org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ShutdownHook This is instantiated statically by ProxoolFacade. It will automatically close down all the connections when teh JVM stops. @version $Revision: 1.10 $, $Date: 2003/11/16 18:19:14 $ @author bill @author $Author: chr32 $ (current maintainer) @since Proxool 0.7 This is probably because a shutdown is This class is a implentation of a StoreJanitor. Store classes can register to the StoreJanitor. When memory is too low, the StoreJanitor frees the registered caches until memory is normal. @deprecated Use the Avalon Excalibur Store instead. @author <a HREF=" The main container component of a JBoss server instance. <h3>Concurrency</h3> This class is <b>not</b> thread-safe. @jmx:mbean name="jboss.system:type=Server" @author <a HREF="">Marc Fleury</a> @author <a HREF="mailto:jason@plan Used to create new universally unique identifiers or UUID's (sometimes called GUID's). UDDI UUID's are allways formmated according to DCE UUID conventions. @author Steve Viens ( | Popular Tags |