dom.DTest This class tests methods for XML DOM implementation version 2.0 10/12/98 DOMException errors are tested by calls to DOMExceptionsTest from: Main, docBuilder... @author Philip W. Davis org.enhydra.xml.dom.DOMTraversal Class that traverse a DOM tree or subtree, calling handler methods for each node. It is up to the handler methods to make a decision on processing child and element nodes by explictly calling the methods to continue the traversal. This is gives the handler more control and actually kept the code <code>DTMNodeProxy</code> presents a DOM Node API front-end to the DTM model. <p> It does _not_ attempt to address the "node identity" question; no effort is made to prevent the creation of multiple proxies referring to a single DTM node. Users can create a mechanism for managing This class does a pre-order walk of the DOM tree, calling a ContentHandler interface as it goes. @xsl.usage advanced org.apache.axis2.saaj.SOAPDocumentImpl @author Ashutosh Shahi TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates | Popular Tags |