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Java > Java SE, EE, ME > java > awt > Button > Top Examples

  • CalcGUI
    This is a simple grafical user interface to provide the information needed by ANT and to start the build-process within IBM VisualAge for Java. <p> I was using AWT to make it independent from the JDK-version. Please don't ask me for a Swing-version:I am very familiar with Swing and I really ...
  • org.objectweb.proactive.examples.c3d.C3DUser
  • org.hsqldb.util.ZaurusEditor
    <code>ZaurusEditor</code> implements an search/input/edit form to search/view/update/insert table records. @author ulrivo@users @version 1.0 <p> Starting on a search panel, one can choose a table from the actual database. The list contains only tables which have a primary key d ...
  • org.jgroups.demos.TotalOrder
    Originally written to be a demo for TOTAL order (code to be written by a student). In the meantime, it evolved into a state transfer demo. All members maintain a shared matrix and continually broadcast changes to be applied to a randomly chosen field (e.g. multiplication of field with new value, d ...
  • org.objectweb.mobilitools.util.corba.NSbrowser
    MobiliTools $Name: $, $Id:,v 2003/03/28 14:48:06 dillense Exp $ <P> Browser for CORBA name service. This GUI is based on the NameService wrapper (@see NameService). It can be used: <UL> <LI>either directly as a standalone programme, to browse the default c ...
  • org.hsqldb.util.ZaurusDatabaseManager
    Class declaration @version @author ulrivo@users
  • demo.poa_monitor.client.TestFrame
    This type was created in VisualAge.
  • org.jgroups.demos.QuoteClient
    Used in conjunction with QuoteServer: a client is member of a group of quote servers which replicate stock quotes among themselves. The client broadcasts its request (set, get quotes) and (in the case of get waits for the first reply received (usually the one from the quote server closest to it). ...
  • sync4j.syncclient.demo.ContactForm
    A form containing all the fields concerning a contact. This form will be a subpanel for ContactModify and ContactNew @author Fabio Maggi @ Funambol @author Alessandro Morandi, Giorgio Orsi @version $Id:,v 1.13 2005/05/27 11:08:34 luigiafassina Exp $
  • sync4j.syncclient.demo.CalendarModify
    The calendar modification panel. @author Fabio Maggi @ Funambol @author Alessandro Morandi, Giorgio Orsi @version $Id:,v 1.4 2005/01/19 11:01:11 fabius Exp $
  • sync4j.syncclient.demo.CheckCalendarFields
    The new calendar insertion panel. @author Fabio Maggi @ Funambol @author Marco Magistrali @ Funambol @version $Id:,v 1.5 2005/01/19 11:01:11 fabius Exp $
  • org.objectweb.proactive.examples.c3d.EqualButton
  • org.objectweb.ccm.filetransfer.cif.ProgImpl
    import org.objectweb.ccm.filetransfer.*; This is the implementation of the OMG IDL3 filetransfer::Prog component type. This class inherits from the local CCM_Prog interface generated by the OpenCCM's IDL3 to IDL2 mapping generator. @author <a HREF="">Areski Fli ...
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