com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.PlasticIconFactory Factory class that vends <code>Icon</code>s for the JGoodies Plastic look and feel. These icons are used extensively in Plastic via the defaults mechanism. While other look and feels often use GIFs for icons, creating icons in code facilitates switching to other themes. <p> Each The JGoodies Plastic Look&Feel implementation of <code>TabbedPaneUI</code>. It differs from its superclass <code>MetalTabbedPaneUI</code> in that it paints new tab shapes, provides two options, and supports ClearLook. <p> You can enable or disable icons in tab The JGoodies Plastic Look and Feel implementation of <code>InternalFrameUI</code>.<p> Uses a <code>PlasticInternalFrameTitlePane</code> that in turn uses <code>PlasticTheme</code> colors. @author Karsten Lentzsch @version $Revision: 1.2 $ com.jgoodies.looks.demo.DemoFrame Builds the main frame in the Simple Looks Demo. Demonstrates and tests different multi-platform issues by showing a variety of Swing widgets in different configurations. Also, this frame contains examples for Swing misuse, that can be automatically corrected by ClearLook.<p> This class prov The default editor for editable combo boxes in the JGoodies Plastic Look&Feel. <p> It differs from {@link javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalComboBoxEditor} in that the border is quite the same as for text fields: a compound border with an inner <code>MarginBorder</code>. @aut ... | Popular Tags |