test.compliance.relation.RelationServiceTestCase Relation Service tests TODO test internal relations TODO test relations as mbeans in roles TODO test multiple relation services (avoid future mods adding static data) @author <a HREF="mailto:Adrian.Brock@HappeningTimes.com">Adrian Brock</a>. test.compliance.relation.RelationNotificationTestCase Relation Notification Tests NOTE: These tests use relation service for the source, but it is not tested for compliance. JBossMX uses the relation service's object name to ensure the notification is serializable @author <a HREF="mailto:Adrian.Brock@HappeningTimes.com">Adrian Brock</a> ...test.compliance.relation.RelationSupportTestCase Relation Support tests @author <a HREF="mailto:Adrian.Brock@HappeningTimes.com">Adrian Brock</a>. test.compliance.server.DefaultDomainTestCase Tests default domain handling in the Server.<p> TODO createMBean x4. TODO deserialize x2 TODO getAttribute x2 TODO getMBeanInfo TODO instantiate x2 TODO isInstanceOf TODO isRegistered TODO removeNotificationListener x2 TODO setAttribute x2 @author <a HREF="mailto:Adrian.Brock@Happening ...test.compliance.security.MBeanServerPermissionTestCase Tests of the javax.management.MBeanServerPermission @author Scott.Stark@jboss.org @version $Revision: 1.1 $ | Popular Tags |