org.apache.batik.gvt.event.AWTEventDispatcher An EventDispatcher implementation based on AWT events. <p>Mouse events are dispatched to their "containing" node (the GraphicsNode corresponding to the mouse event coordinate). Searches for containment are performed from the EventDispatcher's "root" node.</p> @author <a HREF="mail This class represents a general-purpose swing SVG component. The <tt>JSVGCanvas</tt> does not provided additional functionalities compared to the <tt>JSVGComponent</tt> but simply provides an API conformed to the JavaBean specification. The only major change between the < Abstract class for EnsmerInputEvents. Implementing classes will be specific events that have occured or can occur. Information for distinguishing events (such as which mouse button was pressed, but not the location of the click) for a command map should be available to EnsmerInputEvent so they can Interface for receiving and dispatching events down to a GVT tree. <p>Mouse events are dispatched to their "containing" node (the GraphicsNode corresponding to the mouse event coordinate). Searches for containment are performed from the EventDispatcher's "root" node.</p> @author < Parent class of all mouse events. Used to tag mouse events. @author Dusty Phillips [] thinlet.Thinlet | Popular Tags |