org.bsf.remoting.http.HttpSessionServer This is the servlet that intercept all the client calls and transmits these to the EJBs. All the client calls are Http POST calls that use url rewriting to keep the session id. <p> If the client uses authentication, it should call an authenticate(String login, String password) on a session. This is an IIOP "proxy factory" for <code>EJBHome</code>s and <code>EJBObject</code>s. Rather than creating Java proxies (as the JRMP proxy factory does), this factory creates CORBA IORs. <p> An <code>IORFactory</code> is associated to a given enterprise b This container acquires the given instance. @author <a HREF="">Rickard Oberg</a> @author <a HREF="">Marc Fleury</a> @author <a HREF="">Bill Burke</a> @author <a HREF="mail A CORBA-based EJBObject handle implementation. @author <a HREF="">Rickard Öberg</a>. @author <a HREF="">Jason Dillon</a> @author <a HREF="">Francisco Reverbel</a> @version $Re The enterprise context for stateful session beans. @author <a HREF="">Rickard �berg</a> @author <a HREF="">Daniel OConnor</a> @version $Revision: $ org.jboss.proxy.ejb.ProxyFactory As we remove the one one association between container STACK and invoker we keep this around. IN the future the creation of proxies is a task done on a container basis but the container as a logical representation. In other words, the container "Entity with RMI/IIOP" is not a container stack but a Handle implementation for Hessian Objects. <code><pre> String url = "http://localhost:8080/ejb/houses/Gryffindor"; HessianHandle handle = new HessianHandle(url); test.RemoteBean bean = (test.RemoteBean) handle.getEJBObject(); </pre></code> org.objectweb.jonas.jtests.beans.relation.omb.ARemote @author S.Chassande-Barrioz, Helene Joanin, Philippe Durieux org.jboss.test.hibernate.ejb.interfaces.AggregateProfileService Remote interface for ProfileService. | Popular Tags |