sync4j.syncclient.demo.Configuration The configuration panel. @author Fabio Maggi @ Funambol @author Alessandro Morandi, Giorgio Orsi @version $Id:,v 1.8 2005/03/14 16:46:03 fabius Exp $ org.hsqldb.util.Transfer fredt@users 20011220 - patch 481239 by xponsard@users - enhancements enhancements to support saving and loading of transfer settings, transfer of blobs, and catalog and schema names in source db changes by fredt to allow saving and loading of transfer settings fredt@users 20020215 - patch 516309 by <code>ZaurusEditor</code> implements an search/input/edit form to search/view/update/insert table records. @author ulrivo@users @version 1.0 <p> Starting on a search panel, one can choose a table from the actual database. The list contains only tables which have a primary key d RadialLayout is a component layout manager. Compents are laid out in a circle. If only one component is contained in the layout it is positioned centrally, otherwise components are evenly spaced around the centre with the first component placed to the North. <P> This code was developed to d Implements the org.jacorb.poa.gui.POAManagerView interface @author Reimo Tiedemann, FU Berlin @version 1.03, 06/11/99, RT org.objectweb.ccm.filetransfer.cif.SystemManagerImpl @author <a HREF="">Areski Flissi</A> org.nfunk.jepexamples.Evaluator This applet is an simple example for how JEP can be used to evaluate expressions. It also displays the different options, and the effects of their settings. org.objectweb.mobilitools.smi.goodies.AgencyGUI MobiliTools $Name: $, $Id:,v 2003/03/28 14:48:06 dillense Exp $ <P> GUI for SMI agency. May be run as a standalone programme which launches a new agency and its GUI, or may be used to create a GUI for an existing agency. | Popular Tags |