org.apache.tapestry.web.TestServletWebRequest Tests for {@link org.apache.tapestry.web.ServletWebRequest}. @author Howard M. Lewis Ship @since 4.0
org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor The Page Flow extension of the Struts RequestProcessor, which contains callbacks that are invoked during processing of a request to the Struts action servlet. This class is registered as the <strong>controller</strong> for all Struts modules derived from page flows. org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.FlowController Base class for user-written flow controllers - {@link PageFlowController}s and {@link SharedFlowController}s. org.apache.tapestry.web.TestServletWebResponse Tests for {@link org.apache.tapestry.web.ServletWebResponse}. @author Howard M. Lewis Ship @since 4.0 org.apache.tester.TesterHttpServletResponseWrapper Tester response wrapper that logs all calls to the configured logger, before passing them on to the underlying response. @author Craig R. McClanahan @version $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2004/02/27 14:58:57 $ org.apache.catalina.servlets.WebdavServlet Servlet which adds support for WebDAV level 2. All the basic HTTP requests are handled by the DefaultServlet. @author Remy Maucherat @version $Revision: 1.20 $ $Date: 2004/12/20 18:54:13 $ org.jboss.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet @author Doug Davis ( @author Steve Loughran org.openlaszlo.servlets.responders.Responder
org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet The default resource-serving servlet for most web applications, used to serve static resources such as HTML pages and images. @author Craig R. McClanahan @author Remy Maucherat @version $Revision: 1.31 $ $Date: 2004/12/18 12:04:40 $ org.apache.hivemind.servlet.TestHiveMindFilter Tests for {@link org.apache.hivemind.servlet.HiveMindFilter}. @author Howard Lewis Ship org.enhydra.barracuda.core.event.ApplicationGateway <p>The application gateway is responsible for a number of things. <ol> <li>It acts as a gateway servlet for all event handlers in this application.</li> <li>It defines and instantiates a number of entities needed to dispatch events (EventBroker, EventPool, Dispatche <p>A servlet to process Velocity templates. This is comparable to the the JspServlet for JSP-based applications.</p> <p>The servlet provides the following features:</p> <ul> <li>renders Velocity templates</li> <li>provides support for an auto-loaded <p>An Transition is a choice that the user can make that initiates either another sequence in this same controller or some new controller. A transition is one of the three types of objects that a controller produces when it enters a new state, the others being Input objects and Output object <p>Action <i>helper</i> class that dispatches to a public method in an Action.</p> <p/> <p>This class is provided as an alternative mechanism to using DispatchAction and its various flavours and means <i>Dispatch</i> behaviour can be easily implement A servlet that does the job of a reverse proxy. @author Thomas Peuss <> @version $Revision: 1.7 $ org.springframework.samples.countries.web.CountriesController @author Jean-Pierre Pawlak @author Juergen Hoeller org.apache.cactus.sample.servlet.SampleServlet Sample servlet that implement some very simple business logic. The goal is to provide functional tests for Cactus, so we focus on providing as many different test cases as possible rather than implementing a meaningful business logic. @version $Id:,v 1.3 2004/02/29 16:36:45 vma Web request filter to specifically handle Tomcat jvmRoute using mod_jk(2) module. We assume that the session is set by cookie only for now, i.e., no support of that from URL. Furthermore, the session id has a format of id.jvmRoute where jvmRoute is used by JK module to determine sticky session dur This is the MVCHandler for simple dialog pages. @author Philipp Bracher @version $Revision$ com.jcorporate.expresso.core.jsdkapi.GenericDispatcher As we no longer support the 2.0 Servlet API, this class is just a wrapper to the appropriate methods, as they do not vary between 2.1 thru 2.3 of the API. <p/> IMPORTANT: The URL's for "forward" and "include" are RELATIVE to the context root (even if they begin with "/"). @author Shash Chat
com.caucho.server.dispatch.ServletFilterChain Represents the final servlet in a filter chain. | Popular Tags |