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Java > Java SE, EE, ME > java > awt > TextField > Top Examples

  • sync4j.syncclient.demo.ContactForm
    A form containing all the fields concerning a contact. This form will be a subpanel for ContactModify and ContactNew @author Fabio Maggi @ Funambol @author Alessandro Morandi, Giorgio Orsi @version $Id:,v 1.13 2005/05/27 11:08:34 luigiafassina Exp $
  • org.hsqldb.util.Transfer
    fredt@users 20011220 - patch 481239 by xponsard@users - enhancements enhancements to support saving and loading of transfer settings, transfer of blobs, and catalog and schema names in source db changes by fredt to allow saving and loading of transfer settings fredt@users 20020215 - patch 516309 by ...
  • sync4j.syncclient.demo.CalendarForm
    A form containing all the fields concerning a calendar. This form will be a subpanel for CalendarModify and CalendarNew @author Fabio Maggi @ Funambol @author Marco Magistrali @ Funambol
  • sync4j.syncclient.demo.Configuration
    The configuration panel. @author Fabio Maggi @ Funambol @author Alessandro Morandi, Giorgio Orsi @version $Id:,v 1.8 2005/03/14 16:46:03 fabius Exp $
  • TestApplet
    This is a sample program for RmiJdbc client/server jdbc Driver RmiJdbc relies on Java RMI for jdbc objects distribution
  • org.hsqldb.util.ConnectionDialog
    sqlbob@users 20020325 - patch 1.7.0 - enhancements sqlbob@users 20020407 - patch 1.7.0 - reengineering fredt@users - 20040508 - modified patch by lonbinder@users for saving settings Opens a connection to a database @author Thomas Mueller (Hypersonic SQL Group) @version 1.7.2 @since Hypersonic SQL ...
  • org.objectweb.mobilitools.util.corba.NSbrowser
    MobiliTools $Name: $, $Id:,v 2003/03/28 14:48:06 dillense Exp $ <P> Browser for CORBA name service. This GUI is based on the NameService wrapper (@see NameService). It can be used: <UL> <LI>either directly as a standalone programme, to browse the default c ...
  • org.hsqldb.util.ZaurusConnectionDialog
    Class declaration @author ulrivo@users @version
  • junit.awtui.TestRunner
    An AWT based user interface to run tests. Enter the name of a class which either provides a static suite method or is a subclass of TestCase. <pre> Synopsis: java junit.awtui.TestRunner [-noloading] [TestCase] </pre> TestRunner takes as an optional argument the name of the testcase cla ...
  • org.nfunk.jepexamples.FunctionPlotter
    This applet is a demonstration of the possible applications of the JEP mathematical expression parser.<p> The FunctionPlotter class arranges the text field and GraphCanvas classes and requests a repainting of the graph when the expression in the text field changes. All plotting (and interact ...
  • org.hsqldb.util.ZaurusTextField
    Class declaration @author ulrivo@users @version 1.0.0 a TextField for the GUI which implements ZaurusComponent
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