ve.luz.ica.jackass.daemon.ApplicationInfo Contains Application related information. The information consists of a list of NodeDeployes and a list of name server entries of application components. @author Guido Urdaneta ve.luz.ica.jackass.solver.NodeProxyMap An utility class that manages mappings between nodes and proxies related to a single Component. This implementation caches all the proxies, so requests for all the proxies are optimized. To change this template use Options | File Templates. Map<String node, Object proxy> Creates an empty N A flyweight for <tt>SessionFactory</tt>. If the MBean itself does not have classpath to the persistent classes, then a stub will be registered with JNDI and the actual <tt>SessionFactoryImpl</tt> built upon first access. @author Gavin King org.jdom.xpath.XPath A utility class for performing XPath calls on JDOM nodes, with a factory interface for obtaining a first XPath instance. Users operate against this class while XPath vendors can plug-in implementations underneath. Users can choose an implementation using either {@link #setXPathClass} or the syste ... | Popular Tags |