-classed to define engines that are appropriate for different operating Startup event listener for a <b>Host</b> that configures the properties of that Host, and the associated defined contexts. @author Craig R. McClanahan @author Remy Maucherat @version $Revision: 1.59 $ $Date: 2005/03/14 11:52:04 $ Tests for nu.xom.tests.BuilderTest <p> Tests building documents from streams, strings, files, and other input sources. </p> @author Elliotte Rusty Harold @version 1.0 org.apache.geronimo.schema.SchemaConversionUtilsTest ejb 1.1 dtd appears to be a subset of ejb 2.0 dtd so the same xsl should work for both. @version $Rev: 151327 $ $Date: 2005-02-03 22:59:48 -0800 (Thu, 03 Feb 2005) $ org.enhydra.barracuda.taskdefs.TestOptionsFile Unit tests for getOptionFiles() method of DefaultXmlcUtilsImpl org.apache.catalina.manager.ManagerServlet Servlet that enables remote management of the web applications installed within the same virtual host as this web application is. Normally, this functionality will be protected by a security constraint in the web application deployment descriptor. However, this requirement can be relaxed during A VM install type for VMs the conform to the standard JDK installion layout. org.enhydra.xml.driver.TestCaseBase Base class of all test classes. Derived class implement <CODE>testXXX()</CODE> methods for each test. Each generated method is run in an instance of this class. Set package overview doc for why this approach was chosen. <P> The derived test case class should defined a method: Used to test an unknown FileFilter net.nutch.db.WebDBWriter This is a wrapper class that allows us to reorder write operations to the linkdb and pagedb. It is useful only for objects like UpdateDatabaseTool, which just does writes. The WebDBWriter is a traditional single-pass database writer. It does not cache any instructions to disk (but it does in mem ReliableFile class used by ReliableFileInputStream and ReliableOutputStream. This class encapsulates all the logic for reliable file support. This service is responsible for loading and saving PSML documents. @author <a HREF="">Raphaël Luta</a> @author <a HREF="">David Sean Taylor</a> @author <a HREF="">Santiago Gala</a> @version Shell for the jspc compiler. Handles all options associated with the command line and creates compilation contexts which it then compiles according to the specified options. This version can process files from a _single_ webapp at once, i.e. a single docbase can be specified. It can be used as Class handling JBoss module generation. Uses apache velocity for generating deployment descriptors. @author <a HREF="">Dimitris Andreadis</a> @version $Revision: $ net.nutch.fs.NDFSFileSystem Implement the NutchFileSystem interface for the NDFS system. @author Mike Cafarella org.objectweb.jonas.ear.EarServiceImpl JOnAS EAR Service Implementation class. This class provides an implementation of the ear service. @author Florent Benoit @author Ludovic Bert Contributor(s): Adriana Danes: highlight configuration properties Eric Hardesty: added ability to include rar files in an ear Michel-Ange Anton : new JSR77 This class create all the ClassLoader necessary for JOnAS. @author Guillaume Sauthier (initial developer) org.codehaus.aspectwerkz.compiler.AspectWerkzC AspectWerkzC allow for precompilation of class / jar / zip given a class preprocessor. <p/> <h2>Usage</h2> <p/> <pre> java [-Daspectwerkz.classloader.preprocessor={ClassPreProcessorImpl}] -cp [...] org.codehaus.aspectwerkz.compiler.AspectWerkzC [-verbose] [-haltOnErro This class is responsible for providing the features and plugins (bundles) to the runtime. Configuration data is stored in the configuration/org.eclipse.update/platform.xml file. When eclipse starts, it tries to load the config info from platform.xml. If the file does not exist, then it also tries
net.nutch.segment.SegmentReader This class holds together all data readers for an existing segment. Some convenience methods are also provided, to read from the segment and to reposition the current pointer. @author Andrzej Bialecki <> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.launching.macosx.MacOSXVMInstallType This plugins into the org.eclipse.jdt.launching.vmInstallTypes extension point org.apache.cocoon.portlet.CocoonPortlet This is the entry point for Cocoon execution as an JSR-168 Portlet. @version CVS $Id: 111714 2004-12-13 14:14:29Z vgritsenko $ org.apache.geronimo.system.configuration.LocalConfigStore Implementation of ConfigurationStore using the local filesystem. @version $Rev: 169154 $ $Date: 2005-05-08 12:35:23 -0700 (Sun, 08 May 2005) $ org.webdocwf.util.sql.SQLSplitter Class SQLSplitter copies all SQL commands from all SQL files which are situated in the working directory and all its subdirectories into new SQL files. Original SQL files are created by DODS - Enhydra. All SQL commands are copied into first sql file except sql commands which reference to foreign a This class cleans up accumulated segments data, and merges them into a single (or optionally multiple) segment(s), with no duplicates in it. <p> There are no prerequisites for its correct operation except for a set of already fetched segments (they don't have to contain parsed content, only The BundleFile API is used by Adaptors to read resources out of an installed Bundle in the Framework. <p> Clients may extend this class. </p> @since 3.1 org.apache.commons.transaction.util.FileHelper Helper methods for file manipulation. All methods are <em>thread safe</em>. @version $Revision$ org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.macbundler.BundleBuilder
org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext Standard implementation of the <b>Context</b> interface. Each child container must be a Wrapper implementation to process the requests directed to a particular servlet. @author Craig R. McClanahan @author Remy Maucherat @version $Revision: 1.173 $ $Date: 2005/03/25 18:12:48 $ org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.core.AbstractBundleData An abstract BundleData class that has default implementations that most BundleData implementations can use. <p> Clients may extend this class. </p> @since 3.1 org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext Filesystem Directory Context implementation helper class. @author Remy Maucherat @version $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2004/07/28 20:27:01 $ <p>Factory for generating JavaSource objects.</p> <p> The factory properties: </p> <ul> <li>{@link #setOverwriteForced}</li> <li>{@link #setSettingReadOnly}</li> </ul> <p> are used for finely grained controlled over the generated sou Create a Zip file. @since Ant 1.1 @ant.task category="packaging" org.eclipse.pde.internal.ui.editor.plugin.ManifestEditor
ftpserver.CommandHandler IMPORTANT NOTE: This example just demonstrates how to use some of the QuickServer features. This example not built keeping security in mind. Runs an external program. @since Ant 1.2 com.sleepycat.collections.test.DbTestUtil @author Mark Hayes com.bull.eclipse.jonas.utils.FileUtil Utility class for Files operation A PolicyBuilder is used to build policies. org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment.EARConfigBuilderTest @version $Rev: 169154 $ $Date: 2005-05-08 12:35:23 -0700 (Sun, 08 May 2005) $ org.apache.cocoon.util.IOUtils A collection of <code>File</code>, <code>URL</code> and filename utility methods @author <a HREF="">Ricardo Rocha</a> @author <a HREF="">Stefano Mazzocchi</a> @version CVS $Id: 37206 200 NNTP Repository implementation. org.eclipse.pde.internal.ui.launcher.SWTLaunchConfiguration
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