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Java > Java SE, EE, ME > java > io > FileInputStream > Top Examples

  • org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.TestFormulas
    @author Andrew C. Oliver (acoliver at apache dot org) @author Avik Sengupta
  • org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.TestBugs
    Testcases for bugs entered in bugzilla the Test name contains the bugzilla bug id @author Avik Sengupta
  • org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.TestWorkbook
    Class to test Workbook functionality @author Andrew C. Oliver @author Greg Merrill @author Siggi Cherem
  • SOFA.SOFAnode.Made.Tools.InstallToTR
    Install component to "TR". Arguments: <ul> <li>1st argument - ddform file (it was created by CodeGen and completed by developer</li> <li>next arguments - class files to pack</li> </ul> Java properties: <ul> <li>file.root - from which directory (insert ...
    Note: jdk1.2 dependency This is used to test IOUtil for correctness. The following checks are performed: <ul> <li>The return must not be null, must be the same type and equals() to the method's second arg</li> <li>All bytes must have been read from the source (available() = ...
  • org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.TestNamedRange
    @author ROMANL @author Andrew C. Oliver (acoliver at apache dot org) @author Danny Mui (danny at
  • org.openlaszlo.utils.FileUtils
    A dir is absolute if it begins with "" (the empty string to the left of the initial '/'), or a drive letter. Add '/' since c:/ will be split to c:, which isn't absolute. Also turns "" into "/" which is absolute, so the UNIX case can share this test. A utility class containing file utility functio ...
  • org.jboss.deployment.spi.DeploymentManagerImpl
    The DeploymentManager object provides the core set of functions a J2EE platform must provide for J2EE application deployment. It provides server related information, such as, a list of deployment targets, and vendor unique runtime configuration information. @author @versio ...
  • com.bull.eclipse.jonas.utils.xml.UpdateXmlFile
    @author riase To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
  • org.apache.commons.transaction.file.FileResourceManager
    A resource manager for streamable objects stored in a file system. It is intended for developper and "out of the box" use. It is <em>not</em> intended to be a real alternative for a full blown DMBS (of course it can not be compared to an RDBMS at all). Major features:<br> <u ...
  • org.apache.james.nntpserver.repository.NNTPArticleImpl
    Please see NNTPArticle for comments The file that stores the article data The newsgroup containing this article. The sole constructor for this class. @param group the news group containing this article @param f the file that stores the article data @see org.apache.james.nntpserver.reposit ...
  • org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration
    An instance of <tt>Configuration</tt> allows the application to specify properties and mapping documents to be used when creating a <tt>SessionFactory</tt>. Usually an application will create a single <tt>Configuration</tt>, build a single instance of <tt> ...
    Note: jdk1.2 dependency This is used to test IOUtils for correctness. The following checks are performed: <ul> <li>The return must not be null, must be the same type and equals() to the method's second arg</li> <li>All bytes must have been read from the source (available() ...
  • com.jcorporate.expresso.core.misc.tests.TestXmlDocTypeFilter
    Unit test for XMLDocTypeFilter class @author Michael Rimov @version $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2004/11/17 20:48:23 $
  • org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.lib.WebDeploymentDescManager
    This class provide a way for managing the WebContainerDeploymentDesc. Note that there is an intance of the WebDeploymentDescManager on each JOnAS server. @author Ludovic Bert @author Florent Benoit
  • org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.ExcaliburComponentManagerCreator
    Utility class which can be used to manage the life cycle of a ComponentManager and its RoleManager, LoggerManager, and optional InstrumentManager. <p> The code necessary to manage all of the above can be reduced to the following: <pre> m_componentManagerCreator = new ExcaliburComponent ...
    This class is duplicated for each Xalan-Java subpackage so keep it in sync. It is package private and therefore is not exposed as part of the Xalan-Java API. Security related methods that only work on J2SE 1.2 and newer.
  • org.pdfbox.util.ResourceLoader
    This class will handle loading resource files(AFM/CMAP). @author Ben Litchfield ( @version $Revision: 1.5 $
    Compiles EJB stubs and skeletons for the iPlanet Application Server (iAS). The class will read a standard EJB descriptor (as well as an EJB descriptor specific to iPlanet Application Server) to identify one or more EJBs to process. It will search for EJB "source" classes (the remote and skeleton ...
  • XmlDataSourceApp
    @author Teodor Danciu ( @version $Id:,v 1.7 2005/06/27 07:14:40 teodord Exp $
  • SOFA.SOFAnode.Made.TIR.Impl.ConstantDefImpl
  • jxl.biff.drawing.Button
    Contains the various biff records used to copy a Button (from the Form toolbox) between workbook
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