org.jboss.iiop.rmi.marshal.CDRStream Utility class with static methods to: <ul> <li>get the <code>CDRStreamReader</code> for a given class</li> <li>get the <code>CDRStreamWriter</code> for a given class</li> </ul> The <code>CDRStreamReader</code>s and <code&g An <code>StubStrategy</code> for a given method knows how to marshal the sequence of method parameters into a CDR output stream, how to unmarshal from a CDR input stream the return value of the method, and how to unmarshal from a CDR input stream an application exception thrown by the ...gcc.rmi.iiop.ValueType A wrapper over java.lang.Class to help improve performance of using the Java reflection API for valuetype marshalling. We keep as much derived information as possible for optimal performance. | Popular Tags |