org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtilsTestCase <p>Test Case for the PropertyUtils class. The majority of these tests use instances of the TestBean class, so be sure to update the tests if you change the characteristics of that class.</p> <p>So far, this test case has tests for the following methods of the <code>Proper Test accessing DynaBeans transparently via PropertyUtils. @author Craig R. McClanahan @version $Revision: 1.12 $ $Date: 2004/02/28 13:18:36 $ com.opensymphony.workflow.designer.beanutils.PropertyUtilsBean Utility methods for using Java Reflection APIs to facilitate generic property getter and setter operations on Java objects. Much of this code was originally included in <code>BeanUtils</code>, but has been separated because of the volume of code involved. <p/> In general, the ob Helper class that collects the methods a task or nested element holds to set attributes, create nested elements or hold PCDATA elements. The class is final as it has a private constructor. org.apache.commons.beanutils.locale.LocaleBeanUtilsBean <p>Utility methods for populating JavaBeans properties via reflection in a locale-dependent manner.</p> @author Craig R. McClanahan @author Ralph Schaer @author Chris Audley @author Rey François @author Gregor Raıman @author Yauheny Mikulski @since 1.7 com.opensymphony.workflow.designer.beanutils.PropertyUtils <p>Utility methods for using Java Reflection APIs to facilitate generic property getter and setter operations on Java objects.</p> <p>The implementations for these methods are provided by <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>. For more details see {@link PropertyUtilsBean}. <p>JavaBean property population methods.</p> <p>This class provides implementations for the utility methods in {@link BeanUtils}. Different instances can be used to isolate caches between classloaders and to vary the value converters registered.</p> @author Craig R. McCla This wizard helps the user to import a new project in their workspace into a CVS repository for the first time. org.enhydra.xml.dom.DOMOps Various static methods the do simple operations on the DOM. org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils <p>Utility methods for populating JavaBeans properties via reflection.</p> <p>The implementations are provided by {@link BeanUtilsBean}. These static utility methods use the default instance. More sophisticated behaviour can be provided by using a <code>BeanUtilsBean</c <p> Test Case for the BeanUtils class. The majority of these tests use instances of the TestBean class, so be sure to update the tests if you change the characteristics of that class. </p> <p> Template for this stolen from Craigs PropertyUtilsTestCase </p> <p> Note Utility class for supporting modal operations. The runnable passed to the <code>run</code> method is executed in a separate thread, depending on the value of the passed fork argument. If the runnable is executed in a separate thread then the current thread either waits until the new th This class implements the operations to execute when project configuration is finished @author @version 0.1 CVSAction is the common superclass for all CVS actions. It provides facilities for enablement handling, standard error handling, selection retrieval and prompting. org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardSecondPage As addition to the JavaCapabilityConfigurationPage, the wizard does an early project creation (so that linked folders can be defined) and, if an existing external location was specified, offers to do a classpath detection org.springframework.transaction.jta.WebLogicJtaTransactionManager Special JtaTransactionManager version for BEA WebLogic (7.0, 8.1 and higher). Supports the full power of Spring's transaction definitions on WebLogic's transaction coordinator, <i>beyond standard JTA</i>: transaction names, per-transaction isolation levels, and proper resuming of trans The history view allows browsing of an array of resource revisions org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow An application window is a high-level "main window", with built-in support for an optional menu bar with standard menus, an optional toolbar, and an optional status line. <p> Creating an application window involves the following steps: <ul> <li>creating an instance of <code>
org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisFault An exception which maps cleanly to a SOAP fault. This is a base class for exceptions which are mapped to faults. SOAP faults contain <ol> <li>A fault string <li>A fault code <li>A fault actor <li>Fault details; an xml tree of fault specific stuff </ol> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.AddImportOnSelectionAction
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