org.apache.xerces.dom.RangeImpl The RangeImpl class implements the org.w3c.dom.range.Range interface. <p> Please see the API documentation for the interface classes and use the interfaces in your client programs. @xerces.internal @version $Id:,v 1.39 2005/03/07 23:28:40 mrglavas Exp $ org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SchemaUtils This class contains static utility methods specifically for schema type queries. @author Rich Scheuerle ( org.jaxen.dom.DocumentNavigator Interface for navigating around the W3C DOM Level 2 object model. <p> This class is not intended for direct usage, but is used by the Jaxen engine during evaluation. </p> <p>This class implements the {@link org.jaxen.DefaultNavigator} interface for the Jaxen XPath library. This This class is a utility class for miscellaneous DOM functions, like getting and setting values of nodes. @author <a HREF="">Carsten Ziegeler</a> @version CVS $Id: 123825 2004-12-31 21:18:01Z antonio $ org.apache.xpath.NodeSet <p>The NodeSet class can act as either a NodeVector, NodeList, or NodeIterator. However, in order for it to act as a NodeVector or NodeList, it's required that setShouldCacheNodes(true) be called before the first nextNode() is called, in order that nodes can be added as they are fetched. D This is the basis portal component @author <a HREF="">Carsten Ziegeler</a> @version CVS $Id: 56873 2004-11-07 22:30:17Z antonio $ <code>MediaHeader</code> based on the Standard (Plug-in Neutral) Metadata Format Specification of the Java Image I/O API. @version <tt>$Revision: 1.1 $</tt> @author <a HREF="">Ricardo Argüello</a> org.jboss.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SchemaUtils This class contains static utility methods specifically for schema type queries. @author Rich Scheuerle ( org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractParentNode This class implements the Node interface with support for children. @author <a HREF="">Stephane Hillion</a> @version $Id:,v 1.27 2005/03/18 00:38:12 deweese Exp $ Some useful utility methods. This class was modified in Xerces2 with a view to abstracting as much as possible away from the representation of the underlying parsed structure (i.e., the DOM). This was done so that, if Xerces ever adopts an in-memory representation more efficient than the DOM (suc ...dom.DTest This class tests methods for XML DOM implementation version 2.0 10/12/98 DOMException errors are tested by calls to DOMExceptionsTest from: Main, docBuilder... @author Philip W. Davis org.apache.xerces.dom.TreeWalkerImpl This class implements the TreeWalker interface. @xerces.internal @version $Id:,v 1.10 2004/10/05 17:12:51 mrglavas Exp $ org.apache.xerces.dom.CoreDocumentImpl The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document. Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the document's data. <P> Since elements, text nodes, comments, processing instructions, etc. cannot exist outside the context of a Document Some useful utility methods. org.enhydra.shark.xpdl.XMLUtil Class with utilities to read/write XPDLs from/to XML. @author Sasa Bojanic org.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl NodeImpl provides the basic structure of a DOM tree. It is never used directly, but instead is subclassed to add type and data information, and additional methods, appropriate to each node of the tree. Only its subclasses should be instantiated -- and those, with the exception of Document itself, SOAPElementImpl is the base type of nodes of the SOAP message parse tree. org.eclipse.ui.internal.forms.widgets.FormTextModel
org.apache.xml.utils.DOMHelper @deprecated Since the introduction of the DTM, this class will be removed. This class provides a front-end to DOM implementations, providing a number of utility functions that either aren't yet standardized by the DOM spec or that are defined in optional DOM modules and hence may not be present in This class is an abstract implementation of the Saxon NodeInfo interface; it also contains concrete implementations of most of the DOM methods in terms of the NodeInfo methods. These include all the methods defined on the DOM Node class itself, and most of those defined on subclasses such as Docum Parser for the cheatsheet content files. Construct an intance of the CheatSheetDomParser. Call <code>parse()</code>. Then get the content items by calling <code>getIntroItem()</code> and <code>getItemsList()</code>. The title of the cheatsheet can be retrieved This class implements the {@link org.w3c.dom.Element} interface. @author <a HREF="">Stephane Hillion</a> @version $Id:,v 1.29 2005/03/27 08:58:32 cam Exp $ <meta name="usage" content="internal"/> <code>DTMNodeProxy</code> presents a DOM Node API front-end to the DTM model. <p> It does _not_ attempt to address the "node identity" question; no effort is made to prevent the creation of multiple proxies referring to a single DTM n @author Tweety A class representing a node in a meta-data tree, which implements the <a HREF="../../../../api/org/w3c/dom/Element.html"> <p> Namespaces are ignored in this implementation. The terms "tag name" and "node name" are always considered to be synonymous. @version 1.0 org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument This class implements the {@link org.w3c.dom.Document} interface. @author <a HREF="">Stephane Hillion</a> @version $Id:,v 1.27 2005/03/03 01:19:53 deweese Exp $ org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.xml.XPathUtil <p>Support for tag handlers that evaluate XPath expressions.