org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument This class implements the {@link org.w3c.dom.Document} interface. @author <a HREF="">Stephane Hillion</a> @version $Id:,v 1.27 2005/03/03 01:19:53 deweese Exp $ org.apache.xerces.dom.DOMImplementationSourceImpl Supply one the right implementation, based upon requested features. Each implemented <code>DOMImplementationSource</code> object is listed in the binding-specific list of available sources so that its <code>DOMImplementation</code> objects are made available. <p>See <code>DTMNodeProxy</code> presents a DOM Node API front-end to the DTM model. <p> It does _not_ attempt to address the "node identity" question; no effort is made to prevent the creation of multiple proxies referring to a single DTM node. Users can create a mechanism for managing The DOMImplementation class is description of a particular implementation of the Document Object Model. As such its data is static, shared by all instances of this implementation. <P> The DOM API requires that it be a real object rather than static methods. However, there's nothing that says The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document. Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the document's data. <P> Since elements, text nodes, comments, processing instructions, etc. cannot exist outside the context of a Document Test setDocument on JSVGComponent with non-Batik SVGOMDocument. This test constructs a generic Document with SVG content then it ensures that when this is passed to JSVGComponet.setDocument it is properly imported to an SVGOMDocument and rendered from there. @author <a HREF="mailto:deweese@ap ... | Popular Tags |