org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.xml.DatabasesParser Parses an XML content conforming to C-JDBC.dtd and configure the given C-JDBC Controller accordingly. @author <a HREF="">Emmanuel Cecchet </a> @author <a HREF="">Mathieu Peltier </a> @author <a HREF="mai A {@link org.xml.sax.ContentHandler ContentHandler} that transforms XML document into Java class file. This class can be feeded by any kind of SAX 2.0 event producers, e.g. XML parser, XSLT or XPath engines, or custom code. @see org.objectweb.asm.xml.SAXClassAdapter @see org.objectweb.asm.xml.Pro @author dutoo, horn Kilim xml format parser. Uses a JAXP SAXParser. Validates the kilim xml DTD (which is to be found in a ResourceLoader) and logs its error and warnings to a ParserErrorHandler. Default MapLoader. Its responsibilities include reading DataMaps from XML files and saving DataMap objects back to XML. @author Misha Shengaout @author Andrei Adamchik @author Andriy Shapochka org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser This class implements a parser for a JSP page (non-xml view). JSP page grammar is included here for reference. The token '#' that appears in the production indicates the current input token location in the production. @author Kin-man Chung @author Shawn Bayern @author Mark Roth Virtual body con
org.jboss.ejb3.dd.EjbJarDDObjectFactory org.jboss.xml.binding.ObjectModelFactory implementation that accepts data chuncks from unmarshaller and assembles them into an EjbJarDD instance. @author <a HREF="">William DeCoste</a> @version <tt>$Revision: $</tt> org.eclipse.core.internal.model.PluginParser
org.apache.commons.digester.xmlrules.DigesterRuleParser This is a RuleSet that parses XML into Digester rules, and then adds those rules to a 'target' Digester. @since 1.2 org.xquark.schema.loader.Loader
org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.PluginParser Internal class. org.objectstyle.cayenne.conf.ConfigLoader Class that performs runtime loading of Cayenne configuration. @author Andrei Adamchik org.eclipse.update.core.model.DefaultSiteParser Default site parser. Parses the site manifest file as defined by the platform. Defers to a model factory to create the actual concrete model objects. The update framework supplies two factory implementations: <ul> <li>@see org.eclipse.update.core.model.SiteModelFactory <li>@see o Sax2 based project reader org.apache.struts.config.ConfigRuleSet <p>The set of Digester rules required to parse a Struts configuration file (<code>struts-config.xml</code>).</p> @version $Rev: 54929 $ $Date: 2004-10-16 17:38:42 +0100 (Sat, 16 Oct 2004) $ @since Struts 1.1 FIX ME!!! Logging logic! FIX ME!! Error handling strategy! i'm going to add SAXExceptions everywhere since it's the easiest way to make things work quick but this is a poor strategy <p>Abstract superclass for bean writers. This class encapsulates the processing logic. Subclasses provide impl Performs validation on the page elements. Attributes are checked for mandatory presence, entry value validity, and consistency. As a side effect, some page global value (such as those from page direcitves) are stored, for later use. @author Kin-man Chung @author Jan Luehe @author Shawn Bayern @ This interface indicates an XLinkHandler that uses the same event driven design patterns that SAX enforces. @author <a HREF="">Stefano Mazzocchi</a> @version CVS $Id: 30932 2004-07-29 17:35:38Z vgritsenko $ org.jboss.axis.encoding.SerializationContext This interface describes the AXIS SerializationContext. org.eclipse.ant.internal.ui.editor.outline.AntModel This class acts as a base class for the XML "serializers" and the stream serializers. It contains a number of common fields and methods. @author Santiago Pericas-Geertsen @author G. Todd Miller <p>Implementation of a JMUnmarshallerHandler; the UnmarshallerHandler receives SAX events which he silently discards, as long as the first <code>startElement</code> event is seen. Depending on namespace URI and local name, the Unmarshallerhandler creates a new instance of JMHandle The DateSerializer deserializes a Date. Much of the work is done in the base class. @author Sam Ruby ( Modified for JAX-RPC @author Rich Scheuerle ( TraxExamples Some examples to show how the Simple API for Transformations could be used. @author <a HREF="">Scott Boag</a> | Popular Tags |