com.jgoodies.forms.factories.ButtonBarFactory A factory class that consists only of static methods to build frequently used button bars. Utilizes the {@link com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder} that in turn uses the {@link com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout} to layout the bars. <p> The button bars answered by this build comply ...SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.OperationsPanel @author Ladislav Sobr com.jgoodies.forms.tutorial.factories.ButtonBarFactoryExample Demonstrates the use of Factories as provided by the Forms framework. @author Karsten Lentzsch @version $Revision: 1.5 $ @see ButtonBarFactory zirc.gui.FontColorFrame zIrc, irc client. Copyright (C) 2004 CoolBytes(Stephane claret, Andre Aymon, Alban Zumofen) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 This is a SOAP Monitor Application class. This class provides the user interface for deploying the SOAP monitor service and displaying data from the service. @author Toshiyuki Kimura ( @author Brian Price ( SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.LocalInfosPanel @author Ladislav Sobr com.jgoodies.forms.tutorial.basics.AlignmentExample Demonstrates the different FormLayout alignments. @author Karsten Lentzsch @version $Revision: 1.7 $ SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.BinBundlesAndLicencesPanel @author Ladislav Sobr
com.jgoodies.looks.demo.NarrowTab Demonstrates the JGoodies Looks <i>narrowMargin</i> option. Therefore it contains button rows that use different combinations of layout managers and narrow hints. @author Karsten Lentzsch @version $Revision: 1.5 $ Builds the panel. BoxLayout DesignGridLayout GridLayout Button FlowL
SOAPMonitorApplet This is a SOAP Mointor Applet class. This class provides the user interface for displaying data from the SOAP monitor service. @author Brian Price (
com.nqadmin.swingSet.SSDataNavigator <p> SwingSet - Open Toolkit For Making Swing Controls Database-Aware <p><pre> Component that can be used for data navigation. It provides buttons for navigation, insertion, and deletion of records in a SSRowSet. The modification of a SSRowSet can be prevented TCP monitor to log http messages and responses, both SOAP and plain HTTP. If you want to choose a different Swing look and feel, set the property tcpmon.laf to the classname of the new look and feel @author Doug Davis ( @author Steve Loughran org.apache.axis2.util.tcpmon TCP monitor to log http messages and responses, both SOAP and plain HTTP. If you want to choose a different Swing look and feel, set the property tcpmon.laf to the classname of the new look and feel @author Doug Davis ( @author Steve Loughran org.objectweb.proactive.examples.binarytree.TreeApplet <p> The binary tree is an a recursive data structure. A tree is composed of a root node, and each node has two potential child nodes. Here, each node is an active object, allowing large data structures to be distributed aver the network. </p> @author ProActive Team @version 1.0, 200 ...SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.RMISearchConfigurationEditDialog @author Ladislav Sobr org.objectstyle.cayenne.modeler.dialog.pref.DataSourcePreferencesView @author Andrei Adamchik SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.NodeNameLicListEditDialog @author Ladislav Sobr Paints nicely rendered one touch triangles. @author Karsten Lentzsch @version $Revision: 1.2 $ @see PlasticSplitPaneUI Used to lay out a WindowsSplitPaneDivider. Layout for the divider involves appropriately moving the left/right buttons around. <p> This inner class is marked "
SOFA.SOFAnet.Browser.PushBundleDialog @author Ladislav Sobr org.jfree.chart.ui.ChartPropertyEditPanel A panel for editing chart properties (includes subpanels for the title, legend and plot). com.opensymphony.workflow.designer.swing.BarFactory @author jackflit Date: 2003-11-27
org.enhydra.jawe.XPDLPreview Shows the preview of XPDL that will be generated based on created graph. org.objectweb.util.explorer.swing.gui.lib.FileChooserBox This class represents the box which allows to choose a file. @author <a HREF="">Jerome Moroy</a> @version 0.1 org.jacorb.naming.namemanager.InfoDlg
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