</p> @author Shawn Bayern @author Ramesh Mandava ( ) @author Pierre Delisle ( ) would ideally be a base class, but some of our user handlers already have their own parentsorg.apache.jk.config.WebXml2Jk Naming conventions: Read a web.xml file and generate the mappings for jk2. It can be used from the command line or ant. In order for the web server to serve static pages, all webapps must be deployed on the computer that runs Apache, IIS, etc. Dynamic pages can be executed on that computer or o FIXME: Should getDomFactory be in interface? FIXME: Should domFactory be be pasted. Base class for all compiled XML objects. @see XMLObject org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeProxy <code>DTMNodeProxy</code> presents a DOM Node API front-end to the DTM model. <p> It does _not_ attempt to address the "node identity" question; no effort is made to prevent the creation of multiple proxies referring to a single DTM node. Users can create a mechanism for managing SOAPDcoumentImpl implements the Document API for SOAPPART. At the moment, it again delgate the XERCES DOM Implementation Here is my argument on it: I guess that there is 3 way to implement this. - fully implement the DOM API here myself. => This is too much and duplicated work. - extends XERCES ...SitemapTask Generate documentation for sitemap components based on javadoc tags in the source of the component. This is the first, experimental version - the code is a little bit hacky but straight forward :) @since 2.1.5 @author <a HREF="">Carsten Ziegeler</a> @versio This class adds implementation for normalizeDocument method. It acts as if the document was going through a save and load cycle, putting the document in a "normal" form. The actual result depends on the features being set and governing what operations actually take place. See setNormalizationFeatu This is our implementation of the DOM node This class can be used to merge the tasks.xml and XDOCtasks.xml. These files can be found in the Ant Editor Content Assist Dev folder. Move the files to the Ant Editor folder to use this class. The xml automatically generated from the proposed xdoclet in the Apache Ant's project currently has no SOAPDcoumentImpl implements the Document API for SOAPPART. At the moment, it again delgate the XERCES DOM Implementation Here is my argument on it: I guess that there is 3 way to implement this. - fully implement the DOM API here myself. => This is too much and duplicated work. - extends XERCES The SOAPPart provides access to the root part of the Message which contains the envelope. <p> SOAPPart implements Part, providing common MIME operations. <p> SOAPPart also allows access to its envelope, as a string, byte[], InputStream, or SOAPEnvelope. (This functionality used to be DOMNodeImpl (c) 1998-2000 (W3C) MIT, INRIA, Keio University See for the copyright notice. Derived from <a HREF=""> HTML Tidy Release 4 Aug 2000</a> @author Dave Raggett <> @author Andy Quick < This class begins parsing with the given input stream using the XML deserializer. org.enhydra.xml.xmlc.dom.generic.DOMBuilderGenerator FIXME: this code is still too ugly Class to generate code to build the document tree using only the W3C DOM interface. The document building code is generated in several functions to avoid the JVM limit on maximum method size. Since it is not possible to determine the amount of bytecode generate <p> <code>DOMCDATA</code> implements a CDATA Section which supports the W3C DOM API. </p> @author <a HREF="">James Strachan </a> @version $Revision: 1.12 $ com.caucho.xpath.pattern.FromAncestors Implements the ancestor:: axis. org.openlaszlo.iv.flash.xml.apache.XPathHelper XML Helper class for apache implementation <P> Provides various methods for XML stuff @author Dmitry Skavish org.enhydra.xml.xmlc.html.parsers.HTMLDocBuilder Class used by HTML parser to build a DOM. <P> The document builder functions assume they are being called in the order the document is parsed. They keep a current node where new child nodes are appended. org.apache.cocoon.xml.XMLUtils XML utility methods. @author <a HREF="">Nicola Ken Barozzi</a> @author <a HREF="">Sylvain Wallez</a> @author <a HREF="">Carsten Ziegeler</a> @version CVS $Id: 37206 20 Servlet which adds support for WebDAV level 2. All the basic HTTP requests are handled by the DefaultServlet. @author Remy Maucherat @version $Revision: 1.20 $ $Date: 2004/12/20 18:54:13 $ com.caucho.xpath.pattern.SelectedNode Represents a selected node. org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractChildNode This class implements the {@link org.w3c.dom.Node} interface with support for parent and siblings. @author <a HREF="">Stephane Hillion</a> @version $Id:,v 1.5 2004/08/18 07:13:07 vhardy Exp $ org.apache.lenya.xml.XPointerFactory
org.apache.excalibur.xml.xpath.XPathProcessorImpl This class defines the implementation of the {@link XPathProcessor} component. To configure it, add the following lines in the <file>cocoon.xconf</file> file: <pre> <xpath-processor class="org.apache.cocoon.components.xpath.XPathProcessorImpl"> </xpath-proc @author V.Puskas | Popular Tags |